《Armor》The Leap


Prince Eric just smirked a little in understanding, "Oh pray tell."

"You would think the woman would thank me, but no... she goes and thanks the lad for saving her. The chit even had the gall to threaten me!"

Eric laughed and muttered to himself, "Well she hasn't changed a bit."

Aiden glared at his best friend and ran his hand through his hair.

"Hey, pray don't look at me like that. 'Tis just that..." He shook his head, "nevermind. How about you get rested and we will talk to father in the morn." He noticed the dawning outside of the chamber window "Or should I say in a few of hours."

Aiden nodded and Eric exited the chamber, firmly shutting the door behind himself. He laid down on the silky blankets and stared at the ceiling. Pictures of angels were painted into it. Aiden noticed how peaceful their faces were and how they were surrounded by white fluffy clouds. Their wings were spread out, and joyful smiles played on their lips. He started to drift into a restless slumber, the last thing he saw was the smile of an angel. Strangely enough, he dreamt of Isabella.


Isabella's sword fell uselessly to the ground. As she went to reach for it, her slim hand was stepped on. She cried out in pain and glanced up to see the silhouette of a tall man with jagged scar down his face. He raised his sword above his head ready to make the lethal blow, and terror took the scream right out of her throat. The sword started to descend and she closed her eyes when she abruptly heard a grunt. Isabella glanced up and saw the tall man glancing down at his chest in utter surprise. She saw the bloody tip of a sword sticking out of his chest just as blood began to trickle from his lips. She just barely managed to roll out of the way as his body crashed down. She was struggling to rise when she noticed a tan hand outstretched ready to assist her. She looked upwards expecting to see her father but instead saw a pair of hazel eyes. She woke up gasping for breath scared out of her wits. She glanced around and realized it was only a dream. She shakily pushed her brown hair out of her face and laid back. It seemed so real. Those hazel eyes, where have I.... She groaned. Aiden. She took a moment to think back to their encounter. That swine accused me of impersonating a knight. I will have to show him, then again, him underestimating me could work in my favor. She laid back down and smiled this time dreaming of her victory over a certain hazel eyed knight.

The next time she woke up, it was to the sound of her father and Gardian knights conversing.

"Sir, do you think he killed them?"

Who are they talking about? She wondered. She peaked over her covers and saw that it was barely past dawn.


William replied, "I do not know Edwin. I would not put it past a Jarian, but Aiden saved Bella and I from refugees, so it could have truly been them instead."

Isabella sat up still wrapped tightly in a blanket. "What is going on?"

William looked sheepishly at his daughter, "Hello dear, sorry to wake you." Isabella shook her head indicating she was already awake. After that dream, sleep seemed very much like a non factor anyway. She dozed restlessly for the remainder of the night, but never quite returned to the land of slumber.

She suddenly smiled so brightly, that William, for a moment, was at a loss for words. "Father, James said I could get up today! I want to try now, will you assist me?" William nodded, and sent the guards out of the chamber. He turned and allowed her to don her light plate over her thin linen white blouse she borrowed from the elderly lady.

He helped her swing her legs over the bedside ever so slowly, just to where her toes barely grazed the wooden floor. After not standing for so long, William was weary of letting her rush and stand but instead choose to take most of her weight as she eased up. He acted as her human crutch. "How are you feeling? Any pain from your back?" He studied her face for any signs of discomfort.

Isabella laughed happily. "I feel fine father, pray stop stressing." She, though feeling a little shaky, separated herself from her father managing to support her own weight. She felt as a doe felt while just learning to walk. She simply missed movement and freedom in the last week and was happy things were returning to normalcy somewhat. She could not wait to pick up her sword and make up for all the time she lost not training.

She slowly stretched and smiled brighter when she did not have to wince in pain. The elderly lady walked in followed by James and both were glad to see the young Princess up.

"Dear, do you feel pain or discomfort?" She asked.

"None at all Madame. Thank you for everything you have done for me. When we return home, I hope you would agree to visit and be our honored guest."

James spoke up, "Visit to a castle? Sounds great." He looked to his mother for confirmation.

The woman chuckled, "No problem dear. We would like that very much. In all honesty, I had to help if it meant preventing that young knight from fainting in fright. The young man was so worried, it touched the heart of an ancient woman." She laughed.

Isabella chose to ignore that and instead walked over and hugged the woman and James. Just as she pulled back from James, Aiden followed by King Charles, her guards and man in silk robes and overly large gold ring entered.

"It looks like chivalry is starting to die out seeing as no one bothered to knock." The elderly lady crossed her arms and huffed and Isabella nodded and smiled in agreement.


"I mean it. You people bring danger!" Isabella sat back down on the bed a little winded as the man said this. She assumed he was the leader of Hartha.

Aiden stared the man down. "And your cause is? Sir Huey, you caught the savages who did this, thus proving me an innocent man." Huey just glared more as two of his guards entered.

"You--" he pointed to the two confused kings also taking a step closer in rage. Aiden stepped in front of Charles protectively, hand on dagger, just as Isabella motioned to her men to stand in front of her father.

She stood up, "I suggest you take a step back Sir and calm down." She stated in a cold, dangerous voice. Aiden was shocked at this but his eyes remained focused on the now semi cowering Huey.

William inquired, "What is the matter at hand?" Isabella had been wondering this also so she was glad when he asked.

"You people bring danger and you are to leave this city immediately!" Huey declared.

"You do realize that this is the ultimate disrespect, kicking not one but two kings out of the city especially when we are here for official business. This could cause war. And from the looks of it," Aiden inclined his head toward the wimpy guards, "your guards versus two armies of knights would not make it." Aiden warned.

Huey gulped but stood his ground. Isabella forever sensible spoke, "Aiden, I believe he has the right to banish us, 'tis his land after all." Huey nodded satisfied while Aiden rolled his eyes at this. "However;" she glared clarifying, "the party must have just reason to do so. And you Sir have not given any at all. Now I am not completely sure what has transpired so someone please start explaining."

"This land is a peaceful land of trade, monks, commerce. We are never attacked by those ruthless people you refer to as refugees. Then, you all arrived claiming that there has been an attempt on your lives and you survived. Ever since, any man and woman that leave the gates are attacked. The victims are always an older man and young woman. Does that sound familiar?" Isabella gasped and William just frowned. "Last night, a woman and man were attacked and slain, Aiden here was there to witness it. It seems he was too far away to do anything. 'Twas my daughter and her betrothed." Grief clogged his throat but he cleared it and began to rage again. "There's my just reason! I want you all gone by the morrow or I will give you a reason to declare war." He finished sending a pointed look to Aiden before leaving.

Aiden growled and went to follow him when Isabella's touch on his shoulder stopped him. "Let him go. He's grieving."

"That doesn't give him the--"

"You can see the grief in his eyes, clearly he is not thinking correctly."

William spoke, "This was clearly a bad idea. People are dying because of the last time we had this damned meeting fifteen years ago."

Charles spoke, "I will have to disagree. That meeting did us some good. Less of my people have killed your people in my land."

"It seems like my people resent me more than ever because of that decree, at least Baldwin said so." He said more to himself. "Either way, we are going to leave this land and let the poor man grieve properly. Isabella we should head home--"

"But William, we must have this meeting, there are other things to be discussed besides the refugees."

"We will send letters." William shrugged.

"Yeah, letters that take weeks to arrive. These things must be discussed immediately. Young Isabella's letter said it all. A war could break out if nothing is done. We cannot just let things be. It has been happening way too long."

Isabella looked over to Aiden who had a pensive look on his face. He spoke, "Why don't we invite them to Jaria?"

A stunned silence hung in the air before both kings shouted "Of course not!" They glared at one another.

Isabella spoke, "That probably would not be wise."

"This meeting needs to happen. Jaria is only a three day ride from here so you would not have to travel for too long injured, and you won't have to fret about attacks because you'll be riding in the royal carriage with way more than six guards." Aiden reasoned.

The elderly lady spoke, "It may not be in my place to say," she paused. "But from the sound of it, this meeting is important to the future of your lands. You did not travel all this way to not have a meeting at all. The wise are willing to compromise." She finished.

"Mother I do not think 'tis our affair to comment on." James saw the Kings' faces and he did not think them easily swayed, especially by an old physician lady.

"'Tis fine really James, she has a point." Isabella turned to her father, "We will be perfectly safe I can guarantee that. We should compromise, and I agree to this." James escorted his mother out of the tension filled room. The Gardian knights exited at Isabella's signal to go pack.

William huffed as Aiden turned to leave, ushering King William out of the chamber. "'Tis done then, we commence travel to Jaria this evening."

"Oh and Aiden, make sure you and your king try nothing funny on this little trip. We're taking a leap here."

"Princess, we just want peace. We will do whatever it is to ensure it, no matter what it takes." He left.

Isabella looked her father and smiled weakly "Looks as if we are going to take a trip to Jaria."

William shook his head, "I need to write Baldwin, please excuse me dear."

She sighed and sat down. What a leap indeed.

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