《Kagome x Sesshomaru》Morning pt. 1


Sesshomaru POV:

The light of a warm dawn streamed through the window, gracing my face with it's golden ray. I had slept so soundly for the first time in a long time, I suppose Kagome's aroma had arroused a deep part of me wanting to be comforted.

I tried to move without waking Kagome, which I was successful in doing. I got up and turned to see Kagome begin to stir in her sleep but she just turned over and stayed asleep. Her hair had found it's self from that contraption and was sprawled from underneath her head. She had a very content look on her face, and her hand was where my arm was.

I needed to get work done so I must get ready, I then walk into the bathroom and bathed. Once done I walked out with only a towel around my waist and selected a kimono. "Sess..ho...maru?" I heard Kagome whisper in her sleep she must be dreaming of me. But I heard her breathe deeply as I turned around she was sitting right up looking at what was my back but since turning around she was staring at my chest.

Kagome POV:

I was having a beautiful dream but now that I think about it, I can't remember it at all. I breathed in slowly and deeply, I sit up, and stretch and I look over to Sesshomaru almost naked. I then whisper his name and he turned around slowly, I couldn't help to look at his well sculpted body and he didn't dry off at all like he were planning to air dry. I try to look away but I really fail to do so and I feel my cheeks start to warm up.

He then throws a kimono at my head breaking my line of vision. "That's yours." He walked into the bathroom with his own and came out in about 5 minutes fully dressed.


When he left I took a bath as well and couldn't get him out of my mind. I thought dirty and almost felt like slapping myself, he doesn't want me he doesn't want or have any need for anyone else but himself. When out I poke my head around the corner of the bathroom to see if he's in here. He isn't in here so I walk out in a bathrobe, and pick up the kimono he selected for me. A very pretty one with forget-me-not's on it and the kimono it's self was a softer blue than the flower. I put it on and it's the softest silk I've ever felt, and I braid my hair so it will be off my shoulders.

When I go outside of the room I find where Shippo is and I gingerly open the door to his room to see him still asleep, the room adjacent to his was Rue's room and she was asleep as well. So I began to explore the castle before the children wake up. There are 12 rooms here, a huge kitchen and plenty of servents. There's more I'm sure of it, but I ran by Sesshomaru's study where he was working diligently and I felt the need to go to the children.

Sesshomaru POV:

I could hear Kagome outside of the study but I ignored her and continued to work. She then walked away from the closed door and went to the children. I was absolutely bored so I went after her and while walking behind her she opened the door to Rin's room and woke her up seeing it was begining to get late in the morning. Rin woke up in a stir and she picked up the 8 year old and shook her awake and Rin began to laugh inevitably made Kagome laugh. While carrying Rin she walked over to Shippo's room was and did the same to Shippo. She set them both down and said,"Ok let's get cleaned up and ready for breakfast and from the smell of things it's almost finished."


Rin asked,"Kagome? Why are you here?" She didn't answer she just said, "Well Rin do you want me to go?" And Rin almost screamed,"No" as she started to run into the bathroom before Shippo had the chance to.

Shippo then asked,"Kagome why are we here? And where are we exactly?"

I didn't leave Kagome any time to answer because I walked in and answered for her,"Shippo starting today you're going to be staying here with Kagome."

"What about everyone else and Inyuasha?" Kagome looked at me and then glanced down at Shippo and said,"Well do you want to visit them later today?" Shippo then perked up and said,"Sure!" Kagome looked at me once again and asked,"Well may we visit them?" I nod a 'yes' and grunt and once we were done talking Rue walked out fully dressed and asked,"Kagome what's that in your hair?"

Kagome answered "A braid do you want me to show you how to do it?" "Sure!" Rue squealed.

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