《ArShi~Love To The End!!!》Cindrella!!!


The atmosphere bright and joyous with bright fairy lights strung all around the house and the branches of the trees in garden making everything look like a place in fairy tale, the house in itself looked like a palace from the tale her mother had always told her in childhood, the charming prince and the wonderful tale of him sweeping off the beautiful princess off her feet, and the very same stories she had built a dream of her own where unknown faceless prince coming and sweeping her off her feet. The stories and dreams still fresh in her eyes she walked inside the house in awe. Raizada Mansion is elegant and charming inside as much as it was outside.

Garima chuckled at the wonderstruck expression in her daughter's face

Shaking her head at her Grumbling under her breath Khushi followed her mother holding the bag containing boxes of sweets tightly in her hand. They were helped by one of the helper in the house for the direction to the kitchen where Bansari Lal ji is instructing his cookers. Bansari Lal runs catering business and one of the famous in Delhi. Running successfully for ten years and it was sheer luck and the appreciated words he heard of their delicious and quality sweets from one of his business acquaintance which brought him to choose them after sampling the sweets made by Garima and Khushi, and hiring them to make sweets for all the orders his catering service gets. He had given full freedom to choose their own kitchen to make sweets with the deal of delicious and quality sweets to be made and delivered on time. It was easy that way for Garima and Khushi to work in peace and their way.

Bansari Lal casted them with stern look. With a sorry smile at the man she rushed to apology and relieved a sigh when he relented to it.

Bansari Lal eyeing the bags Young man not more than Khushi's age strolled forward throwing a charming smile at Khushi as he took the bag from both her and her mother. Feeling disappointed for not being his smile returned from the girl he had been crushing on for the past few months he felt deterred. Khushi is beautiful and he has a yen for her like he had never before, only if she reciprocates it. The girl never bats an eye on his side or to his advances. Well he will work on his charm and ways to lure her, can't let a fine beautiful woman to let through his finger, now. Garima set to help the others when Bansari Lal asked her to give hand and nudged Khushi to do the same. Time passed quickly with guests started strolling inside Raizada Mansion one by one filling the whole down floor mingling with everyone they knew and making new acquaintance. Khushi slipped out of the kitchen wishing for fresh air from the stuffy atmosphere inside. She liked what she saw, the high class people gracing the party but at the same time she would choose to have some air in the garden then to stare at the marvelous people donned their best like the house is at the moment, so instead of heading in the mid sea of people she turned around and took the sliding door to the one which leads to garden.


The garden was like heart of the house, pot containing beautiful flowers from rose, geranium, petunia, jasmine and many different others she could identify and don't identify added the charm and scented the whole area, it was refreshing and lovely there.

She would have stood enjoying the fragrance floating from the flower; the diyas and lantern lit around the place, and the decorated trees with the sparkling light if not for the voices came floating to her ears. She caught sight of a man in suit and woman dressed in long gown standing side by side, the woman looking at the man and the man brooding straight ahead. She could not look at the face since their back was facing hers.

The voice was clipped

baffled at the non committed reply she clutched his

His voiced sounded annoyed as Khushi made move to walk away Khushi glanced back in time to see the girl leaving the place in huff, amused at the display she strode to the other side of the garden, it was little dark there, and with only the coffee can luminaries around the pool.

Sitting by the edge of the pool she peered inside the blue clear pool water adoring the reflection of the half moon falling in it and her hand feeling it gently.

That was how Arnav found her as he walked deep into the garden stopping by the pool. Irritated at the thought of someone here when all he wanted was to be alone from the suffocating crowd inside he groaned inwardly. Only now he had managed to free himself from Lavanya and her ways of pulling his attention towards her. Why the woman doesn't see he has no interest in her is a puzzle to him? Either she is blind in not seeing it or living in a bubble of false dream that he would be wrapped in her finger like those other men she had dealt with all her life till now.

Bringing his attention to the unwanted company he has, he demanded in annoyance

Hearing his clipped voice Khushi jerked her eyes to meet his, startled to see him here. She did not realize she had company until she heard him. His face carved like Greek God in stone, eyes hard like granite, he is handsome and very like male with no softness shone there. Hard like Steel is what she thought looking at him now.

Arnav on the other hand felt someone had knocked his breathe, there a beautiful mermaid fairy looking at him with deer caught in headlight and is every bit of fairy princess he had heard his mother told him when he was young. She is beautiful is to tell underestimation of the expressive face looking at him. She is exactly the type of woman for whom men will eagerly lay their life or take a life. She is exquisitely sinfully ravishing beauty with the touch of innocence in her eyes. Fascinating!!! If it is dream he would say it is rather a lovely dream.

Struggling inside keeping his face expressionless he asked her again 'Who are you?' wincing inwardly for the voice came out cold rather than polite as he intended to, Khushi


Khushi!!! so her name is Khushi!!!

Shaking her

So she is pauper princess. Nevertheless she looks like a princess.

Strolling forward he sat at the edge of the pool and ordered her patting his hand on the floor

Not seeing her moving he raised his eyebrows in question. Feeling intimated by him she sat down living little distance between them.

giving him a glance, He titled his head definitely looking like Prince.

Nodding her head she looked at the clear water '

She looked at him from the corner of her eyes, he is sitting stretching his leg and crossing them, his hand flat on the floor behind him, head tipped up looking at the sky.

Catching her small voice he explained further

Corner of his lips tipped up hearing her proclamation

He just smiled softly looking ahead, if anyone knows him well see him now will get shock to see the smile on his stern face which always stays cold stating menace. They sat in silence as the minutes stretched, he wondering what the hell he is doing here with her. He had left the party in search of solitude and peace but here he is sharing the space with her and not even minding about it. Wondering what is it in her he had changed his mind in second when he was all ready to lash at the person for entering the place where no guest is allowed. She is something else.....something fresh from the world he lives. He even likes it here with her.

But every little thing comes to end and his little time with her too as Khushi stood up breaking his trance

without waiting forhis reply she walked away like a fresh breeze after stroking passed him.

Few days later,

Devyani Raizada narrowed her eyes at him, seeing her stubbornly not relenting to his decision he put forth his reasons


Seeing him quiet and stubborn, a trait passed from her, her mouth set in grave she huffed inwardly

Nodding at her, relieved for getting few days time of peace dropping a kiss on her cheek he noted her face softening and a small smile working its way on her lips

Hugging her he murmured

It had not been difficult to get Khushi's address. One phone call to the catering service owner and he got it. And he knows Khushi is not inside the house as he has seen her walk out and he followed her dutifully.

Khushi removing her eyes from the fresh tomatoes, turned to the voice along with the little pat came on her shoulder

looking at her confused face

looking at the bag she is carrying

The vegetable vendor at the same time replied in prompt ' Handing her bag of fresh tomatoes she had picked.

Arnav took the bag from him but asked Khushi


Shrugging her shoulder she swallowed rest of the words of how she did not think a status such as the man he is will step inside the little cottage like hers. They purchased few more vegetables all the while Arnav wondering why the hell she is bargaining with the vendors over the price, but nevertheless he enjoyed it lot, her surprised and feisty expression were worth to watch.

Hour later they reached Khushi's house after buying the vegetables, Khushi

Second later she emerged from the room from the left with elder woman. Arnav stood up replying to the greeting of Garima's Namasthe. Khushi

Apprehensive shook Garima as she managed to utter she too took as seat requested by Arnav, Garima

Shaking his head


Garima looked at Arnav and Khushi in wonder, with the easy going conversation they are having. As for as she heard from the Bansari Lal ji and others they had told how big the people were Raizada's and particularly Arnav Singh Raizada's name was repeated again and again in warning for the said man was known to be arrogant and cold who will not tolerate a mistake.

Here all she is seeing is sweet temperamental man who is talking with her daughter as long lost friend. What is the hell the big man as he coming down to place order? What are his men working for him doing?

She came out of her wonder with Khushi shaking her calling

When did I agree to the order? She thought looking at the young man before her. But looking at the hopeful face she nodded in no to his question.

Arnav relaxed smiling at her softly, Khushi

she rushed inside to kitchen while Garima and Arnav discussed the bulk of order of sweets he had placed, the quality, the quantity, and the price.

Khushi came with tray containing cups of tea and plate of snacks. Garima

Handing a cup to Arnav she shaked her softly

After initial talk on the order Garima kept silent listening to her daughter and the young man talking like best buddies.

After Arnav left Garima asked

Khushi what she did not tell her mother is for not a second till her mother pointed out she felt Arnav had been a stranger even after the little conversation they had in the garden but today it was not the strangeness that greeted her but his warm friendly behavior had pulled her in easy her off from any suspicion her mind would have made if it was someone else in his place.

If Dadi was surprised to hear party given to AR staffs and business associated for the coming Christmas and New Year then she did not show it. She calmly stood watching as her grandson who always dumps everything on Aman to do the preparation is giving strict orders and ideas he wanted the party to be.

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