《risk it all ─ jasper hale. iii ✓》xiii. yes
"Oh look, a flying Emmett." Asher commented as herself and the rest of the guardians made their way to the clearing Carlisle asked them to meet them at for Newborn training. Emmett slide across the ground, Asher looked over seeing Jasper watching as his brother slide from being thrown. Asher made her way to the Cullen's immediately hugging Esme and Carlisle.
"Again!" Emmett said loudly as the sound of tires was heard, the group turned seeing Emmett's jeep, no doubt with Edward and Bella in it. "Throw him again Jazz!" Asher teased kissing her boyfriend's cheek. "Hi to you too spitfire." Emmett said pulling the girl from Jasper to give her a tight hug. Asher laughed patting Emmett's chest as she made her way to Bella who was telling Edward about the wolf bracelet Jacob gave her for a graduation gift when he noticed it on her wrist, he just nodded and smiled at Asher who returned it before turning her attention to Bella.
"how're you feeling Jinglebells?" Asher asked her best friend, "I havent heard that nickname in a while, but other than the fact a newborn army is after the both of us, I'm fine." Bella said with a small laugh, Asher smiled, "how do you seem alot more fine than me? I mean they're coming for me to get to you easier, and I feel like I'm freaking out for the both of us." Bella admitted, Edward recieved a look from Asher telling him to give the two privacy, as much privacy as they good get with the vampire family.
"I am freaking out B, but I know doing this will protect you." Asher said then glanced at the Cullens who's backs were turned but no doubt listening in, "and them." Asher said pulling Bella into a tight hug that the girl gladly returned.
The girls soon found themselves beside the Cullens and the Guardians as the Uley pack arrived in their wolf forms. trust issues? Asher said through their link, earning a look from Edward when Sam replied, Even with you here we don't trust them in our human form Sam said. "They dont trust us enough to be in their human form, even with Asher and the other Guardians here." Edward informed Carlisle, glancing back to Asher, the girl caught his stare, "I'm apart of the pack, with that comes having the link, if that's why you're giving me that confused look." Asher said from beside Jasper and Zachary. Edward nodded.
Carlisle nodded at the pack then looked towards Edward, "They came, that's what matters. Can you translate?" Carlisle asked his adoptive son who nodded as Carlisle took a fee steps closer to the pack, not enough to put then on edge.
"Welcome." Carlisle began as he looked at the pack, then the guardians, then to his family. "Jasper has experience with the newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them." Carlisle informed the group, Asher looked at Jasper's tense figure before taking his hand in hers giving it a squeeze, Jasper looked over towards his girlfriend and smiled thankfully, Neither of them releasing each other's hand.
"They want to know how the newborns differ from us." Edward translated.
"They're a greater deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life." Carlisle explained, Asher found herself looking over to Bella, she became somewhat curious on how Bella will be if Edward does agree to change her.
Asher looked back once she felt Jasper's grip loosen and Carlisle stepped back into his place and was now beside Esme and Asher. "Carlisle's right." Jasper said standing in the middle of the clearing. "That's why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army could stand a chance against them." He informed looking at each and every individual making sure they were listening, his gold eyes lingered on Asher a little longer than the others.
"Now the two most important things to remember are; first, never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly." Jasper said, from the corner of her eye Asher saw Zachary look at her causing her to return his glance, she noticed a bit of worry in his eyes. She knew this would be his first fight with vampires, she didnt blame him for being scared, hell she was.
"And second." Jasper said catching the blonde's glamce towards his girlfriend along with the feelings radiating off of Zachary when Asher looked back before she glanced back to Jasper. "Never go for the obvious kill, they'll expect that and you will lose." Jasper said looking at Zachary before his eyes lingered over the others.
"Emmett." Jasper called his adoptive brother up, Emmett kissed Rosalie before leaving her side and joining his brother, everyone turned their attention to the both of them to watch them practice. "Don't hold back." Jasper instructed, Emmett smirked, "not in my nature." Emmett said, Asher rolled her eyes at her friend's cockiness and watched as he ran towards Jasper pushing him backwards once his shoulder rammed into his abdomen, Asher watched having never really seen Jasper fight unless he was messing around with her when she trained, which would result in a 50/50 chance of one of them winning each time.
Emmett then threw Jasper over his shoulder she watched the blonde fly through the air until he landed on his feet, "they did say cats always land on their feet." Zachary commented earning weird looks from the guardians mostly due to his bitter tone, yet no one commented. Jasper didnt waste a second before running towards Emmett both meeting in the middle as Emmett threw a punch Jasper way that was easily dodged. Jasper then hit Emmett in the chest sending him to the ground.
"Never lose focus." Jasper said before calling up Carlisle and Edward to go up against each other. Jasper took him place back beside Asher who was intently watching Carlisle and Edward, "isn't it a little unfair for Carlisle that Edward can read minds easily pinpointing his next move?" Zachary asked Asher gaining the redhead's attention, "I'm pretty sure that's the point, Zach. You shouldn't care about fairness when it comes to the newborns unless you want then to win." Asher said looking back at the two males completely missing the proud smile sent her way from the Cullens except Carlisle and Edward who were preoccupied.
Edward had taken down Carlisle somewhat easily thanks to his ability Edward turned his back to his adopted father, Asher saw his mistake quickly, "don't turn you back Edward." Asher said to herself, "One more thing." Jasper said as Carlisle took Edward down, "don't turn your back on your enemy." Jasper said giving the side of Asher's head a quick kiss.
Jasper was about to call up another before he looked at Jeremy who tilted his head towards Asher, Alicia, and Zachary. "Asher. Alicia. Zachary." Jasper called taking the three by surprise but they stepped forward nonetheless, Bella watched in interest, she's only ever seen Asher train against Alicia and Jeremy, having missed the one time she fought Zachary.
"Teamwork gives advantages against the newborns." Jasper said as it somehow became Alicia and Asher against Zachary who threw a punch Asher's way and she caught his fist effortlessly. Alicia locked her arms around Asher's from behind when she saw Zachary advancing again, it gave the girl a lift and she was able to kick Zachary's chest sending him flying into a tree close to the wolves.
"Pay attention to your surroundings, they wont give you time to look for the next." Jasper said coming up behind Asher just as Alicia moved out of the way. Asher turned quickly blocking his punches with her arms punching him in the chest quicker then he had expected her to come up with her next moves as if she planned ahead, Jasper fell back Asher using this too her advantage quickly going behind the tree he was infront of. Her breathing was barely audible, something she was trained on. Asher smirked watching her boyfriend look around for her confusion written on his face.
Her eyes glowed a light blue as she twirled her fingers around creating a blue mist to form, she sent it Jasper's way it hitting him on his right shoulder causing him to turn that way, Asher coming at him from the left and jumped on his back, his cold hand instantly going to her thighs to give her support, she kissed his neck softly and laughed, "nice try babe." Asher said hopping off her boyfriend and now stood beside Esme who put her hand around the girl's shoulder rubbing her arm lovingly.
Jasper smiled at his girlfriend proudly as he watched her interact with his adoptive mom. "That's all for today." Carlisle said smiling at his wife before looking at the wolves and guardians, "thank you for coming." He finished, the wolves began walking away into the forest except Paul, who was following William behind a tree due to the fact he had brought the russet boy extra clothes for a reason Asher didn't know.
Asher found herself standing beside Alice, Addison and Edward. Alice seemed alot more happy and excited as usual. "Alice are you okay, what did Addi give you?" Asher teased, earning a playful push from Alice and a chuckle from Addison and Edward. "You were badass out there Spitfire." Emmett said as he and Rosalie joined the group, Asher laughed, "thanks, you're also not bad at flying either." Asher teased earning a laugh from Rosalie and the others and a playful glare from Emmett.
"Jasper are you sure there's nothing I can do?" Asher heard Bella said, Asher looked up seeing Bella sitting on top of the jeep that Jasper headed towards. "well your presence alone, your scent will distract the newborns, honestly so will Asher's, I'd rather her stay with you and Edward but you know how stubborn she can be." Jasper told Bella, Asher shook her head and smiled, "it's weird yet nice to see them interact." Asher said, Edward laughed as Alice seemed to be waiting for something with a huge smile on her face.
"Their hunting instincts will take over, and drive them crazy" Jasper added, "good, I'm glad." Bella said, Asher saw her smile awkwardly yet nod. "Hey, how do you know so much about this?" Bella then asked when she saw Jasper start to walk away towards Asher and the others around her, Asher bit her lip, wondering if he'll open up to Bella like he did with Asher. "I didn't quite have the same upbringing as my adopted siblings." Jasper said as Paul walked up to the group, earning a few looks of disgust from the vampires, but Paul just ignored them and hugged Asher, "Hey Red." Paul said with a smile, "what's with that intense kinda creepy smile? You look like you're waiting for something to happen." Asher joked, Edward laughed as did Paul, Addison and Alice. "What's going on? You guys are acting weirder than usual." The group just smiled and shrugged and that girl who looked at them strangely but continued to watch and listen to Bella and Jasper interact.
"Those bites are like mine." Bella said in awe as Jasper showed her some the bite marks on his forearms, Bella jumped off the jeep to get a better look at them. "Battle scars, all the training the Confederate army gave me was useless against the newborns, still I never lost a fight." Jasper said, Asher smiled as Bella listened intently to Jasper the same way she did when he first told her.
"This happened during the civil war?" Bella asked as her and Jasper walked around a bit, "I was the youngest major in the Texas calvary, all without having seen real battle." Jasper said, a small smile danced it's way onto his lips. "Until?" Bella asked, seeming to know there was more to the story. Jasper face dropped a bit. "Until I met a certain immoral. Maria." Jasper said as they continued to walk, his smile gone just before the woman's name left his lips.
"I was riding back to Galveston, after evacuating a column of women and children when I saw her. I immediately offered her my aid." Jasper said the two now at a part of the clearing, Jasper stood by a tree whilst Bella sat on a rock listening to the story. "Maria was creating an army?" Bella asked curiously, Asher continued to listen to the story, she's heard it many times before, she honestly loved the story and it seemed to be something Jasper wanted to get off his chest when he first told her, so every once and a while he'd tell her again and she always listened, it was one of the many things he loved about her, she never had to listen to him, she wanted to.
"You're staring." Paul said placing his arm around his best friend, his comment caught her off guard, "what?" Asher asked finally tearing her eyes away from the honey blonde vampire and was not placed on her best friend, "you stare at him, not in a creepy way, more of an I can't get enough of you way, it's kinda weird but adorable at the same time." Paul teased, "you have no room to talk, I always catch you staring at Rachel, all the time." Asher said listening back in on the conversation between Jasper and Bella, having missed some parts, although she already knew the story she never got tired of hearing it.
"She was smart, careful and she had me, I was second in command. My abilities to control emotions served her well." Jasper said, Asher saw the emotions in his eyes. "I trained her newborns, an endless occupation since she never let them live past their first year." Jasper said, Bella listened intently as the blonde vampire spoke. "It was my job to dispose of them, I could feel everything they felt." Jasper said, pain in his voice causing Asher to begin walking towards him but was stopped by Alice. "Not yet." Alice said holding onto the hybrids arms earning a confused look for the Gilmore girl.
"I thought what Maria and I had was love, but I was her puppet and she pulled the strings. I didn't know there was another way, until Alice found me and took me to the others. I was happy but not as much as I am now, when she told me about Asher, I saw a chance to feel love again even if I was afraid to act on it." Jasper said catching Asher's gaze as Alice pushed her to him. "Okay okay pushy I'm going." Asher said with a laugh and she got to her boyfriend and wrapped her arms around his waist.
"I guess you can say I'm lucky you gave me a chance." Asher smiled adoringly at Jasper, he chuckled, Bella stood from the rock as Edward, Alice, Addison and Paul walked over, soon joined by the rest of the Cullens and Guardians who all smiled at the couple.
"What's going on here?" Asher asked noticing the audience that formed. Jasper pulled apart from Asher talking her hands in his causing her to looks at him once more. "We need to talk." Jasper said, he was nervous about what he was about to do, and that was the only way the seemed to come to mind when beginning. Asher's heart sank at the sound of those words automatically thinking of the worse until Jasoer lead Asher to the spot Bella once was and sat her down now on one knee, both of her small hands in one of his as his other fumbled in the back pocket of his jeans.
He finally took out a grey velvet box and opened it revealing a ring that seemed to sparkle in the small amount of sunlight peaking through the trees. He placed the box in her hands and cups his hand underneath hers. The ring was beautiful, a large square diamond was in the middle with smaller diamonds covering around the band. Asher gasped in surprise and awe glancing from the ring to her boyfriend.
"Ash, I have loved you since the moment I knew about you, courtesy of Alice of course." Jasper said glancing back at his best friend who was smiling brightly from beside Addison. "I love everything about you, from how strong and independent you are to you stubbornness and sass, I love how you never saw the monster I did in me, I love you selflessness and caring nature. I love the way your eyes sparkle when you laugh, and how you're not afraid to be yourself around me or my family." Tears of happiness threatened to spill from Asher's green eyes as she listened to the man she loved.
Jasper looked into her eyes seeing nothing but pure love giving him the final push he needed, all nervousness vanished.
"Asher Cameron Gilmore, you're the only happiness I need in this life, will you do me the incredible honor and make me the luckiest man alive and marry me?" Jasper asked, a few tears fell from Asher's eyes as she smiled. "Yes, of course I will." Asher said, the group behind them cheered and smiled as Jasper slipped the ring on her finger pulling her into a loving and passionate kiss.
"You don't understand how long I've been waiting for this." Alicia commented smiling at the newly engaged couple, causing them to pull apart in a laugh. Jasper picked up Asher and spinned her around, once he placed her back on the ground he pulled her into another loving kiss.
"I love you."
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Learn Japanese Language
Note: This is already the edited version.Well, this is not a story. It's a book where you can learn about Japanese so easy~~Read this and learn Japanese.I've already edited this book for some purposes. I'd like it to be more easy and convenient to understand. I'll also post some drills and exercises for you to easily remember what have you learned about the previous chapter. Enjoy reading! Arigatou!
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