《ArShi~Love To The End!!!》i m con te (I'm with you)


Khushi 'toh chod dijiye Anjali ji ko' these words kept repeating in his mind again and again like a broken tape recorder.

What an irony is it? he had went behind following Khushi to terrace only to confess kyun farakh padtha hai but came out dead only to know she is having affair with another man and that too not any some random man but his brother in law, his sister's God like husband.

His eyes blood shot red, his Di's smiling face swimming in front of his eyes. His own promise he had given to his Di to safeguard her smile, her happiness, to be always there with her came toppling in his mind.

His tears escaped with his heart twisting painfully as if it was ripped open. He had failed in his promise....what will happen when she will come to know about Khushi and Shyam? The girl she considered as her sister, the girl she considered as her friend, the girl she considered as one of her family member is stabbing at her back. And Shyam, how she will take the deceit of her husband, how will she react to the betrayal of her husband who meant the world to her, how will she take the cheat's true face? His own parent's marriage swam before his eyes and he shuddered, No, his Di cannot take it. What if she takes the route to escape from this pain by taking her life like his mother? No he cannot afford to lose his mother like Di, his only family. She means the world to him.

Khushi looked around the spacious living hall where the wedding is going to take place, she is searching Arnav for the past half an hour, and she needs to tell him all about Shyam, how his own Jija ji is cheating on his sister and how he is forcing her to be in relationship with him. Only Arnav can handle Shyam, today what she saw in Shyam's face terrified her, she has seen the madness crossing the threshold of obsession, and she is scared what if he does something to her, to Anjali ji, No. If anything happens to her she can live with it or die no one will have so much loss but if anything like worst happens to Anjali than most affected person will be Arnav ji. Anjali ji is Arnav ji's world and if anything happens to her he will not be able to take it, his world will shatter and so hers. She cannot see him suffer, she cannot see him break. She needs to see him and tell him everything before anything goes wrong.

She went to NK 'Nanhe ji have seen Arnav ji?'

NK 'Nanav *he scratched his head* pata nahiin'

Khushi moved away from him.....she saw Anjali smiling with Nani ji, going to them she asked for Arnav only to see them sharing teasing smile. She brushed it off; it is not the time to ponder on their smile...Anjali smugly 'Chotte....Chotte toh chat ke taraf jaa rahe the ek ghante pehle'

Khushi paled, he went to terrace before an hour, and did he see her and Shyam together? What if he heard everything?

Nani 'bitiya he may be in his room' Khushi nodding at them absentmindedly walked towards his room, his room was closed. She brought her hands to knock the door but it pushed open. Coming inside she looked at Arnav, his face grave.

Her heart thumping hard she stepped inside. Walking towards him she called softly 'Ar...Arnav ji'

He stiffened at her voice, his body trembled in fury. Khushi moved forward towards him. Arnav 'Stop there'


Stunned in silence she looked at him, his cold voice cutting through her. Arnav turned towards her 'Kyun aayi ho yahan'

Khushi tried to open her mouth, he rushed to her clutching her shoulder in tight grip, and she winced with his nails digging her skin. Arnav 'what are you doing here? What more do you want now? You are successful in destroying my Di's married life now what do you want?'

Khushi's eyes teared up listening to his words. Arnav 'your crocodile tears will not affect me.' He shakes her roughly.

Arnav 'what did she do to you that you were behind her happiness. She always thought best of you, had always wished good for you but you....*chi* having affair with her husband'

Khushi shouted horrified 'nahiin'

Arnav pushed her away 'mujhe ghin aathi hai tumse. Nikal jao meri aur meri family ke zindagi se (I feel disgusted with you. Go away from me and my family's life)'

Khushi 'listen to me....once...you are thinking wrong'

Arnav sarcastically 'Wrong? Huh?....I heard with my own ears you asking him to leave my sister...I'll not let you live in peace....you are destroying her and I'll not leave you both....I'll destroy you both' He did not wait to see her hurt face, her tear soaked cheeks and left the room.

Khushi shocked sat numb, his words piercing her heart even after him gone. She did not know how long she sat there but when she got her senses she wiping her tears rushed out. No, he cannot misunderstand her; he cannot think so low of her, he cannot trust for her to hurt him.

Arnav walking out of the room looked out for his sister to disclose the truth of her scum bag husband, on not seeing her anywhere in the crowd he walked towards her room.

Arnav 'Di!!!'

Anjali smiling 'haan Chotte'

Arnav 'I need to talk with you'

Anjali 'now!!!'

Arnav 'yes Di, it is very important'

He made her sit on the bed, kneeling in front of her he took her hand in his, struggled to disclose the truth of her cheat husband. Anjali 'kya huwa Chotte. What do you want to say?'

Arnav 'Di....Di...woh....jijaji *Anjali nodded her head*.....woh Jijaji....maine terrace par.....woh Khushi....'

Arnav ji!!!!, both Arnav and Anjali looked at the door to see Khushi standing, Khushi sighed, she had got up to catch hold of Arnav to clear his misconception only to get shock to know he had been finding Anjali and had went to her room. She knew that Arnav has gone to tell about Shyam and the misunderstanding on her thinking she is with Shyam deceiving everyone. No she can't let that happen.

Anjali 'Khushi ji!!!' Khushi came inside, her eyes looking at Arnav who glared at her. Khushi passed a weak smile to her and then turned to Arnav 'voh I...I need your help Arnav ji'

Arnav fisted his hand standing up, Anjali 'help?'

Khushi 'haan voh....I need to buy some stuff from market, buaji asked for them'

Anjali 'now, but the marriage ritual is going to start'

Khushi 'haan but she said it is urgent...and I thought to take Arnav ji's help' she gulped wishing, praying him to agree with her or Anjali to pressurize him to agree with her.

Arnav 'No!!! Di I need to talk with you now, abhi isi waqt' his gaze hard on Khushi

Anjali looking at helpless Khushi 'Chotte, go with her. We will talk later'


Arnav 'Di!!!'

Anjali 'it is my order Chotte' fuming he left the room giving his cold glare to Khushi.

Anjali 'Khushi ji go with him' Khushi nodding her head went out.....she rushed up to Arnav who was walking fast 'Arnav ji...Arnav ji meri baat toh suniye....aap galat samaj rahe hain'

Arnav did not listen to her, frustrated, heartbroken he moved out of the house with Khushi following behind....he got inside his car and started the car, but Khushi was quick she sat inside before he could have the chance to drive away.

He was driving the car rashly, Khushi clutched the seat, door handle but nothing was working, her fear of getting into any accident like her parents was taking toll on her. Arnav was not in his senses....he wanted to kill her for cheating on them, to kill himself for not able to do anything, to kill that bas**** for playing with them.

In the single road, a truck came from front and he swirled the steering to move the car away from the line of the truck coming to save them from accident. Car screeched halt at the corner after he successfully swirled the vehicle from getting hit by truck. Khushi hit hard on the dashboard. Her head swelled at that area....Arnav shouted 'Khushi!!!' concern evident in his voice.

Khushi looked at him with her vulnerable eyes, they are moist. Arnav is no different; he is weak, trembling, hurt. They gazed at each other....her eyes telling him to trust her, give her one chance to explain.....his eyes looking at her asking himself how the innocent face in front is all evil inside. He tore his eyes away from her and got down banging the door shut, she winced.

She too got down and tried to go near him when he raised his hands stopping her. Arnav looked at her with his blood shot eyes 'why?'

He striding towards her 'tell me why? Why did you cheat us all? Did you never thought about my Di who always wished good for you, always looked after you as a family member, she loves you but you...but you are cheating behind her back with none other than her husband....why? Why did you cheat her....Damn it....say me why?.....why did you to this to her? To me? To us.....why?'

Khushi stood silent, his words tearing her apart, his pain killing her. Seeing her all silent Arnav shouted a heart wrenching cry. Khushi jumped at that, stood numb, her limbs failed to move, her mouth went dry, a painful lump formed in her throat.

Khushi gulping, passing the lump difficulty got the words out of her mouth 'you are getting it all wrong'

Arnav turned to her, sarcastically, with his cold eyes 'Wrong? Really? Which part of you said leave Di is wrong? This is what you said to him right, to leave Di. Am I right or I'm right?'

Khushi shaking 'yes, but I meant different meaning to what you are thinking, comprehended'

Arnav chuckled 'is it so? But I don't think'

Khushi 'No, please hear me out'

Arnav 'why should I?'

Khushi shuddered at the hard gaze, his emotionless voice, she gathering her courage 'because you have the right to know the full truth'

Arnav 'there is more to the story? Huh?' he was at his sarcastic best, all he wants to is to kill Shyam and if his heart allows to kill her too.

Khushi nodding 'you don't know the whole truth? I said to him to leave Anjali ji not for me but for her....she is better off without him, a filthy man, who does not respect her, is not faithful to her, running behind another woman when he has a lovely beautiful woman who worships him as God' She looked at him in the eye, choking she started reciting how Shyam came in her life as her savior from the thugs who were harassing her after he released the video of fashion show where she fell on his arms. How her amma had decided to send her and Payal to Delhi after the video fiasco. How Shyam Jha again met with them and how he had portrayed himself as orphan and single getting himself a room in their buaji's house as paying guest. How he promised to help buaji in getting her husband's pension. How he had helped her to get into Raizada godown a job but fate had other plans where she lost her appointment letter and landed in the main office and got the job of Lavanya ji's assistant. How he started gaining buaji trust where she started looking him as her prospective goons. How she never met Anjali's husband in her period of Lavanya's trainee. How she was being forced by her buaji to get engaged to Shyam when her babu ji fell ill. How she had come to know his true color on the havan day at RM where Anjali invited her and how she was shocked to see the person whom she had thought as her good friend is playing with their families feeling. How she had broken her engagement with Shyam. How she had intended to tell him the truth about Shyam but could not tell him in the fear of seeing him shattered, in the fear of him not believing her. How she had tried to tell Anjali the next day with her family supporting but could not tell the truth seeing how much Anjali love believes and worships her husband. How Shyam tried to portray Anjali as bad wife in front of her eyes but could not succeed. How today evening she saw a message on the mirror asking her to meet on the terrace. How she had went to terrace thinking of him to calling her to say something important which he was hinting at the evening but got shock to see Shyam in front of her who forcefully hugged her and started confessing his love.

Khushi 'and all I can see is he is not good for Anjali ji, she does not deserve someone unfaithful as her husband. She will be happy without his fake love which he is showering on her for money'

Arnav looked at her for few seconds, the in loud, clear and dry voice 'done with your story' his eyes held doubts, suspicion which pierced her heart some more.

Khushi choking 'this is not any story, this is the truth....please believe me....I cannot think any harm to you or Anjali ji'

Arnav clapping his hands 'well bravo acting Khushi...very well....you should be in acting field...you act good, these sad vulnerable face, making up the story in two minutes talent, these crocodile tears....you will reach the top, will become no 1 if you enter into any small or big screen'

Khushi looking at him defeated 'you don't believe me'

Arnav 'why will I?'

Both looked at each other, both hurting in the untimely misunderstanding which came at the wrong time when they were taking step towards their relationship, when they were on the verge of confession their growing feeling towards each other. But one Man and his action already are drifting Arnav and Khushi apart even before they could meet.

Khushi closed her eyes, more tears slipped from her eyes, Arnav's hand itched to wipe her tears, to gather her in his arms and console her but the betrayal he got in past is not letting him believe the truth in the present, all he feels is lie.

She opened her eyes, looking straight in his eyes 'then take me to Laxmi Nagar, there all the people living knows Shyam Manohar Jha very well. They can tell you about him, according to your theory if I'm saying made up stories then consider it, one can say the made up story but not all can say the same story like parrot. And if then too you are not satisfied and believe me then you can investigate the truth yourself but please don't come to conclusion yet'

Arnav looked at her hard possessing her words, analyzing it, he wanted to believe her, even if it is 0.1% doubt he wants to trust in her. The girl he fell for, he wanted to give her one last chance, and he badly wanted her to be innocent.

He took long strides, reaching the door of his car, he opened it, his gaze moved towards Khushi who is standing looking at him confused, Arnav 'do you need any invitation to sit inside the car'

Khushi dragging herself, took her seat beside him, she looked at him....what is he thinking? His expression was blank, as if he did not heard what she said. He did not look at her instead drove them through the lonely road to reach their destination with her gaze fixed on him trying to read him and with him knowing her gaze on him ignoring it.

Car stopped with force, she moved her gaze away from him and looked out to be little surprised to see them in Laxmi Nagar somewhere she thought he will not consider her request and get them to RM.

Arnav's voice broke her reverie 'one chance Khushi, only one chance only because of the girl who once has declared me characterless because I don't believe in marriage, one chance for that girl who I believe will never cross her morals who taught me the same, one chance for that girl who believes in this sacred relationship, only one chance'

Khushi nodded at him, her tears slipping, she touched her hands in his who flinched but did not shrug her away, she took his right hand in her both and pressed them tight 'thank you Arnav ji, I do know how it is difficult for you, trust me I never in my wildest dream ever think of anything negative, harm for you....I don't want you to think low of me Arnav ji, I can never live with that....I don't care about what others think now but not you, it will kill me and there will be nothing forwards to look for me'

Arnav heard her without any fail, his heart racing; he too hopes to see her innocent so to save his heart from some more heart break. Arnav 'why?'

Khushi looked away, in that circumstance they were in how could she tell her growing feelings towards him, he will not believe her, first his misunderstanding about her should be cleared. Khushi taking shuddering breathe 'go out and ask the people here living about Shyam Manohar Jha, you must have his image in your phone I believe which can be helpful to show them his picture. You will get all your answer to his deceitful lies he has spin to both the families, to me, to Anjali ji'

Arnav took back his hand once she had left it, feeling empty. He got down from the car and waited for her to come out but she shaking her head 'you need to go alone'

He looked at her, and then walked on to know the truth which will definitely break him but may also give hopeful relief to him that Khushi is innocent is not involved with Shyam. He found a man on the garage working on the car came for servicing, clearing his throat he gained his attention. Happy ji came towards him smiling 'hello sir, what service you have?'

Arnav 'nothing, I need some information'

Happy ji 'information?'

Arnav 'yes, about the man living in Gupta house as paying guest'

Happy ji 'but who are you? And why do you want to know about him?'

Arnav frustrated 'I just need to know' taking his phone out, he shoved the picture before Happy ji's nose asking 'is this the same man who lived here in Gupta house as paying guest?'

Happy ji surprised 'yes...yes...he is Shyam ji, the one lived here in buaji's house and later got engaged to Khushi bitiya....but don't know why they called off the engagement and he has not seen since then'

Arnav gulped, Happy ji 'but who is the lady beside him?'

Arnav 'his wife, my sister'

Happy ji gasped 'what? But he had said to all here that he is orphan and no one to call as his own and definitely he was portraying himself as single to us. And buaji too got him engaged to Khushi bitiya thinking he is nice man but....but here you are saying he is married to your sister...when did he marry to your sister? A month back? Is that why he left bua ji's house and the engagement called off'

Arnav 'No, they both are married three years back'

Happy ji got the shock of his life; he stood horrified looking at Arnav. And Arnav knew then what ever he is hearing is truth and nothing else, Khushi said everything about Shyam is true. Happy ji 'Devi Maya ki lak lak shukar hai ki Khushi bitiya ki is ghatiya makkar aadmi se shaadi nahiin hui varna.....' he shuddered at the thought.

Vimla Mausi came to them looking at Happy ji's dead face, she enquired what happen and what she heard almost left her fainting. They all knew the engagement being called off but no knew the reason and they let it be when Madhumathi Mishra told that there horoscope did not match and so called of the impending marriage.

Vimala 'is that why they called of this engagement? So that man is kicked out of the Gupta house and no one knew it till now. Poor bitiya and Gupta's they must be very much shattered at this betrayal. Can't believe how much he helped everyone here and Gupta's dotted on him but he turned out to be snake'

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