《Gangsta//Joker》Im fucked up


The past few days joker noticed she barely came out her room and when she does its early in the morning and returning late at night. She usually came back out of breath or punching things. She never spoke to anyone like she usually did every morning not even him. Joker huffed in anger, she basically dissapears with no trace and he wasnt liking the lack of attention.

But not today, today he followed her with a black hoodie over his head for almost half an hour. The streets were crowded with kids of all ages shapes sizes future criminals and their lawyers, enjoyed being let out for summer break. So excited they barely noticed the strange man sneaking down the street with a hot hoodie.

Finally stopping at an old brick abandoned building that he watched her climb into the front window so he traveled around the building until he found the back door that lead up a flight of stairs. He could hear music softly playing the further he got in the building, taking a peak over the balcony he was on he realized he could see her dancing.

Becoming entranced by how smoothly her body flowed and how flexible she was he bent lower to watch her.

Her body bended backwards as her long legs followed and joker unconciously licked his lips. Her movements was so swift and smooth making the green haired man realize why she was like this with everything else.

Her small hands ran through her thick raven curls and dragging them down her curvy body before she dipped her body shaking her hips.

Twirling around lead to leaping across the floor and landing in a crouched position with her head in her hands the music getting louder she rolled onto the floor her legs gracefully following but her dancing becoming more ridged and aggressive.

Her movement were forceful and her steps werent dainty anymore she was stomping and her hands werent flowing they were swinging wildly into fist, right before they slammed into one of the mirrors making it shatter.

With her hair now covering her face she couldnt be seen as she slid into a middle split leaning forward and crawling towards the pile of glass. Now joker was extremely entranced in her.

Spinning around extremely fast her hair flying behind her like a tail before shuffling to kick the glass on the floor joker could see little drops of red from where he stood and was curious why she was causing herself so much damage.

Not sure where the bat came from he watched as she stared at her reflection from under her curls and smashed it into the glass mirror. Dropping it she spun around again before doing a cartwheel with no hands.


As the song came to an end she sat on the floor her hands resting on her knees as her body shook, joker took that as his chance to let his presence be known. Clapping as he walked towards her a smile on his face that was no longer covered by his hood.

Bravo doll, that was quite the show" he smiles until she gives him a reaction he wasnt expecting.

GET OUT!" She yells infuriated he was here and embarassed he saw her when she was vulnerable. Running her hands through her hair and hissing upon realizing there was alot of glass in her hands. Unaware to her, The puddles of blood was building up and joker walked faster to her.

"And let you bleed out all over the floor? Mmm no thanks doll" he says bending down to her but she swings her fist blindly connected it with his forehead making a piece of glass in her hand leave a deep cut.

"Next time you do that im going to bite you back" he grumbles but realizes shes paying him no mind so he grabs her chin to face him only to have it get wet with tears.

"Doll..." He begins moving her hair backwards and notices her eyes are slightly puffy from crying and theres tears streaming down her cheeks. "Lets get you home" he says picking her up bridal style and her arms lightly go around his shoulders.

Kicking open his office door and walking over to his desk before placing the brunette on top she slowly lets go of him.

"Who wouldve known it wouldve been you helping me..of all people" she smiles at him pretending nothing ever happened. Turning over his shoulder to look at her he noticed her smiling and her eyes low, probably ditsy from the blood loss. "Why so serious joker, it-its not a good look on that cute face of yours snookums" she giggles tapping his nose lazily. He smiles sadly at her before pulling out the first aid kit she usually always uses on him after heist while she begins to close her eyes.

"Joker?" She questions swaying from side to side kicking her feet like a kid.

"Yes doll?" He asking getting the tweezers alcohol and cotton balls.

"Are we friends?" She slurs buting her lip which catches his eye.

"I dont have friends" he mutters as he starts working on the glass.

"Maybe thats why youre grumpy either that or sex" she tells him looking past him and he smirks looking up before remembering shes missing a few screws at the moment.


"you do have a cut though" she says before kissing his forehead which makes his whole body freeze and she slowly leans back.

Her pov:

Waking up in my bed when i remembered being at my old dance studio was weird. Seeing joker in a chair next to my bed with a gun and bag of chips on his lap was weirder. Grabbing the nacho chips i eat the last few he left in the bag cautiously after seeing the gauze on my hand. I always know when he was the last to eat something because he leaves a small amount behind.

Growing bored i struggled down the stairs seeing frost on the couch, he notices me and quickly stands up adjusting his suit jacket. "Boss lady how you feeling?" He ask and i motion for him to sit back down.

"Fine, gosh what time is it?" I ask holding my head and he tells me 4am.

"Well im glad to see your up" i hear a nasal voice say from behind me and i turn around.

"Hey j" i smile turning back to frost whos smiling at his phone.

"Whos the lucky lady thats got your lips to your ears?" I joke but he shakes his head.

"Not lady but my daughters they uh they lost their two front teeth at the same time" he smiles wiping his eyes.

"Twins?" I asked happily leaning over his shoulder to look at the picture to see two black hair green eyed little girls.

"Theyre gorgeous" i smile and he nods before a new screen pops up...a facetime call from the two before i shoo him off. Walking into the kitchen to eat my food as i realise there was much about us we didnt know about another. Slurping the noodle of my fork i notice eyes watching my every move.

"What joker?" I ask and he crosses his arm.

"You know what, since that boat ride you've been off. Yelled at me and called me jack when i thought i made it very clear not to. Then dissapearing for hours not comming home until late at night and when you do youre recked and recking everything" he begins yelling.

"Why so...serious?" I joke trying to avoid having this talk ive been putting off for a week. But i think it was finally catching up with me by the look on his face. "Im not hungry any more im just going to head upstairs" i begin climbing off the bar stool.

"ASHTON!" He yells slamming his hand on the table behind me trapping me in and my jaw nearly dropped. Since i met him he never yelled at me like that or ever got this angry with me. Since i met him he never called me my real name it was always doll, dollface or reffered to me as she or her. My shoulders slumped down and my wide eyes went to the floor that suddenly was interesting.

"I dont have to..." I mutter playing with the gauze on my hands before he grumbles.

"Listen if i didnt follow you today you wouldve bled out in there, ive never seen you cry, hell i didnt know you knew what it was. Im all for a good time and destruction but not you trying to make yourself bleed out!" He growls sitting me back in the chair.

"Im fucked up j, we both are end of story" i sigh clasping my hands but hes not having any of it.

"You want to be difficult? Great! Now we can do things my way and really get this party going" he laughs sinisterly as he throws me over his shoulder and take me further into the back, a part ive never seen before. My back roughly meets a cold metal table and im strapped down before i could run which im sure he could catch since im at a slight disadvantage.

"What are you going to do? You finally going to kill me?" I yell at him tilting my head back and watching as he presses buttons on the system.

"What? Kill you? Oh no youre way to fun im just going to hurt it out of you, it may fry your brains cause you to loose memories hear voices and migraines but those are minor side effects" he shruggs twirling the electric rods around in his hands teasingly.

"Go ahead do it joker you cant hurt me any more then he did" i yell trying to push him but i call bluff.

"He doesnt compare to me" the joker teases getting closer with wide eyes and i subconciously know hes using reverse psychology but maybe its time to tell someone.

"Hes worse, he hurt me worse! More then anyone ever could youd never do what he did" i blurt out angrily.

"Is that a challenge dollface?" I hear him and the smirk in his voice before he puts the rods on either side of my head.

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