《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 4
The next day had once again been uneventful. When the third night fell, Sesshomaru sent Jaken to retrieve his sword from Kaijinbo. Rin had just finished eating her fish and was now playing with A-Un. Lyra was still eating her own meal slowly when she noticed that there was still one fish left grilling by the fire. Sesshomaru hadn't eaten. Although, she had never recalled seeing him eat anything before. Picking up the stick, she got up and sat beside him, holding the fish out to him.
"You haven't eaten," she stated quietly.
Sesshomaru looked at the fish before turning his attention to her. "I don't eat human food."
She lowered the fish and raised a brow. "So, what do you eat. Dog food?" She giggled to herself at her own joke before seeing his unamused expression. Coughing awkwardly, she stopped laughing. "Sorry, that was terrible."
Sesshomaru simply stared at her and Lyra felt as though he was staring for a bit too long, making her feel embarrassed. She looked away from him and took a small bite from her fish. When she checked to see if he was still staring, she saw his eyes still glued to her face. It made her regret ever coming over to talk to him.
"Uh, so..." she coughed again. "I don't mean to pry, but...what happened to your arm? You don't have to answer me if you don't want to," she added quickly.
He finally looked away from her and turned his attention to nowhere in particular. "Inuyasha cut it off when I tried to claim the Tessaiga."
Lyra silently wished she didn't ask since this subject seemed a lot deeper than she first thought. "Who is this Inuyasha? I keep hearing about him."
"A half breed; half demon and half human. My half brother," he answered.
She could hear the venom in his voice. "I see."
"My father died protecting him and his human mother," he continued. "He left behind two swords; the Tessaiga, which can defeat a thousand enemies, and the Tenseiga, which can save a thousand lives. Despite knowing my goal to gain more power, my father left me with the Tenseiga and entrusted the Tessaiga to that half breed. My father had left the Tessaiga in his grave for Inuyasha but when I tried to take it, it refused me. However Inuyasha was unable to retrieve it either. The one who did was your cousin."
"Kagome?" Lyra stated with surprise.
Sesshomaru continued. "We both fought for the very same sword Inuyasha later used to cut off my arm."
Lyra listened carefully as Sesshomaru explained it all. It seemed as though he found it easy to open up to her and she was more than happy to listen to him.
"I believe that perhaps the sword your father gave you is the more powerful one," Lyra said after a short while. Her words surprised him but she continued. "Anyone can slay enemies. Anyone can kill. But no one can bring another being back to life. Take Rin for example." They both looked at her and Lyra smiled as they watched her laugh and play. "You brought back this little girl although you didn't have to. I think that's true power. Your father must have believed the Tenseiga was best suited for you."
Sesshomaru returned his attention back to Lyra who was still watching Rin with a smile. He found it so odd the way she saw the situation in a different light. No one else had put that perspective on the swords. Sesshomaru didn't actually know the power behind his sword, and he wouldn't understand it for a long time, but Lyra had managed to grasp his father's plan instantly.
Sesshomaru's gaze hardened as he looked away from her. "How could you possibly know what my father would have wanted?" he spat rhetorically.
Lyra snapped her eyes to him as her smile slowly dropped, watching him stand up.
"Pathetic," he said aloud before he walked away.
Lyra watched him leave as she let out a deep sigh. Rolling her eyes, she stood from the ground and returned to Rin.
Sesshomaru didn't quite know what he was more upset about. The fact he opened up and spoke so freely about it to her, or her response to it. He had no reason to tell her. He could have simply refused to ever speak of it. Yet he still did. 'Why?' And even though he did, was he expecting her to agree with him? Did he want her to be on his side and agree that his father's decision was wrong? Her opinion was apparently important to him at that point and he loathed that fact.
Sesshomaru's thoughts were overtaken by Lyra words as he made his way to Kaijinbo's hut. He never thought the ability to bring someone back from the dead was classed as power. But she didn't understand the power he craved. The power he wanted. 'You brought back this little girl although you didn't have to. I think that's true power.' He closed his eyes for a few seconds, recalling her words before opening them again. What could a mere mortal know about power? She was just a human. Humans are simple creatures and know nothing of power in Sesshomaru's eyes. Pushing away all thoughts of Lyra, he returned to wondering why Jaken hadn't returned with his sword.
Lyra had taught Rin the game of Eye Spy and they ended up playing it for quite a while until they both ran out of things to find. They had set up another little fire and they both sat opposite each other in silence. Lyra was thinking about home and Rin was holding her knees to her chest.
Rin suddenly sighed. "What could be taking Lord Sesshomaru so long?"
Just then, both Sesshomaru and Jaken came into sight, the latter holding A-Un's reigns, making a huge smile appear on Rin's face. Lyra found it sweet how happy she got. They could hear Jaken complaining about Kaijinbo disappearing with the sword that Sesshomaru had commissioned him to make. Rin got up and began to run towards them as Lyra stood up.
"Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin laughed.
Sesshomaru's expression suddenly turned serious. "Stop, Rin. Do not move."
She instantly froze on the spot and fell silent. Lyra followed Sesshomaru's gaze to the trees but saw nothing. He suddenly jumped into the air towards the trees, preparing his claws before slashing a few of them, cutting them cleanly and causing them to crash to the ground. Lyra took a step back to dodge anything that might fly her way whilst lifting her arm up to shield herself. But she spotted a woman flip away to avoid being injured.
"Get behind me, Lyra," Sesshomaru ordered.
She did as he said but couldn't help but peer around him in curiosity. The woman in the trees had landed not too far in front of Sesshomaru. She was fairly beautiful, Lyra had to admit. She wore a traditional kimono with a yellow sash around her waist. She held a fan in her hand but it was closed and she wore beaded jewellery. Her ears were pointed and her eyes were red. 'A demon?'
"A woman," Sesshomaru stated in surprise.
Jaken sniffed the air. "I know that scent. She smells much like the strange beast that offered to lend you the severed human arm. The demon that disguised himself with a baboon pelt," he exclaimed. "His wretched plan took us to hell and back! Curse him! Your arm was almost burned off! And I was almost beaten to a pulp by that monk!"
"Monk?" Lyra muttered to herself. She wondered if it was the same monk she had met.
"Simply recalling that incident makes me ill," he shuddered.
"I recall the scent," Sesshomaru said in agreement. "It is the same as the beast that attempted to trap me. The one who's known as Naraku."
The woman smirked. "So, you must be Inuyasha's brother, Sesshomaru. You're very clever," her smirk deepened. "I am Kagura; the wind sorceress. An incarnation of Naraku."
"Correct. Sesshomaru, the fangs you delivered to Kaijinbo was from a demon called Goshinki," she began to explain. "Like me, he was created from Naraku."
"All very interesting," Sesshomaru replied with an unamused tone. "But did you search me out to simply tell me this?"
"Hm." Kagura spread out her fan flawlessly and held it over her lips. "Can you not detect its scent? Tokijin reeks of Goshinki's aura. It is closer than you think."
A sudden strong gust of wind blew around her and nearly knocked Lyra off her feet. Had she not grabbed hold of Sesshomaru's arm, she would have gone flying. She struggled as she closed her eyes tight, both hers and Sesshomaru's hair being blown upwards by the wind. Kagura then flew off on a large feather causing the winds to settle as she looked down at them.
"You are the sword's rightful owner," she concluded before disappearing.
A slight breeze still blew gently as Lyra opened her eyes again. So many more questions popped up in her mind. Who the hell was this Naraku? Sesshomaru was still looking up at the sky where Kagura had been, contemplating the information she had just given.
Jaken ran to his master's side. "I am not sorry to see her leave so soon. I don't believe I have seen such an arrogant woman."
Sesshomaru glanced back at Rin who was still frozen. "Rin, you are free to move now."
She looked at him with a smile. "Yes, my Lord." She turned and spread her arms out whilst breathing out freely.
Lyra smiled at Rin, quietly giggling to herself. When Sesshomaru told her not to move, she took it literally. He then looked down at Lyra.
"You can let go."
She glanced up at him and blinked in confusion before she realised she was still holding onto his arm. Gasping loudly, she instantly let go.
"Oops! Sorry," she apologised with a nervous laugh before scurrying away over to Rin. 'I'm such an idiot.'
Sesshomaru thought nothing of it as his attention turned to Tokijin. He was able to pick up the scent and made the decision to go after it.
Once morning arrived, he set off taking Jaken and A-Un with him. Lyra and Rin stayed behind since Sesshomaru deemed that it would be unsafe and he would return once he had retrieved his sword. The girls decided upon fruits for breakfast and so set in search of the delicious berries that had found a couple of days before.
The past was scary, Lyra had to admit, especially with demons and monsters lurking around. However, she did enjoy the abundance of nature that surrounded them. And the night sky was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It was impossible to see a sky like that in the city. As much as she found it peaceful, she still missed the city. She missed the hustle and bustle of the people and traffic, kids and adults rushing to and from school and work. She missed her bed with the fluffy pillows and warm blanket in the safety of her own house. She missed her father who had probably already called the police to search for her. 'I'll be home soon, dad. I hope...'
She got pulled out of her memories when Rin excitedly announced that they had found the berries. Lyra smiled and they both began to collect as much as they could, and also some for Jaken and Sesshomaru even though they probably wouldn't touch it.
Completely distracted by picking the small fruit, Lyra failed to notice a large wasp-like creature watching them from the midst of the trees. A saimyosho hovered, its eyes trained directly at Lyra and relaying the image back to Naraku.
Beyond the walls of his fortress hidden behind a barrier, Naraku watched Lyra picking the fruits. A crooked smirk spread across his lips as he let out a low chuckle.
"At last."
Sesshomaru was successful in claiming his sword but he hadn't told Lyra that Kagome had been there as well when he was fighting Inuyasha. They had disappeared after the sword maker Totosai had made a wall of fire. He didn't see the need to fill her with false hope when he didn't know where they had gone.
Rin was sitting on A-Un, Lyra walking alongside whilst Sesshomaru and Jaken walked in front. Lyra wished it was silent but unfortunately, the little imp kept pointing out everything they came across. That included trees, squirrels, lilies and so on . It became annoying since they were surrounded by them.
"We can see them as well, Jaken, thank you," Lyra said sarcastically.
That earned her a glare before he then addressed Sesshomaru. "Your late father's friend surely lives deep in the forest," he stated. When Sesshomaru didn't respond, he ended replying to himself. "U-uh, yeah..."
Lyra folded her arms and let out a quiet sigh. All she wanted was to go home instead of following them around. She doubted Sesshomaru even cared since he was focused on his own thing. But that was one of the conditions for her to travel with them. She wondered whether she would have been home by now if she had just stayed with that monk.
"Welcome," a loud and deep voice suddenly echoed around them. "I have awaited your arrival."
Lyra shrieked quietly as she darted her eyes around to find the source of the voice but of course, she couldn't see anyone else near them.
"A voice from the sky!" Rin said in amazement.
Even Jaken looked around. "Uh... I don't see anyone."
They continued walking, Sesshomaru's gaze focused dead ahead.
"I have been expecting you, Sesshomaru," the voice spoke again.
"So you say you knew I was coming did you, Bokuseno?" Sesshomaru responded to nothing in particular.
"You've come to speak with me about the swords I presume," the voice echoed.
Lyra sighed quietly. 'The swords again.' She wondered if Bokuseno was the name of the voice or if it actually belonged to a physical being. She wasn't sure but remained silent.
Sesshomaru finally came to a stop in front of a tree that had a large trunk. Looking up into the top of the tree, Lyra tried to see if she could spot the demon hiding amongst the leaves and branches. Nothing was there. Looking back at Sesshomaru, she noticed he was staring intently at the actual trunk of the tree. Just a second later, a small part of the trunk began to move, an oval shape warping onto the surface before revealing a face. Lyra gasped, her eyes widening slightly since that was the last thing she was expecting.
'Now I've seen everything.'
She could see the two eyes, a nose and a thin mouth, the grooves representing what looked like wrinkles. Suddenly, its eyes shot open and looked directly at Sesshomaru.
"Do you seek information regarding the Tessaiga? Your father's heirloom sword?" Bakuseno asked. "Or perhaps..." The eyes then darted to Lyra making her own eyes widen slightly in surprise.
"A tree demon!" Rin gasped.
Jaken's voice shook slightly. "Oh, Lord Sesshomaru, what's that?"
"A 2,000 year old magnolia tree," Sesshomaru answered calmly.
"I see."
"It is true," Bakuseno said, looking back at Sesshomaru. "The sheaths of the swords, the Tessaiga and Tenseiga, passed down from Sesshomaru's father, were carved from my very own boughs."
A very faint frown crossed Sesshomaru's face. "Bokuseno, perhaps you can explain the link to me. Between Inuyasha and the Tessaiga."
"Inuyasha? Your younger brother?"
"Inuyasha's blood has changed. The first time when a demon bit and broke the Tessaiga. The second time, he had let go of Tessaiga while fighting me."
Sesshomaru recalled the incident. After Inuyasha had lost his hold on his sword, his scent changed to that of a full demon. He couldn't understand how that was possible since he was only a half demon.
"His scent wasn't that of a half demon," Sesshomaru continued. "But it was a smell of a pure demon's blood like mine and my father's."
"He's had the same scent?" Bakuseno chuckled, his laughter echoing around them. "I have my doubts."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Inuyasha is a half demon, born between a human and a demon. He could never become a full fledged demon," the tree demon confirmed. "Sesshomaru, there is something that you, a pure blooded demon, are capable of accomplishing but which Inuyasha could never do."
"Go on."
"It is simple. I'm speaking of protecting oneself."
Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed slightly. "Protecting oneself?"
Bakuseno went on to talk about in battle as an example. If ever Sesshomaru was to find himself in a situation where he was hopeless, he would be able to remain calm, not ever losing control of himself.
"But Inyasha's different."
It was not Bakuseno who spoke that time. Everyone, including Sesshomaru, turned and trained their eyes on Lyra. She suddenly felt as though she was in front of a large audience ready to make a grand speech. However, Lyra could picture in her mind the possible future from the facts Bakuseno gave. She didn't understand why she was able to see it. In fact, she didn't even know what this Inuyasha looked like yet she could envision him clearly in her mind. But she could only see him as the demonic monster trying to take control of him. She collected her nerves and continued.
"If Inuyasha finds his life in danger, his demon blood will take over his body and he'll transform," she explained flawlessly. "But it's too strong for him. If it continues, the demon blood will devour the human side of him." She then coughed awkwardly, a trait of hers whenever she was nervous. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have interrupted."
"What you say is correct," Bakuseno affirmed, his eyes focused on only her now. "Continue." The tree demon observed her closely.
Lyra suddenly felt so much pressure on her as she noticed all six pairs of eyes (including A-Un) burning into her face. She glanced down, feeling embarrassed. "He will not be able to recognise himself. He will not be able to differentiate between friend or foe. He will simply...kill," she concluded, her voice softening towards the end as if she could feel the anguish herself. "And as it repeats, Inuyasha will eventually lose his soul."
"He will become a demon who only knows how to fight and kill and he will continue to fight until he is destroyed," Bakuseno added, drawing everyone's attention away from Lyra, which she was grateful for. "I sincerely doubt that your father would have wished such a terrible fate upon his own son. That is why he bequeathed Inuyasha the sword Tessaiga to protect his soul."
Sesshomaru took everything he had learned into consideration and contemplated his next step. Inuyasha would be doomed if he lost his sword.
"You, young lady," Bakuseno now addressed Lyra.
She lifted her head in surprise. "Y-yes?"
"How are you able to know so much?" he asked directly. Even Sesshomaru wondered the same and also turned to her.
"Uh... I- um..." She shrugged, an uncomfortable smile on her face. "I sorta felt it, I guess. From the information you gave, that's what I pictured. In my head." She laughed awkwardly, rubbing her arm. "I sound so silly."
"Hmm," Bakuseno contemplated for a short while. "You have been prophesised."
"Me?" Lyra asked perplexed as she pointed to herself. "In a prophecy?"
"You are the oracle."
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