


Sally the Maid hurried down the halls feeling giddy. It was not often that she caught a glimpse of the elusive, handsome Aiden, and now she got to speak to him! Sally stopped and glanced around cautiously before fixing her hair in the hallway mirror.

Sally jumped at the sound of a voice, "What are you doing?" Sally looked startled as Princess Myra studied her flushed face expecting an answer.

Myra, youngest daughter of King Charles, saw the maid and didn't very much like the excitement in her eyes. King Charles' love for Myra was very much similar to William's love for Isabella; however, Myra abused her power frequently and used the king's leniency to her advantage.

"Why are you in the mirror instead of doing your duties?" Myra interrogated. While the maids looked to run into Aiden or Prince Eric they usually went out of their way to avoid Princess Myra.

Sally spluttered an answer "Well.. well Princess umm I..." She swallowed and cleared her throat. She's going to get me banished. Sally thought dejectedly.

She smiled at the servant's nervousness. "Fine I'll forget about this little umm mishap if you go and run my bath immediately." She said turning to walk away.

Sally's eyes widened in panic "Wait Princess! Your Father, um, I mean the King expected me to go and summon Sir Aiden to the throne room. 'Tis very important."She finished weakly and winced when she saw the expressions change on the Princess' face ranging from impatience to glee to death glare. Oh Lord have mercy. Sally thought.

Myra smiled at the thought of Aiden, in her mind he already belonged to her. Oh so that's why she was fixing her hair. Myra realized, glaring at the maid for trying to look nice for her knight. She considered getting her banished by accusing her of theft, but she had a better idea. "I'll summon him." She smiled brightly. "You go run that bath for me, my dear. And don't let me catch you not working again or you will rue it." Myra smiled when she saw the maid's expression fall. That's more like it.


Sally, though disappointed that she would not see Aiden, was relieved that Myra spared her this time.

Myra watching her retreat, smirked as she fixed her hair in that very mirror and walked briskly toward the training ground where she was certain Aiden was.


Aiden grimaced. "No Troy. You dodge then thrust like this." Aiden demonstrated with his single handed cruciform sword.

He took over the job as Head Knight two months prior when the King had commissioned him. Aiden trained under his father, The King's best friend in their childhood. Because of his father's position, he grew up in the castle, and so he knew the functioning of everyone and everything.

As a lad he looked up to his father and in his teens worked as a dutiful squire. At the ripe age of eight and ten summers, he traveled to Hartha and stayed with monks learning the ways of patience and serenity, and also learned proper chivalry for six years. The last four years he spent at the castle learning and perfecting various techniques with every weapon including the two handed sword, battle axe, cross bow, and daggers. At the age of eight and twenty, the king deemed him ready to take over for his father, Thomas, who suffered from afflictions.

Aiden was what women considered ruggedly handsome. A jagged scar marred his otherwise flawless facial features, landing just above his left eye brow. He stood taller than most men, with brown hard eyes, and brown curly hair he usually let hang except when he trained or fought in earnest.

He ran his hand through his hair in frustration at himself and the young squire."Why are you flourishing Troy?! Your footwork is sloppy and the grip on your sword is entirely too loose." He corrected the lad's stance and grip, his patience wearing thin.

Troy was a lad of six and ten summers and he reminded Aiden of himself at that youthful age in certain ways. Troy was loyal and hard working, a squire a knight could only dream to have. Because Troy was cursed with such a thin build, Aiden took pity and agreed to train him in case he ever had to defend himself whether against an enemy knight or those tigers, people referred to as women.


He stretched, his bare torso soaking in sunlight as he groaned exhausted. How long has it been since I've had a decent night of rest? Aiden paused in mid stretch as he felt a heavy gaze on his person. He turned and saw Princess Myra admiring his bare torso and muscles without shame. He quickly pulled on his shirt and his light armor plate before jogging over. Isn't it proper for ladies to avert their eyes shyly? Must she stare? He shivered with distaste as her gaze boldly swept him. "Princess, don't you know that ladies are not allowed on training grounds for the men are not always suitable for innocent eyes?" He reprimanded annoyed.

"Oh! I didn't notice." Aiden mentally scoffed at this. "But I am here for a reason. Father sent me to summon you to the throne room. He said 'tis very important that you come immediately with me." She took the liberty of tucking his arm into hers before turning toward the door and made sure to glance at as many knights as she could as she turned.

That did not go unseen by Aiden who hurriedly unwounded his arm from her vice grip. "Troy" he called, "I am meeting with the king, you practice your feinting and footwork for a while. I expect improvements upon our next session yea?"

Troy grinned flourishing "Yes Sir. En garde!"

Aiden smiled slightly at Troy's antics before turning toward the exit. Myra wound her arm in his smiling brightly when she thought he smiled at her. He just looked at her curiously, sighed and let her drag him.


Aiden paused noticing the feminine hand writing. Strangely curved letters for a man, he thought. Neither Aiden or Isabella attended the last Official Meeting for they both not of age yet but they both knew of what happened; at least they assumed they did. He continued reading.

No Head Knight signature, 'tis peculiar. He thought. He glanced up and met the Jarian King's eyes, angered by what the letter implied. "We should not let them get away with such disrespect."

Charles laughed a little, "I don't remember William being so straight forward or even Knight Rollins. This is someone new." He thought. "Maybe Isabella wrote it."

Aiden looked up, hiding inner curiosity by keeping his face composed. Myra not paying attention sat up at the mention of a female. "Isabella?" They both said at the same time.

Charles raised his eyebrow at his daughter but nodded at Aiden. His answer was interrupted by Prince Eric. "Little Bella? She's taking the crown soon?"

He nodded. "I believe so."

Aiden feeling confused, something that rarely happened, was slowly losing his patience. "Who is she?"

"King William's only daughter." Charles explained. "'Tis usually unheard of for a woman to rule alone single-handedly, but in a year Isabella will take over, so I've been told. There will probably be an arranged marriage and her husband will take over kingly duties."

Eric spoke up "From what I remember she was something else. Very, shall I say, outspoken."

"Yes she is a unique one and if I know William, he has trained her in the arms." Charles said.

"I doubt it. I may not know her but women usually are partial to being spineless creatures who let men do all the work only to up and leave a man when they've used them all up." Aiden sneered. He got the royal seal paper and feather pen. And wrote,

Myra, too busy admiring his armor, did not get offended by his remark. Lucky for Aiden, Queen Mary was out of the room looking over dinner.

Prince Eric just snickered, "Ha well you may feel that way. Then again, you haven't met Bella."

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