《Best Friends Brother》17



"Its about mom" Piper says "What happened?" I ask. Piper paused for a few seconds. Oh my gosh. Our mom is dead. No. "Shes okay!" Piper shouts "what?" I ask "she doesn't have cancer again, she's okay" Piper says. I dropped my phone in disbelief. I smiled. After all this I thought my mom was going to die, but shes okay.

"What happend?" Sophie asks as she walks over to me and picks my phone up off the floor. She had that sympathetic look that I hate. Then she sees the smile on my face. The sympathetic look is erased and she hugs me. I had a sudden burst of courage, and decided that today was the day I would tell Sophie I was in love with her. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Today. I was tired of letting my fear of loosing people control my life.

"Sophie, can I tell you something?" I ask "sure" she replies.


"Sure" I replied to Jentzen question a little confused. "I like you." Jentzen says.

As a friend. I was waiting to hear that last part. But, I never did. The sentence just ended there. What if he didnt mean as a friend? What if he actually likes me? "I like you too" I replied.


So, that's how it started. It, being Jentzen and I's relationship. It started off with us both being scared of something.

For me it was love. I was scared of loving someone too much, then getting hurt.

For Jentzen, it was loss. He was scared of loosing someone. Getting used to seeing someone every day, and then losing them.

But, our fears brought up closer together. Our fears always brought us back to eachother. Who knew that I would end up falling for my Best Friends Brother.

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