《My Immortals(A One Direction Fanfiction) COMPLETED》Chapter 21
"Oh mer gosh! That dress looks gorgeous on you!" Taylor exclaimed.
"You've said that about every single thing I've tried on..." Taylor had taken me to the mall, where she insisted upon buying me a new wardrobe, even though I had enough to clothe the whole army in fabulous clothes.
"Ooh, try this outfit on! It'll look totally hipster on you!" hipster, you ask? That was the whole point to this little escapade. It was to feel like the girl in Taylor's song, Twenty Two. I was reluctant to go out, since we all know how well the last experience went... The boys weren't exactly okay with it, but Taylor snuck us out. Don't ask me how we managed to sneak out of a house full of vampires whom have super senses, but here we are.
I laughed as I walked out of the dressing room in the hipster outfit Tay had thrown at me. Tay clapped for my outfit as I laughed and twirled in it. "You're getting it! You just have to!"
"Tay-" "Don't you 'Tay' me! I'm getting for you!" She laughed as I huffed and went back to change into My clothes. I was going to hide it, but Tay came in and snatched it from me with a knowing smile before I could hide the damn thing.
We had gone into maybe five zillion shops before we dropped our bags and I collapsed into a chair at the food court. Taylor laughed and hauled me to my feet. I groaned, not wanting to stand yet as she dragged me over to the line at Pizza Hut. She ordered us a pizza to share and we got drinks. I felt someone tap on my shoulder and I stiffened. Crap. Please don't let it be a Hater. No, no, no...
I turned around, ready to punch them in the face, but instead I met the eyes of the last person I expected. Well, not quite, but close enough.
"Hey, girls. How's the shopping?" I groaned and Tay laughed.
"What are you doing here?"
"Hello to you, too, Gwen," He said with a chuckle.
I rolled my eyes."Well, it's too dangerous for you to be out wandering around-"
"Awwwww!" Tay cooed and I shot her a glare while she smiled and waved at me. I leaned in and hugged Niall, but I had a question that I whispered in his war when he embraced me. "Does she know?"
"She doesn't know about you. She only knows that One Direction are vampires. Nothing more."
I rubbed his back and we pulled apart. I turned around while Tay winked at me and I groaned. "I need to go to the bathroom, so I'll be back in a bit."
"I'll walk you there." Niall stood up and Taylor winked at me.
"I'll stay here and watch our stuff!" Niall slowly took my hand, but when I didn't resist, he tightened his grip. When we got near the toilets, he stopped. "I'll be right here, waiting for you. Be careful." He gave me an awkward hug that made the romantic inside me awww, and I left for the toilets.
I was walking in when I noticed the bathroom was completely and totally deserted. Bizzaro much? I cautiously went in and I could smell the string scent of rust. I should've just walked away, but no. Curiosity killed the cat.
I nudged the first stall door open and only found it graffitied with interesting profanity. I nudged the second one open, only to find a full conversation written on the walls. I stepped up to the last stall and took a deep breath, instantly regretting it as I had to control the urge to barf all over the place. I stood there for a few moments, scared of what I might find. I kicked open the door to find... It empty?
What? I stepped in and looked around. What the hell was that blood stench. And no, it was not a menstral cycle gone wrong. It was the scent of fresh blood.
I turned around and froze in my steps. I couldn't scream, I couldn't even breathe. I sank to the floor, my hand covering my mouth. I couldn't take me eyes away from it. Suspended from the ceiling, dripping blood all over the floor, was my old best friend, Veronica.
Her head was flopped down into her chest and her wrists were what we're suspending her from the ceiling. Blood was running down her body, staining her all white dress. It symbolized her purity. Her innocence. Her innocence had been bloodied and ruined. Her feet were tied up and hung a foot off the ground.
I found a note, hung around her neck. "Tick, tock, Gwen, you're on the clock. Run to me and maybe we'll stop." Me? I thought there were four members of BTR? And if Logan did feel something for me, he wouldn't be doing this. What if we were wrong about who was after me? I let the note fall back to her chest and a small moan came out of her mouth. Oh my God, she was still alive.
"Veronica? Ronnie? Hey, it's Gwen. You're gonna be alright. I'm gonna get you down. You'll be okay." I whispered to her through the tears.
I pulled my knife out of my purse and cut the ropes. I caught her body in my hands, staining myself with blood, but I didn't care. I stumbled with her weight before I carefully sat her on the floor. If my blood could strongly impact vampires, what can it do to humans? Yeah, a disgusting and horrifying thought, but I had to try it. I had to save her, I had to.
I cut my wrist and pressed the wound up against her lips. She moaned but I tilted her head back and hoped to god that it got into her system and helped her.
"Oh, Gweny?" a voice echoed around the room. Crap. Not now.
"Uh, Gwendolyn is not available at the moment, please come back later. Beep!"
I heard a deep chuckle. "Oh, I'll be back, Gweny, and it won't be pretty..."
"Uh, no, that's okay. You keep your ass far away. Okay. Thank you. Have a nice day!"My voice broke multiple times and I heard a laugh.
"Yeah, you can try, Marcus." I heard the jerk mutter.
A ceiling tile began to rattle and I began to panic. I grabbed my knife and dipped it in my fresh blood. Adrenaline pounded through my veins and I positioned myself beneath the tile. I held the knife, poised to stab, and got into a fighting stance. The ceiling tile flew across the cubical and hit the wall with a loud thud, before something big dropped through the hole in the ceiling. Crap.
Knife. Knife, knife, knife. Hold her steady. Point up.
My blood had run down the handle, down my already bloodstained hands. The thing, or person who had dropped from the ceiling, scarcely avoided my knife. Crap.
Let's call him Hater #2 in this situation, or H2, since I was busy crapping bricks while that weirdo guy was talking.
His eyes gleamed with a feral glint as he slunk down into what appeared to be a hunting crouch. He bared his fangs at me as he slunk towards me. I backed away from him half a step, before I realized I had to protect Veronica. I almost wet myself as he approached me. That's when a thought occurred to me. What if I were to completely take him off guard? I'd have the upper hand and I'd be able to knife him a bit easier. I slowed my retreat down, pretending to get dizzy from blood loss and stress. He was closing the gap with a predatory smile, when I grasped my knife and flung myself at him. He WILL die!!!
I brought the knife down, feeling it collide with flesh. I brutally stabbed him as he shrieked and fell to the ground.
"Gwen!" I heard a voice shout from the doorway. I couldn't let myself be distracted, H2 hasn't disintegrated yet. I brought the knife down hard and he crumbled away beneath me until I was sitting in a pile of ashes.
"Oh God, Gwen, are you okay?" Niall grabbed me and pulled me into his arms.
"Yeah, just bleeding a bit. But Veronica-"
"Hey guys, what's up-Oh my God!" I heard a voice scream. I looked over at a blood soaked Veronica who was completely uninjured. My blood can save humans? Cool!
Niall said nothing, he just strolled forward, put his hand on her shoulder, and watched as she fell into his induced sleep.
"Niall? How are we gonna get out of here?"
"Well, you and Veronica are covered in blood, along with the bathroom... I'm calling the boys-"
"Please, don't call Harry here!" I covered my mouth, shocked at what came out.
Niall had scooped Veronica up into his arms and he laid her on the counter before he turned to me.
"Gwen, I can feel how much you hurt, but you are going to have to face him." He gently cupped my cheek and I felt a tear trail down it.
"Fine." I whispered, and he patted me on the back.
"I'll be here the whole time." He assured as he whipped out his phone and called the boys. They all spoke so fast that I couldn't understand them. Niall hung up and slid the phone into his pocket.
"Oh my gosh, what about Taylor?"
Niall let lose a few swear words as he ran a hand through his hair.
"I'm not covered in blood, so I can get her, then induce her. Will you be okay?"I nodded and he waved to me before slipping out. A minute or two had lapsed before Niall came back with her. She was going to scream, but instead, Niall knocked her out cold. He laid her on the spacious counter, right next to Veronica.
I heard the door bust open and the boys filed in.
The last to enter was Harry.
"Oh my gosh! What happened? Where is she?" Does he still care about my wellbeing?"Where's Taylor?" Nope. Toss that idea out the window. I wrapped my arms around my waist, wincing as the open cut on my wrist gushed more blood. As my blood drained, my adrenaline seemed to go with it. While Harry was fussing over Taylor; Louis, Zayn, and Liam were trying to clean up the mess; and Niall was checking up on Veronica; I passed out from blood loss. I collapsed to the floor, my head cracking on the tile, before I fell completely unconscious. The last thing I saw was Harry gently pressing his lips to Taylor's forehead. The last thing I felt was the pain of my heart breaking further.
"Lenny! Gwen!"
"Help us!"
"Lenny!" High pitched voices screamed in the dark.
"Gwen!" Two little voices cried.
"Hunter?! Dylan?!"
I knew those voices, they were the voices of my twin cousins we lived with.
Their voices sounded close, I could hear them. I ran blindly towards them, desperate to save them from their fears.
A flash of lightning lit the space and I could see where I was. I was standing in my own living room. Thunder crashed and rattled the whole house as I ran towards their voices.
"Lenny!" I burst into the giant master bathroom and slid to a stop.
A man with a buzz cut and sunglasses held both my cousins in a headlock with one arm.
"Lenny!" Hunter cried, reaching out to me with both of his small hands.
"Let them go." I demanded in a low voice.
"Gwen!" Dylan joined in with Hunter, calling for me.
The buzz cut dude, or H3 in this situation, laughed as he let one of the boys go. Hunter ran to me and I hugged him. Thunder boomed again and Hunter clung to me.
Dylan was crying as the man still held him. He grabbed Dylan by the shoulders and bent down. He nestled into Dylan's neck and I screamed, but the man's sunglasses slid off, his vampire eyes showing, and I couldn't move anymore. He paralyzed me... Damn vampire powers.
He tilted Dylan's chin up and I could see the fear in Dylan's eyes. Lighting lit up the dim room again, making everything way worse. His red hair fell out of his bright blue eyes as he reached out for me. I was dying inside, I wanted to reach out for him. I wanted to knife this vampire! Dylan is mine!
H3 opened his mouth, making sure I saw his teeth glistening in the light.
"Lenny! Do something!" Hunter screamed at me, but I couldn't move. He shook me, but I was as rigid as a statue.
"Lenny! Don't you love us anymore?!" Hunter screamed at me. Thunder crashed again and the house shook.
H3 dug his fangs into Dylan's neck, causing him to scream and scrunch his eyes closed in pain. Hunter started screaming and he slapped me across the face. That snapped me out of it. I finally gained control over my body. I yanked the drawer open and pulled out a pair of scissors. I brought the blade across my skin, getting my blood on the blade. I ran at the vampire and stabbed him between the shoulder blades. I stabbed him over and over. But when he fell to a pile of dust, it was too late. I pulled the small body of Dylan to my chest and sobbed against it. I lost him. I watched him die.
"Lenny? Don't cry!" I heard a pair of voices murmur behind me, sounding beautiful and inhuman. I turned around and saw Hunter and Dylan standing hand in hand. The best part, they had beautiful, white wings coming out of their backs. I smiled through the tears and pulled them into a hug.
"Lenny, it's not your fault. Never blame yourself. We love you!" Dylan exclaimed as he kissed my cheek.
"So you guys aren't mad that you died?"
"It was meant to happen. But please stay safe, Lenny!" Hunter asked me.
Dylan hugged me tighter,"We really miss you, Lenny!"
I began to cry again, missing my cousins so much, even though they were with me.
"And Lenny, we talked to the big kid angels. They told us to tell you that people don't often get second chances, so don't mess it up this time."
"What do you mean?"
"They never said..." Dylan answered in unison.
"Lenny, you have to wake up soon. We love you! See you in heaven!" Hunter exclaimed as he launched forward and pecked me on the cheek. Dylan did the same on my other cheek and I kissed each of their foreheads.
"I love you, boys." I cried as tears fell down my face.
"We love you to, Lenny!" They both told me as they took each other's hands and ran off towards the giant window that had a ray of light shining through it. When they met the light, they dissolved and I was left alone as the light disappeared and thunder crashed overhead.
I woke up crying. Hunter and Dylan were really gone, I was really alone, and Harry didn't even care about me anymore. I hugged my knees to my chest as I rocked back and forth, trying to calm myself down.
That stupid nightmare left me exhausted. I glanced at the clock. Gee, no wonder, it was already nine tonight. I didn't want to go to bed, I was scared to dream, but I was really tired. I pulled the blankets of my bed tight around me and I snuggled into the sheets against the wall as the fire crackled in the fireplace by the foot of my bed.
"You stupid," Smack,"Filthy," smack,"pathetic," smack,"Harlot!" smack. I was crumpled in the corner as a familiar man stood over me.
I didn't cry, I just held my burning cheeks and stared up at the man. He sneered at me as he clenched his fist and punched me in the eye. I cried out and he drew his foot back and drilled it into my side. I fell and curled into the fetal position as he continued his attack. I couldn't take much more of this.
"Harry!" I screamed. I saw the man draw his foot back again and I closed my eyes. But instead of feeling the expected, the man's breathing disappeared and I looked up to meet captivating, golden eyes.
The new man knelt down beside me and carefully helped me up to my feet. I didn't recognize him, but he drew me into a hug. I felt him press his face against my hair by my neck and I froze, scared of what this man was capable of. He gently swept my hair away and I felt him kissing my neck. I tried to escape his grasp, but he held me even firmer. I felt something graze my neck before I shrieked in pain. He bit me! Right as his neck broke the skin and I felt the pain, I was zapped into a different dream. I was sitting in a tree with Harry. I scuttled back when I saw him, eager to keep some space. "Gwen? Are you okay? You know, from today?"
I didn't answer. I knew I was dreaming. I didn't want to talk to Harry, he doesn't care about me.
"I'm fine." I replied coldly as I pressed my back against the trunk. Harry scooted over and gently caressed my face as I took a deep breath.
"Leave me alone, Harry. You have Taylor." And with that, I threw myself from the tree. I have to wake up before I land, right? I sped towards the ground and and right before I lost my beautiful face, I woke up in a sweat. I glanced at the bed clock. Ugh, only two thirty in the morning?! I growled in frustration and rolled over. Out of all these crap dreams, you would think that I'm due a happy dream. And with that thought, I fell asleep.
A/N sorry if it was too gory for you. I've seen too many scary movies. I plan to watch a boatload more of romance movies so I can improve my writing. Sorry I left you with an intense cliffhanger, but cliffhangers are like slipping crack into goods(not that I do, it's an inside joke), it keeps ya coming back;) jk, but I'll see ya guys soon. Maybe if you voted a ton and left a motivating comment or refreshed reading the page about seven jillion times and introduced it to others, I'd update more often and much quicker with less cliffhangers;) Jk, but ya never know...! See ya!
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