《Gangsta//Joker》Im built for it


3rd person:

Joker was confused when he heard giggling and mumbling comming from her room, who was she talking to? Who the hell did she allow in her room?! He didnt like one bit that he was no longer the only one allowed in. Barging in-as per usual he was shocked to see his youngest henchman in here...while she was only wearing his t-shirt a new one. Her skin was still damp but her hair and makeup was done much better then he'd ever seen and he was curious if it was because this...this boy.

"Oh im sorry j, was it time to go?" She smiles innocently at him like nothing was wrong.

"Ill be downstairs, have a good night" he winks at her making her giggle and gives joker a nod before going downstairs. Fucking giggling?! The joker seathes sitting in the chair he always sits in but she yells at him.

"My dress you ass! Youre wrinkling it!" She yells and he gets up clumsily tripping over something and hears yelling again.

"You ruined my shoes! You ruin everything, get out get out get OUT!" She yells pushing him out the door and slamming it. Baffled and annoyed joker stomps down the stairs and stopping at a smirking frost.

"Not a word frost, im going to the club tell her when shes done itll be a car waiting for her" he tells frost who nods and steps out of jokers way.

She didnt mean to yell at him but this was a new dress and new shoes it cost alot of money, so what she may not have paid for it but this was her favorite color and it wasnt silk like every other dress she owned. A knock on her door interrupted her thoughts and she huffed thinking it was joker. Swinging open the joker she noticed frost. "The joker already left but he has a car waiting," he begins.

"What?! He never leaves without me!" She huffs slipping on her shoes and spritzing on perfume.

"He was annoyed with you" frost admits before telling me about joker making a smirk grow on my face.

Her pov

When i arrived to the club i texted joker "honey im hoooome" only to get back a simple "ok". Well whats got him so uptight usually id get back a joking response. Noticing the club is dead except 4 or 5 people and 2 at the bar, i go over to the dj giving him my song request and going over to the pole knowing he was watching since more people were comming in. I begin twirling grinding and climbing on the poll hearing a few whistles before i slide down into a split as the music gets louder i feal my adrenaline pumping and i continue dancing sexually until the songs over.

Jumping out of the cage i see frost shaking his head and i huff out a "what". "Boss man isnt happy with you...at all youre suppouse to be here on buisness not entertaining" he tells me mocking jokers voice earning a laugh as we both get shots from the bar.

"Oh please" i start before taking down the hennessy. "Hes just mad im not giving him attention" i tease before taking another shot and frost laughs in agreeance. "I should probably go before he starts doing irrational things...well more irrational then usual." i shake my head waving off frost and heading upstairs where we conduct buisness.


Opening the door i see joker looking at the bar where i was with frost through the one way window. He was sipping on some dark alcohol the same one he always drunk. "You missed me?" I tease closing the door and walking towards him but he just shakes his head not even spairing me a glance. "Really? Well a little birdie told me you were jealous you didnt have my attention" i say only to get cut off.

"Well that bird is cooked because hes giving false information" he spits out but i can hear the animosity in his voice.

"Oh? Well do i still have your attention mistah j" i purr grabbing his boner through his suit pants making his eyes flutter but he pushes me away and growls out "stop" making me giggle. "So you liked my show?" I asked smiling widely up at him and he looks at me not being able to hold in his smile when he sees me.

"I hate you" he mutters taking a long swallow of his drink and i shrug taking in his outfit. He had on a black suit with black dress shoes burgundy & green argyle socks and a burgundy half buttoned shirt. He had a gold chain on his neck and 3 gold rings on each hand. Curious as to why he wasnt talking i walked up behind him wrapping my arms around him and peeking over his shoulder until i hear growling and look up seeing him glaring at me. Before i could ask what his problem was our guest walked in, i couldnt get a good look at their faces but they were all tall.

One of them heald their hand out for him to shake it and i snorted. "He dont shake hands" i tell the man who in return holds his hand out to me.

"How about you beautiful?" He ask and i can feel jokers eyes on me almost daring me. Scratch that, he was daring me.

"For all i know you couldve just jacked off and wiped your cum off with that hand, no thanks" i smirk at the look on his face and hear joker make a noise of approval. He was still tense and angry, god knows why but i followed as he sat down standing protectively behind his seat with my arms draped over his shoulder. My fingers played with the gold chain that layed on his very well defined chest and his breathing starts to become deeper and more rigid, his legs rocking back and forth impatiently.

"You mad at me mistah j?" i ask softly in his ear and he sends me a look and ignores my question. He needed to loose his sour attitude, he didnt have his usual 'why so serious' attitude and if i noticed so would they. Sighing ready to walk away annoyed with him and the small talk these men were making joker pulled me into his lap by my arm roughly.

"First time we seen you with a bitch on your arm, joker" a pudgy man says and i feel something in me tick. I was not a bitch i was alot more then that, and he was about to learn you dont call any female that word. Grabbing the knife from inbetween my breast i flick it right at his neck.

"Anyone else?" I spit out and hear his mechanical laugh. "J i want my bullets and i want to leave" i snap and he smiles sinisterly.


"Well maybe next time these men will bring their boss with them and on time" joker says and i huff crossing my arms. "Uh-oh shes starting to get impatient you guys might want to call your boss cause when shes angry well..you see what happened to your friend over there" he says. We expected this troy guy to be late we had people blocking the street causing him hassle so we could talk to his men that worked for him, alone. Of course they wouldnt know troys prices but they brought his weaponry like joker said they would.

"Thats it im leaving" i huff getting off jokers lap trying to get a reaction out of the men but i got nothing except a glare from joker cause this definately wasnt appart of his plan.

"Leaving without giving me any sugar, dollface?" Joker teases but i know the meaning behind his words. Hes furious im leaving without any weapons from troys men, and that id given up so easily.

"Of course not, mistah j" i smirk leaning down pulling his face to mine pushing my lips against his. He froze but that didnt stop me from tangling my tounge with his and he instantly kissed back once i did. I let it linger on a bit secretly and regretfully loving the way it felt before i slowly pulled away playfully biting on his bottom lip earning a sexy growl from him.

"F-four thousand" one man stutters and i grin, men were so easy. I looked up to see him adjusting his tie to make it loose and hes slightly sweating.

"4 thousand sound good to you mistah j" i ask looking over to see him licking his lips.

"What? Oh no, per case? Definately 2 thousand" he says clapping his hands together and i nod agreeing.

"But our boss never does lower then 3 grand!" Another of the 4 now 3 men cut in.

"Yeah, for new partners and ones he barely likes" the 3rd man cuts in eyeing me and i send him a wink while the other 2 bicker.

"2 thousand?"


Placing myself in jokers lap he smirks at the chaos i created between the men when just a few hours ago he didnt think i could. Trailing kisses up his jaw i stop at his ear running my hand through the back of his soft green hair. "You plan on telling me why you were so angry earlier?" I whisper continuing with the show to distract his men.

"No" he mutters back and i smirk trailing my finger down his chest to open up his shirt more trailing my palm down his abs strong v-line and stopping at his belt buckle giggling.

"I think you were jealous" i hum loud enough just for him to hear and he looks down at me his baby blue eyes now a dark shade.

"1500" i hear and perk up at it smiling.

"See j they know how to make a lady happy maybe you should take some notes" i tease sending the guy another wink when i hear a scoff.

"Please thats hardly how you treat a lady, 975 a crate end price for you my dear" the youngest guy says and i bite my lip at him as i lean on the table discreetly pushing up my boobs.

"What a gentlemen! whats your name?" I ask flirtastiously and he smirks beginning to open his mouth but a different voice sounds through the room.

"Negotiating without me?" A raspy voice ask and i could die, he wasnt suppouse to be here for another 10 minutes. "Sorry im late i had a few drug sales to make and a minor road set back" he adds and my body freezes i knew that voice, i could never forget it. He steps into view and my heart stops and falls into my stomach. That same crescent moon shaped scar sits on the edge of his temple and i lean back into j for comfort.

"No need to worry your boys made us a nice deal" joker laughs "oh and she got impatient" he adds reffering to the dead man. Troys eyes shift to me and his smirk widens.

"Well well i see youve grown up doll, hows youre mother by the way?" He ask with a evil glint in his eyes and i feel the tears ready to boil up in my eyes. Getting up i take in a deep breath before talking.

"You had us waiting, thats not something i do. Joker you can finish up here im going to get a drink" i say trying to walk out as confidently as possible. After closing the office door i sink to the floor trying to keep it together when i hear a door slam.

"The hell is your problem?" Joker snaps until he sees me holding my knees to my chest. "Why are you on the floor?" He ask

"Its him..i couldnt stay it brought back memories...he remembers" i force out incoherrent sentences before im grabbed off the floor.

"You better not cry" joker grumbles holding me against the wall.

"I dont want to!" I yell at him feeling the tears burn at the corner of my eyes. "I dont want this to control me anymore, i want to be free" i tell him and he smiles showing off all his silver teeth.

"Mmm you need to kill him" he tells me and my heart shoots into my throat.

"But what if-" i begin and he puts a finger on my lip.

"Tut tut tut, no what ifs. Tonight or never" he tells me and i nod earning a contempt sigh from high.

"Good girl, now heres something to take the edge off" he says giving me a half empty bottle or a copper liquid. Taking a long swallow i instantly regret because it burns like hell. "Now tell me what do you want done" he says and for some reason his voice has a echo. I look down at the bottle and back up at him.

"Bring him to the warehouse, untouched this one is all mine" i finally say feeling the alcohol of burning through my body.

"And his men?" Joker ask watching as the alcohol takes its affect on me and i give him a lazy smirk.

"What kind of friend would i be if i didnt let you have your fun" i shrugg walking back downstairs.

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