《My Papa》Chapter 2


The following night, Blair shivered yet again. Her nights were always alone and cold. No heating had been put into her broom closet of a room.

One night, Blair snuck into her father's room and tried to sleep in his bed, on his chest. But she didn't even come close.

Due to his super hearing, he heard her footsteps from down the hall.

She managed to make it through the door but was yelled at for it.

"You stupid girl! It's 3 in the morning! Go back to your room!"

"B-but papa-" she clutched her Ellie the Elephant teddy to her chest.

It was bigger than her.

"It's very c-cold in there. I-I want you to w-warm me u-up."

"Get out. And don't fucking come back." He seethed.

With that, she walked out and returned to her cold room.


The next morning....

Blair was sat in her father's place, but instead of in the chair. On the table instead as she was practicing her reading.

She never got any help with it at all so she did find it quite difficult.

But with saying the letter out loud, and putting the words together. She was slowly getting there.

She was halfway though a word when she was yanked off the table.

Her book fell to the ground. It was Vincenzo.

"Hi Bubby." She said, trying to smile.

"Why the hell are you reading Shakespeare?" He grabbed the book of the floor.

"I-I'm sorry. I take any book from wibrary. I don't know which one to get." She said innocently.

Whenever she would go to the library with the pack school. No teacher helped her or student talked to her so she had to do everything herself.

Blair didn't know how to read the right way and it wasn't her fault...no one was ever there for her.


Blair picked up the book and said, "can you help me read?"

He glared at her, "fuck no." His voice was deep and low.

"Oh. Ok-ay." She nodded, walking away.

When he walked away, Blair was served breakfast where she ate alone, yet again.


"Papa. I have a question," she asked.


She didn't listen.

"Will I have a party for my birthday? With cake and presents? I'm going to be 6!" She giggled.

"No. You don't deserve it." He said.

She frowned, puffing out her chubby cheeks.

"W-why not? I'm good girl."

"You're far from it. Always misbehaving."

"Nooo! I'm good girl!" She demanded she was right.

"Whatever. Now go." He said.

"B-but-" she frowned.

"I don't care. Now leave."

"Okay." She nodded, walking out.

Soon after, it was school time.

Blair loved school and always wanted to learn. It was quite difficult for her though, as she never received any help on it but always made sure to listen and pay attention.

She was sat in her class, at the back, alone. That was her seat, away from the other students. Deep down, she knew her father must have done this, told them to move her away from the rest, to not help her with the work when she desperately needed it. But refused to believe it, her father could do no wrong in her eyes.

Whilst the other students had desks, she was left to work on the floor which did put pressure on her back and some discomfort.

But it was all for an education, so she didn't care.

The day consisted of more English and maths and then reading time.

Soon after class was over, everyone was stood outside, getting collected by their parents. As usual, Blair was the last.


"Get up," Blair heard a gruff voice.

She looked up, it was her Bubby Gi-Gi.

"Gi-Gi!" She giggled, looking up.

"Don't call me that! Hurry it up and shift. I'm not walking with you." He said.

"B-but I'm not fast." She said.

"Yeah," he scoffed. "I know. And you call yourself a wolf." He muttered the last part.

Nevertheless, she did as she was told and shifted.

The difference between her brother and her own wolf was massive.

She was only two hands size and chubby. Whereas Giovanni was terribly huge, bulky and vigorous.

They had shifted, Giovanni ran 110mph through the woods, getting home extremely quick.

Where as, Blair was stuck at only 10mph, which was extremely slow for a pup.

She ran out of breath much quicker and needed water, but she could never ask in case she got yelled at.

That was the last thing she wanted.


An hour later, Blair had finally arrived home.

Her family was busy eating and talking, but stopped when she walked through the door, still in her wolf.

She fell to the ground and placed her paws over her eyes, falling asleep.

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