《my demon ~sesshomaru x reader~》chapter 3 ~demon lord


I just sat there looking up at him. 'goodness, I must be short!' "why are you here?" He asked looking down at me.

"I have nowhere to go," I said trying to act brave.

"Go back to your village." He said turning away to sit back down next to his tree.

"I can't," I said looking at my feet.

"And why is that girl!?" The frog asked.

"I ran away." They all then looked at me as a demon hid his head with his wings. "If I go back then they might punish me, their punishments are very good, for example, they might lock me away."

I then looked up at them. "They are also forcing me to marry a man I have never even met." I then sat down where I was standing.

"So you can't go back home?" Rin asked looking all sad.

"That's right, even if I tried to get right with the man that calls himself my father, he would still probably punish me," I said looking at her.

"Rin git away from that girl!" Frog said.

"Joken?" Sesshomaru said.

"Y-yes my Lord?!" Joken said.

''let her be, she is not a threat. Even if she is not I can still kill her with no problem." He said looking over at me.

"Very well my Lord!" 'is it just me or is he always yelling?'

I rolled my eyes at him. "What are you planning over there girl!?" He said- no, no, he yelled.

"Nothing you forget!!" When I yelled it must have scared him because he jumped a little. "What's wrong, scared?" I said with a stupid smile.

"W-what!? I would n-never be scared of a human!" He said.


"Don't call me that!!" I then grabbed a stick. "Say it one more time buddy and see what happens!" I yelled.

He then backed away from me as fast as he could, that's when Ren got closer to me. "Why do your clothes look funny?" She asked.

"I lived in a huge house, they treated me like I was a princess, and as I was I had to learn to make my own clothes." I looked up at the sky. "I only agreed to it because my mom always made clothes to get our money, we were always poor."

"But I thought you said your dad treated you like a princess, and you lived in a big house," Rin said confused about what I said.

"My mama and papa died when I was little, a man took me in and I started to call him dad," I said looking at her with a small smile then stood up.

"That's why I want to fallow you guys, at least till I find a new village. Please let me travel with you."

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