《My Immortals(A One Direction Fanfiction) COMPLETED》Chapter 10
I yawned slightly and opened my eyes. The room was still dark, the curtains pulled tightly over the window.
Where am I? I went to get up when I realized I was restrained. I looked down and saw that Harry had his arms around my waist.
I carefully turned around and looked up to see the face of an angel. I smiled and raised a hand to his face. I gently ran my fingers over his prominent cheek bones, causing him to sigh and a small smile to grace across his lips. I ran a finger tip over his eyelid and traced it down his nose. I let my hand slowly caress his face as my fingers stroked his lips. He parted them and his cool breath danced across my fingers. I let my fingers slip down to his sculpted jaw and let them lightly brush over his collarbones.
Suddenly, I heard a gasp and felt a hand pull my chin up. I felt soft lips press against mine and I saw Harry's green eyes glittering in front of mine. When we pulled away, I blushed.
"Were you awake that whole time?" I asked him.
He smiled,"Yes..."
"Ugh, Harry! You! Ugh!" he chuckled at my loss for words.
"So, anyways, what brought you to my room?"
I blushed deeper and didn't answer. I didn't want him to know about my dream.
"Gwen, you can tell me anything."
"I... I had a dream that we... Had a fight and I was really upset and scared, so I came out found you."
Harry's eyes looked into mine with compassion and he slowly leant forward until our noses touched.
"Gwen, we will fight." I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off,"However, we will over come it." And with that, he leaned in and kissed my lips. It was a sweet, warm kiss, and I was disappointed when he drew away.
"So, do you have any plans for today?" He asked me.
I shook my head, planning to just lounge around and be a lazy hobo.
"How about I take you out somewhere? I owe you a date, remember?"
"Really?" My eyes lit up. He nodded, his curls bouncing up and down.
"I'd love to!" I squealed. He laughed and we both got up. I waved to him before I skipped out of the room to get ready for the day. I can't wait to actually have a date with Harry! Eeeek! I rushed through getting ready, then danced down the stairs and into the kitchen. Liam set a plate of eggs and hot sauce in front of me and Niall placed a glass of orange juice on the table for me.
I thanked them, then began to eat, burning my face with hot sauce. I finished right as Harry came down the stairs and flashed me a smile.
He grabbed a glass of blood and took a swig, but only after glancing at me nervously. He put the glass in the sink and took my hand. Louis glanced up from the comics section of the news paper and flashed over to Harry. He handed him a woven basket and winked, before he was back to reading. I glanced at him curiously, but Harry quickly dragged me to the car.
I climbed in. My first ever date with a guy this hot. I was screaming on the inside. Poker face. Poker face. Poker face. But despite my command, a smile broke across my face as I held Harry's hand and thought about our first date. Any issues we had were worth it, because right now, I knew how right this was.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
Harry clapped three times,"To the purple mountain!"
"Harry, I'm not Dora!"
"Nah, you're too beautiful to be Dora..."
"Thanks, Harry," I said through my blush, which made him chuckle and caress my burning cheek.
"So, what's our destination?"
"The Final Destination!" He replied and I face palmed.
"Answer me!"
"Question me!"
"Where are we going?"
He clapped again,"To the purple mountain!"
I sighed and gave up. It was obvious by now that I wasn't going to be told.
Harry chuckled and parked the car. I looked around and we were in the middle of absolute no where. Just trees surrounded us.
"Haha, hilarious, Harry!"
"Gee, gorgeous Gwen, you're a genius!"
I sighed, he was being an ass on purpose. He took my hand and pulled me into his arms, or arm, as he was holding the basket in the other, and I shrieked and flailed around like I was being attacked by sharks. He laughed and pressed me against his body hard enough to get me to stop squirming as much and I fisted the front of his shirt in my hands.
"Close your eyes." He whispered to me. I hesitated, then closed them and pressed my face against Harry's chest. I felt a fast swaying, but just blew it off and leaned against Harry some more. Finally, everything was eerily still.
"You can open your eyes now." Harry murmured, and I pried one eye open and glanced around before opening the other. Harry laughed and sat me down.
We were on top of a hill and trees loomed around us. Harry had sat the basket down, trying not to squash the flowers popping up towards the sky.
"Harry, it's beautiful..."
"No, Gwen... It's okay. You're beyond this beauty." He took my hands and I giggled as his eyes shined with amusement.
"I think you've seen one too many romance movies, but that was sweet."
He grinned wide enough for dimples to appear.
"And you've seen just as many since you were able to point that out," He remarked.
My cheeks heated and his cold hands gently stroked them.
"I love seeing you blush... It reminds me that you're real. That you're alive. That you're... Human." He had a sad smile and I couldn't help it. I leaned in and kissed him. Harry making that look should be illegal and is frowned upon in this establishment.
He pulled away and his smile was pure. He reached down, opened the basket, and spread out a blanket. He pulled out some food and I smiled. A nice picnic in the woods, and the best part was the Nando's.
"Niall insisted on packing us food," Harry said with a smile. I laughed as he handed me a box of peri peri chicken. He handed me a fork and an empty glass. He pulled a long, slender bottle from the basket and filled my glass with red liquid.
"It's wine." Harry assured me with a smirk and I nodded. I could tell that from the scent.
"What is it?" Harry asked, sounding worried.
"I just... I've never had wine before..." I blushed, it was illegal for minors to have wine.
"Gwen, we're in France, you can have wine if you want, besides, I remember you said you wanted to try wine some day." Harry smiled and took a sip from his glass. I nodded and raised it to my lips. I let the substance slide down my throat, making it tingle and burn, but in a pleasant way. I quickly took another sip.
"Do you like it?"
I nodded and Harry laughed. I began to eat my chicken, taking swigs of wine in between. Harry refilled my glass as we ate, discussing random crap.
Harry poured my third glass and I giggled.
"Thanks!" I squealed, sounding funny.
I took another drink and leaned back on the blanket. Harry carefully pulled my head into his lap and began to play with my hair as I sipped my wine. Soon, the glass was empty and my hair was woven with flowers.
"Hehehe, Harry, you look hawt!" I squeaked. Harry looked down at me, confused.
"Thanks, Gwen..."
"Can I feel your curls?"
He raised an eyebrow and I giggled,"Yeah, sure." I reached my hands up, accidentally hitting his chin as my vision blurred and I slurred an apology. He chuckled and I grabbed his curls in my hands. I ran my fingers through them, then let my arms fall, as they were getting too heavy, and I sorta accidentally punched myself in the face.
"Wow, you're really cute when you're drunk, Gwen."
"I'm not drunk."
"What ever floats your boat-"
"I don't have a boat."
"Whatever flies your kite."
"I don't have a kite..."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"I have insomnia."
"No you don't."
"Yes I do."
"Fine. Whatever sweetens your tea."
"I don't have tea."
Harry groaned in defeat."Now come on, let's get back to the house, I'm sure the boys will want to see this... And don't worry, I'll keep you safe." he held his arms open for me and I stood up.
But instead of walking like a normal person, I lost my footing and almost fell on my face. I would've if Harry didn't catch me. He pulled me up into his arms and told me to close my eyes. I did, and I heard the whooshing of wind. It stopped as abruptly as it had started, and I opened my eyes. Harry carried me into this huge house and sat me down on the couch.
"Boys!" Harry called, and I giggled. More boys. Hubba hubba!
They all walked in and they looked around for danger. They all seemed like super heroes, looking for crime to fight! I laughed and Niall turned to Harry.
"Oh, gosh. What's you do to her this time, Harry?!" Niall groaned as he shook his head in dismay.
"She had a bit too much to drink. She's never drank before..."
The boys laughed and stepped forward to look at me.
"Harry!" Liam turned to chastise Harry, but I giggled at his distressed tone.
"Li Li! Isn't Harry hawt?!"
The boys all chuckled at Liam's confused look.
"Uh, I dunno..."
"How can you not know if someone is hawt or not? I mean, look at his curls and his eyes and his dimples and... And... Oh mer gawd, look at this necklace!" I squealed as I grabbed his necklace.
"How did they fold a tiny plane like this?!" I asked, genuinely curious.
All the boys, including Liam, we're laughing at me.
"Since you guys are famous, you should sing to me! Live While We're Young!" I screamed as I bounced up and down.
"Only if you dance to it!" Louis exclaimed.
Hahaha, I love dancing!"Okay!"
Niall grabbed his guitar and began to play.
"Hey girl I'm waitin on ya, I'm waitin on ya, come on and let me seek you out," And they all continued to sing as I danced to the music and soon, they were all dancing with me. I was laughing the whole time and singing along terribly. When the song ended, I started screaming for an anchor.
"Okay, but this time, you have to sing, too!" Harry exclaimed.
"But I shuck!" I screwed up my speaking a bit and Harry laughed.
"You do not 'shuck.'" He said, mocking me. I playfully went to punch his arm, but I missed, stumbled forward, and fell into him. He put his arm around me and cued Niall, who began to play.
"Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me, but bare this in mind, it was meant to be, and I'm joinin up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me." Zayn sang like an angel, and I could tell he was thinking of Perrie.
"I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smiled, you've never loved your stomach or your thighs, the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine, but I'll love them endlessly," Liam sang, an I saw the distant look in his eyes. He was probably singing about Danielle.
Then the all pointed at me. Crap.
"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth, but if I do, it's you, oh it's you they add up to, I'm in love with you, and all these Little Things." I sang. I actually sang. And I actually remembered the lyrics. Can you believe it?! The boys hooted around me in accolades before Louis sang his part.
"You can't go to bed without a cup of tea, and maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep. And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep, but it makes no sense to me." Louis smiled, and I knew that that smile was because he was thinking of Eleanor.
"I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape, you never want to know how much you ate, you still love to squeeze into your jeans but, you're perfect to me." And when Harry sang this part, he stared directly into my eyes, and that's when I tripped, fell, and hit my face on the sofa. I think I deserve a round of applause.
The boys stared at me, then burst out laughing as I laid on the ground, laughing my butt off at my socially awkward self... I need more wine!
I sprang up, only to stumble and fall over the back of the couch. I did a flip halfway through and landed on my back. I began to laugh again and I shakily stood up and gripped the side of the couch. Wow, I feel tired, and dizzy... And oh mer gosh, I must kiss Harry!!!
I stumbled over to him and he put an arm around my waist, supporting me.
"Harry, you should kiss me!" I giggled bluntly while the others laughed. Harry leaned forward and gently kissed me, while my stomach churned, the wine not liking it's current home. When we separated, I wrapped my hands around my stomach.
"Harry, I'm gonna be sick!" I exclaimed and dashed like a mad woman for a trash can.
Harry disappeared and then appeared in front of me with one.
"Wow, you must be mag-" I was gonna say magic, but then I hydro pumped the wine out of my system. Harry rubbed my back and held my red hair out of my face as I heaved. When I finally finished, he flashed out for a moment, then flashed back in.
"Gwen, are you okay?"
"I'm super duper fabulous!" I replied.
"Oh mer gawd, Gwen, I didn't know you have a tail!!!" Louis exclaimed pointing at my butt. I looked over my shoulder and giggled.
"What tail?"
"Only awesome people can see it. Can you see it, Gwen?"
I wanna be awesome! So I lied,"Yes!!!"
"If you have a tail, you have to chase it and catch it, or you'll die!"
He sounded so panicked that I freaked and began chasing my tail that only awesome people can see.
"Did I get it?"
"Louis! It keeps running away from me!" I shrieked as I chased my butt in circles and the boys were all doubled over, shaking with silent laughter.
"Gwen, you don't have a tail!" Liam gasped.
"Gwen, don't listen to him! He's just the joker in disguise!" Niall called.
"Hurtful! 'I'm Batman!'" Liam cried in a Batman voice.
"Help!" I cried, trying to find my tail. I was too young to die!!!
Louis flashed in front of me."Does someone need help?!" He ripped open his buttoned shirt, revealing a giant red 'S'. "SUPERMAN!!!" He cried, and he scooped me into his arms.
"Fly, man, fly!!!" I shouted. I can't believe Louis's Superman.
"There's not enough room!" He replied.
"But Superman!!!"
Just then, the door opened and three figures stepped in, causing all the boys to freeze and me to giggle at their surprised expressions.
A/N Who's at the door? Hahaha, you guys probably hate me for this. So....
*Continuing Chapter*
Everyone turned to me and I giggled again. "Don't forget that Niall and Harry are here! We don't want to count them absent!"
Everyone started laughing.
"Who's this?" Dani asked.
Louis put me down and I walked over to Dani, only tripping four times.
"Hello, I'm Gwen!" I held out my hand and she shook it. Her hand was ice cold and solid as a rock.
"She's a little... Drunk..." Liam informed them.
"Who got her drunk?" Perrie asked, causing the boys to chuckle.
"I did..."
I giggled,"Mr Curly McCurl Curls let me drink!" Then I turned to Mr Curly McCurl Curls,"I want more wine, Harry!"
Everyone laughed as Harry pulled me into a hug. I yawned in his arms.
"Let's get you to bed before you fall again." He said with a smile.
"Could one of you get her dressed and ready for bed? Then I'll send Harry up," Liam asked.
"I'll help!" Eleanor replied with a smile before she took my hand and pulled me to my room. Once my door was shut, she pulled me into a hug.
"I'm so glad Harry finally found someone again!" And then she pulled off my clothes, leaving me in my undergarments as she dug through my closet.
"Here we go!" And she flashed over to my side. She helped me balance as I pulled on the pajama bottoms. Then she pulled the Tshirt over my head. She pulled my hair back into a pony tail then tugged me into the bathroom. She washed my face and I brushed my teeth.
"You're gonna have a nasty hangover in the morning. Have you drank before?" I shook my head and she gave me a sympathetic smile."It's gonna suck in the morning." She took my hand and pulled me into my room and on my bed. She flashed out and then flashed back.
"Good night, Gwen! See ya in the morning!" She called, then she flashed out again. Damn vampire speed!
Just then, Harry flashed in.
"Hey, Gwen." He sat down beside me and helped me under the covers. He tucked me in and kissed my forehead.
"Hey, Mr Curly McCurl Curls!"
Harry chortled, then sighed and stroked my cheek.
"I'll stay here until you fall asleep, but you need to sleep this off." I nodded and he laid down beside me. He wound his arms around my waist and I snuggled into his chest. I heard him humming Little Things and I fell asleep with the definition of love floating through my head, and dreams of Harry played out in my mind.
A/N hope you enjoyed it. If you did, you know what to do!!! Sorry it's kinda short, I'm just really tired. See ya guys later!
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