

Prince Eric just snickered, "Ha you may feel that way. Then again you haven't met Bella."


"I still cannot fathom the idea of you being away from the castle. How long will you and the King be gone?" Hazel helped Isabella pack.

"I do not know exactly Haze, this is my first Official Meeting. I do know it will take seven nights to reach Hartha. From there I think 'tis determined by how cooperative Father and King Charles are. It may be awhile because father has been quite sour ever since the acceptance letter arrived from Jaria a last week. Diplomacy may fly right out of the chamber window." Isabella shook her head as she watched Hazel fold the light blue gown into her case but for once didn't argue.

While Hazel made sure to add dresses to the stubborn princess' wardrobe, Isabella double and triple checked for every spare armor piece. "Chest plates, gauntlet gloves, and back plates? Check. Bascinet, faulds, Sabatons? Check." She also placed the old brown book in her case. Maybe I will have time to read the rest of it sometime.

"Bella you act as if you're planning for war."

"I may as well be. I do not see how we can get out of this mess peacefully. Plus, what need for anything else would I have? Oh here are my throwing knives." She tucked them into her belt.

"Bella you are more than a warrior, you are also a woman" Hazel stated.

Isabella's reply was cut off by a knock at the door. "Princess, King William asked that I inform you that you are to leave in twenty minutes."

"Thank you, I will be down shortly." The maid bowed and left.


"Sir Baldwin you are constable in my absence. You will overlook everything, financially and domestically. I will write frequently, and hope to be gone no longer than a month. I trust you to take care of matters in my absence." William instructed sternly.


"Yes Sir, all will be fine. I won't lead us astray." Baldwin stated trying to control his smirk.

"Iris and young Hazel will look over the household. Please write often and make sure the remaining knights keep a regular work out schedule."

The last Official Meeting was fifteen years ago. Then, newly crowned King William, had an easier time leaving the castle because his father was there to oversee everything. Something nagged at William about Baldwin but having known the man for almost his whole life, William brushed the thoughts away.

"My king, I am very well capable of keeping track of the military and controlling the people-- I mean country. A month isn't too long." Ruling is basically in my blood, I'm a natural. He smiled.

Isabella's daggers on her belt glistened as she walked out into the front yard with six guards trailing in her wake. She addressed Baldwin, "Sir Baldwin I have a list of what I want my knights to practice in the time that I am gone. Henry will look over drills and thankfully Sir Rollins has agreed to move in with his wife for the time being... He will be in charge of the military in our absence. Make sure that list gets to him." She added as an afterthought. Though she hadn't told her father of that little addition to plans she smiled slightly when he nodded in approval. With Sir Rollins in charge she knew that the military would be in good hands.

Baldwin huffed at the thought of losing power over the military. He was angered even more at taking orders from a woman. "Princess, I assure you, the military will be in very capable hands while you are away."

Isabella nodded, hugged Hazel and mounted her horse. "Father I will ride up front with two guards, two will ride beside the carriage you're in and two will ride behind."


"Are you sure you do not want to ride with me in the carriage dear?" William asked as the footman opened the luxurious carriage door.

She smiled, "I ride with my men." She spurred her warhorse on and was a sight to behold. Her hair hung loose, and her form hugging armor flashed brightly silver in the sun. A warrior's glint twinkled in her eyes, a smile played on her lips, she genuinely enjoyed the freedom of riding atop of her horse, Storm, a mare just as fierce as its rider.

Baldwin watched the Royal carriage leave until disappeared beyond the horizon. Just as that carriage disappeared a man rode up to the gates. He approached the man pulling a letter out of his pocket. Henry watching from the top window noted the exchange curiously.

Baldwin pompously addressed the man. "About time you showed up."

The man grinned and shrugged. "'Twas a long ride, I made a few stops, did a few jobs."

"Make sure you are punctual next time. I will not tolerate mistakes."

"Watch who you are talking to. Now, where is the loot you owe?" The man glared, all traces of easy going wiped from his scarred face.

"Half now, the rest when you return successful. Where's the rest of your men?" He handed over a purse full of gold coins.

"They're hidden in the mountains, waiting, watching." He smirked.

Baldwin glanced around nervously, "Just make sure you get the gold and letter to Grant."

The man saluted "Duly noted Mate." The man took off in the direction of the mountains. An hour behind the royal carriage.

Henry, though suspicious at first, thought nothing of the strange man with the scars on his face as he prepared for training duties.


Isabella stretched as Storm drank from the river. Though she found the journey to be quite tedious, she relaxed a little because there had been no sight of crazy thieves or refugees. For days all she could see were the mountains and trees as they traveled diligently following the routine of ride, rest, eat and ride more. They encountered a small village, stayed for a night, and had a chance to wash and change armor, where Isabella changed into her cruciform heavy armor. The journey took longer than she first thought. Good thing we're almost at the Harthian gates, one more day of riding and I will explode.

She wiped her forehead and surveyed the riverbank. The six knights were all spread out, some looking around, others polishing their weapons. She laughed a little as Edwin lovingly cleaned his crossbow, she couldn't blame him, she cleansed her weapons often.

She couldn't really see past the tree tops and noticed the valley thinned before a path into the forest appeared. Isabella preferred the valley to the forest, for they had just gotten through a large confusing forrest when they had noticed the river bank running through the mountain valley and decided to rest. The open land surrounded by a light cover of trees, was easier to study.

She went to check on her father asleep in the carriage. Just as she started to open the carriage door a gust of wind shot east, and she felt something whizz past her head. She turned and screamed when she saw an arrow end protrude out of the carriage door.

Terms: Medieval terms that I used that I wanted to clarify for those who may be curious.

constable: Official in charge of governing the land and military in the king's absence.

Gauntlets: Gloves that knights wore often with spikes attached to the gloves, useful in close combat.

sabatons: iron plates designed to cover the feet.

Faulds: protected the hips, abdomen, and lower back.

bascinet: protected the neck.

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