《Heavens Light (A Magi Fanfic)》Chapter 13: Light


*Judas's pov*

"When the hell can I leave, this place is so damn boring!" I whinnied just to annoy the nurse. She just rolled her eyes and went back to looking at the papers on the desk. I sighed as I sat in the bed staring at the ceiling.

"Man this sucks, curse that stupid bitch, now I'm in here stuck in bed, and every time I move the stupid pain spreads there my body making hurt like hell." I cursed in my mind for who knows how long.

"Her pulse is weak, if don't hurry, she's going to die." I heard someone yell in the hall.

"Wait, I know that voice." I thought. Yup, sure enough Hakuryuu came bursting into the infirmary, panting hard. Soon the stupid brat and that blonde came in as well, but a man came in full of blood carrying someone. I sat up a little bit to see who it was.

"Take her to the bed, now." the stupid nurse said pointing to another room. The man quickly turned just enough to catch a glimpse of who it was. My eyes widen when I saw the bitch that put me in here, passed out in his arms, blood all over her clothes. The brat saw me looking and walked over.

"Hi Judar, how are you." he faked smile but I could see the worry in his eyes.

"Fine, why the hell do you care." I said glaring at him. I hear that door shut as the man stood in front of the door hanging his head. I could hear him muttering things but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Alibaba was standing on the other side of the room, his hands in fists, and his bangs covering his eyes. Hakuryuu was standing next to him, trying to get him to calm down. He pushes him out of the way and walked over to the guy. The man turned around tears in his eyes.

"What a baby." I thought. Everything change drastically when Alibaba lifted his fist, slamming the man in the face. He studied back falling to the ground holding his nose because it's more likely broken know.

"You bastard, how dare you hurt Ashlin!" Alibaba yelled about to punch the man again, but was held make by Hakuryuu and the brat.


"I'm sorry, I had no choice." the man said standing back up.

"Like the hell you are!" Alibaba yelled again trying to get out of their grip. Soon the door flew opened and that bitch's two friends came in.

"Where is she!" the shorter girl yelled rage in her voice. It made me flinch, for a small girl she sure can be terrifying.

"It's his fault she's in there." Alibaba said getting out of the two boys grip and pointed at the man. Both girls stomped over and looked at him. He stepped back, his back pressed against the door.

"That is enough, step away from him." I look back at the door to see king moron, the tough guy, and the stupid ex-assassin. He walked up to the man and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"What is your name?" Sinbad commanded.

"Jack, I really didn't want to kill her." Jack said hanging his head again. Jafar walked up and grabbed his arm, pulling off his glove revealing a symbol on the back of his hand.

"He's from the Serpent Assantion Alliance." Jafar said letting go.

"I'm going in the room to see of I can do anything to help Ashlin." Hakuryuu said quickly opening the door and going in.

"Let's all just calm down and wait to see what happens." said the taller girl as she stared at the door with a worried expression. Everyone nodded and took a seat some place. I just sighed in annoyens and stared at the ceiling.

"What if she dies, wait why do I care!" I mentally yelled at myself, but I couldn't help but feel bad.

*Time Skip 1/2 hour*

I sat there with my arm hanging off the side of the bed.

"Is she dead yet?" I asked myself as I picked up my head looking at everyone sitting silently, waiting for the news. The two girls sat by Jack as they quitely asked questions that he didn't hesitate to answer. The stupid blonde listened closely to the conversation and understanding why he attacked the bitch. Then the door opened revealing Hakuryuu and the nurse with blood on their clothes. They both had a frown on their faces as Hakuryuu didn't bat an eye to the others and walked out of the room.


"Oh fuck, this is going to get really emotional." I thought as I watched to nurse look at her blood stained hands.

"How is she." the short girl said quickly standing up along with the others.

"I have good news and bad news." she said looking bad up with a frown.

"She should be fine, but there is a good possibility that she will never wake up, she lost a lot of blood, but for some reason something like a spell is keeping her from waking up." she said hanging her head in shame. The two girls covered there mouths with tears in their eyes. Jack slumped to the floor, his elbows on his knees, his hands clutching his hair in frustration.

"I did this to her, I didn't want to hurt her, but my family's lives were in danger and didn't even bother to think up a different way of saving them, I so damn stupid!" he yelled at himself as everyone watched him have a tantrum. The stupid blonde was pissed and quickly left the room. The two girls were cry feeling horrible for what happened to there friend.

"Man, now everything is all depressing." I thought as I slowly sat up pain going threw my body as I flinched from the pain.

"Quiet your damn sulking, at least she's alive." I said tired of all this shit. Everyone instantly glared at me making me regret saying that. The tall girl sighed as she wiped the teard away.

"He has a point there." she said looking at the ground. "can we go see her." the nurse nodded her head moving out of the way for everyone to go in.

*Aladdin's pov*

The nurse stepped aside letting us in to see Ashlin. She layed on the bed with a blanket over her as bloody clothes were scattered everywhere on the floor. I walked up to the right side of the bed and looked at her sleeping face. We all stood in silence as we looked at her sleeping soundly.

"She looks so innocent when see sleeps." I said smiling a little. She kinda reminded me of Chloe a little. Everyone smiled a little bit. I noticed Jack wasn't in here, and looked out the door. He was still sitting next to the door his head in his arms. I felt bad for him, he just wanted to protect his family, but yet he couldn't hurt her even if their life was on the line.

"I'm going to leave and tell the others." Sinbad said starting to leave. Isabelle and Quinn sat down in the chairs next to the wall both of them looking at the ground. I walked over to them and sat down next to Quinn.

"Are you two going to be alright." I asked looking at them. They both gave a slight nod in response.

"I'm going to grab some blankets so we can stay here for the night." Quinn said standing up and leaving the room. Isabelle sat there as I could see pain in her eyes. They both loved her dearly and now they may never be able to see her smile again. I frowned at that thought, I liked her smile, it brought joy to everyone. I stood back up and walked back over to the bed. I grabbed Ashlin's hand holding it in mine.

"Please Ashlin, don't give up on us, we really miss you, so please wake up soon." I pleaded tears forming in my eyes. They slipped down my cheek and onto her hand. I felt someone grab my shoulder as I look up to see Isabelle beside me with a grim expression. She opened her arms offering me to hug her. I quickly accepted as I cried in her arms as she comfort me.

"It's alright Aladdin, we all miss her cheerfulness and everything else about her." she said in a soft tone. I felt her tears fall onto my head, but I see a bright light as I turn to see Ashlin glowing as she floated in the air. Jack stood in the door shock spread through is face just like me and Isabelle. The blood on her clothes disappeared along with the wounds on her body, leaving no trace of scares anywhere. Her clothes turn back to new as she floated in the air. Her hair floated freely making her look like a angel.

"Is this the power of the necklace or her?" I question myself as the light got brighter and brighter making me look away and close my eyes.


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