《My Immortals(A One Direction Fanfiction) COMPLETED》Chapter 20
"Gwen? Are you okay?" He reached out and put his hand on my shoulder, it was pleasantly warm, which meant he wasn't in full control of his inner monster.
"Why do you care?" I sniffled as I brushed away more tears.
"Gwen... I... have you lost weight?"
"It's not your business."
"Gwen, your health is deteriorating! What happened?"
"You're supposed to be the bad guy! Why do you care?" I hissed coldly and I watched the sadness swirl in his eyes.
"Because... Because, I kinda have a crush on you." He blushed and looked away as I felt his hand drop a few degrees in temp, showing he was gaining more control on his inner monster.
"Well, that's exactly how it feels when it's over..." I whispered. Logan gently grabbed my chin and turned my face to look at him.
"What happened?"
I sighed, it was obvious he wasn't going to give up. So I told him the whole story with Harry, finishing with,"Harry doesn't love me anymore, so you guys can give up on capturing me for revenge."
"I'm so sorry,Gwen." Logan said as he pulled me into the hug. I didn't protest, but deep down, every fiber in my being was screaming for me to pull away from the bad guy and knife him already.
"Come away with us from this, Gwen. Don't put up with that dirty wash bag any more." Logan whispered.
I had no meaning left in life. Harry took that with him. I didn't care if I lived or died anymore, since everyone who loved me had died. Before anyone else died, I might as well turn myself over.
I nodded,"But first, I wanna get some things."
"Yeah, I can't stand seeing him with her any longer. I'd rather suffer paper cuts to the eyes while walking barefoot across a floor covered with Legos than to see that any longer."
Logan hugged me,"We'll be back for you, right here, at eight tonight. Keep strong, okay? See ya." He hugged me one more time before disappearing with vampire speed. I sighed and brushed away the tears, becoming hollow, as I trudged inside. I quickly but quietly made my way up the stairs and into my room. I showered, removing my fake mask that I put on, just for Harry. I threw the fancy outfit in the closet, the outfit I had worn, just for Harry. I tossed my heels in there too, the same ones I had worn today, just for Harry. I washed the curls out of my hair, that I had done, just for Harry. I let the tears slide down my face, just for Harry.
I climbed out of the shower and dressed in jeans and a tank top. All black, to reflect my mood. I pulled my hair back into a pony tail and grabbed my purse, which had my knife, my notebook, my sketchbook, a few pencils, some erasers, some cough drops, a pack of gum, and a can of pepper spray in it. I went downstairs and into the kitchen, ready for dinner. Everyone was chattering when the door opened, but all noise quickly ceased when everyone took in my appearance.
"Who died?" Taylor asked suddenly, probably referring to my pained expression and my clothes.
"Me, on the inside." I replied bluntly. I sat down at the table and ate in silence.
"So, uh, Gwen, how'd you get home? Niall couldn't find you..."Eleanor asked me, sympathy swirling in her eyes.
"Home? Home from where?" Harry asked, too interested.
"I was offered a ride by two British Internet sensations and they dropped me off three hours ago."
"Where have you been since then?" Dani asked, Obviously worried.
"In the garden until about an hour ago, when I came in and got cleaned up."
I stood from the table and cleaned my dishes in the sink before leaving. I went up to my room, glancing at the clock, thirty minutes until I could leave this tiny torture chamber.
I heard a knock on my door and Niall came in. He said nothing, just pulled me into a hug.
Finally, he spoke,"Gwen, I'm so sorry for what's happened. Harry really did love you-"
"Did, Niall, did. He now loves Taylor. He didn't even notice me at the airport."
Niall squeezed me against him.
"I'm sorry he's being such a douchè lately, you deserve better."
The way Niall said that so bluntly about his lad made me smile a bit.
"Thanks, Niall."
"And I wasn't expecting him to bring her home. Just wait for a bit, it'll end with Harry moping around for a few hours and a new hit from Taylor Swift singing about their breakup. I can hear it now,'We! Are never, ever, ever, getting back together!' he sang in a high pitched whiney voice, making me laugh.
"And the funny thing is, they don't even have a cute shipping name! Haylor? Get real!" I laughed even harder.
"And Gwen, I'm here for you, no matter what. You can sleep in my room with me, tonight, if you want..."Niall offered, and a genuine smile graced me lips.
"I'd love to!" Forget Logan! I found a tiny reason to live for now. If I see him, I'll just make up some shit. Maybe the 'I couldn't slip out' or 'I cut my hand open and had to get stitches...' you know the drill.
I grabbed my pillow and blanket and followed him to his room, my teddy bear tucked under my arm. Niall started the fire and I snuggled up to his cold chest in the bed, hugging my teddy bear between us.
But Niall, despite all odds, managed to put some of the lights back in my eyes.
"Gwen, look at me."
"Please Gwen?"
The angel sounded so broken that I couldn't help it. I looked up to meet a pair of green eyes.
"Gwen, I love you."
"If that were true, you wouldn't have snogged some girl in front of me! Or brought her home!"
"Gwen, I do love you! Wait, when did I snog her in front of you?"
"At the airport, I went to tell you that I love you, but you were too busy snogging your girlfriend to notice the broken girl drop her flowers that she brought for you and begin to cry in the corner."
"Gwen, I-"
"Save it, Harry!"
"I love you."
"Tell that to Taylor."
"But if I did, it'd be a lie!"
"Just like our relationship was!"
"You can't tell me you actually believe that was a lie, Gwen!"
I stared down at my feet, too upset to speak.
He grabbed my chin and brought it up so I looked him in the eye.
"Does this feel like a lie?" He asked me before he crashed his lips against mine. He let all of his emotions pour into that one kiss. His hurt, his desperation, his need, everything. Where as I stayed as still as a statue.
"Gwen, please, I love you. Didn't you feel anything in that kiss?"
I did. I felt so much. I did feel his love. I felt my love for him trying to break out of its imprisonment.
I looked up and opened my mouth, to tell him how I feel, when I was snapped back to reality.
I gasped, awake in Niall's arms. He opened his eyes, worry blatant in them.
It wasn't real. Harry still loved Taylor. Harry still doesn't love me. I'm still alone. I wanted that to be real. I want Harry to hold me in his arms again, to tell me he still loves me. To kiss me like we were dying. But that can't happen ever again, because he lives someone else.
I began to sob as Niall pulled me against his chest in a hug. He rubbed my back and stroked my hair. Harry still isn't mine, and he never again will be.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
I shook my head. I didn't want Niall to be involved in this soap opera. He nodded in understanding.
"Well, it's six in the morning, do you wanna get up yet?" I nodded and climbed out of bed, squeezing my teddybear tightly to my chest.
Niall smiled at me and walked me to my room.
"Gwen, remember that it'll get better, I promise. And," He gently grabbed my arm,"I'm always here for you."
"Thank you, Niall, for everything." I stretched up on my tip toes, and kissed his cheek. He blushed and smiled at me before I shut the door and went to get ready for the day.
When I was ready, I walked down into the kitchen and found Niall already making pancakes and bacon. I joined him by the counter and began to help.
"Like this?" I asked as I flipped the pancake, accidentally breaking it and a piece fell. Niall laughed at me as it landed on my foot and I jumped around, whisper yelling that it was hot.
"Only if you feed your feet. No, like this." And with skill, he flipped the pancake up in the air, it spinning like a coin in a coin toss, before it landed in the pan, golden side up. I gawked at Niall and he laughed.
"What? If I want to eat, I have to be able to fend for myself!"
"At this rate, I'll end up starving to death!" He chuckled.
"Like this?" Another fail.
"No, no, no! It's all in the technique. Here, let me show you." He stepped behind me and gently wrapped his icy hand around mine. He guided me through flipping the pancake as I laughed at how easy he made it look.
"Get a room!" I heard a high voice criticize behind us. I froze and Niall tensed before stepping away from me. I kept my back to her.
"Good morning, Taylor."
"Mornin' Niall."
"Hey, love, why don't we take a seat at the table?" I heard Harry say Taylor giggle. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to meet Niall's gaze. I slid the last pancake onto the platter and turned to go put it on the table, where I froze, midstep. Harry and Taylor were having intense lip on lip action. I slammed the platter down on the table and turned to flee the room, biting my lip and fighting back tears the whole time. I slammed shut the door to the parlor and slumped to the floor by the fireplace.
"Harry, I'll be right back." I heard Taylor say. Oh god. No, no, no, no, no. If she comes in here, they can't blame me for murder.
Footsteps tapped against the floor before the door was slowly opened and Taylor entered, locking it behind her. She sat down beside me and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to meet her blue eyes.
"Break up?"
Break up? Really? Naw, my vampicorn just died! But instead of using a sarcastic remark, I realized she was genuinely trying to be nice, so I nodded.
"Aww, honey, I'm sorry. I know what it's like, and I know that it feels like it can't possibly suck any more. But remember, if its meant to be, it'll happen, and if it isn't meant to be, then there's someone out there who is meant to be. Don't cry over a prince who let you fall, instead, smile and look for the knight in shining armor whom will save you. Look past the past and keep moving forward."
If only it were easier to do just that.
"You should put that in a song." I whispered.
She laughed,"You really think so?" I nodded, and then she became serious."Was it Harry?" I nodded again."Oh my God, Gwen, I'm so sorry. But remember, if it's meant to be, then it'll happen. If not, then it won't. But don't just focus on Harry, look past him, your knight is waiting for you somewhere. And, that blonde ones pretty cute! I think he's into you!" She winked at me and I laughed.
"You really think so?"
"Yes, I do. You're a beautiful girl, you have someone out there. Say, what if we were to just go to the mall? And maybe feel like "Twenty Two"?" I laughed and nodded and she smiled.
I hugged her and she froze with surprise, but quickly hugged me back.
"Thanks, Taylor."
"No problem, Gwendolyn."
"You can call me Gwen."
"And you can call me Tay." She smiled at me, then stood up and helped me up."I'm gonna go get ready for the mall. I'll see ya in a bit?"
I nodded and she smiled at me. She dashed out of the room, then waved at me before disappearing up the stairs.
I sat there, but then I heard Niall and Harry talking.
I curiously crawled over to the door and eavesdropped.
"Whats bugging ya, Harry? And don't say nothing. I can feel your emotions."
I heard a sigh.
"I had a dream about her last night, Niall."
"About who? Taylor?"
"No, about G-Gwen." My name came out almost strangled.
"What happened in that dream?"
"We were having a fight. She was upset about me and Taylor. She said we snogged in front of her. She refused to listen to me when I told her I loved her. She said our relationship was a lie. And then..."
"Then you what, Harry?"
"I kissed her. I told her I loved her and asked her if she felt anything from the kiss. She looked like she was going to tell me she did. And right when she opened her mouth to speak, she disappeared and I was left in the dark until I woke up."
"Hmmm... That's odd. She kept whispering your name in her sleep last night before she woke up in tears-"
"Wait, you slept with her?"
"She was really upset last night. She felt... Empty."
"You don't think she still... Loves me, do you?"
Crap. He can't answer that. I won't let him.
"I-" But before Niall could finish, I strolled in and all conversation stopped. I grabbed a pancake and some bacon before waving to Niall and dashing up the stairs. I ran to my room, shut the door, and collapsed on the floor.
Harry and I are seeing each other in dreams. How? Why? Does he still l-no, Gwen, forget that. He's with Taylor, remember? Remember how hurt you feel? He doesn't love you. Look past the past and try to find your knight who'll catch you when your prince let you fall. Yeah, easier said than done.
A/N awwww, he saved her from a suicide mission! And no, Gwen isnt suicidal, she's just going through a break up. It'll get better. Don't forget to vote or comment! See ya later, babes!
- In Serial32 Chapters
Zachary Trenner is a freshman at Burlington High School. Despite his mundane appearance and advanced course curriculum, something strange is happening to him. Every time he goes to sleep he switches worlds. Portals are popping up everywhere, allowing access between Earth and the world of Vera. Now he must spend every waking and sleeping moment getting stronger to fight off the [Instance Dungeons] opening on both Vera, and Earth. Prepare for an RPG fiction full of magic, action, a touch of romance, and the author's own dry humor. When the modern technology of Earth meets the medieval magic of Vera, which culture will invade the other world first? When the army rangers of the United States collide with the members of the Hunter's Guild, who will win? Updates on Wednesdays/Thursdays Cover is my own creation. Tips to reading: This is my first book, so cliches and tropes are used as the base and then expanded upon. My intention is to make it a casual read but deep if you decide to look closer. I'm not a people person, so my focus and purpose for writing this is to explore the world building and magic system, not necessarily the characters. There won't be a villian until the postgame ;) Author's philosophy: I took an professional personality inventory (through a community college back in 2018) and was categorized as a "double-checker." I'm never satisfied with the work that I complete, and never want to share it with anyone. But this book is a challenge to myself! As a rule of thumb, I will only add to the story. I can't remove elements I've already included (unless absolutely, absolutely necessary). PS, I'm a native English speaker.
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