《You Are My Heart》Chapter 11


Hwasa and Whee-In hid behind a section of the wall when Moonbyul and Solar stopped in front of room 333. Hwasa poked her head out and saw Moonbyul gentle expression. She was blushing a little and Hwasa giggled. Whee-In was too out of breath to see what was going on, and she was still sad about her abandoned foods. When Solar left for her room Hwasa was about to come out from hiding when she noticed a woman stepped out from the stair's door. The woman was staring at Solar's back as Solar was walking away. Her fist was clenched and Hwasa hid back behind the wall. She gently pushed Whee-In back in the process as well.

"What's wrong?" Whee-In looked at Hwasa with a confuse expression.

"Shh~" Hwasa pointed out toward the hallway.

Whee-In and Hwasa poked their heads out into the hallway. They saw the woman, her fists clenched, her brows furrow, and her face not so kind. She stopped a little before Moonbyul's room and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath, opened her eyes, and all of a sudden a smiled spread across her face. She approached Moonbyul's room and peaked inside, she looked around before she let herself in.

"Do you know her?" Whee-In looked at Hwasa. "She looked very angry but then her face suddenly changed to being nice."

"No, but I've seen her a couple times already. Every single time I saw her she looked very angry even now." Hwasa exclaimed.

"Come on let's get closer to see," Whee-In nudged Hwasa.

They slowly approached Moonbyul's room and peaked inside carefully. The woman sat at a chair but Moonbyul was nowhere to be found.

"What do you think she wants," Hwasa whispered.

"Don't know," Whee-in shook her head.

They weren't sure of what to do, they debated whether they should entered when Moonbyul walked out of the shower. They saw her drying her hair and sat down on her bed. The woman got up off the chair and down next to Moonbyul. Hwasa and Whee-In saw the woman linked her arm with Moonbyul's and placed her head on Moonbyul's shoulder. Hwasa flared and almost kicked down the door. Whee-In stopped her in time and pulled her to the side.

"Don't be hasty!" Whee-In exclaimed. "Byul-Yi unnie doesn't really know us yet we shouldn't cause any more misunderstanding."


"But..." Whee-In interrupted before Hwasa could continue

"No but. You go get Yong-Sun unnie and I'll watch over here."

Hwasa was about to talk again but Whee-In placed her finger on Hwasa's lips and motioned with her head for Hwasa to go. Hwasa marched off and Whee-In peaked back in through the glass on the door. When Hwasa reached Solar's room, Solar was hugging her pillow giggling to herself. She charged in the room and screamed.


Solar was startled by it and jumped up from her bed.

"W-what's the matter, Hye-Jin ah?" Solar looked at Hwasa, her eyes wide open.

"Some woman is all over Byul-Yi unnie!" Hwasa screamed again. "Whee-In is keeping an eye out right now. You should hurry!"

"What! How dare she!?" Solar jumped off her bed and stormed out the door with Hwasa.

Solar saw the woman walking away in the other direction while Whee-In pretended to walk toward Solar. She dashed toward Whee-In.

"What happened!" Solar demanded clenching onto Whee-In's shoulders.

"N-nothing happened," Whee-In began. "That woman placed her head on Byul-Yi unnie's shoulder and..."

Before Whee-In could finished Solar charged off to Moonbyul's room. She glared toward the woman direction as the woman was turning the corner. She looked into Moonbyul's room and saw Moonbyul sprawled out onto the bed. Her eyes were closed and her left arm resting on her forehead. Solar took a deep breath and entered quietly. The door squeaked a little and Solar thought Moonbyul would noticed. She slowly looked toward Moonbyul direction but Moonbyul hasn't moved an inch. Solar sighed in relieve. She shoo Hwasa and Whee-In away as she closed the door. Then she darted toward Moonbyul and jumped on the bed. Moonbyul fell off the bed and Solar was surprised. Moonbyul got up quickly and stared at her.

"I want to sleep with you silly," Solar announced.

Moonbyul was so flustered and speechless that she tripped and fell onto the chair near her bed. Solar got up slowly winking at Moonbyul who was still in a daze. Solar approached Moonbyul and wrapped her arms around Moonbyul's neck. She then sat atop Moonbyul's thigh and bring her face closer.

"How does that sound?" Solar whispered sweetly into Moonbyul's ear.

Moonbyul couldn't snapped out of her daze and just stared at Solar. Solar smirked and kissed Moonbyul on the cheek. She got off of Moonbyul and said in a less joking tone.


"You're so fun to tease."

"W-what?" Moonbyul was still out of it.

"I came to see if you needed help packing since you are discharged tomorrow," Solar scanned the room to see if the woman left anything behind.

"I...I..." Moonbyul still couldn't find her voice.

"Then it's settled," Solar announced. "I'll come by tomorrow and help you pack your things."

"Huh? What?" Moonbyul couldn't comprehend in her dazed.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow!"

Then Solar quickly left the room leaving Moonbyul behind without having come to her senses. When Moonbyul regained her composure she felt faint, and when what happened slowly crawled into her mind, she shook her head slowly in disbelieved and sighed. As Solar left the room Whee-In and Hwasa approached her eagerly.

"Unnie!" Hwasa yelped. "Why did you let such a good opportunity go like that!?"

Whee-In nodded in agreement with Hwasa.

"What do you mean?" Solar asked curiously.

"The kiss! The kiss!" Hwasa exclaimed. "Why wasn't it on the lips!"

"Bad girls, peaking like that," Solar sternly scolded them.


"No but!" Solar sternly said before patting both Whee-In's and Hwasa's head. "Beside I know what I'm doing," she smiled. "So don't worry. Now I have a mission for you both," Hwasa and Whee-In looked at each other then nodded in unison. "When you come back tomorrow can you bring some pictures and my stack of heart shaped letter from Byul-Yi."

"Oh you mean the one you cut out from the chocolate boxes and tied them together at the end with a red string?" Hwasa asked for a confirmation.

"Yes, that's the one."

"Ok, we will!" Hwasa and Whee-In saluted.

"Oh and I need an extra phone."

"Yes, m'am!"

"Thank you," Solar hugged them, "Now off you go. Good night," Solar smiled.

"Goodnight unnie!" Hwasa waved and ran off with Whee-In before Whee-In could speak.

Solar waved them off and once they disappeared around the corner she looked back into Moonbyul's room. Moonbyul was back on her bed with her face dug into the pillow. Solar smiled and went off to her room.

The next day Solar got up and packed her bag. She waited for Hwasa and Whee-In to come as she giggled by herself thinking about Moonbyul. Once they arrived with the things Solar wanted, they headed off together to Moonbyul's room. They knocked but no one answered. They went inside but no one was there. Solar noticed Moonbyul's bag was half packed, so she came over and finished packing for Moonbyul. She hid the phone at the bottom of Moonbyul's bag as a surprised. Whee-In and Hwasa helped her gathered Moonbyul stuff. Once they were finished they waited for a while but Moonbyul didn't came back. They went out to the hall but no one was around. Solar looked out the window from the hall into the courtyard and saw Moonbyul with the woman from before. She also saw the kid. She ran out to the courtyard with the stack of things in her hands. Hwasa and Whee-In followed closely behind her.

When she got to the courtyard Solar rushed toward Moonbyul who was playing with the kid. The woman wasn't near them. When Solar almost reached Moonbyul the woman came out of the blue and blocked her path. Solar tried to go around her but the woman continued to get in front of her.

"What's wrong with you?" Hwasa exclaimed pushing the woman's shoulder.

The woman didn't respond and continued to stare at them. She looked angry but nervous. She looked behind her and then back at them.

"Hey I'm talking to you!" Hwasa yelled. "What do you want!?"

She pushed the woman harder this time and the woman fell. The yelling caught Moonbyul attention and she quickly came over.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Moonbyul asked angrily.

"I-It's a misunderstanding," Hwasa tried to explained.

Moonbyul bent down to help the woman up.

"It's really not what it looks like," Solar grabbed Moonbyul's sleeve from the back and tried to nudge her.

"If it's not then what is it!?" Moonbyul turned around and yanked her arm away quickly.

The red string on Solar heart shape love letters snapped and over 200 of them including pictures flung into the air, scattering all around them. Solar looked dazed in disbelieve and tears fell down her face. She raised her hand and slapped Moonbyul.

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