《Orphan Girl》Orphan Girl (10)


Here it is guys,

Honestly last chapter when I said 20 votes and i will upload i didn't think that it would happen in a day. I wrote it all today after school.

ahaha but I'm not complaining, gosh no thank you all so much!!

Here is a new chapter, I'm not going to say 20 votes for another upload because i would be uploading tomorrow because of you amazing fans!!

Yeah vote if you want to, Comment on what you think, private message me if you wish me to check out your stories or something. Yeah okay...

Here is chapter 10.


I ran, the car was useless. It wouldn't get me there fast enough.

I didn't know where she was, but I was going to find her. I was sure of it.

Honestly, deep down I knew exactly what she saw, I just didn't want her to be worried or anymore scared then she already was.

I ran to the nearest forest entrance changing into my wolf form, not caring that I didn't have a change of clothes to change back into too. She was my top priority right now.

I tried to smell where she was, but there was no trace of her. My heart was beating in my chest. Where the hell was she?

I kept running frantically, I didn't know where she was, but my gut was telling me she wasn't okay.

She needed my help.

Hold on Oakley, hold on.

I froze. I smelt something.

I smelt Oakley.

I ran towards her scent.

Her scent was the only thing keeping my sane right now.

Wait, she doesn't know about me. I have to change back. I didn't have any clothes though. I trotted behind a tree and found a shirt and shorts.

Hold on, these are my clothes, I lost them ages ago.

Ha, so that's where they went.

I changed into human form and got changed in record time.

"Oakley?" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Being a human, my ears and eyes sight wasn't as good as being a wolf, but better than an average human. It was enough to find Oakley and bring her back to safety.

I listened carefully and shot up when I heard sobbing.

"Oakley!" I yelled again.

"Scott?" I heard the faintest whisper from behind a tree. I ran faster than ever to see the most beautiful girl in the world, leaning her back on a black half burnt down tree, her knees up to her chest, scared out of her little mind.

"Oh Oakley." I sighed.

Her head snapped up and I saw all the tears stained on her face. She was scared of me.

She knows. My wolf said to me. She knows about werewolves and she wasn't okay with it all.

She started to cry again, still shaking uncontrollable.


I took at step closer until I was in front of her, I kneeled down and rested my hand on her cheek.

"Oakley, love what did you see?" I asked her.

She didn't say anything at first. She looked up at me, my heart breaking a little more.

"I ran, I'm so sorry, I didn't know what else to do." She broke out into sobs again.

"Hey, it's okay Oakley. You did the right thing. It's alright." I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"It was so big, it wouldn't stop following me. I tried to run away from it, but i just wasn't fast enough."

"Did it hurt you?" I looked all over her body, she seemed okay.

"Scott what the hell was that thing?" She asked.

"Oakley, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I shook my head. She shouldn't have seen that, not yet.

"Why are you sorry?" She asked.

I stopped; she wasn't in a good state for me to tell her the truth.

"Let me take you home, I'll make you a hot chocolate and we can watch a movie." She nodded.

Being extra careful I lifted her up in my arms.

Dammit I left the car at home. How was I going to get her home before she practically die's of hypothermia?

I looked down at Oakley's fragile body, she was still silently crying.

"Oakley, I'm going to put you back down and go get the car alright?" I asked softly.

"Why can't I come to the car with you?" She asked.

"It's really far away; I don't think I can carry you all that way." That was a lie, she was that light It was like I was holding nothing. I could carry her for hours and my arms would be sore in the slightest.

"Please don't leave me here again." She whispered.

"I'll be 15 minutes that latest." I carefully laid her on the cold dirty ground, cursing myself for being so stupid and not bringing the car. It would take to long if I walked human speed to her house. If I was in wolf form, she could go on my back and we would be there quicker than lightening.

"No you can't. Don't leave me out here alone please Scott." She begged, tears falling down her face.

"I'm sorry Oakley, I'll be back as quickly as possible alright?" I really didn't want to leave her, but this was the only way.

"Please hurry." Her skin was like touching ice. I'm a wolf and it was still cold for me. She wasn't going to last much longer if she doesn't warm up soon.

"Don't go anywhere alright?" I smiled to make her feel comfortable.

She nodded and curled up into a tighter ball trying to keep herself warm


It was killing me that I couldn't have help out her quicker.

But she couldn't know. Not yet anyway.

She was hysterical over seeing a random wolf, imagine what would happen if she saw me. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her.

This should warm her up a little.

I ran in my human form as fast as ever until I got to her house. I saw a faint shadow waiting on the doorstep. My heart beating faster than it already was, i slowly walked towards it, thinking the worst.

"Scott?" He asked. I knew that voice.

"Jason?" I asked squinting to see him in the dark.

"Where's Oakley?" He asked.

"She is in the forest." I muttered walking to my car.

"Why the hell did you leave her there?" He shot up, fuming with anger.

"I'm getting my car and going there now. She isn't in a state to walk, and she is freezing. It would be too hard for her."

"Are you seriously that stupid?"I stopped and looked at him.


"You are a freaking werewolf, and you think she is going to be cold when you carry her home? You have got to be kidding me."

I looked at him in disbelief. He was right. I was so stupid. I can't believe I didn't think of that myself.

"Hold on a second, Jason you said werewolf." He wasn't suppose to know. How the hell did he know?

"I read and watch things." He said in a 'duh' tone.

"What do you know?" I questioned.

"I know you better get your ass into that forest and help Oakley before she dies!" He yelled.

As much as it killed me to say, the kid was right. She wasnt going to last much longer without my help. I hade to do something, and really fast.

I race into the car and drove to the forest where the road stopped. I got out and frantically searched for Oakley. I left her near a tree.

Dammitt Scott look at how many tree's there are, you idiot.

"Oakley!" I called. She was struggling to whisper let alone yell. I ran around the tree's searching for her. She wasn't lost; no I was going to find her.

"Oakley!" I yelled panicking just a little.

That's when I saw her. Memories flashed into my head when I saw her on the ground in her old basement, it was like someone was stabbing my heart with a million pins.

She was on the floor, her head leaning on her arm. Her eyes closed, her chest wasn't rising.

"Oakley!" I ran to her and kneeled beside her. She didn't move.

I touched her cheek and it was like ice. She was freezing all over. I didn't realize how cold it was ou here until I touched her.

Being as careful as ever I lifted her up and placed her in the back of my car. I drove quickly to her house as I didn't want to explain anything to the doctors.

When I got home I lifted Oakley up and she wasn't moving. My heart was pounding in my chest. It was like my world was breaking into pieces, but there was nothing else I could do for her.

Jason was pacing back and forth in the doorway clearly waiting for Oakley.

"Is she okay?" He jumped up.

"I don't know what to do." It was the truth.

"Put her in her bed, warm her up. Take her clothes off." He paused. "I'll take her clothes off." He changed his mind.

"No you will not." I protested.

"You are a hormonal teenage boy going to undress my sister. Let me do it." He yelled.

"Shut up, please." Oakley whispered. I smiled, she was okay.

"Oakley, love how are you feeling." Jason asked.

"Cold." Was all she said.

"It's okay; we will get you warmed up in no time."

"How?I don't think I will ever be warm again." I smiled at this.

I took her jumper and shoes off, thinking the less wet clothes she had on, the better. I sat down on the couch and put her on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and rubbed her arms.

"Come on Oakley, you're going to warm up soon." I smiled. She was okay. My Oakley was okay. I wasn't going to lose her tonight. I was never going to lose her. Ever.

"How did you know I was there?"She whispered.

"I had a good feeling I knew."

"You knew what I saw?" She looked up at me.

I nodded.


"Oakley, it's okay." I really didn't want to tell her.


"When you get better I will explain everything to you. I think you're going to have a killer cold after tonight though." I smiled.

She laughed.

"Thanks you Scott. That's the second time you have been there for me. What can I do to thank you?" She asked, she wasn't as cold anymore.

I smiled at her. Thoughts filled my head.

"You can do this." I tilted her chin forward towards me and kissed her softly. Not wanting to hurt her delicate face.


awwwww I had fun wirting this!! :)

I like Scott and Oakley, you are pretty cute I reckon!!!

Whoa so, jason already new about him being a wolf.

Yeah tune in for next upload, i have uploaded twice in one week so dont be expecting one for a week or so, school is ending in two weeks so i will be uploading quicker....

Yeah next chatper will be about the mating ceremony!!!


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