

Isabella rolled her eyes, "Nothing, absolutely nothing."


After further examination, the elderly lady decided that Isabella would be able to leave bed rest after one more night of rest. Isabella, anticipating the next day, went to bed earlier than usual.

As Isabella rested peacefully, Aiden, frustrated, rode outside of the gates of Hartha as he had before. He rode to the same spot by the river bank. The sun began to set. The stubborn last bit of light that pushed through the thin tree branches reflected off of the clear blue of the river and danced playfully in swift current.

He thought back to last time he was there and what happened. Aiden shook his head; half in amusement, half in annoyance. "She threatened me. Not a thank you but a threat! Yet she thanks James." He ran a hand through his hair and turned to his horse. "Ha! She even really believes that she is a knight too; just because she wore a little armor. Women." He paused and reconsidered. "No, she is far from the average woman. Lord, now I am talking to a horse." He shook his head and patted his horse. After surveying the area one more time, he hopped onto his horse and rode back to the gates of Hartha. As his horse trotted he felt himself relaxing; there was something about that riverbank.

The grassy plain gave way to a dusty trail. Nearing a few hundred yards away from the gates, he happened to notice a panicked shout. A woman and a man were being held by what appeared to be refugees. There was no way he would have had the element of surprise on his side this time around.

He sent his horse into a full out sprint but before he could prevent it, the refugees decapitated both the man and woman. He yelled, outraged at the scene and spurred his horse on faster, so badly wanting the blood of those brutal murders.

He reached the sight and a dust cloud shot up, swiftly blinding him for a moment as the refugees fled.

He wiped his teary eyes and considered chasing them down until he glanced down at the lifeless forms sprawled out on the dusty ground. The sun abandoned the sky and the heat left the air as a sudden wind picked up. Goose bumps covered his cold skin and his stoic face set into a deep frown. Aiden sent a prayer up for the souls of the innocent people who died a senseless death.


He looked around for anyone else and noticed how dark the sky suddenly was. It was almost as if it reflected his own mood. Dark and stormy it was. He bent down and picked up a form trying his very best to hold in his sickness from it all. He wanted to yell, he wanted to scream, he wanted to go hunt the refugees, but the most he could do was put the bodies in the carriage and take them to the coroner. Aiden, now covered in blood, carried the woman over and placed her lifeless form into the carriage. Only the sound of his labored breathing and his horse's quiet neighs interrupted the silence of the night.

He went to pick up the man's body when a voice rung out into the quiet cold night. "You there! What are you doing out here?!" The man neared and froze when he saw the blood covered Aiden carrying a lifeless, headless man. The man's hand shot to his sword and he yelled loudly into the gate. "Come quick and call the coroner! I've found a blood covered man and two lifeless bodies! Go!" The shouts of Guards interrupted the silence of the night and the giant gate swung open to reveal five men.

Aiden hurriedly explained, "I came riding back from a nearby forest just north a couple of miles away when I returned to this couple getting slaughtered by refugees." He regretfully said, "They rode away before I could catch them, down that path." He pointed West. Hoof print trails marked the ground.

The Guards began to surround him clearly not believing him. Aiden feeling threatened placed his hand on his sword. "Why are you covered in blood then, and how did they get away if you have a sword with you?" One guard hesitantly asked. More people crowded around at this point.

Aiden already drowning in guilt glared and stated, "Instead of giving chase I decided to tend to the deceased. They were already too far away and I had been blinded by a dust cloud."

The first guard spoke up. "I checked outside the gates thirty minutes ago and I saw no refugees."

Aiden dug deep within himself for patience that he had learned to achieve in this very place. Back in his day, guards possessed brains. Then again, this is pretty suspicious looking. He mentally admitted. "Could be it that the refugees were hiding and that the couple was slain while you were inside of the gates?"


Aiden never understood why the Guards were positioned inside of the gates. Crime so rarely happened in Hartha; the guilds and the monks lived peacefully together. "Had you been stationed outside of the large protective gate you would have seen them eventually, or even prevented it." Aiden finished. Part of him knew he was not being fair, but he was weary of the accusatory glances and the questions.

The Guard looked offended but replied, "How about we get these bodies to the Coroner and you come with us." The man went to grab Aiden's arm but Austin shot him a look that said, Try it and you will lose your precious arm. Instead the guard motioned for Aiden to walk in front of him and from there everyone dispersed. Aiden ignored the cries of distress from women and the angry grunts from the men. He just sighed and walked to the Trial Hall.


He sat in the questioning room for what felt like hours to him. The air was thick inside of the small room. The drab walls and stained carpets were hard to ignore. Aiden sighed, he felt sick and wanted out of his bloody attire. He sat up as two guards entered with an elderly man. The man wore rich clothing and a gold ring. Aiden concluded that he was the leader of Hartha.

The man spoke, "I am Huey, what is your name foreigner?"

"Aiden, Head Knight of Jaria."

"Aiden of Jaria please tell me what has transpired."

Aiden repeated his tale for what felt like the hundredth time. Though he left his face carefully blank, his stomach churned at the thought of the couple and their deaths. Their frightened faces haunted his mind, her panicked shout still rang in his ears.

The man's face paled and became thoughtful when Aiden mentioned refugees. "If I did anything wrong it was not arriving soon enough to stop those bastards." He finished. His hands were clenching and unclenching underneath the small oak table. He wanted, no he needed to get out of the cramped room. Verbally sparring with Isabella seemed to be the silver lining of his day. "Have any of you sent word to My Lord?"

The man sat quietly thinking when a guard entered and spoke in hushed tones to him. Huey's face changed from pensive to outraged in an blink of an eye. He stood in order to exit the stale quarter.

Before Aiden could speak Huey turned and spoke. "Guard let him walk and see him to his chamber. Aiden your vassal has been notified of your whereabouts." Huey exited the room and Aiden was allowed to leave.


When Aiden arrived to his chambers he found a very grim looking Eric.

"Aiden, what is this I hear? You were found with two dead bodies?"

He interrupted him, "Excuse me Prince Eric, but this day has been maddening." He took a deep breath trying to hold himself together. "If I have to explain what happened one more time I WILL explode."

Eric's curiosity quickly turned to concern as he watched his usually poised friend pace. "What happened?" he asked softly.

"I Failed. I Failed to protect them! I'm a sworn protector yet I went bare. No throwing knives, no darts, no full body armor just a USELESS SWORD." He threw his sword to the ground and ran his fingers through his hair. Pacing for a moment he then decided to wash his face and hands and put on clean clothes behind the changing screen to rid himself of the grime.

Eric nodded. "You cannot save everyone. The Lord giveth and he taketh away. They are in a better place Aiden. Besides, you tried." Eric comforted Aiden. Then he paused a second before continuing. "There's something else bothering you. What are you not telling me?"

Aiden looked at Eric for a while. Eric stared back expecting an answer. Eric knew Aiden well enough to know that it was not only the deaths that bothered him. Aiden sneered, "Refugees Eric. Refugees." His fist clenched at his sides. Aiden sighed wearily. "Also, I had an encounter with the woman."

Eric looked confused, "Myra has been bothering you again?"

Aiden shook his head but his lips twitched slightly, "Not her, this time. Princess Isabella."

Eric just smirked a little in understanding. "Oh pray tell."

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