《risk it all ─ jasper hale. iii ✓》xiv. old fashioned
❝ old school, old fashioned, old everything. I'm joking. ❞
"You're changing your last name right? I mean yeah Gilmore is cool and all but like Hale is hot to be honest." Alicia said as the two sat in the brunette's bedroom. Alice and Addison had just left after interrogating Asher for the wedding wanting every detail.
"I literally got engaged yesterday Al." Asher said with a playful eyeroll. "And!? Usually girls already know how they want their wedding by the time they're like 12!" Alicia exclaimed earning a chuckle from the redhead. "Well when I was twelve all I really worried about was what I was going to eat for dinner, not my wedding." Asher said.
"Fine, but I totally think Asher Hale suits you." Alicia said with a wink, "what about how cute your kids are gonna look!?" Alicia said moving on to the next topic. Asher just looked at her dumbly with a mix of sadness, she knew her and Jasper couldn't have kids naturally due to him being a vampire, it was obvious to Asher that part slipped Alicia's mind. "You do know we can't have kids, right?" Asher asked seeing Alicia face drop from happiness to guilty and sad, "oh shit, I'm sorry for bringing that up Ash."
Alicia knew how much Asher wanted kids, having had that conversation a while after they met. In that moment Asher knew how Rosalie feels. She knew being with Jasper meant they couldnt have children but that was something she was willing to give up to be with him, plus their was always adoption if it came to it.
"Don't be, okay." Asher said with a laugh as her phone rang, she took it out seeing it was Bella before answering. "Everything okay?" Asher asked as Alicia busied herself. "Yeah, Jasper and Edward wanted to know if you can meet us in the clearing with Jacob?" Bella asked, no doubt both vampires and Jacob were listening in. "Yeah sure I'll be there soon." Asher replied, the two did their usual goodbyes before hanging up.
"I was wondering when you'd get that call." Alicia said with a laugh handing Asher her boots. "Yeah trust me so was i." Asher replied quickly slipping on her boots and grabbing her car keys, "see you later?" Alicia asked, Asher nodded "of course, wouldn't miss binge watching friends and eating junk food with my girl for anything." Asher said hugging her friend before leaving.
The drive to the clearing was peaceful and quiet for Asher something she missed; peace. She liked waking up in the morning and spending time with Charlie and Bella or the Cullens without worrying about a newborn army set on killing her and possibly Bella. A small amount of sunlight peaked out through the grey clouds hitting perfectly on the engagement ring on Asher's left hand. She smiled at the thought of marrying Jasper, she just wish her parents would be there, have her dad walk her down the aisle, her mother crying happily beside her dad, sister and even the Cullens. She knew her parents always dreamt about the twins' weddings. Hell her mom thought more about Asher's wedding than she did.
Before she knew it Asher was at the Cullens house having gotten a text from Jasper to meet him there and he'd take her to the clearing with him.
Asher smiled once she spotted Jasper on the porch of his home, he sped to the driver side of Asher's truck opening the door for her. "Why thank you Mr. Hale." Asher said with a laugh as she climbed out of her truck, "my pleasure ma'am." Jasper said, his accent thick. Asher laughed intertwining their hands together and they began to walk to the clearing Bella, Jacob, and Edward were currently waiting for them at. "How do you think this is going to go?" Asher asked breaking the silence. "I'm not sure, hopefully without anyone getting hurt, especially you." Jasper said sparing a glance his fiancee's way.
"I'm not going to hide away from the fight." Asher stated, she made up her mind the second they knew about the newborn army and Jasper knew their wasnt a way to change her mind.
"I know, just know we'll be keeping an eye on you." Jasper said as they spotted Jacob, Bella, and Edward, "I don't need babysitting." Asher said smiling at Edward and Bella. Asher let go of Jasper and pulled Bella into a hug before the brunette spoke, "Jasper said I could be of help." Bella said looking between the three, Asher threw Jasper a questioning look as Edward replied. "We won't need your help, with the wolves in this it's an easy win. The rest of us arent going to have enough to do." Edward explained, Asher knew he was somewhat right, but she knew they'd need as many as possible, including Bella, in the safest way possible which was both the guardian and best friend in Asher speaking.
"Okay so it's either going to be so dangerous that I have to hide or it's so easy you'll be sidelined, which it is?" Bella asked, Edward looked at Asher for help but the girl just rose her brows and shook her head telling him to deal with it and turned to be beside Jasper.
"It's dangerous for you, easy for us." Edward sighed, Bella did the same and turned to Jasper and Asher who, "Ash?" Bella asked, Asher sighed "we will need her help Edward but only to stir them where we can trap them, then you're hiding from the fight." Asher said both Edward and Bella were half happy with her response whilst Jasper earned a look from his brother, "hey don't look at me, there's no point in trying to change her mind. She's stubborn remember?" Jasper stated.
"Whatever, just tell me the plan." Jacob said finally speaking up after watching the couples. They all turned to look at the younger boy as Jasper spoke up, "this field will give us an advantage in battle, we need to lure the newborns with Bella's scent, they know Asher would never leave Bella's side so they'll automatically believe they're together, and it needs to end here." Jasper explained looking from Jacob to Asher and Bella.
"Bella's going to be with Edward." Asher added, "Yeah, at a campsite but even if he carries me they'll pick up on our scents." Bella finished as she looked at Jacob.
"Your stench, however is revolting." Edward told Jacob without missing a beat, a small laugh escaped Asher's lips. "Dude, you really don't wanna start comparing stinks." Jacob shot back glaring at the vampire, "that's not exactly where he's getting at, Jacob." Asher said with an eye roll, Edward nodded Asher's way as Bella replied, "Yeah, what he means is that your scent will mask mine if you carry me." Asher nodded, Jacob looked at Asher, "aren't they after Asher too, how is her scent going to be masked? I dont see Paul anywhere." Jacob said, "I literally smell like the pack and Jasper anyway, my scent is pretty masked, plus I'll be right where they think both Bella and I are."
"Done." Jacob then said with a sigh before looking at Bella.
"This is not a good idea." Edward said once again getting overprotective with Bella. "It's either that or the newborn army finds Bella and everything goes to shit." Asher said irritatedly. "Edward, they wont want to go anywhere near his odor." Jasper pointed out sparing a glance at Jacob.
"Okay, let just try it." Bella said as he made her way to Jacob.
"Eau de Wolf, coming up." Jacob said picking Bella up bridal style, Asher said the way Edward was looking at them, "Edward, it's going to be fine, he's not stealing your girl." Asher said with a laugh earning an annoyed look from the Cullen boy.
Jacob ran off with Bella, the trio watched, "Edward stop the brooding and pouting, it's not a good look on you." Asher said, Edward sent a glare Asher's way before looking at Jasper, "can't argue."
Asher parked in the driveway of Alicia and Jeremy's house ready to watch friends with the Gomez girl, Bella had tagged along wanting to spend more time with both Alicia and Asher and have a normal night for once. They saw the driveway empty other than Jeremy's car and Asher's truck. "Do you think she forgot?" Bella asked as the two excited the truck, "she never forgets Netflix and junk food nights, possibly something came up." Asher said as they walked into the house only seeing Jeremy.
"Hey Jer, where Alicia?" Asher asked Jeremy smiled at the girls before answering, "she texted you, but I'm guess the both of you were a bit preoccupied, last minute thing came up, both Alicia and Zachary needed to go, they'll be back tomorrow though." Jeremy said as he read the newspaper, the two nodded and left without another word. It had been normal for Alicia to be called back the Guardian Council for last minute things especially since the Newborn army is coming.
"what was Alicia and Zachary called for?" Bella asked as Asher drove, "most likely by the Guardian Council about the Newborn army." Asher said simply, "Guardian Council?" Bella asked having known nothing of it. "Yeah it's kind of like the Volturi but a bit less completely insane, only thing is, they hate vampires. It's not a crime for help or be involved with vampires if it helps the one a guardian is born to protect. I was born to protect both you and the pack, and they're helping me so they would be taken I guess is the best way to explain it." Asher said, it was a complicated thing to explain but that really was the best she could do.
"Do they know about you and Jasper?" Bella asked, Asher only nodded as she pulled into the driveway, "another question; why is Alice here?" Asher asked seeing the pixie girl walk out of their home with Charlie. "Good question." Bella replied getting out of the truck, Asher following close behind.
"Okay Alice, don't be a stranger." Charlie said smiling at the girl as the two got closer, "never seen Charlie smile at one of the Cullens, or have an actual conversation with them." Asher commented, "probably except for Jasper." Bella added as Alice walked up to the two. "Your alibis for the battle is arranged." Alice said smiling, "I told Charlie that our whole family's going camping this weekend, so you guys and Alicia are coming over for a sleepover at my house." Alice said proudly, "plus Charlie's going fishing anyway."
"Charlie? You guys are on first name basis now?" Bella asked confused, "Me, he likes." Alice smiled, "I'm not surprised to be completely honest." Asher stated with a laugh, joined by both Alice and Bella, "anyways, you and Edward will have the house to yourselves tonight." Alice said turning to Bella, "like alone?" Bella asked, "that's kinda what 'to yourselves' means Bells." Asher said with an amused smile and Bella rolled her eyes at her best friend.
Alice nodded, "Everyone besides Jasper and Edward are going hunting, powering up for the battle, the two boys will go once we get back and Jasper brings Asher back to the house in the morning." Alice said, Asher looked at the girl confused, "Jeremy's going fishing with Charlie and has other thing to do I guess so he said the two of you can stay at the house tonight." Alice said noticing the look. "You're both welcome." Alice said when the two didnt respond.
Alice hugged the girls before getting into her car and speeding away, "Alice amazes me everyday." Asher commented as the two walk into the house, "you and me both." Bella replied as they entered the kitchen Charlie was currently occupying, "Hey." Charlie said from the fridge has he grabbed condiments and meat from the fridge, "you guys want a sandwich?" Charlie asked as Asher replaced him at the fridge grabbing some apple sauce as Bella replied for them, "nope." Charlie nodded handing Asher a spoon, she smiled happily taking it.
"So, are you finally warming up to the Cullen kids?" Asher asked as she sat at the table with two cups of apple sauce, "Well their sister, I like. And when Jasper asked my permission to marry you, I'm starting to warm up to him too." Charlie said smiling at Asher glancing at the engagement ring.
Asher just smiled spooning apple sauce in her mouth, "yeah, Alice is great." Bella said watching Asher with amusement as she ate the apple sauce, something Asher absolutely loved, Bella even made sure to let the Cullens know, and ever since then they were always stalked up on apple sauce.
After it was silent for a moment Bella spoken up, "Dad, I was wondering, why didn't you get remarried?"
Asher dropped her spoon on the table in surprise, making a loud noise catching the attention of the two Swans, "sorry." Asher said quietly as Charlie replied to his daughter. "I dont know, I guess I still haven't met the right gal, why?" Charlie asked obviously curious. "I don't know, I guess I thought you just gave up on the whole institution of marriage, but do you think their's any value in it?" Bella then asked glancing at Asher then back to Charlie.
Asher was confused on where this conversation came from, it could be the fact Edward has asked and Bella just never really have him an answer, "yeah, marriage has value." Charlie said looking at Bella before throwing a glance Asher's way as she finished the first cup of applesauce and continued to constantly look up and listen to the conversation waiting to see where it would go.
"When you're older, much older like your mother it seemed to work out fine for her the second time around later in life. I mean you definitely don't wanna have to get married because you aren't careful." Charlie said awkwardly, Asher's eyes grew large piecing together what he was getting at, she loved Charlie but she did not want to have to witness or have the sex talk with her adopted father and especially not with the man who fathered her best friend, the whole thought if it freaked her out.
"What?" Bella asked confused looking at Asher who knew damn well she was trapped in the kitchen with Bella. "Look you know what I'm talking about, there's things you have to think about if you're going to be physically intimate." Charlie said, Asher's mind was screaming at her to leave but from the look Bella gave her when she moved told her she was stuck. "Okay, okay dont have the talk." Bella said backing away from the counter and going closer to Asher.
"Well, it's as embarrassing for me as it is for you both." Charlie said, his arms up in surrender. "I doubt that." Bella said looking from Charlie to Asher then back towards Charlie, Asher had no words, she sat there silently eating her applesauce not wanting to partake in the conversation. "And dont bother mom beat you to it like ten years ago." Bella said hoeing to save them both. "Yeah same here." Asher said finally speaking up, "yeah well you didnt have a boyfriend ten years ago." Charlie reminded, "he has a point." Asher said trying to lightly the mood, Bella just sent her a glare.
"I'm sure thing work the same way." Bella said, Asher tried hard not to choke on her food. "Aleught so you and Edward are taking precautions and-" Bella cut Charlie off, "Okay, Dad, dont worry about that, Edward is old school." Bella said, "old school, old fashioned, old everything, I'm joking." Asher said seeing the look on Bella's face. "Old school, great, what's that like a code for something?" Charlie asked, Asher let out a small laugh, the awkwardness of the whole conversation made the room heavy and Asher just didnt know what to do.
Asher ate more of her applesauce as Bella spook up, "oh my god, Dad, I'm a virgin!" Bella yelled out, that was the moment Asher breathed up with surprise as she had a spoonful of applesauce in her mouth and began to choke on it. "Okay, good glad we covered that." Charlie said as he cringed, Bella patted Asher's back as the girl was able to swallow properly and stand up throwing the cups away and putting the spoon in the sink. "Me too!" Bella called out as she bolted up the stairs.
"You okay kid?" Charlie asked still red in the face, "I'm great, and glad that whole thing is over with it was painful to watch." Asher admitted Charlie nodded in agreement before sparing a glance Asher's way, "Oh dear god Charlie ditto on what Bella said, I'm gonna go." Asher called out running up the stairs aswell.
Asher finally made it up to her room after the awkward conversation with Charlie and Bella.
"You scared me." Asher said walking into her room seeing her fiance standing in her room close to her bed. "My apologies ma'am" Jasper said sweetly, Asher smiled laying down on her bed in a huff, Jasper soon follow suit laying beside his fiancee her head on his hard chest.
"How long have you been here Jazz?" Asher asked looking up at him. "Long enough to hear yours and Bella's way out of the conversation the three of you were having as you choked on apple sauce so a couple minutes before you came up here." Jasper said smirking down at his fiancee. "I wasn't too keen on having the sex talk with Charlie." Asher said sitting up with a laugh, Jasper followed her movements placing his hand on her thigh as they laughed, quiet enough so Charlie couldn't hear. "I wouldn't expect you too, either of you really." Jasper commented.
As their laughs ceased they caught each other's eyes, Jasper leaned forward Asher soon following until their lips touched. It was a passionate kiss full of love and something else new to Asher when it came to kissing Jasper.
Jasper deepened the kiss Asher's hands found their way into his hair tugging gently a low groan came from Jasper as her back felt her mattress once more, Jasper's hands found the hem of her top until they were under feeling her soft skin. Asher gasped and pulled away once she felt Jasper's cold hands run across her bare stomach over her scars.
"Asher, what exactly happened, I know it was Paul but you never really explained?" Jasper asked lifting her top a little more, only to see the scars more. It had completely slipped her mind that Jasper hadn't gotten the full explanation for them. "An accident that happened a while back before you guys came back." Asher said covering them once more with her shirt. Jasper just stared at Asher, "Okay fine just dont freak out as much as I know you will because of the first time, and it was an accident might I remind you." Asher said pointing a finger at the Hale boy, "I'll try." Jasper said, "it was when Bella first found out about the pack, she slapped Paul which pissed him off, he shifted and I got infront of Bella and he didn't realized and he scratched my stomach but hey its okay I'm fine." Asher said noticing the anger on Jasper's face, "it's not fine but I'm glad you're okay." Jasper said, Asher nodded "yeah it also released these weird god like abilities so yeah, and you can't kill Paul either!" Asher said she didn't think he would she was just taking precautions.
"Okay, okay I won't." Jasper said, it was silent for a moment before Asher spoke up again.
"Oh and by the way mention of the sex talk isn't suppose to almost lead to sex, Jasper." Asher said lightning the mood a bit, "my apologies my love." Jasper said pulling her into another deep and passionate kiss, causing giggles escape Asher's pink lips.
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