《my demon ~sesshomaru x reader~》chapter 1 ~ my home



"Come on demon!" I say as I jumped out of the tree to land on him. The demon is my pet, he has three forms. One is where he is the size of a normal crow, The other is where he's digging enough for me to ride him, the last one is where he's a human.

I guess he's a crow demon. He doesn't use his human form that often.

"Okay. See if you can find him." I said pulling the arrow back in my bow.

"Yes." The demon said flying through the air. After about a few minutes we found him. "Right there!" He said flying down as I stood up on his back and shooting my arrow.

I ended up getting Papa's clothes stuck to the tree with my arrow. I and demon then landed, I pulled out the arrow and smiled at him. "Good job little cake." He said rubbing the top of my head.

"So papa what do you think!?" I asked filled with joy.

"You did great, but I still think you could do better. You and demon make a great team." He said giving me a big smile as demon shrunk and landed on my shoulder.

Papa then took my bow and arrows as we walked up the hill to get home.

As soon as we got up there we saw mama standing in the doorway. "There you three are. Dinners ready, demon yours is on the counter." She said hugging me.

We all sat down, I started to dig in as soon as I sat down. "So how was training?" Mama asked me.

"It was great! I ended u- I mean me and demon ended up getting papa by the shirt!" I said with joy.

"That's why you have tar in your shirt," Mama said giving us a little laugh.

As soon as I got done eating mama put a demon in his cage and me in my bed. "Good night my little Tomboy." (If you don't know what a tomboy is it is a girl that likes boyish things. No, it does not mean she's gay Thank you) she said kissing me on the forehead.

"Goodnight mama," I said closing my eyes and entering deep sleep.

"Are you positive that she is the most beautiful girl in the whole village?"


"Yes, her fathers family is well known to have the most gorgeous girls in the village, and her mom is hot. I mean have you seen her?!"

"No, but keep your voice down. They might wake up. Just throw the fire in there and then we can go in and get the girl."

"Sounds good." We then through the fire into the girl's house.

"My lady! Git, up there's fire!!" I got up to demon yelling.

I got up to see fire everywhere. I unlocked his cage and grabbed my bow and arrows. "We have to get to mama and papa!" I said.

Demon landed on my shoulder. "We can't, there's fire everywhere even in front of the door! Just go out of the window!"

I did as he said I got out the window to see two men looking at me. "Well what do you know, she came to us." A man said.

Demon flew off my shoulder and turned I then got on his back. "Let's go!" I yelled as we got into the sky they shot demon in the wing making him fall out of the sky. Just before we hit the ground demon raped his wings around me so nothing would happen to me when I hit the ground.

When we did demon opened his wings and turned into his first form. (First form: little

Second form: big

Last form: human)

They grabbed my arm and I turned and stabbed one of them in the eye with one of my arrows. I pulled it out and the man fell to the ground.

"Why you!" The other said running at me. I took the Same arrow and stabbed it in his knee making him fall before he could grab me.

I got the arrow out of his knee making him yell in pain. I got on top of him and started stabbing him over and over till he couldn't yell or move anymore. "How dare you take my family away," I say getting off him and picking up a demon.

As I did I looked over to see a man with wide eyes. "H-hello little one, do you need help?" He asked looking at the two men. "I seen everything, come and I'll take care of you." He said lending a hand. I backed away from him with a demon in my arms.


"Don't be scared. If you come with me I'll help you and your little demon friend." He said with a gentle smile.

"He's not a friend, his family," I said looking down at him to see he was in pain. "Very well," I said to the man.

"My lady?" A woman said making me look at her.

"What is it, Mia?" I asked as I let go of the arrow letting it fly till it hit the tree I was wanting to hit. I then put the bow down and walked up to her.

"I just thought you would like to know that your dress, the one you have on is your wedding dress."


I looked at her. "And, I dress is a dress besides, I don't even know who I'm marring. Dad never tells me these things." Just then demon landed on my shoulder.

"My lady, if I may. You don't need to destroy it, I think it's quite gorgeous." Demon said.

"Tch, well I don't. I could care less about what you put me in. I mean it's all the same to me." I said walking in with Mia behind me and demon on my shoulder.

"There you are, my love," Dad said running up to me. 'I guess I can get married to a man that I never met for dad because the only reason I'm here still alive is because of dad. He's the only reason I'm in this big place because he took me from that place, I think him every morning since that day.' I thought to myself.

"Yes, dad?" I ask giving him a smile.

"You need to eat your dinner and get to bed. Tomorrow you're going to wake up and get in the bath and put your wedding dress on. After that will give you a way to the man I have decided for you and then the best part!" He said with joy. "Will have a fest!" He said with the biggest smile I have ever seen.

"You know what dad, sure." With that, I ate and went straight to my room with the demon still on my shoulder. He got in his little bed I made for him long ago. After everyone went to sleep I then changed.

Once I was done I woke up and looked at the demon. "Get up sleepy head," I said shaking him.

"what is i-'' he then went silent once he saw what I had on. "What do you have on?"

I grabbed my bow and arrows. "Come," I said jumping out the window. He flew after me. I landed and he turned into his second form.

I got on his back and we flew away. "Now, will you tell me what we are doing?" He asked.

"Running away," I said plainly.

"What!? Running away!? Why?! You know we need to go back!" He yelled.

"No! I'm not getting married to some man I don't even know." 'i know I told myself I would but I just can't bring myself to do it.'

"You need to rethink this through." He said calming himself down.

"With what time? I'm supposed to get married tomorrow." I said.

"Well, I have a question." He said.

"And I might have an answer," I said.

"How are we supposed to live, well how are you supposed to live? I can live because I'm a demon I don't need food but you. You're going to die." He said.

"Maybe I need to remind you. Do you remember when papa tough us how to live off the land? Well, when you were with mama papa tough me how to live as a ninja." I said with a little smile because of the good memory I had of papa.

"Ugh, very well." He said.

I looked down and found a spot where we could rest. "Down there demon."

"Yeah, my lady." With that, we landed. We soon fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning I opened my eyes to see a little girl, she looked to be 8 or 11. She also had brown hair and some of it put up, she had on an orange and looked to be maybe yellow kimono.

She just sat there looking at me and demon. I stood up and as soon as I did she ran off.

'who was that?'

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