《His Muffin》Ambushed


{Xavier Knight}

Fucking rats.

I limp up into my room and lay in my bed, it's been a fucking day.

This afternoon, Dante called me to tell me there was some kind of problem with the shipment so we went to check and got fucking ambushed.

We ended up killing most of the men and took some as prisoners to question them.

We did take some damage though; Dante got stabbed and was with Enzo who was cleaning him up. He offered to help me but I just wanted to lay in bed, I'm so fucking tired.

Thankfully, Enzo was on sniping so he wasn't hurt but he did a damn good job. We would be fucking dead if he wasn't there.

I, on the other hand, got a lot of cuts and bruises all over my body so I was worn out. I decide I will deal with those tomorrow and just close my eyes to try to sleep.

We are stupid for not taking more men with us. They had double the number of men we had but they still lost. Bitches.

I had a feeling Cameron was behind this. It had been years so I don't know why he would but it could be.

I go to sleep wondering who it could be and make a mental note to text muffin when I am up in the morning.

{Amaya Rose}

I woke up the next morning and checked my phone to see if Xavier texted.


I get up and get ready to go to work. He'll be there so I can just talk to him then.

As I walked into the building I could see more people than usual.

I start baking and check the time when I'm done; 5:55.

Okay soon. I wait. 6:00. No sign of him. 6:10. Still no Xavier, he is probably running late.

Around 9 I give up waiting and call him but he doesn't pick up. Where are you?

"Hello," a man walks up to me.

"Good morning sir, what can I get you?" I smile, trying not to look worried in front of a customer.

"Are you alright? You seem anxious," he asks.

"Uh, yes sir. I'm okay," I mumble.

"Are you sure?" he tilts his head.

"Just worried about someone but I'll be okay," I breathe out.

"I know you don't know me but talking to a stranger helps and plus there aren't many people here so," he offers. "I completely understand if you don't, I'm not trying to impose."

"No, it's just that my boyfriend told me there had some kind of problem and he told me he would text me after but he still hasn't so I'm getting worried," I explain, he looks at me with a sad look.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, maybe he forgot with whatever's going on," he reassures.


"I hope so," I sigh.

"I'm Cameron by the way," he sticks out his hand.

"Amaya," I take his hand, shaking it.

"Well, what would you like MR. Cameron," I smile.

"Anything chocolate. What do you recommend?" he questions.

"We have really good chocolate fudge brownies," I offer.

"Perfect," he hands me some money and I give him the brownie.

"This is amazing," he chimes when he takes a bite of the brownie.

"Thank you," I mean it is my recipe and I made those ones so.

"You made these?" he looks shocked.

"Yeah, it's my recipe," I grin proudly.

"Wow, I love them!" He exclaims. "I'll take the rest please."

I hand him a box of them and he hands me a lot more money than necessary.

"Keep it," he pushes the change back to me.

"Oh no, that's a lot," I mumble.

"What? no. Please, you just gave me the best thing I've ever eaten. Just take it," he shoves the money towards me.

"Well, thank you, sir," I smile, grateful. This could help with my bakery.

"No problem. See you soon Amara," with that he is gone

My name is Amaya but it's okay.

After work, I pack Xavier's muffin and call a cab and give the driver the address of Xavier's house.

Once I reach the gates the guards let me in with no question so I just walk in.

I walk into the house and I get stopped by a voice.

"Who are you?" the voice booms. I pause and turn to see the man on the bus. What?

"I- I am Amaya. Xavier's girlfriend," his facial expression switches and he grins at me. I don't know why I am so nervous.

"Oh, it's you. I'm Dante, Xavier's best friend," he hugs me suddenly.

"Hello," I smile, still nervous.

"Sorry. I'm just excited to meet you. Xavier is always talking about you," he beams.


He walks closer and pauses when he sees me.

"Amaya right?" he asks.

"Yeah. How'd you know?" I question.

"Xavier showed us a picture of you," he answers.

"Oh yeah. I forgot. I feel dizzy," Dante sighs, and he starts to sweat a bit.

"Come on," the other guy grabs Dante and looks at me. "Wait here. I'll put him on the couch and then take you to Xavier."

When he gets back, he mentions for me to follow him and we enter an elevator.

"I'm Enzo by the way," he informs.

"Nice to meet you Enzo. I'm Amaya," I smile.

"I know," he laughs. The elevator opens and we walk to a door and he stops in front of it. "This is Xavier's room. He doesn't usually like people in his room but I don't think he'll mind you."


"What if he does?" I ask.

"He won't. Trust me," and then he walks away.

I stand in front of the door, contemplating if I should go in. I feel like I'm intruding.

I knock on the door but no one answers so I knock again.

"FUCKING WHAT," Xavier screams.

Okay, then he isn't happy.

"Umm, it's me. Amaya," the door swings open and I see Xavier. Shirtless with tired eyes. He looks gorgeous. But that's not the point right now. He has cuts and bruises on his face and body.

"Like what you see," he smirks when I stare too long at his topless body. He is hot, yes but that wasn't the concern right now.

"What happened?" I gasp, taking his hand and pulling him into the room, and sitting him on the bed.

"What are you doing here? What time is it?" he rubs his eyes.

"You didn't text me last night and you didn't come to work this morning so I was worried. It's also 3:00 PM" I mumble. "Now tell me what happened," I huff.

"I'll tell you in a bit. Let me just clean up," he goes to stand up but I stop him.

"Tell me where the first aid box is. I'll do it. You tell me what happened while I clean you up," I admit I am being a bit demanding but he shouldn't be moving around right now. I also didn't want to wait.

"Bathroom. Second drawer," he smirks, pointing at a door I'm guessing is the bathroom. I'm a genius I know.

I find it and place it on the bed, opening it to take out everything I need.

"Start talking," I order, getting an alcohol wipe and going to the biggest cut on his chest to get it over with.

When it makes contact with his skin, he hisses. I back away a bit but he nods, gesturing me to continue.

"So, I know I should've told you this before we got official but if you feel uncomfortable with this I completely understand," he informs.

I start to get nervous about what he will say but I stay quiet and continue cleaning his cuts, letting him continue.

"I own a mafia," he blurts out.

"WHAT," I gape.

"I know it sounds bad but, hear me out okay?" I go to talk but he stops me. "No. Stay quiet till I'm done then make your decision but for now just clean me."

I listen and let him finish while I take care of his cuts.

"So, my mafia has been going on for generations," he starts.

"The first person to start it was my great, great, great grandfather and it got passed down to his son then his son till it got to my dad, who wanted to end it cause my mom was worried; she had every reason to be. I didn't want to disappoint my dad so we convinced my mom and told her we could do it" he sighs, looking at me for my reaction but I just continue cleaning. When he sees that, he goes on.

"I knew I was going to be the leader since I was 10 and I have been training for it since, at 19 I finally got the title and I also started a few hotel and bar businesses so no one got suspicious of where I was getting my money from," he explained.

He looks at me waiting...

"Are you going to die?" I mumble and his face softens.

"No, I make sure my face doesn't go public so no one knows I'm the leader and that helps a lot with the safety," he informs. "I'm not going to tell you it's safe though, 'cause it's not. It's super dangerous but I can promise you nothing will happen to you."

"What about you?" I narrow my eyes. "What if something happens to you? Huh? You didn't text. Or call. Or anything. What if something happens to you and this time there is no sign of you? what am I supposed to do? Just forget about you-" my rant gets cut off when he pulls me in and smashes his lips on mine.

He pulls me on him and flips us over so he is on top. Everything goes foggy. His hand goes under my shirt going higher and higher while his tongue moves against mine. I try keeping up with him and slide my hands on his chest then realize he is in pain.

I pull away and he just stares at me, his breath heavy.

"You look so hot," he smiles lazily, his hand still in my shirt.

"We need to put medicine on your cuts," I blush pushing him off me.

He sits there just looking at me while I clean him up before speaking up.

"To answer your sexy little rant; Nothing will happen to me, I promise. I was supposed to come to work today but I guess I got worn out and overslept, I didn't think it would worry you this much," he explains.

"Obviously I'll worry Xavier and looking at you now just shows I wasn't worrying enough," I sigh.

"I'm sorry. I will text you in the middle of the night the next time anything like this happens," he thinks he is reassuring.

"NEXT TIME?" I shout.

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