《My Papa》Chapter 1


Blair POV -

Hi! I'm Blair! I'm five years old and I'm a wolf! Well not yet, I'm a pup for now, but i will be a big, strong wolf one day.

Bubby's don't believe that though, they say I'm too small and fat to be a strong wolf but I don't listen to their mean words.

I tell on them to papa but I don't think he cares that much.

But I still love them, they're my favourite!

One time, bubby's and me played a game. They said it was a game but I didn't like it very much. They left me in a dark cupboard. They said I needed to get used to being in a dark room because that's where I'm going to be put for the rest of my life and that papa wouldn't visit me. Ever. It was too scary to even think about!

I cried as I did believe it, but one of the maids said they were joking and saved me from the cupboard when she heard my cries.

Lorenzo's POV

I'm an Alpha, a billionaire and a father. What's not to like about my life.

I have four sons and a little mistake. Blair Elizabeth was never to be born. I paid the her mother to have the abortion, and she happily agreed until she took the money and had the little rat anyways.

Worst $10,000,000 I had spent.

I had no choice but to take her in as she was left on my doorstep.

What a dreadful day that was....

Since the day she arrived, i had never once held her in my arms, or looked at her longer than I needed to.

Once she turns 18, she's out of here. Wether that be on the streets or living with someone else. I don't care. At all.

Several times she runs into my office, without knocking and shouts that ridiculous name for me 'papa' ever since she could talk she always said it.


She would wave her paper in her hand, of yet another drawing she has of me and her.

Incredibly dumb.

Bair would waddle out of the room as I would rip the paper up and throw it in the bin. I've never kept one of them. Ever. And I wasn't going to start now.

Third person POV

"PAPA! PAPA!" Blair giggled, waddling into her father's office.

Lorenzo clenched his fist at her voice. Here she comes.

The door flung open as she hoppped over to the side of the desk and said, "papa here! I drew you a picture! You can add it to your cowection (collection)." She held it up for him to see.

In her mind, her father kept all her pictures in a box under his desk, to which he would look at in awe and admire all the time.

Who knows where she got that idea from.

"Put it down. I'll see it later." He said, continuing writing and not sparing her a glance.

"Okay!" She smiled. "I'll see you at lunch! Have fun!"

Before she would leave, she knew her father didn't like kisses so she would blow him one and hug his leg, but she stopped doing that at at age three. As after that, he would throw her off and have no remorse. Leaving her crying for hours.

She didn't understand why her so called father and protector was being so horrible to her.

Blair hopped back to her room and sat on the tiny mattress which was on the floor.

Her room wasn't lavish like her brothers. There's was filled with their 90" flat screen TVs, King sized beds and and their top of the range computering systems.

Instead, a broom cupboard. Similar to a janitors closet. With a small mattress in the corner. A box for her clothes and a few toys to keep her occupied.


She wished for a beautiful room, with pink walls, more toys and heating. But it's all she had and was happy with it.

She took out her colouring pages and did that, whilst she waited to be called for lunch.

12:00 -

"BLAIR!" A voice roared for her.

With no hesitation, she dropped the colours, smiled contently and ran for the stairs.

She couldn't wait to see her brothers.

As she walked towards the stairs, she felt someone shove her onto the ground.

Hitting her head.

"Ah, ow." She rubbed it, trying to get back up.

She heard sniggers from behind, it was her brothers.

"Bubby's!" She jumped up, hugging Christianos leg.

"Get the fuck off me," he snarled, gripping her chubby arm and shoving her back.

Her smile fell as she nodded. "Sowy Bubby." She looked down pouting.

"Annoying little bitch," Vincenzo muttered.

She didn't react as she didn't know what it meant, and if it was a bad thing. It didn't enter her mind at all. Because in her mind, there was absolutely no way, her brothers could be saying such mean things to her. Even if she did know they were.

"Bitch," she copied.

"Yeah. That's what you are." Vincent said.

"Okay," she giggled.

She couldn't wait to show her papa the knew word she had just learnt.

Her brothers were already in the dinning room by the time she was on the seventh step down.

After some time, she skipped over to the table where her chair was. On the other side of the table. Away from the others.

She didn't like being that far from them but she knew there must be good reason for it.

It was always a hard task for her to eat as she could never reach her plate , due to her short arms and legs and the table being far to high for her.

So she would have to stand on the chair, everytime she ate which would tire her out.

Even when she asked for help to cut her food up, no one helped.

Blair never talked at lunch or dinner, or breakfast. Basically anything that included her eating with her family as she knew she would get into trouble for it.

Once, she had asked for more juice, they all turned to look at her, giving a nasty glare which she immediately looked down at.

She didn't like it when they were mean.

As lunch nearly concluded, her brothers stood up. She climbed up onto the table and ran down the centre of it. She wanted to jump onto her papa and give him a big hug.

His eyes fell on her as she jumped onto his chest.

She wrapped them around him for a second before she was thrown off onto the floor.

"WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" He then let out a deep growl, scaring her.

She cowerd into a ball, on the ground as her body ached in pain.

"I'm so sowy," she cried heavily.



Although she had never experienced it first hand, she felt physical violence coming her way.

But it didn't, he simply stood up and walked over her and away, leaving her abandoned on the floor.


A\N -

What a terrible 'family.'

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