《my demon ~sesshomaru x reader~》chapter 2 the girl and the demon


I stood up and ran after her leaving, demon got up and then ran after me. The little girl ran to this demon frog. I tried to stay hidden. As much as possible. "What is it, Ren?!"

The little girl then looked behind her. "There was this gorgeous girl, she dressed funny, she also had a demon with her."

The fog then looked. "I see nothing!" He said looking back at Ren. "Your seeing things girl! Let's go Sesshomaru won't be very happy if we don't get back soon!" With that, they both left, but of course, me being me I had to fallow them.

I stayed in the trees with demon flying behind me. I didn't want them to see him in his second form so made him stay in his first form. He then flew up beside me as I jumped tree to tree. "Do you even know who Sesshomaru is?" Demon asked.

"Nope, who is he?" I asked.

"Why he's a demon lord! You know Inuyasha's brother, his older brother." He said.

"Well, now that you said it like that I only want to see his face now.'' I looked over at him to see he was not very happy about what I said. 'it might just be me but I always wanted to see a demon lord, I mean who wouldn't?! Yet again I am a little bit crazy.'

Just then they came to a stop and so did we, they stopped when they came to this demon with long silver hair, he had armor on, his ears come to a point, but out of all those things the thing that got my eye was the thing on his shoulder.

It looked fluffy kinda like a big kitty that you just want to give little kisses to. 'grate!! Now I want to touch it!'


Just then the demon lord Sesshomaru looked to where I and demon was, I quickly moved deeper into the tree so he couldn't see me, he then spoke. I was lucky to even be able to hear him.

"Very well, will stay the night here. Now Ren, tell me about the girl you saw." He asked.

"She was gorgeous! She also had on strange clothes to, and she had a pet, I think it was a crow."

Just then demon yelled right next to me. "I'm not her pet!!"

As he yelled that it ended up scaring me because I didn't know he was next to me, making me fall out of the tree. "AAAAAHHHH!!" I then hit the ground. "Ow!" I then looked up at demon rubbing the top of my head.

"Don't ever do that again!" I snapped at him.

"And who are you human?!" The frog said making me look at the three of them.

I then stood up with a rock on my hand, I then threw it as hard as I could at the little Froggy's head. "I have a name forget!!"

After that demon flew down on my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "That man with the silver hair, he's the demon lord."

I just gave him a nod. "That's the girl I have seen!" Rin said with a smile.

"Hmm, she does have weird clothes!" Joken said making me pick up another rock.

I thought it just as hard as I did the other knocking him out. "Shut up the frog," I said. "They're not weird, there just..... Uh..... Different. Yeah, that- okay fine there weird so what, it's better than nothing." I said crossing my arms.

"Go back where you came from!" The frog said getting up off the ground.

Sesshomaru then stood up and walked over to me.

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