《Without You | Sesshomaru》Chapter 3
Rin had been asking Lyra question after question to find out more about her much to Jaken's annoyance. He kept telling them both to shut up but soon gave up as it started to become dark again. Sesshomaru simply remained silent. The only thing he really told them was that there was a demon he needed to find. Lyra was glad that Rin was there otherwise she would have become bored. The girl was so full of life and it was difficult to see her without a smile.
Night had fallen and it felt unusually darker. An unpleasant chill clung onto the eerie atmosphere and Lyra ended up gripping onto Rin's hand tighter, yet the little girl seemed completely unfazed by it. Fog and mist hung low giving the area the perfect setting for a horror movie. Lyra kept darting her eyes around out of fear that another demon would show up to attack them.
"It is not far now," Sesshomaru stated.
Suddenly, Rin let go of Lyra's hand and she and Jaken began to run ahead leaving Lyra trailing just a bit behind Sesshomaru. She thought the silence between them was awkward but at the same time she didn't know what to say to him. Anything she said would have been met with silence anyway. Plus she doubted they had anything in common to talk about. She wouldn't be travelling with them for long either. Once she found Kagome, she would be taking her first chance back home to reality.
"What is your link to this world?"
Lyra blinked in surprise at Sesshomaru's question. She wasn't expecting him to speak to her at all but she moved more forward to walk beside him.
"I... I'm not sure. I was simply at the shrine and I heard a sound coming from the well," she began to explain. "When I looked inside, at first I didn't see anything. But then something appeared for a split second and I fell in. Then, I woke up here."
Sesshomaru glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "What did you see?"
Lyra continued to look ahead, folding her arms. "Well, I saw- What the hell is that?!" she questioned suddenly, losing track of what she was saying.
Sesshomaru refocused to what she was looking at to see Rin and Jaken standing by what he had been searching for. Lyra couldn't see it as clearly through the fog but she could kind of make out what looked like a demon's head with horns.
"Who on earth could have done this?" Jaken asked aloud.
"Inuyasha," Sesshomaru answered as he appeared before them.
Lyra remained a few feet away from the demon's head. It was big and purple, and she could have sworn she saw red eyes. It freaked her out. Its fangs were still bared as well.
"Inuyasha did this. Although I doubt he was able to escape unscathed," he stated.
Lyra took notice of that name again. Who was this Inuyasha? And why was Kagome hanging around with such dangerous people? She had so many questions that she felt only Kagome could answer. She only hoped to find her soon.
Sesshomaru took hold of one of the horns and lifted the demon's head with ease, lifting it up in the air. Rin instantly began screaming, holding her cheeks as she began swaying side to side. Ignoring it, Sesshomaru observed the head for a short while before he commenced walking in a different direction as he held it over his right shoulder.
"We're taking the head with us?" Jaken questioned.
"Enough of that, Rin. Stop it," Sesshomaru said, completely ignoring Jaken.
Lyra forgot that Rin had been screaming all that time since she was so focused on the head. Rin stopped instantly and spun on the spot with a smile before standing completely straight with a serious expression.
"Yes, my Lord!"
Lyra couldn't help but giggle at her actions whilst Jaken seemed unimpressed. Noticing that Sesshomaru was disappearing through the fog, Lyra quickly took hold of Rin's hand and ran to catch up with him, Jaken following just behind.
They eventually reached a large field and Lyra was grateful there wasn't a single cloud of fog in sight. The air felt lighter and more fresh, a complete contrast to wherever they got the demon's head from.
"Jaken, you are coming with me," Sesshomaru commanded as he came to a stop before turning to look at Lyra and Rin. "The both of you will stay here."
"Very well," Lyra replied.
It didn't seem as though there was danger lurking around. Besides, the field was large so they would be able to spot any danger well in advance. Sesshomaru suddenly whistled loudly and Lyra wondered what he was doing. Seconds later, there was a clap of thunder and lightning, which was strange since the skies were clear. Lyra then spotted a creature flying down to them as the thunder cleared. The closer it got, the more she could male out of it.
'Two heads?! ...Why am I even surprised anymore?'
It looked like a dragon with two separate necks and heads, their mouths muzzled with reigns attached to them. It was green in colour, both the heads having black hair and yellow eyes. It was quite large as it landed in front of the group and Lyra was intrigued by the creature.
"Hello, A and Un," Rin greeted as she went over to the creature.
Lyra watched as they bowed their heads so Rin could pat them. Although it was a demon, Lyra strangely didn't feel any fear towards it. She stepped closer, hesitating though as the heads turned to look at her.
"It's alright, Lyra. They're really friendly," Rin encouraged her.
Lyra gave a slight nod before reaching her hand out to the left head slowly. The dragon watched her, taking in every move she made. Once her hand made contact to its cheek, it nudged her hand gently before closing its eyes. Lyra smiled brightly, proud that the dragon didn't reject her. She greeted the other head as well in the same manner but with less hesitancy.
Sesshomaru watched her as she greeted the demon. He was surprised at how well she did seeing as every little thing had scared her so far. He was even more surprised that A-Un had so readily accepted her.
"A-Un will stay here with you for protection," Sesshomaru told them. "We will be back soon."
Without waiting for their reply, he turned and walked away from them with Jaken following him silently. Lyra watched them leave before Rin caught her attention. She took their muzzles off so they could eat some grass and they happily lowered their heads to eat. As the air began to grow chilly, they made a small fire to keep themselves warm.
"Do they usually leave you alone like this?" Lyra asked as she sat down on the grass.
Rin sat opposite her, her legs stretched out in front of her. "Sometimes. But only if its too dangerous for me to go there. Lord Sesshomaru usually leaves Master Jaken or A-Un with me though."
Lyra smiled softly, bringing her knees up to her chest as she wrapped her arms around them. "Do you like travelling with them?"
"Yep!" she answered with a firm nod. "Lord Sesshomaru is very kind to me and so is Master Jaken."
"That's good. Don't you wish to be amongst humans again though?" Lyra asked curiously.
Rin shook her head. "The humans in my village were always so horrible to me. But Lord Sesshomaru was the one who saved me after I was attacked by wolves. Sometimes humans are the real monsters."
"That's true." Lyra couldn't help but agree with her. "He's been kind to me as well."
She rested her chin on top of her knees. She was really missing home and her father. Taking out her phone and looking back at pictures was impossible as well since her phone had become damaged from when she fell in the river. She wondered if her father was okay. He must have been worried sick by now.
About an hour had passed. The fire was still crackling away and both Rin and A-Un had fallen asleep. Lyra was lying down on the grass, looking up at the clear night sky. It was amazing how many stars were visible. And for the first time in her life, she could see the Milky Way. There were no city lights or pollution masking the beauty of the sky. She had always wished to one day move to a place where it was secluded just to be able to enjoy sights like this.
Her thoughts were distracted by the sound of soft footsteps approaching them. She quickly sat up to see who or what it was, her subconscious fear keeping her on edge. Even A-Un opened their eyes to see who was coming but they went back to sleep after seeing it was only Sesshomaru and Jaken. Lyra stood up as they reached the little camp site.
"You're still awake," Sesshomaru stated.
"Yeah, I couldn't sleep," she replied, rubbing her arm awkwardly.
Jaken instantly flopped onto the ground by the fire, falling fast asleep straight away. Sesshomaru sighed quietly before sitting on the ground facing the fire.
Sesshomaru's tone was soft yet Lyra felt obliged to listen as if he had yelled at her. She quickly sat, crossing her legs and keeping her back straight. She stared into the fire, the warmth hitting her face. She had no idea why she was feeling so on edge. Her eyes turned to look at him and she was instantly drawn into his eyes. The flames were flickering in his golden orbs as they stayed locked on the fire. Those very eyes that made her fall into the well.
Suddenly, his eyes darted from the fire into her own. Lyra's eyes widened momentarily before she quickly looked away. Sesshomaru could feel her eyes on him to the point it started to become annoying.
"You never told me what you saw in the well," he spoke.
He had been curious to know what it was since before they found the demon but she became distracted and therefore didn't reveal what it was.
Lyra glanced at him quickly before looking quickly at the fire again. "Oh, right. I don't think you'll believe me to be honest," she said with an awkward smile. Sesshomaru didn't respond so took that as a sign to continue. "I saw your eyes."
His eyes widened the slightest amount at her revelation. "How is that possible? I have never seen you before yesterday."
"I don't know," Lyra answered with a shrug. She felt more relaxed as she wrapped her arms around her knees. "It was only for less than a second. I tried to get a closer look, hoping I would see them again and then I fell in."
Sesshomaru looked fixedly at her as he thought to himself. 'Could I be the one who is her link to this world? But that's impossible. I have no connection to this woman. Yet how was she able to see my very own eyes when we have never met before? There would be no reason for her to be lying to me.' He was snapped out of his thoughts when Lyra let out a small cough. She was feeling uncomfortable from him staring.
"After you saved me, I had no doubt that it was your eyes I saw in the well," she said.
"Perhaps you are mistaken." Sesshomaru couldn't have a connection to a mere mortal.
Lyra shook her head. "No, I'm absolutely sure of it. I got that same sensation. I'm definitely not mistaken."
Sesshomaru returned his gaze back to the fire, thinking silently to himself. She had peaked his curiosity. Even the way she spoke to him once she was comfortable. It was as if she was speaking to someone of equal status and not to someone who was a Lord. Had she no respect? If it was anyone else, he would have made sure they knew how low they stood. Especially since she was just a human. She was similar to Kagome in the sense that she didn't care about his title. But of course that was their only similarity. Lyra seemed a lot more mature, although she did have her clumsy moments. He found that quite endearing about her however. He would have gotten rid of someone like her the moment he saw them. But he could never think of ever laying a finger on her.
And he hated it.
He looked over at Lyra who was now lying on the ground with her back to the fire. She closed her eyes and pretended to sleep, using her arm to cushion her head. She felt the silence got a bit too heavy and he looked as though he was deep in thought. He probably thought she was a weirdo. A few minutes later, she heard him speak.
"Goodnight, Lyra."
She smiled to herself before slowly falling asleep.
Apparently they would have to stay where they were for 3 days. That's how long it would take for the one named Kaijinbo to forge a sword from the demon's head. Lyra wasn't too pleased about that. She was supposed to be back home that day and due to work the next day. But she didn't want to make a fuss. She was lucky Sesshomaru even allowed her to travel with them. It wouldn't be right for her to start making demands.
For the next two days, all Lyra ate was fish and strange berries. Again, she couldn't complain. She was grateful to have food in the first place. Although she couldn't wait to go home and have a pizza or a burger.
She spent her time playing with Rin and going for small adventures in the trees. She and Sesshomaru hadn't spoken much since that night. He seemed more focused on his goal and didn't seem to care about why she was there. But it was in fact the total opposite. It bothered him to not know why his eyes were the ones she saw. He didn't know anyone who would perhaps be able to answer his concerns either and it bothered him silently.
During one of Lyra's trips with Rin, she spotted a natural formation of rocks which held heated water.
'A hot spring!'
Upon returning to the camp, the sun had begun to set. Sesshomaru was leaning back against A-Un who was taking a nap. Jaken was sitting on the grass, his arms crossed around his staff as he began to nod off as well. Sesshomaru didn't even glance in their direction as Lyra and Rin returned.
It seemed as though their adventure had worn Rin out. She eventually rested her head on Lyra's thigh, using at as a pillow as she fell asleep. Lyra smiled down at her, gently stroking her hair back from her face. She had grown attached to Rin as if she was her little sister. It would be difficult to say goodbye once the time came.
Soon, it was just Sesshomaru and Lyra who were left awake. The stars scattered across the sky and Lyra lost herself in them for quite a while. She didn't quite know how much time had passed but she soon remembered the hot spring. Sesshomaru was awake, she doubted he ever slept at all, but she wondered if he would allow her to go back there.
"Um, I saw a hot spring earlier not far from here," she began, drawing his attention to her. "I was hoping I could go and bathe there for a short while."
Sesshomaru mentally questioned why she was telling him. "You do not need to seek my permission."
"Oh, right."
She laughed awkwardly before slowly lowering Rin's head to the ground. She stirred a bit but remained asleep. Without saying anything else, Lyra made her way to the hot springs in the midst of the trees not far from their small camp. Sesshomaru watched her leave. He wasn't sure if it was safe for her to go alone since it was completely dark now.
As Lyra found the hot spring again, she smiled brightly. She couldn't wait to soak in the hot water. She quickly stripped her clothes but kept her underwear on. She first soaked her clothes in the water before hanging them to dry on the branch of a tree, leaving her shoes on a boulder on the side. First dipping her toes in to test the water, she smiled happily. It was perfect. She slowly walked in until the water reached above her chest. Leaning her head back, she drenched her hair into the water before lifting her head again to wash her face.
"I could stay here forever," she sighed in content.
They had bath houses in her city but this one was special. For starters it was natural and it was in the middle of nature. And when she looked up, she could see the stars twinkling in the sky. The sound of crickets chirped in the background and little fireflies flew around. Hopefully Sesshomaru wouldn't mind if she stayed there for a while.
Sesshomaru was quite a distance away from the hot spring but remained close enough in case there was anything lurking in the dark. He would have gotten closer but he respected a female's privacy. Sitting at the camp whilst Lyra was alone made him uncomfortable. There was a strange desire in him to keep her safe and that's why he had taken the decision to follow her and stay close by. Demons were everywhere and so were the perverse eyes of male humans.
He sat leaning against a tree. He could hear Lyra talking to herself.
"I hope I find Kagome soon," she sighed. "I wish I was at home already. Or maybe I am at home and this is one very elaborate dream."
Her words amused him. It was rather entertaining.
"But to be fair, it would be sad if they were a figment of my imagination. Jaken's...tolerable."
Sesshomaru smirked ever so slightly that it was barely visible.
"Rin is a wonderful little girl. And Sesshomaru..."
Sesshomaru's smirk dropped and he listened more carefully at the mention of his name. It didn't even bother him that she had dropped the title, he just wanted to know what she had to say. What was her opinion of him? Not that he cared, of course.
"...he's difficult to read. But I believe he has a good heart."
He didn't know what to think about her words. Did he have a good heart? No one had ever said that about him. Most beings, nearly everyone in fact, were afraid of him and so branded him as evil or a monster. She thought the complete opposite.
'Hm. What a strange woman,' he thought.
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