《Armor》The Discussion


Hmm, a new head knight? Isabella thought. How does Baldwin know about this? The last Official Meeting was YEARS ago.

The Official Meeting was when the King, Queen, Crowned Heir of Age and Head Knight met to discuss issues amongst themselves. Official Meetings usually came about when there was a potential war or when a major change in power occurred. It usually took place in the neutral, yet distant land called Hartha. Hartha, just north of Gardia and Jaria, was the center of trade and commerce. Gardian and Jarian guilds alike could trade and reside there without fear.

Travelers could not travel across the territories without being attacked and killed by the grieving people whose other family members were casualties in the mounting conflict. The senseless killings are what brought the conflicting parties' monarchs together at the last Official Meeting.

William and King Charles, ruler of Jaria, thought of a plan in hopes of discouraging the murders for they caused major disruptions in trade. Those accused or caught would be tried and the ones found guilty would be banished from their respective province. Upon hearing this, many middle class men turned recklessly bitter against the throne and became what cottagers referred to as felon refugees. Knights, one in particular named Sir Grant from Gardia, who disagreed, chose to leave their vassals and become free lance; knights who only swore allegiance to the highest employer. For awhile not only was the there international tension, but also increased talk of rebellion. Charles quickly crushed any talk of that through appeasement and William who had left Sir Baldwin in charge of trial proceedings never seemed to gain his popularity back fully. What William did not know was there was an Adulterine Castle, located far south of Gardia, that rogue refugees fled to when banished.

He ran through his hair wearily and interrupted Baldwin who continued to rant about war, "Look I will consider your accusations and discuss them with Isabella before I make any decisions." He said smiling fondly at Isabella who was paying more attention to their conversation than the young man trying to hold her attention.


He is blinded by his affection for the young chit. Tis' not a woman's' place to make such decisions. Why if I were King, ooo if I were king.... Baldwin fantasized. William continued to eat oblivious to his most trusted advisor's thoughts.


"And that is how you scrap fungus off-- Isabella are you listening?" Trent babbled.

She heard her father tell Sir Baldwin that they would have a discussion later and she could not wait. She wanted to ask about that new Head Knight. Aiden was his name? I bet I could take him. I've beat every man I've ever faced. Isabella thought about when she beat her father.

The previous Head Knight, Knight Rollins, had retired in order to care for his ailing wife and because William ran everything by Isabella, he asked her if she could recommend a new knight. Isabella gladly volunteered herself.

"I can do it father. Knight Rollins has trained me for years, You've trained me!" Isabella plead.

" Absolutely not!" William exclaimed. "I will not put that much on you. Your duties as Queen will be enough."

"Are you saying I couldn't handle it?!" Isabella fumed.

"Well, Yes I am. Too much pressure." He said running a hand through his hair.

"Fine," Isabella palmed her dagger and did what any knight would do. "Challenge me... Sir" she added as an afterthought.

Isabella already having defeated the other knights was challenged by her father, and challenge her he did. Isabella beat her father in archery by one arrow and managed to beat him somewhat unscathed at sword combat. She thanked God for the luck she had that day, but training did not prove to be easy. Though her victory over William impressed the men, it did not gain her unconditional loyalty. Misogynist men did not not easily accept being under the rule of a woman so instead of hiding behind her title she rose at dawn every morning to train with them and eventually gained their respect.


It was a secret the Knighthood swore to maintain because the king did not want the knowledge of Isabella's new position publicized until her coronation which was a a few days after her five and twentieth birthday.

Isabella was abruptly yanked into the present when Trent rudely snapped his fingers in front of her face. This fork impales chicken very well, I wonder if it works on swine too. She thought irate.

"Father, I think 'tis best that we have that discussion before it gets too late," Isabella whispered, desperate to escape Trent the Trout. "Sir Baldwin, Sir Trent, 'tis always an umm" she trailed off...

"A pleasure" William finished. "Isabella and I shall retire for the night, you both can stay in the East Chambers and have the maids draw up a nice bath if it would meet your fancy." William stood up after everyone said their good nights, took Isabella's slim hand and lead her to the study.

Father and daughter passed Knight Henry who Isabella made a face at, before closing the door. Henry, use to the Princess' antics, just laughed quietly. As one of the few knights who accepted Isabella from the get go, he found it really amusing to watch her crush the egos of men when she beat them. He knew she'd make a great queen one day.

"So, Bella what do you think?" William always allowed her to voice her opinion first on certain matters.

"Father, he had no proof but there was a certain depth to his complaints this time. Something is brewing and 'tis going to change all of our lives forever."

"What about war Isabella? The people would detest war and raised taxes. There has already been talk of rebellion and those damned refugees causing problems. This could be bad. The fact that I wasn't notified of the change in power is worrisome as well. I knew of Eric's coronation in nine months once he's seven and twenty but I..."

"But we didn't tell them of my new position either. We haven't had a chance with everything that is happening, but we must send a letter to King Charles in order to schedule an Official Meeting."

"The last one did not go so well... but you are correct daughter." William grabbed the royally sealed paper and pen and handed them to Isabella before walking wearily to the door. "Charles is stubborn so be diplomatic and persuasive."

"You're letting me do this?"

William turned, his hand still on the door kno, "You will be Queen soon and you'll need an easy transition into power. Why not start now? Take your time, the words will flow naturally." William reassured her then exited to his chambers.

Isabella sighed and began to write. This is going to be a long night. In fact, the letter took her two days to write.


"A message for the King!" King Charles III, an aging man with a devilish sense off humor sighed as he opened the letter. Not even five seconds of rest for an old man.

Charles startled Prince Eric, his atheling, by slamming the letter down on his desk. Mary, his wife, sauntered inside the throne room with a puzzled look on her lovely face. "Dear?"

"Mary, have a maid summon to me," He paused and looked up from the letter,


vocab clarification:

atheling: proper term for "Eldest son of the king" in medieval times

free lance: A knight who swore allegiance only to an passing employer and not the throne.

Adultrine castle: a castle built without a king or lord's permission in medieval times.

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