《ArShi~Love To The End!!!》lo siento, ya estoy tomado


Hotel Plaza, The man entered inside the hotel with an aura no one could beat, in his age of 25 he is the handsome young businessman and hot bachelor of the town, girl's flaunt around him like bees ready to stung flower with only difference is he is a wild flower who does not let any flower that too artificial flower near his vicinity.....following suit the Manager of the hotel he entered inside the restaurant and was lead to the corner, with a magnificent view of a beautiful garden beside.

"Good Evening Mr. Raizada" greeted the elder man as soon as he reached the booked table, beside him standing his young daughter and his wife on each either side.

Arnav Singh Raizada called as ASR or Mr. Raizada in his business circle greeted the man and the two ladies.....the area where they are dining is private with no one around to bug them especially no media.....Arnav looked at Mr & Mrs. Kashyap and his daughter Lavanya Kashyap, the meeting does not looked like business meet and more like family meet.

Arnav not the one to be among the quite people asked straight forwardly "Mr. Kashyap you said we have business meet but here we are having family meeting" Mr. Kashyap flushed along with his wife where as their daughter Lavanya is busy drooling over Arnav.

Mr. Kashyap "ofcourse it was business meet but certainly you see here my wife and daughter wished to meet you" Arnav looked at them confused, meet him why?

Mrs. Kashyap "Mr. Raizada we heard a lot about about you and I was impressed about your achievement at this age and wished to meet you in person and here my daughter Lavanya is a fan of you"

Arnav smiled a little uneasily, waiter came and asked for their order, everyone ordered and got into conversation with Mrs. Kashyap praising Arnav over and over and giving hint to him about her beautiful daughter and her achievement, Lavanya starring him as if he is a candy, and Mr. Kashyap skilfully trying to make his move towards the main reason they were gathered at the first place. Everyone trying to impress Arnav at their best who is at the moment having head ache coming his way.

As the three saw Arnav's face broke into serene smile looking at the mobile when it beeped indicating message, Arnav typed his reply back surprising the three, not only it was just reply but back to back continue message incoming and ongoing.......

Arnav read his first message "hey LaadGovernor ;)"

Smiling typed his reply "hey kid"

Arnav's mobile beeped again "don't call me that...."

In reply all he could ask is "what?"

With an angry emoticon "Kid, don't call me kid....I'm not" all he could do was chuckle.....Arnav "yes you are..."


He looked up from his mobile to see three shocked face "err...sorry...she is such a kid and had to reply back....otherwise you I will be in great trouble...." He laughed it off.....

Mr. Kashyap smiling "looks like she is very important to you"

Arnav nodding "yeah she is very special to me"

Lavanya "Wow ASR....I love kids would like to meet this kid" Arnav looked at her surprise but bit back his smile "of course why not" smirking at her which faltered her for sure.

Having dinner their conversation continued, with the conversation turning to Arnav's family, not wanting to be rude he shared few basic information of his family which all knew.....Mr. Kashyap after getting multiple nudges from his wife started "Ah...Mr. Raizada, I would like to extend our business relationship to being family"

Arnav eyes darkened, he knew this was coming "excuse me?" Mrs. Kashyap and Lavanya were nervous with the topic hoping for everything to go smoothly.

Mr. Kashyap taking deep breath "I've a proposal for you, my daughter Lavanya like you lot and....." before he could complete his sentence

Arnav "Sorry!!!"

Mr. Kashyap "Excuse me?"

Arnav "I said I'm sorry, whatever you are thinking cannot happen...I know what you are trying to say but I cannot marry Ms. Kashyap"

Mrs. Kashyap and Lavanya were perplexed, they were stunned to see him refuse to marry her, when all the guys from hot shot is trying their chance on her to get married to her or at least for a dinner date if they could manage and hear he is refusing to marry her.

Mrs. Kashyap "Why? What is lacking in my daughter that you are refusing to marry her?'

Arnav "I......." he could not complete his sentence when his phone rang, he stood up excusing "I'm sorry I've to take this call, its urgent"

He had taken only two steps ahead when he was hit by petite body, hugging him tight, his hands instantly closed on her inhaling her scent 'jasmine'

Lavanya, Mr and Mrs Kashyap stood up shocked at a girl came running and hugging Arnav, more than that what shocked them was Arnav smiling at the girl when they thought he will shout at her but here something else happening, the girl parted herself and kissed on his cheeks.

Arnav looked down at the girl in front of him, mischief innocent eyes, charming smile, and beautiful childlike face, his Khushi, his love, his life....his much more.

Khushi giggled seeing him "surprise kaise hai Arnav ji"

Arnav caressing her hair "when did you plan it?"

Khushi "I was scheduled to come Delhi today and was planning to surprise you but you said you are having meeting in this hotel na...so thought to come straight away here....NK bhai helped me....so how did you like my surprise?"


Arnav "My Khushi's surprise are always lovely, and NK? He helped you...has he not already departed to Lucknow? And why did you not go to Lucknow Khushi. Next week it is Akash and Payal's engagement, right?"

Khushi "aise hi, want to be with you and we both will go together...."

Arnav 'but Khushi I'll be leaving only before the day of engagement'

Khushi "it is okay Arnavji, I had talked with jiji and she is okay with it, she will not even mind me missing her engagement for you" and winked at him.

Arnav smiling at her pinched her cheek, Khushi "Vaise Is your meeting still On'

Arnav till now who forgot the Kashyap family got remembered and turned towards them who were looking at them in shock; he took Khushi towards them and introduced "Meet my fiancé Khushi Gupta"

Khushi "Namasthe!!!"

The three Kashyap stood dumbfounded, Lavanya stuttering 'you are engaged?'

Arnav "yeah!!! it is kept as a secret for privacy for us from media's attention"

Khushi nudged him beside "Arnav ji you said it is client meeting, but here it looks like..."

Arnav chuckled "I thought so but after coming here I came to know client meeting changed to something else" Khushi giggled, The three Kashyap looked at the duo with wheels running in their mind, from past one hour Arnav with them was never this carefree and as soon as this girl came he had turned to someone else they could not recognize.

Khushi whispered back to him "Arnav ji I'm hungry. Shall we leave?"

Arnav nodding at her said to "ah Mr. Kashyap....I would like to take your leave"

Mr. Kashyap nodded at him shaking his hands, Arnav bid bye to Mrs. Kahsyap and Lavanya, Khushi bidding her namasthe went with Arnav, skip in her walk, with her hands clutched his arms and head on his shoulder.

Lavanya turning to Kashyap 'Dad!!! ASR? I lost him'

Mrs. Kashyap "Lavanya don't feel bad there are many other good looking and handsome guy of our status"

Lavanya "but mom I was weaving dreams on living as Mrs ASR. God he is big catch. You both said that I should behave well before him so that he will like me, but here he did not even glance at me properly and top to that from nowhere a kid came and took him away, what is in that kid that I don't have?"

Mr and Mrs. Kashyap had no answer for this, if we ask to Arnav he would simply say because the kid is his Khushi and that is enough for him.

Lavanya stomped away from there only to stop short in her tracks seeing the sight before her, there in the empty parking lot, leaning on the white SUV, Arnav and Khushi were kissing each other passionately, Lavanya stood there stupefied, Arnav left her lips when he felt her need of air, Khushi smiled and looked at him, giggling she pecked his lips making Lavanya to groan.

Khushi "Arnav ji I can't get enough of your kiss"

Arnav "my little kitten had got claws it seems"

Khushi "toh learnt from the master na"

Arnav pinned her some more on his car, moving dangerously close to her "Khushi you don't know what you do to me, I always crave to love you like a crazy, my craziness for you is reaching beyond limit"

Khushi looking up at him, pulled his tie, whispering near his lips "who stopped you from loving me?"

Arnav "not wanting to scare you kid, with my passion and desire for you"

Khushi "haww I'm not a kid"

Arnav smirking "of course you are not, you are more than capable to produce our own kid"

Khushi hit him on his chest "chi Arnavji aap besharam ho"

Arnav "arey you are blushing now when a while back someone kissed the hell out of me"

Khushi "toh kya karthi, I missed you so much, top to all because of you I'm studying in Mumbai and not here in Delhi"

Arnav "I missed you too but it is for your own good"

Khushi pouting "what good is there to stay away from you?"

Arnav "if you will be near me then you will hatch beside me like a lost puppy, *seeing her pouting and glaring face* what? This is not my view but your and my families view. They were planning to send you abroad and how can I let you go so far away from me....so now cheer up thinking at least you are at the distance of two hours travel by flight, and why are you complaining when I always spend my weekends with you"

Khushi "but that was not enough na....I want to be with you 24*7"

Arnav hugging her "me too, me too....don't worry next year we will be married and then no one can make us stay apart"

Khushi "wish the next year comes soon"

Arnav hugged her tight, Khushi playing with his collar button 'can I get another kiss?'

Arnav looked at her, cupping her face he was about to take her lips in his when a car light came there way, he stepped back little, Khushi pouted at him making him chuckle, Arnav "let us get you something to eat first, at your favourite dhabba and then I'll give you as many kisses you want"

Khushi brightening up "pakka promise"

Arnav "pakka"

Khushi giving him her full blown smile sat inside the car, he took his seat after ensuring her being sat safely and drove off from their not noticing two pairs of eyes burning in red and green along with crying on her ill fate.

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