

Aiden paced right outside the door and ran his hand through his wild hair, unintentionally removing his hair tie.

Ok, so I will just check in and say hi. Hello? No, not Hello. I'll ask about her well being... no. Shite, what do I say? I'll introduce myself, yeah start with that. Aiden readied his hand to knock on the door when it opened to reveal a reading Isabella. He witnessed her pretty brown eyes twinkling in interest, and even picked up on her habit of twirling a curly lock around her slim finger. He saw her full lips form a pout and smiled to himself at her innocent expressions. What am I doing studying her like some creep... He scolded himself. And her pouting face? Despicable.

Aiden hated pouting women because he believed that pouting was just another method of manipulation the vipers used on their unsuspecting prey to get their way. He saw Myra's pouts work more on men than he cared to think about. He shook the treacherous thoughts away and spoke to her.

"What are you reading?"

She gasped and glanced up to meet the now familiar hazel eyes. She took in his long brown hair that was left hanging down, his chiseled high cheekbones, and strong jaw covered by a light goatee. She noted that his skin was just as tan as hers and his slim fit armor eluded to a very muscular form. What interested her most was the light scar over his left eyebrow, it made his handsome face appear even more rugged.

Isabella mentally shook herself and blushed when she realized she was staring. He cannot be serious. I hate him already. She changed her startled look to a scowl.

Aiden oblivious to her thoughts cleared his throat and repeated what he mentally thought was a good conversation starter. "What are you reading?"

"That is indeed none of your business sir." Isabella did not entirely understand the book's tale and its connection to Gardia so she did not want to talk about it. "Is there something you want to speak to me about?" Isabella met his eyes but quickly looked away. She began to grow weary of the strange attractive man's presence.


Aiden sat back a moment genuinely surprised by her bluntness. The women he usually talked to, glad to just be in his presence, usually happily babbled nonsense to him for a long time, and here the chit was cutting straight to the point, basically skipping any pleasantries. In his shock he just stood there staring dumbly.

Isabella huffed and put her book down, no longer in the mood to read. She asked him something Aiden was surely asking himself. "Why are you here?"

He just stared once again unable to answer and eventually settled for a simple shrug. Isabella rolled her eyes and twisted a curl around her finger, "King Charles did not hire you for your brains did he?"

Aiden snapped out of his stupor and glared slightly. "Milady, are you implying that I am not intelligent?"

She took a moment to take in the sound of his deep velvet voice. It was as smooth as silk and as calm a sea after a bad storm. "Why yes, yes I am; funny you only replied to me after I implied a lack of intelligence, typical don't you think Sir?"

Aiden felt his temper flare but he calmly replied, "If you should know milady" he said sarcastically, "my thoughts were elsewhere when you had spoken, so I am not intellectually challenged; I just was not minding you." Aiden smirked at the anger in her eyes. Serves you right for questioning my intelligence.

So he didn't bother to pay attention to me. She huffed in annoyance. "Oh and here I thought you were just denser than the average mule." She crossed her arms and mentally cheered when she did not wince at the motion.

He fumed. No one had ever dared speak to him in such a manner in Jaria and here this Gardian chit thought she could get away with it. "You must not know whom you are speaking to. I am Aiden, Head Knight of Jaria." Aiden stated proudly. His title was an unspoken warning to respect him or face consequences. He stretched his hand out for a greeting shake.


Isabella ignored his outstretched hand, "Isabella, Heir to the Gardian throne." Instead of the courteous "pleasure to meet you" and blush as so many women of the courts would have done, she said instead, "Not very pleased to make your acquaintance Sir."

Too angry to be shocked, he glared, "The feeling is mutual my fair lady." Aiden bowed mockingly. "Very charming lady indeed. About as charming as a severed limb."

"Well if I'm so charming, I ask again- make sure you pay attention this time hmm? Why are you here?"

Aiden raked his dome for an answer to a question he repeatedly asked himself. "I came because I learned you've awakened and I," he paused and hurriedly finished, "wanted to provide you with the chance to show your gratitude to me."

"Gratitude to you?" Isabella asked.

"I did save you and your father. It was very noble of you to try to impersonate a knight by wearing armor in order to appear strong to those refugees." He laughed. "You even had a matching sword. Very clever, but clearly the situation was above your head, and you got yourself hurt. Luckily, I was there to help a damsel in distress."

She had never been so insulted in her entire life. "Impersonation? Gratitude?!" She snorted. "The only person who should be showing gratitude is you!"

"Me? Why should I show gratitude, and to whom should I show my gratitude?" He asked perplexed.

"You should be thanking the Lord that I am stuck in this bed because had I not been injured and you've said that to me, you'd rue it."

"Oh really? What would you do, impale me with your sewing needless, or sing me into unconsciousness using your piano forte?" Aiden teased.

"Or maybe I would shove my 'matching sword' through your arrogant--"

"Why you little--" Aiden interrupted.

Both did not realize they sounded very much similar to the bickering Kings.

"Princess Isabella, how are you faring milady?" James called and entered interrupting his angry retort which only succeeded to anger Aiden more.

Isabella ignored Aiden and smiled at James. She had grown fond of James over the last couple of days. She found his grin contagious and their conversations entertaining. "Better, and I thought I told you to call me Isabella. After all, you did save me."

James grinned, "Now you know I cannot do that. You are royalty, it is out of respect."

"Someone who respects royalty, how refreshing." Isabella said cheekily. Aiden rolled his eyes at this. "When will I be able to get out of this Lord forsaken bed?"

James laughed, "You know, most women would forsake their entire dowry for a comfortable bed and an attractive, attentive manservant. And here you are wanting to leave."

She laughed at his words "I am no simpering ninny James. I've never sat and done nothing so much in my entire life. 'Tis very maddening. Besides, I feel fine I swear't."

"I will tell mother and after she examines your wound she will make her decision. Can't have you get hurt again by simply walking outside can we? A manservant can only do so much work milady." James winked and fluffed Isabella's pillows. Aiden scoffed at this. Had I said that, she would have lashed out at me. He shook his head, Why am I still here? The woman is maddening. Aiden abruptly exited annoyed at himself, James and Isabella.

James stared after him curiously "What was that about?" He asked.

Isabella rolled her eyes. "Nothing at all."

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