《Gangsta//Joker》Im black and blue


I waited to feel some type of electric charge but it never came. Peaking out of one eye i seen the joker standing over me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "Dont tease me with a good time if youre just going to call bluff" i snap but my voice cracks as all the memories come flooding back.

Where we going mommy? Not us just you.

Opening my eyes i realize im in a sitting position with the joker curiously looking at me. "Its...when i was younger my family didnt have the most money but we made things work. My parents would argue at night when they thought me and my brother was sleeping. The landlord knew how hard it was always gave us extensions and helped my dad get a second job to pay bills. Every time he seen me and my older brother he'd offer us a ride to school and give us a lollipop from his office. One night my parents were arguing real bad it got physical. My mom stabbed my dad 3 times and was about to shoot him had i not walked in.

He picked me up and tried to take me with him but she wasnt having it. She punched at him until he finally put me down. He told me he was comming back. My shirts was soaked in his blood so when he never came i assumed he died. My mom eventually had to get a job, i figured she was a stripper since she slept durring the day and was out all night. She came home reeking of alcohol and weed. Her hair began shedding she lost her natural glow and was becomming so skinny i could see her bones. One night she didnt have to work but she was jittery more then normal. I layed quietly at the top of the stairs watching her. Someone knocked on the door and she became more jittery as she opened it. I heard a male voice asking her questions and figurex it was the landlord so i ran down to tell him hi, it was dumb i know but he was the only man that ive seen come to our house.

I regretted it immidiately he was a stange looking man. I could never forget his face. He smiled at me and me being the innocent little girl i was i smiled back and waved. He asked did i want to come with him on a adventure and i nodded happily. He put something white in my moms hand who just smiled and began to turn around but i asked if she was comming and she said no just me" i tell joker pulling my knees to my chest not able to finish the rest without exploding into tears.


"Its ok, you dont have to finish" he tells me but i shake my head.

"No i have to get it all out... He did it...3 times i was only 10, my mom pretended nothing happened. She just pretended like she didnt just sell my body for a line." I sob holding my knees to my chest. I knew i wasnt going to be comforted especially not by joker so i tried to suck up all my tears. "I tried to find him and kill him but its like he fell of the face of the earth, the only thing i have to remember him by is a scar" i admitt angrily.

"There you go thats the spirit, kill the people who killed you" he says darkly making me give a sad smile. I wish it was that easy, in that moment i wish i couldve killed that man.

"There you go! Smile, youre an ugly crier" he says seriously making me scoff but give a light chuckle.

"Dont forget im still merciles with sharp objects one wrong thing out your mouth snd you could be my next target." i say making him laugh before he picks me up off the table and sets me down on the floor.

"You up for a night on the town or being a bore and staying in?" He ask running a hand through his green hair walking out the room. I follow him slowly to avoid stepping on the electrical wires on the floor.

"Any time to dress up and look cute is something im down for...but what about my cuts?" I ask holding up my gauze covered hands.

"You dont HAVE to wear them tonight the glass didnt go that deep i just didnt have any band-aids" he shruggs taking off his shirt as we head upstairs.

"Alright doctor j" i tease but he sends a smirk over his shoulder.

"Doctor? I have this fantasy where im a doctor and since youre all you could be the patient-" he starts but i cut him off with a laugh making him give me a real smile..a genuine smile.

"You never gave me the machine gun you promised, this was a 50/50 deal" i reminded him and he chuckled.

"Alright toots, no need to hassle me! Geez youre so set on this machine gun" he jokes and i follow him into his room where i know he has guns.

"You promised j!" I huffed stomping my foot and he laughs at my childish ways.

"Alright dollface, im a man of my word" he says going over to his closet and pulling out a matte black one with gold detailing making me scream and jump on him wrapping my legs around him, squeezing him in the tightest hug possible.


"Alright alright come on you know im not a hugger and i thought we discussed this screaming at these early hours of the morning" he yawns but im too excited as i hold the gun aiming it all around and pulling the trigger. "Exactly why i didnt leave any bullets in it, one wrong move and im missing an eye" he adds going to grab it from me but i push him back by the chest.

"Give me the bullets" i demand but he snorts going to his bed ignoring me. "Fine then ill find them myself" i shrug going over to his closet when i find myself pinned against the wall a furious joker infront of me but it simmers down.

"God, youre so...bad." He growls the tips of his ears red and i tilt my head in confusion.

"Im a criminal joker...we're all bad, its what we do" i remind him and he exhales deeply.

"And you infuriating with your smart ass remarks one day all that chit chats going to get you hurt" he rumbles lightly wrapping his hand around my throat and thumbing over where the bruises was when he choked me. I look up at him biting my bottom lip with a small pout making his eyes look away from mine.

"But mistah j i really need " i say softening my voice, he was always so easy when it came to me using a seductive voice or teasing him. Men were easy they only were worried about money and sex and this clown was no different.

"Sweet talking me dollface? Im starting to think you have a little crush on me" he jokes earning a eye roll and small smile before i push him off and walk over to his dresser pulling out a tshirt.

"What do you think your doing?" He ask and i glance at him over my shoulder.

"I dont like wearing the same thing for to long or thats covered in blood and tears" i tell him pulling my sweatshirt and sweatpants off before slipping his shirt on and seeing a smirk on his face when i turn around. "What?" I snap and his smirk widens.

"Oh nothing, princess" he smirks and i remember the back of my underwear has princess across the ass of my lace underwear and scoff putting my hands on my hips. "What? Was i suppouse to close my eyes?" He ask faking seriousness earning a glare.

Sitting on his bed playing with the gun trailing my finger across every detail joker sat across from me writing something in a notebook. "What are you doing?" I ask curiously.

"Tonight im meeting up with some old uh, friends" he begins but i cut him off.

"How come you call them friends but not me after all we've been through?" I joke and he rolls his eyes turning on his side to get comfortable.

"I dont want to be your friend youre annoying" he casually says and i kick his legs making him throw his pen at me.

"Well fuck you too then" i huff throwing the pen back at him except he catches it and sends me a smirk.

"I already have you in my bed"

"Just tell me what youre doing" i say getting annoyed with his stupid jokes.

"I want some new toys so im getting some. You want some bullets so im getting more, any other questions?" He ask and i shake my head leaning back happy i finally got the gun.

Waking up wrapped in something warm was not what i expected. Looking up to see joker still sleeping and murmuring, his arm was wrapped around my head tangled in my hair and i was leaned against his chest. Why was i smiling? Why was i not rushing to get up? Why are we even in this position? More like how. Jokers door was swung up so i grabbed the gun he kept in his waistband and he jumped out his sleep rolling onto his back so i was now on his stomach and he grabbed the gun of his nightstand aiming in the same direction i did.

Standing in the door way is one of his goons they mustve been new because they all new better then comming upstairs. His eyes widen and his hands shoot up innocently. "I-i they sent me up here to get you guys" he panicks but it doesnt look like hes really scared.

Climbing over joker i walk closer to the boy who looks no older then 17. "Who sent you?" I asked and he slowly puts his hands down looking away a light blush on his tan cheeks.

"I cant remember his name" he begins "am i not suppouse to be up here?" He realizes and i nod putting my hands on my hips.

"Ill handle it" joker rumbles in my ear making me shiver, not sure if he ignores it or simply doesnt notice i watch as he slugs down the hall the young boy nervously following. "Get ready doll we have work to do" i hear joker yell in his nasaly voice before i turn around and look at his bed curious of what the hell happened.

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