《My Papa》Chapter 3


Today was Blair Elizabeth's 6th birthday.

She jumped up and down on her mattress, till she was called for breakfast.

In her mind, her father was lying about not giving her presents, cake and a party.

Little did she know....

One of the maids had gifted her a beautiful pink dress.

She hadn't a mirror in her room, so she skipped over to her brother Christopher's room, which was a massive risk but she decided to take it. To her knowledge, he wasn't home.

She hopped out of her room, with her two pigtails bouncing around as she crawled through the doggy door.

She slid in and ran to his large mirror in his room, staring around his room was gigantic compared to hers.

She waddled over and looked at herself in the mirror.

She loved the way she looked, too infactuacted with herself she didn't realise her brother had opened the door.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?" He roared, making her jump.

"I-I'm sorry Bubby. I want to look at my dress. I don't have a m-mirror."

"Good thing you don't. Ugly bitch. Now get the fuck out of my room." He stormed towards her.

In fear Blair, fell back and ran under his bed.

"BLAIR! Get the hell out from under my bed!" He then let out a deep growl.

She hid in the middle, into a ball.

"No! You're going to be mean to me," she whimpered.

"I'm going to count to five, if you do not get out. I swear to god-!"

She stayed still.




"Two!" He growled.

"That's it!" He pushed himself under the bed and grabbed her foot, pulling her out.

"I'm sorry Bubby!" She quickly said.


As he pulled her out her dress rode up entirely.

He knew what he would say next would make her cry. So he did just that.

He placed his hand onto her chubby belly and rubbed up and down almost putting her to sleep.

He then took a hold of it and said, "you're so fucking fat ant ugly. Even your wolf." He said.

Her mouth gaped open.

"And you still wear diapers." He laughed. "Aren't you fucking five."

To be entirely honest, she did wear them. Only sometimes and that was because she had some issues no one bothered about.

"I'm s-sorry," she cried heavily.

She got up as her dress fell down over her stomach rolls.

She looked up at her brother and said, "a-am I r-really ugly? A-and fat?"

He kneeled down.

"Yes you fucking are. Now leave!" She jumped back, running out of the room.


It was now the evening, Blair had recovered from her brothers mean words.

She walked slowly to her papa's office and walked in.

"Papa," she whispered.

"What?" He said.

"C-can I have something."

"No. No you can't." He said.

"Pwease. Only one thing!" She said.

"What is it?" He banged the table.

"Can I have a bed?" She asked.


"B-but why?" She pouted.

"Because I fucking said so. Now leave!"

She jolted back at his harshness but didn't leave.

"I'm six today! A big girl!" She giggled.

"Papa can you give me a clue to what my presents are?"

"You don't have presents! For the last fucking time!" He grabbed a stapler, throwing it in her direction.

He didn't mean to hit her face, though it did.

She let out a scream as she fell to the floor.


Her screams were so loud yet completely silent.

It was the first time he had ever hit her.

As he stood up to approach her, she shuffled away from him.

For the first time in her life, she was terrified of him.

She held her hand over her chubby cheek and ran out of the room, to Louisa the maid for some help.

"Lou Lou!" She ran into the kitchen, crying.

"Oh my! What is it?" She kneeled down to her height.

"Papa, he h-it m-me." She sniffled heavily.

"Let me see," she said as Blair removed her hand.

Louisa looked at it and immediately added an ice pack to her face. She knew an alpha hit was far different then the others.

"Also, I've got a surprise for you." She said taking her hand.

Louisa took her outside, into the woods. Where a small party was set up.

Blair never looked so happy in her entire life.

The only thing missing from the party was the people.

There was a cake on the table and a small gift. It wasn't lavish like her brother's parties but it was enough for her.

"W-will papa be coming and b-bubbies?" She asked.

"M-maybe and I've invited your classmates so it'll be really fun." She said.

"Yay! I can't wait!" She giggled.

Half an hour had passed yet no one had arrived, It was getting cold and starting to rain.

"H-how about i go get a box for the cake.... I'll be back." She said as Louisa left.

"Why does no one love me?" She cried silently.

"What's wrong?" Someone said, from behind.

It was a young man, roughly in his 20s

Being a child and not being taught any different, she answered.

"My papa and bubby's don't love me. They didn't come to my birthday party and papa hit me." She said.

"Your dad hits you?"

"Yes." She nodded pouting.

"Do you want a hug?" He approached her.

"Yes please."

No one ever gave her hugs.

He picked her up as she rested in his arms. Burying her chubby face into his neck.

Suddenly, he took out a needle, filled with something and injected it into her leg.

"Easier than I thought." He said, then ran, ran as fast as he could have.

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