《My Immortals(A One Direction Fanfiction) COMPLETED》Chapter 11
Oh my gosh, who is stabbing my face?!
And why do I hurt so bad?
Oh gosh, what's that smell?
I groaned and rolled over. I felt like crap.
What happened? I sat up and my head hurt so bad that I actually preferred that social studies class over this, and that class was really painful. I let out a whimper and climbed out of bed, only to trip and fall on my face. I groaned, then leapt up and dashed for the bathroom, hoping to make it to the toilet in time so I could hydro pump. Ugh...
I heard a rap on my door as I brushed my teeth, riding my mouth of the taste of the lingering bile.
"What?" I groaned.
The door opened and Perrie walked in.
"You don't look so good... Here, my friend used to get hang overs sometimes and I'd take care of her. First, you need a shower!" She turned and stepped out of the bathroom so I could get into the shower.
Once I was in the shower, she came back in and told me to use cold water first, to wake me up. I obeyed and held back a shriek as the icy water ran down my body. I was awake as hell now.
"Okay, now turn it on hot to relax your muscles."
I stood there with the heat raining down on me, burning my skin, but I didn't care. I washed my hair and my body as I heard Perrie fiddling around with things in the bathroom.
I shut off the water and Perrie tossed me a towel over the door.
"Thanks!" I called as I dried myself then wrapped it around my body.
"Yeah, no problem!" I could hear the smile in her voice.
I stepped out of the shower and Perrie handed me a glass of water then popped a tablet into my mouth.
"Ibuprofen, it'll help with the headaches." I nodded as I chased it down with water. She brushed my hair then handed me a glass of water. I sipped it, but she motioned me with her hand to drink more. So I tipped it back and swallowed it all. I put the glass down and she handed me a pile of clothes.
"I'll be right back," She said with a smile. I nodded and watched her leave. I quickly tugged on my clothes and straightened them up.
I heard a knock on the door and yelled for them to enter. Perrie walked in and handed me a cup of coffee.
"It'll help, too..."
I took a sip and smiled,"How could I ever thank you?"
"There's no need for that, I just want to get to know you. Gemma's told us so much about you!!!"
Oh gosh..."What did you hear?"
Perrie laughed,"A lot, but don't worry, nothing bad!" I sighed with relief.
"Let's go downstairs, I'm sure everyone's ready to see you!" I laughed and linked arms with her. I was already beginning to feel better.
We went downstairs and into the kitchen. I went over to the fridge and poked around.
"What sounds good?" I asked her.
"Do we have eggs?" She replied.
"Yeah!" I pulled them out of the fridge and put them on the counter.
"Do you know how to make an omelet?" She asked me. I shook my head and she smiled.
"Here, I'll show you!" She went over to the fridge and pulled out spinach, tomatoes, and cheese. Before I knew it, we were making our omelets in the pans and I was laughing as Perrie told me a story about Harry.
"And then.... And then...." She stuttered through her laughter as I gasped for air and continued to shake with laughter.
"You talking about me?" Harry asked as he walked in and I laughed even harder. He pulled me into his arms as I still laughed.
"So are you feeling better?"
I nodded,"How drunk was I?"
"You were drunk enough to where Louis convinced you that you had a tail and if you didn't chase it, you'd die!"
"What? When did that happen? Did I miss it?" Perrie asked, a bit upset she missed my stupidity as I face palmed and groaned at my idiocy.
"You were so cute, Gwen. You even thought Louis was Superman!"
Harry and Perrie laughed as I blushed at my embarrassing stupidity.
"I smell food!" I heard a voice say, and I turned to see Niall walking into the kitchen. I laughed, glad we were making gigantic omelets so we had enough for everyone.
Once we finished cooking the omelets, we put the plates down in front of Niall and Harry and sat down to eat as well, with the others' breakfast steaming on an extra plate. I began to eat and felt Harry take my hand. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
"Hey! Not while I'm eating!" Niall complained through a mouthful of food. Harry laughed and pulled away. We continued to eat and discuss non important things. I laughed a lot the whole time.
We were in the middle of talking about giraffes, when Liam and Danielle walked in, smiling and holding hands.
"Hey guys!" Liam greeted us.
"Hey, Gwen, I was wondering if you would like to come shopping with me and the girls today?" Danielle asked me. Perrie nodded with a smile in agreement.
"Yeah, absolutely!" I exclaimed.
"It'll be an all girls outing!" Perrie squealed and I nodded.
"But you just got here!" Liam complained and we laughed.
"Yeah, but we wanna have girl time with Gwen!" Danielle replied. I stood up and put my dish in the sink.
"Come on, let's go get ready!" Perrie exclaimed and she grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs while the others chuckled.
One on one time with the girls!!! It's gonna be so much fun!!!
"So... You and Harry?" Dani asked. I nodded.
We were at the mall, sitting in the food court eating Subway.
I took a bite of my sandwich as all the girls smiled at each other.
"Harry finally found someone again! He must really love you!" Eleanor exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with happiness.
"Wait, again?"
"Hold on, you mean you don't know?"
"Know what?"
"Oh no!" Dani exclaimed. He'd kill us if we told her!"
"Told me what?"
Perrie turned to me,"It's not our story to tell, I'm sorry, Gwen. Just wait for him to tell you about it. Its probably still really hard for him to talk about it, so don't pressure him."
"Um, 'kay?" I seriously didn't know what they were talking about. The girls kept sharing looks while I continued to eat my sandwich with a poker face.
Mmmmm, food.
"So how'd you and Harry end up together?" Dani asked me with a smile.
"Uh, well, Niall saved me and-"
"Wait? What?"
"Niall saved me? Did you not know?"
"No, the boys only said you were different and Gemma only told us about you when she baby say you. What happened?" Dani asked.
"I was sitting in hell, I mean social studies, and I saw this suspicious man stalking in the shadows like some creeper or peeping tom, and then he jumped through the window and grabbed me. He threatened to shoot me unless Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis all went to him. I fought him to buy my friends some time. He hit me in the face and I fell. He was going to shoot me, but Niall saved me. I fainted and woke up in their apartment. That's when they explained everything to me. I was going to leave my family to keep them safe-"
"Safe from what?" Eleanor interrupted with an apologetic smile.
"Um... You're vampires, right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Take a deep breath. Smell me."
They glanced at each other then took deep breaths and I watched their eyes flicker and their fangs came out a bit before they calmed themselves.
"You smell delicious!" Perrie exclaimed, and Eleanor elbowed her.
"I'm the Blood Rose."
"The what?" Eleanor asked.
"Oh, I think I've heard of that before! They're a rare type of human who's blood is super rare and every vampire in existence would love to have a Blood Rose for itsself!" Dani answered and I nodded.
"The man who jumped through the window was a vampire, but he couldn't smell me because of the mask he was wearing. But anyways, I went to lie to my family about why I was leaving. But instead..." I trailed off, my throat slowly constricting.
"Instead, we found then dead and a note written in their blood on the mirror stating that if I'm not handed over, they'll kill every person I ever knew. Niall took my pain for me and dealt with it, the grieving, and was over it quickly, but it still hurts. That night, before we moved, we had a flour fight before dinner. I think the thing that made me start to fall for Harry was when he tucked me into his bed after dinner and sang me to sleep. We were moving the next day and Harry joked with me. When we got to the airport, we were attacked by vampires again and they all fought and kept me safe. I let them each feed off me. But the weird thing is, after every feeding, I got this weird high... Niall would always have to control my emotions for me.
"But when we were riding to the hotel in Paris at sunset, I had to sit in his lap and that's when I realized I had developed feelings for him. Quick, I know, but he caught me with his first words. And then Harry fed off me and I got high again, and as he was taking me to Niall, I saw someone go into our suite. Once I was fixed, we went to go check it out and it was... My best friend, Dakota. She was another victim. Niall took my pain again. The next morning, I was going to the elevator to go to breakfast, when I was attacked again. Liam sent Harry off with me to keep me safe. And then Harry told me his feelings and we sorta hooked up after that. And now, we are what you see."
"Awwww! It's so sweet!" Dani cooed. I smiled widely and nodded as we stood to dump our trash.
"Harry and I had a date yesterday. That's how I got drunk..."
All the girls laughed.
We were still laughing when I looked up and saw two men following behind us. They wore their trademark black outfits with their sunglasses and buzz cuts. I tugged on Dani's arm and she paused. I gestured with my head behind us. She glanced back and I saw her eyes flicker.
"Hey guys, I need to go to the bathroom. You should come with me. I don't wanna go alone..."
Perrie and Eleanor gave me weird looks, but followed my mad dash to the bathroom. Once the giant door swinging shut, I made sure we were alone. Okay.
"There's more of them." I whispered in fear.
"Two." Dani informed them.
"Let's call the boys," Eleanor suggested. They all whipped out their phones as I stood there feeling awkward, kinda wishing I actually had a phone.
All their conversations were quick and jumbled together, but eventually, they all hung up. They pocketed their phones and Dani spoke.
"They're on their way, they told us to try to sneak you out and to keep safe."
I nodded, and they all formed a little mini circle around me. Did I mention how much I hate circles? Circles are stupid. Stupid circles and their screwed up formulas.
We walked out of the bathroom and I shrieked as Dani was yanked from my side and Eleanor from the other.
Dani kicked Vampire One in the face while Eleanor nailed Number Two where it counts.
Perrie grabbed me in her arms, her eyes fully vampire as she snarled at them. I was rigid with fear, but Number One was in a vampire fight with Dani and Number Two was unconscious on the floor as humans around us murmured crap about movies.
That's when I saw two more show up and I whimpered to Perrie, who hissed in their direction.
They blurred and were standing in front of us.
"Hey there, babe," Vampire Number Three greeted Perrie. He quickly grabbed my chin and Perrie yanked me away from him, his skin creating a whole burn across my face.
"Hand her over and we'll go." Vamp Number Four said. Perrie growled and shoved me into the bathroom as she and Eleanor launched into more vampire fights with the men. I looked over to see that Dani had knocked the vampire unconscious and she went to help the other girls. She developed into another blur as I searched for something sharp to cut myself with. Damn it, nothing.
Iran deeper into the bathroom then saw what I had to do. I drew a deep breath then slammed my fist into the mirror, cutting my skin all over and I grabbed a piece of glass out of my hand and left the bathroom. I ran to the fights, but froze at the sight.
Eleanor was caught in a head lock, her feet swinging in the air.
"Come with us, Blood Rose, or we'll kill her right in front of you."
I knew my decision right away.
"I'll go."
"What? Gwen! No!" Eleanor cried as I stepped forward.
I stepped up to him and he wrapped an arm around my waist and threw Eleanor on the floor.
"Let's go!" He called to the others.
"Wait! You forgot something!" I screamed and I plunged the piece of glass into his chest and he screamed. I pulled the glass out and stabbed his chest again. He screamed then blood spurted from his mouth and he turned to dust on the ground. His cronies looked at me with fear.
"Gwen? How'd you do that?" I heard a voice behind me ask.
I turned around and the boys were standing there, looking shocked.
"I... I dunno..."
"We're indestructible. Trying to stab us with glass wouldn't work, so how did you...?" Harry asked. They looked thoughtful, then Liam had his aha moment.
"Her blood. It must've been on the glass. Her blood has different affects on us, remember? That probably was the reason the glass went through his chest!"
The others mumbled in agreement.
"Harry, I feel dizzy, can we get out of here?" I asked. He nodded and wrapped an arm around my waist but I hissed in pain.
When that guy wrapped an arm around me to keep me from running, he burnt me.
Harry looked down at the burnt cloth and flesh and I saw anger glint in his eyes. He carefully went to my other side, but I was burnt worse there because he had pressed me against his side.
I watched him as his anger grew and he took my hand.
"Come on, let's get out of here so we can fix you up." I nodded and we all left the building. People kept staring at us, but we payed them no attention.
Once we were in the two separate cars, Liam, Dani, Zayn, Perrie, Louis, and Eleanor in the big car the boys have, me, Harry, and Niall in the car the girls and I took. Niall was driving and Harry was in the back seat with me.
"Gwen, the only way we can heal you quickly is to give you our blood," Harry whispered, watching me closely.
"Won't that hurt you?"
"Only a bit, but you'll be much better."
"Come on, Gwen. It'll help you get better..."
I sighed, then nodded. Ewww.
He smiled, then I watched as his fangs elongated. He raised his wrist to his mouth and bit into it. I watched as the blood seeped down his wrist and he held it up to me with a small smile. I hesitantly took his hand and brought his bleeding wrist close to my mouth. He nodded encouragingly and I licked a bit of the blood off his wrist. I crinkled my nose, waiting for the horrid, rusty taste, but instead, it tasted like dark expresso. I cautiously licked some more, not sure why it tasted this way.
"More, Gwen." Harry murmured as he reached up with his okay hand and ruffled my hair. I didn't want to, but he was bleeding for me. So I locked away my humanity and sucked on the bleeding wound, not bothering to think. I was careful not to graze his wound, but I could feel it closing up, so I pulled away. Harry was grinning at me.
"That was so weird. I felt... I dunno... Weird, I guess, when you drank my blood." Harry tried to explain it.
"I know the feeling, only it's way more intense." I said, then gasped as I began to feel like I was burning up inside my body.
"Gwen? What's wrong?"
"Your blood, it's burning!"
"Don't worry! It's just healing your wounds."
"Harry!" I cried, I didn't like this feeling!!!
He took my hand and I watched my hand healing.
I jerked around, trying to get used to the bonfire that was frying my insides. Harry pulled me close to him, stopping my jerking.
"Shhh, stay still, don't hurt yourself."
Awww. Goddddd.... It hurts so much. Harry stroked my hair as the fire slowly faded away, then it was completely gone. I sighed and looked up at Harry, who was already looking down at me. I smiled and kissed him lightly.
"Hey! Not while I'm driving!"Niall called from the front seat and I laughed. I snuggled up against Harry, who put his arms around me. I was really worn out from everything that had happened, so I fell asleep in his arms as he played with my hair.
A/N hey guys, sorry this chapter was necessary but boring. I'll try to make the next ones more interesting. Lol, I hope you enjoyed it! You know what to do if you did! See ya later!
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