《You Are My Heart》Chapter 10


Hwasa and Whee-In came back to the hospital the next morning to check up on Solar and Moonbyul. They had prepared a good homemade meal to enjoy together. They were on their way to Solar's room when they heard people talking about a commotion going on in the courtyard. They gave each other the 'it can't be'look and rushed there. Hwasa almost knocked over some patients in the process as she dashed as quickly as she could. She thought to herself 'Byul-Yi unnie better not do anything stupid again' as she furrowed her brows. Meanwhile Whee-In tried her best to catch up to Hwasa. When they got to the courtyard Hwasa stopped suddenly and Whee-In bumped into her.

"W-what's wrong?" Whee-In asked trying to catch her breath.

"A…a…" Hwasa was speechless with her eyes wide open pointing toward the courtyard.

Whee-In looked in the direction Hwasa was pointing and let out a, "Woah~"

From the distance they saw Moonbyul and Solar closed together. Their bodies touching. They are looking at each other intently. Moonbyul's arm was wrapped around Solar's waist. Solar's arm are placed on Moonbyul's chest. A big smile spread across Hwasa's and Whee-In's faces as they anticipate the next event that was about to unfold. They chant 'kiss, kiss' silently to themselves.

Moonbyul felt her heart quickly sped up as she looked into Solar's eyes. After a few moments of being so close together she snapped herself back into reality and let go of Solar. She backed away for a few steps and was lost for words. Not long after Solar's stomach began growling and she blushed. Moonbyul pretended not to notice and tried to walk away. Solar caught onto Moonbyul and linked their arms together.

"What are you doing?" Moonbyul stopped and looked at the linked arms.

"Let's go eat!" Solar yelled.

"Hey, I…"

Before Moonbyul could finished, Solar pulled her away in the direction of the canteen. Hwasa and Whee-In came out from the corner of the building disappointed.

"They didn't kiss!" Hwasa pouted. "It was such a good opportunity and position too."

"I agree with you," Whee-In nodded. "It would have been a perfect picture."

"It should have been you mean," Hwasa exclaimed.

"Well nothing we can do about it," Whee-In continued, "Let's go find them."

Whee-In was about to head off after Solar and Moonbyul when Hwasa grabbed her arm. Whee-In looked at Hwasa intently with a confuse look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Whee-In questioned.

"Don't be dense," Hwasa furrowed her brows, "We should let them have 'alone' time so they can better acquaint themselves."

"What about the foods?"

"We can just eat that with one another," Hwasa winked.

"Then we should still head to the canteen for a place to sit."

"That's a good idea. But…" Hwasa paused, "What if they spot us?"


"We'll just sit a bit further away to give them their space."

"Yeah!" Hwasa said excitedly, "And we can see what they are doing too."

"I thought you didn't want to spy?" Whee-In raised her brows.

"Eh~ watching over them is not the same as spying. It's called preventive measure. You know for just in case something happened."

"I gue…"

Before Whee-In could finish her sentence Hwasa pulled her by the wrist and tried to take her away. After walking for a little, Hwasa suddenly stopped again. She noticed an angry woman clenching onto something glaring in the direction of the canteen. She was sure the woman looked familiar, but she couldn't recall where see saw that woman from. She debated to herself a little before she saw Whee-In looking at her curiously. She doesn't know the woman so Hwasa just brushed it off and continued on her way with Whee-In.

When they got into the canteen they saw Solar and Moonbyul sitting near the window. They choose a seat a bit further away and tride to hide around the crowds of patients who were eating. Whee-In tried to unpack their food while Hwasa intently stared at Moonbyul and Solar. Solar was staring at Moonbyul while Moonbyul was trying to avoid eyes contact. She either kept her head low or look to the side. Whee-In tried to get Hwasa to eat but Hwasa was too absorbed to do anything else. Whee-In ended up just feeding Hwasa as Hwasa looked like a child staring at something so pretty and sparkly she couldn't keep her eyes away.

Moonbyul felt a little awkward at Solar intense staring. She tried her best to avoid meeting Solar eyes but she found it a little hard to do. She just pretended not to notice whatever it is Solar is doing and pretended to be absorbed in her food. Solar kept on staring at Moonbyul while eating her food slowly and smiling.

"You're beautiful," Solar said suddenly.

Moonbyul was drinking water when Solar spoke. She ended up spitting it out a little and started coughing. Luckily her head was turn sideway or she would have sprayed it on Solar. Solar ran over to the side of Moonbyul and patted down her chest to help Moonbyul coughing stop. When Moonbyul looked over to where Solar was standing their eyes met again. Their faces a couple of inches apart and Moonbyul almost froze in place. She looked away a little flustered, Solar noticed it and smiled. Solar went to sat down and continue eating her food. They didn't speak as they continue their meals.

Hwasa on the other hand was still staring at them and giggling like something exciting was happening. Whee-In shook her head and sighed.

"Hwasa ah~" Whee-In tried to get Hwasa's attention, "eat your food by yourself."


"In a minute, in a minute. It's getting to the good part."

Whee-In gave up and continued to feed Hwasa or at least she tried to when Hwasa open . When Moonbyul was finished she tried to leave Solar behind but Solar ran after her even though her food was unfinished. Hwasa quickly grabbed Whee-In and followed behind leaving their foods at the canteen as well. Whee-In stared at her foods on the table as she was being pulled away.

Moonbyul went to work out in the hospital gym and Solar did whatever exercises that Moonbyul was doing. Hwasa was being like a paparazzi without a camera not being able to peel her eyes off of them. Whee-In was pouty still thinking about her foods. When they were done Moonbyul went to chat with random old people thinking it would bore Solar but Solar was smiling happily chatting with the elders as well. They seems to get along quite well. Moonbyul looked at Solar and gave Solar a gentle and sweet look unknowingly. Solar noticed that but pretended not to see. She was happy just knowing what had happened.

They went back to their rooms after spending time with the elderly playing games and chatting away about life, sometime getting lecture in the process. Moonbyul was walking slower now, she didn't quicken her pace even knowing that Solar was walking behind her. She seemed almost hesitant to head back to her room. When they got to Moonbyul's room, Moonbyul paused at the door for a moment before she spoke.

"Today wasn't bad," she said softly.

"Mhm," Solar smiled brightly. "I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"I guess…" Moonbyul whispered but Solar heard it.

"Well then," Solar took a couple of steps toward her room then turn around, "Goodnight!" She screamed cheerily and dashed back to her room.

Moonbyul gave a slight smile at the sight and head back into her room. She went to shower, her heart felt fluttery with a weird sensation. She didn't understand it but she didn't hate it. When she got out of the shower she was startled by the sight of what she saw. The woman was sitting there looking sternly at the wall. Moonbyul thought she saw the woman looking irritated but when the woman turned her way she looked fine. She sighed slightly and continued on drying her hair.

"What are you doing here so late?" Moonbyul asked as she head towards the bed.

"I wasn't able to visit you earlier today and I got worried. That's why I came here even though it's getting late."

"What happened to Jae-Yoon then?"

"He's with a friend of mine right now," the woman paused for a second, "She's caring for him while I go check on you. You don't have to worry about him. He's fine."

"That's good then. You should head back so he doesn't miss you."

"Do you miss me?" The woman asked, her face reddening.

"I…I'm not sure how to answer you," Moonbyul was silent for a while before she continued. "I don't recall the pass so truthfully I'm not sure if I have any…"

Before Moonbyul finished speaking the woman screamed out, "Please stop!"

Moonbyul looked away feeling bad. She wasn't sure how she could comfort the woman but she didn't want to lie to her either.

"I…I'm sorry," the woman spoke and sat down next to Moonbyul. She wrapped her arm around Moonbyul's arm and placed her head on Moonbyul's shoulder before she continued. "I didn't mean to do that. I know you don't remember anything and I don't expect you to right away. But please don't say things like that. I don't think my heart can take it." She began to cry.

"I'm sorry," Moonbyul said softly.

"Don't be. I'm ok!" The woman wiped her tears away and became cheery again. "Well tomorrow will be the day you get discharged. I'll come to take you home ok?"

"Ah…" Moonbyul hesitated, "I think I'll rent an apartment for now. I'm still not use to it all yet and I don't want to rush forward into the unknown. We can live together again once things have been figured out and settled."

"I-I understand," the woman said sadly.

"You should go back now. Jae-Yoon must be waiting." Moonbyul smiled slightly.

"Ok…goodnight then…"


After the woman left Moonbyul sighed and laid down on her bed. She closed her eyes feeling tired. Wondering what's going on in her life, her brows furrowed because she doesn't know the answer. She sighed a couple more times before she was startled. Something had plopped itself onto her bed with a thump. She opened her eyes and at the sight it made her fell off the bed again.

"Am I that scary?" The soft voice looked over the side of the bed and down at Moonbyul.

"Hey! Why do you keep on doing that!?" Moonbyul yelled rubbing her left side this time.

"What do you mean?" The soft voice questioned curiously.

"Coming in my room all of a sudden and do random things!"

Moonbyul quickly got up off the floor and stared at the person. It was Solar. She was laying on her belly, both hands under her chin, her legs moving in the air. She looked at Moonbyul innocently while smiling devilishly.

"I want to sleep with you silly," Solar announced.

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