《My Papa》Chapter 4


"What the fuck do you mean you don't know where she is?" Lorenzo shouted, at Louisa.

"I-I I only left for a second, just t-to get a box for the c-ake." She stuttered.

"What cake?" He clenched his fist.

"Blair'a birthday cake. She was extremely upset that you didn't get her anything. So I took it upon myself to get her a present and a cake." She said.


"I did! She's just a pup! If anything she's probably with people who are treating her much better than you have her entire life!" She stormed out of her seat.

"You watch your tone! I'm still your alpha!" He sent daggers at her.

She relaxed for a second, "sorry Alpha. But she's just a pup. She needs love and affection."

Lorenzo brushed his hands over his face as his sons came barging through the door.

"I heard the little rats missing," Vincenzo said.

"Yes, she is. FUCK!" Lorenzo said.

"Why are you so angry. Isn't this a good thing? She's finally out of our lives." Vincent said.

"No!" Louisa turned around to look at Vincent.

"Please send someone for her, pack patrols o-or something. Please," she begged. "She's just a defensless pup. What if something bad happens to her?"

"Fine," Lorenzo agreed.

Shocking his sons, "what? Really?" Christopher said.

"Yes." He gritted. "Now send for all of the pack guards to look for her. And tell them to not bother coming back if they haven't found her." He said.

As the eldest Christopher mind-linked the head of the patrol and sent out everyone to find her.


Blair woke up in an unfamiliar yet comfortable place.


The item she wanted the most: a bed.

It was fairly large, she snuggled into the covers further when someone had entered the room.

"Hi! I'm Blair Elizabeth De Luca!" She giggled at the tall, buff man.

"I'm aware." He said.

"Where's papa? I'm six, did you know? I turned yesterday." She smiled.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. He's not here. You might see him soon, if he complies though."

"Why can't I see him now?"

"Because he doesn't want to see you."

Blair nodded, "I understand. But c-can I play?"

"What do you mean? You understand?"

"Papa doesn't like me, bubby's don't either. They're mean to me and hit me." She said.

The man looked at her in disbelief. Yes they had taken her for money but they wouldn't have ever hit a child. It's something they didn't do.

"I shouldn't do this but- do you want a hug?" He asked.

Blair smiled. "Yeah!" Jumping up and down on the bed.

He then picked her up and held her to his chest and rocked her.

"This is my third hug ever!" She giggled.

"Third?" His moth gaped open as he hugged her tighter.

"Yeah and I love it! Thank you!" She said.


"Alpha! I found this, in the woods." His beta, William said, running into his office.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Here. Read it."

To Lorenzo De Luca,

We've been watching your pack for some time and noticed a little thing you own.

But we've got her now.

If you want her back, send $10,000,000 to this location and we'll meet.

You have 24hours, don't be late.

Or else a fat little thing will have her bones ripped out.

Lorenzo gulped, "get me on the phone with the bank, I need $10 million." He said to his beta, he quickly ran out.


"FUCK! What is wrong with me! What have I done?" He muttered.

Suddenly a voice popped out, "why do you hate her?" Louisa asked.

"What?" He snarled.

"Why do you hate her? She's just a baby. Your pup."

"BECAUSE! Because she wasn't supposed to be here! She was never meant to be born!"

"That doesn't mean you get to treat her terribly. I'm surprised she still smiling and laughing every day!"

"I told her mother to get rid of her! She didn't want her either. 10 million. 10 million I gave that woman to abort her and-and the next minute she's on my fucking door step. L-looking chubby and f-fucking adorable." Lorenzo held his tears in, pressing his hand over his face.

"FUCK!" He grabbed a bottle, smashing it into the wall.

"They could be doing anything to her right now. Anything." He had horrid thoughts.

"Let's not think like that. You're getting the 10 million to give it to them. When they return her you can build your relationship with her again. She's very forgiving." Louisa said. "And her brothers too."

"You know..." he scoffed. "They only hate her because I told them to. When she was born, all of them, especially Giovanni were so fucking excited to have a baby sister. But I-I came in and-and destroyed it. Destroyed her." His heart ached.

Louisa held her tongue, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Come on, let's go search ourselves. Have you tried mind-linking her, you must know her scent." He said.

"I-I don't."

"What?" She said in utter disbelief.

"But when she was a new born? You-you didn't-?

(She's referring to, in their pack. Parents must mind-link their pups and fill them with sweet thoughts - to make sure they're well and can communicate with them)


"Not even her s-scent?"

"I've never spent time with her to know her full scent."

She was speechless.

"Right. W-well we must get a move on, if we want to find her." Louisa said, walking out the door.


Currently, Blair was doing very well. The best she had ever been.

"Yay! Again! Again!" She giggled.

The man lifted her onto his shoulders and ran around the room, entertaining her.

"I wish I could stay with you forever. Y-you can be my new papa."

The man frowned at took her off his shoulders, holding her in his arms.

"I can't be your papa and I wish I could stay and play longer but that's not my job. You have a father out there who loves and cares for you." He said.

"B-but he doesn't." Tears slipped from her face.

"I thought all this time that he did but he doesn't. He doesn't like me. I'm I'm a r-rogue." She wailed.

"No-no you're not a rogue." He picked her up rubbing her back of her head.

"You're a strong, little pup. Who has alpha blood running through her veins. You're beautiful." He said.

"Really? I'm not fat and ugly like Bubby said?"

"Not at all. He's just jealous because you're so beautiful."

Blair giggled.

Instantly, the door was pulled open.

"It's time." The man said.

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