《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (9)


HI guys, :)

So so sorry it feels like ages since I have uploaded last.

SO i just wanted you all to know how much i love you all. I didnt ever expect to get so many reads, but hey miricales happen!! haha

Comment Vote Fan if you like it

Claire xx


Scott's P.O.V

When I got home, Mum and dad were sitting at the table, with stern looks on their faces.

Why was it that every time I come home, something bad has happened involving me?

"Scott, sit down." Mum smiled reassuring me. I sat down slowly unsure where this conversation was going to.

"I got a call while you were out today son," Dad said as if he didn’t want to give away too much information. Like he was hiding something from me.

"From who?" I asked him.

"The Binders Pack. They want to help us." Dad smiled sadly towards me.

"Help us with what? Dad’s what’s going on?”

"He is near. Tyler caught his scent yesterday. He is coming soon for her Scott. We want to be completely prepared when he does."

I didn't know how to react to this. Someone wants Oakley. He wants my Oakley, to take her all for himself. One thing I was yet to understand was why he wanted to take her. Who was Oakley to him?

"When are the Binders arriving then?" I demanded.

"Tomorrow night. They will stay here with us at the house and protect everyone in the pack from them. We don’t know how dangerous this man is yet, but I’m not willing to take any risks."

"What about Oakley?"

"What about her?"

"Who will be protecting her? I can't be around her all the time. We need someone in the distance to watch her. She’s involved with this too, she has a right to be safe" I stood up.

"She will be carefully looked after Scott stop worrying about her alright."

"By who?"

"I don't know yet."

"Well the minute you find out. I want to be the first to know, understand? I don’t just want some amateur kid watching her. Oakley needs the best protection she can possibly get. I was the one who brought her into this whole thing, I will pull her out. She is my responsibility and I need to take care of her. What if she gets hurt? What am I going to do then? Dad we can’t let him hurt her. "

“Honey it’ll be okay, you don’t have to worry alright. Just stop and take a breath. Oakley will be fine. This will all blow over in a week or so.” My mum warned me.

“I hope so; He won’t even know what’s coming his way when he sees me.” I growled.

“Scott, do you have any idea why he would be targeting Oakley? You never know son, this could all just be a silly high school prank that one of your friends are pulling to get you upset.” Mum wasn’t helping me nor calming me down a single bit.

“I just want her safe. I don’t care who’s out to get her and why. I just want her safe dammit!” I yelled shooting up. The chair that I was sitting on fell to the floor behind me and the table dragged forward the slightest.

"Scott you have to calm down, before you do something you're going to regret." Mum warned me. She was right, I was going to hurt someone in a second if I didn’t get outside and take a breath.


"I'm going for a run.” I told them after a few minutes. “Where's Tyler?" I asked them.

"He left to go down to the lake a few hours ago. Go talk to him, and just be careful Scott darling. Please?" Mum smiled. She was worried, always has been. She thinks I'm going to get into big trouble day.

When I got outside, I immediately felt relief run through my body. I placed my clothes behind one of the trees and changed into my wolf. I ran as fast as I could, taking in all different scents filling my nose.

I could block it all out if I really wanted to, but it's so different from being human I loved every minute of it. The best thing about being a wolf is being able to switch back and forth. You get not just one but two perspectives of life. Being a wolf just gives you the opportunity to be free and take in the moment without rushing on. When I’m a human I don’t have time to just stop what I’m doing and look around and admire the view. I don’t think anyone does really.

That’s why I loved being a wolf. It’s just so different. Also being a part of a pack, you have the advantage to hear the other wolfs thoughts. It's how we can communicate to one another.

"Tyler, where are you?" I called to him through my mind.

"Over at the lake," He replied seconds later.

Getting the jeans from my father, I was one of the fastest wolves in the pack. Running was my thing. That’s the reason I’m the stay football player back at school. I outrun all of them, even the wolves. I found Tyler walking around the lake, obviously in a deep thought about something.

"Man what's going on?" I asked him.

He didn't realise I was there, and screamed. It was a high pitched screech that rang through my head.

Laughing, he knocked me over onto my back.

"Don't do that!" He yelled.

"Sorry, where's your head at man, everything alright?" I asked.

"Just thinking about next week I guess."

"What's next week?"

"The mating ceremony." He answered it as if I was the dumbest person in the world.

I paused for a second. I had completely forgotten about the mating ceremony. For every wolf that didn't have a mate in the pack was forced to go and hopefully had luck that night in finding one. This got me thinking again, what if dad was going to force me go? He didn't approve of Oakley because she was a human, oh gosh please don't tell me he wanted me to go.

"Are you going?" Tyler brought me out of my deep thoughts.

"Why would I go?" I asked him needed to be reassured.

"Well, your dad doesn't really approve of a human mate Scott, I was just thinking." He stuttered in my mind.

"I don't care. I'm not going even if he forces me." I snapped back at Tyler.

"What have you got to lose though?"

I stopped pacing. I suppose he had a good point. What do I have to lose by going? I’ve found my mate, why am I worried about meeting someone else? Then again.

"Just to be sure." I thought.

"Wanna go for a run, clear your head?" He suggested obviously wanting to change the subject.

"Yeah alright." I smiled. I shielded my mind and started to run. Tyler was running right beside me, trying to keep up. He wasn't as fast as I was, but would never deny it. He was a good mate. I don’t know what I would do without them.


His wolf had dark brown fur and a lighter brown near his paws. He had nice fur, and a good heart. Any girl would be lucky to be his mate I reckon.


I rolled up at Oakley's house right on 4:30 to babysit them again.

I knocked on the door, and grabbed my phone out from my pocket. Looking at it, I saw it was 4:30, perfect timing. I had a little look through my phone while waiting for someone to come to the door when I realised that I didn't have Oakley's number saved into my contact list.

That's something I would do tonight then.

My face lit up completely when I saw the most beautiful girl in the world open the door.

"Hey Scott." She smiled cheerfully at me sending my heart rate over the moon. My heart honestly nearly burst out of my chest.

"Hey Oak’s." I returned the smile creating my own little nick name for her.

"Come in." She stood back and opened the door wider for me. I stepped beside her and walked in. Our hands slightly touched and I felt one hundred sparks running through my body. This girl was going to kill me one day.

"You okay?" Oakley asked looking up at me.

I looked down at her and saw her face staring at me in confusion. She was always looking out for me in her own little way. It was adorable. "I’m Perfect."

After a few hours of looking after the kids we all ended up in the front room curled up together watching a movie. There weren’t many couches in here, so some of the little ones were forced to sit on the floor, Oakley included.

I was sitting on the far couch with the two twins Kate and Stephanie. I hadn't really had much to do with them, but they sounded alright. They were very quiet and would always keep to themselves most the time. They were cute though. Always wearing Oakley's hand-me-downs.

I looked down on the floor and smiled at Oakley. She was leaning on the couch armrest beside me. I was stroking her hair slightly, just enough for her to feel it. She was nearly asleep, He breathing was getting deeper. I had to keep her awake so she could go to work soon, must to my misery.

"Oakley." The youngest boy Liam whispered. He was by far the cutest little kid I had ever met before. He was trying to be quite by whispering so he wouldn’t interrupt anyone, but his whisper was like a little yell. He was hopeless.

"Yeah Liam?" Oakley replied to him softly.

"Bananana?" He smiled. I think he meant Banana.

"It's close to dinner time Liam. Can you wait a little bit longer?" She asked.

He shook his head and pouted. It was a cute little look that Oakley couldn't say no too. She got up and left to go to the kitchen. I got up and was about to follow her, when I felt Kate's head drop on my shoulder. She was fast asleep. I didn't want to wake her, so I just waited for Oakley to come back.

When she finally did, she flashed me a smile.

"What time is it?" I asked her.

"5:30, are you getting hungry yet?" She asked.

"Want me to cook? You have to get ready for work soon don’t you?"

She looked up at the grandfather clock behind the couch and gasped. "Crap I have to get ready."

I chuckled when she ran up into her room, almost tripping on the way up. She was just too clumsy.

"You like her." Chloe whispered into my ear.

I looked down at her. "Shut up." So much for thinking she was cute.

When Oakley returned she was in her work outfit. She looked cute as ever, but I still wasn't sure she should be going to work today.

"Are you sure you will be okay working today?" I asked her.

"I'll be fine, If I'm not I'll call you okay." She reassured me.

"Alright, have fun then Oakley."

"Serving people all night. Yep great fun I’m, sure." I laughed at her humour.

"See you at 9." I told her.


It felt like forever since I had last seen her, I'm sorry but why do work shifts go for that long? This was just terrible. I guess I wouldn't know because I have never had a job before, but still people have lives they would like to live instead of serving people all night long.

The wind outside was howling like never before. I swear since Oakley left it had dropped over ten degrees.

That was just another reason she shouldn’t be work at night. It was freezing outside. I of course couldn't feel any cold because of my werewolf fur, but for people like her, it was freezing cold. She could get sick or something.

My wolf suddenly started howling. I looked up; he only ever starts howling when something wasn't right. Last time it did that someone was in the house nearly going to attack my mum. No one messes with me or my family. Something wasn't right. I felt strange, but only in one particular place.

My heart.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Oakley must be in trouble. She was also alone. Where was she though? Looking at my phone clock, it was 9:15; it doesn't take that long to drive home. It was just around the corner. Why wasn’t she home yet then?

I jumped off my seat and ran into her room where Jason was reading a magazine.

"What the hell do you want?" He snapped as I entered in.

"Listen I just wanted to tell you I'm going to go look for Oakley. She isn't home yet and I think something has happened to her. Make sure everyone is asleep in half hour alright? I’m counting on you Jason." I told him sternly.

Jason looked at his alarm clock, then back up at me unamused.

"You are not serious are you lover boy? She finished work 15 minutes ago and you're already freaking out?" He shook his head at me.

"I felt something before, I still can, something isn't right." I signed.

"What did you feel?" Jason asked.

"Jason I need to you look after the others, everyone one else is in bed, if they wake up, please just cooperate with them and send them back. It's probably nothing alright. I'll be home with Oakley soon." I didn't wait for his reply. I ran out the house into my car. The minute I started it, my phone rang. I looked at the number calling.


"Oakley?" I asked almost desperately.

"Scott." She sobbed.

"Babe what's wrong where are you?" I panicked.

"I don't know, I was at my car before, now I’m not too sure." Her voice was full of fear and desperation.

"Okay, where are you now? Look around, can you see anything that looks familiar?"

"Tree's, there are a lot of trees." The phone was starting to crackle a little.

"Oakley stop moving around, the phone is breaking up. What else do you see other than trees?" I demanded, not too harsh.

"Hurry Scott, it might come back."

"What might come back?"

"It was big and black Scott it was following me for ages." She sobbed into the phone.

I stopped, I think I knew what she was talking about. I just didn't want to believe it. This is bad, this is really bad. I can't lose her, not yet, not ever. She was my everything.

"Oakley I need you to be calm alright, what did you see?" I asked carefully.

"A big d- AAAHHHHHH." She screamed.

"Oakley!" I shouted.

The line was dead. Where the hell was she?


Duh duh duhhhhhhhhh

Little cliffhanger.

remember vote for it, if not Oakley will dieee!

joking joking she doesn't ahahhaha im so funny! :D

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