《My Immortals(A One Direction Fanfiction) COMPLETED》Chapter 9
I was surprised. That's an understatement. I was bursting! Harry felt feelings for me too! Squee! I mentally did my touch down dance. But on the outside, I kissed him back. I was kissing a vampire. I had to mark that off my bucket list! Haha.
Harry wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him as my fingers found their way to his hair. I playfully tugged on his curls and he pulled me even closer to him. His lips moved against mine, so soft, before we broke apart. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
"I think I still like you."
"Good, because I've been waiting for ages to do that!"
"Welcome to the club, we've got jackets."
His smile grew wider and he leaned forward to kiss me again. When his lips were about to touch mine, his phone went off. I giggled at how cliché this moment was as he answered it.
"Hello?" Harry asked. I could hear the faint voice, it was Liam.
"At the old warehouse."
More muffled Liam.
"Yep, that's the one."
More muttering from Liam.
"Okay, see ya. Oh, and Gwen and I were worried, you guys all okay?"
Mumble, mumble, mumble...
"Alright, I'll tell her. See ya in a bit. Alright. Bye, Liam." Then Harry hung up the phone.
"So?" I asked, worried about the rest of the boys.
"They're all fine, they'll be here any time now... Anyways..." He smiled at me and began to lean towards me again.
"Hello, guys!" Louis voice shouted from the other room. Harry groaned and leaned back again as all the boys came around the corner. I immediately stood up and ran over to them.
"Are you guys okay? I've been so worried! If anything happened, I'd-"
"Gwen, we're fine," Zayn murmured with a smile.
"Yeah, seriously, you remind me of my mum!" Niall exclaimed, causing the boys to laugh. I soon joined in. We all took seats around the room.
"So, what's on today's agenda?" Harry asked.
"Mangle a deranged vampire, check!" Louis exclaimed, and I laughed.
"Get some food! I'm starving!" Niall said in a pained voice, causing us to laugh.
"And we need to check out of the hotel and get settled in our new house." Liam added. I smiled.
"Sounds good. Now let's go eat!" Niall yelled quickly, then jumped up and ran to the door. We all chuckled as we followed him back to the hotel. We went straight into the breakfast buffet and I watched as Niall filled his plate. I only got a small portion of food. I sat down at our table with Harry to my left and Niall to my right. The other three sat across from us. As Niall feasted, I grabbed my fork and took a bite of the eggs. I was chewing them cautiously when a hand gently grabbed mine. I glanced over and saw Harry smiling at me as he carefully squeezed my hand. I blushed and went back to eating. I smiled to myself, knowing he was trying, even though it's been a while since he's been in a relationship. I finished my eggs as Niall went up for seconds.
"I've never seen someone eat so much..." I mumbled in astonishment.
Harry chuckled,"You'll get used to it."
Eventually, breakfast was finally over and we all separated to go pack up our stuff. I was in the middle of packing my undergarments when there was a knock at my door.
"One moment!" I called, as I hurriedly shoved them out of sight.
I sighed once I zipped my suitcase."Okay!" The door clicked open and Harry walked in.
"You ready to go? Liam's downstairs, checking us out of the hotel." I nodded.
"So, um... G-Gwen?" Harry stuttered, which was really out of character for him.
"Would you..." He took a deep breath,"Would you like to be my girlfriend? I want to make this official. I can't deny that I feel a natural connection between us too. I know it's going to be a bit difficult at times because I haven't done this in a while and I still miss her, but I really do like you. But... It's okay for you to say no if you think that boys still have cooties..."
"That was almost sweet of you... but if you have cooties, then I'm not kissing you!"
Harry smirked as he wrapped an arm around me and pecked me on the lips.
"So... Is that a yes?"
"Only if you've had your cooties shot," I replied.
"But I need a doctor to do that..." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and I playfully slapped him aside the head.
"Ouch! I was joking!" He exclaimed as he rubbed his head.
"Silly, of course I'll court you!"
"You could've just said that..." He muttered as he rubbed his head. I rolled my eyes and took his hand.
We walked out of the room, hand in hand and took the elevator down to the lobby. Harry thought it would be hard, but I honestly felt like this was easy. This felt so natural. All the boys were already waiting for us and they all turned to greet us. They temporarily froze and took in the sight of our hands.
"Ooh! Harry and Gwen, sitting in a tree!" Louis cooed and I rolled my eyes playfully.
"You guys ready?" Harry asked, not visually phased.
"Yup, let's go get into the car and be on our way, shall we?" Liam asked. We all grabbed our stuff and went out to the car. We all climbed in and the situation was the same as last night. I sat on Harry's lap again and felt super awkward. I blushed in the beginning which caused them all to laugh at me. Harry had an arm around my waist, keeping me in his lap, acting like a human seatbelt. He held my hand with his free one. The boys were silent for a few minutes, until their curiosity got the best of them.
"So, when did you guys hook up?" Zayn finally asked.
"Right before we left the hotel," Harry replied with a smile and he pecked my cheek, I blushed, knowing he was trying.
"Awwww!" Louis cooed and the boys laughed.
I blushed deeper, which caused them to laugh harder. Harry curiously ran a hand over me cheek, which was burning bright red.
"So warm..." He murmured, which in turn, caused me to blush even more.
"You shouldn't blush in front of vampires,"Harry chuckled,"It makes you even more appetizing."
I blushed then mentally face palmed. The boys chuckled and I groaned. The car finally stopped and we got out. Harry's fingers entwined with mine and we walked up the long driveway, which curved into the woods, so the house was obscured.
"You ready?" Liam asked with a smile. We all nodded and we followed the path. Trees loomed over head and swayed in the wind. Clouds blotted out the sun and dry leaves rustled across the pathway. Birds called in the distance and the whole situation seemed kind of ominous. I followed the boys and we came up to a gate, which appeared hidden by the greenery. Louis pulled out a key and unlocked it, letting it swing open with the high squeak of old hinges. A cold wind blew past me and slammed the gate against the cement supports. Harry squeezed my hand reassuringly and we continued on towards our new house.
The new house loomed in the distance, a beautiful old time house, that almost looked like an old castle. I walked up the worn steps to the front entry. The wall began with a high archway, that looked almost like a porch area, with all the space under it. Niall pulled out an old key and turned it in the lock. He pushed the heavy door open with ease and we all walked through. I froze in shock as I took in its beauty. The door had led us into a huge main entry way, with a double staircase that led to the east and west wings.
"This is sooo cool! It must have cost a fortune!" I exclaimed. The boys exchanged glances.
"Actually, it's mine... I used to live here." Harry admitted, staring at the ground.
"Awwww! Lucky! I love this!" I squealed and ran to the steps. I slowly walked up them,"I feel like a princess!" I ran up to the landing before the stairs separated and carefully touched the old grandfather clock that miraculously was still working.
I heard the boys laughing and murmuring before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see bright green eyes.
"Would you like a tour?" He asked.
"Really?" I would love one!!!!
"Well," He chuckled,"It is my house..." he led my up the left staircase and down a corridor. He flicked on lights and lit candles as we walked.
"This is the commons room," He gestured to the first door on my right.
"Here's the staff quarters," He gestured to the left."Of course, we don't have staff any more..."
"Here is a guest bedroom, bathroom, then the scullery room, the storage room..." he pushed open another door that led us to a spiral staircase to downstairs. I followed him down and walked into the kitchen.
"This is our old kitchen, the pantry is over there," He pointed to a door off the kitchen. He led me out and we walked down the hallway and he pushed open a door. I craned my neck and looked around, amazed. It was a marvelous library filled with books. Stairs led up to two other levels and there was a main little desk in the center with books piled on it.
"The door up there,"He pointed up at a small door on the third level."leads to the attic, please don't go up there.' He stared into my eyes.
"Why not?"
"Because its personal and I haven't talked about it in a long time and I'm not-"He broke off and took a few deep breaths.
"Okay, Harry, when you're ready." That must have something to do with something really personal, probably that girl Harry was still grieving after.
He smiled gratefully at me, then led me to another door. We came out into the main foyer and he led me across it.
"This is the dining hall," He said as he shoved the door open, revealing a huge table and a fire place. He led me into another room,"Here is the ballroom. I used to have parties here a lot," He whispered with a distant look in his eye.
He led me through a doorway that led to a staircase. We walked up slowly and came to the other wing.
"Here is your room, my room, Liam's room, Louis's, Niall's, and Zayn's," He said, pointing to each. Harry's room was across the hall from mine.
"We already have all of your stuff in there, and you have your own bathroom. Would you like some time to go freshen up?"
"Um, sure. Thanks, Harry." I smiled and stretched up to peck him on the lips. He was startled for a moment, then he kissed back. He pulled away after a moment with a grin on his face.
"I'll see you at noon for lunch," He said with a wink,"I'll come get you then." And with that, he turned and walked down the hall until he was gone. I pushed my door open and smiled. We were at that beginning stage, where you're more of a couple, where you have a lot of physical contact. We weren't to that stage yet where we acted more mellowed out and more like long time friends with a deeper realtion.
My walls were a deep lavender with swirling black designs. A large bed was in the middle of a wall, with black sheets and a purple canopy and pillows. There was a black leather couch over by the double doors which led to a balcony, and a purple shag rug. A television sat on a stand in front of the couch with a box labeled "movies". A night stand was beside my bed and there was a vanity against the wall. There were two doors on the opposite wall. I pushed the first door open and saw a double bathroom. I went to the second one and nudged it open and almost fainted. It was a closet filled with amazing clothes. I squealed and ran in immediately. I know what I'm gonna spend my whole day doing!!!
I had spent only a millennium trying on clothes in the closet and just messing around, feeling like a kid as I played dress up.
I finally decided that I found what I wanted. It was a purple top with flowy sleeves and a lace up front. The back came down farther than the front and I chose a pair of black shorts. I skipped over to the bathroom with some toiletries and my outfit and took a shower. I was in such a good mood that I actually sang in the shower, even if I did sound like a dying cow getting struck by lightning.
"No one told you that life was gonna be this way!
Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's DOA!
It's like you're always stuck in second gear!
When it hasn't been your day your week your month or even year but
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
'Cos you're there for me too!" I sang the whole song, remembrants style. What? I'm a fan of Friends, so you can just call my grandma so she can tell you to suck it up!
I shut the water off and got out. I got dressed in my designated outfit and pulled my hair back into a pony tail. I stepped out of the bathroom and there was an explosion of applause.
"Uh, hey?" I greeted all the boys. They broke out laughing."What?"
"You sing amazing!!! Encore! Encore!" They began chanting. I blushed deep red and they started laughing.
"Come on, we'll song with you!" Harry offered.
"Easy for you to say. You guys sound like archangels!"
"You're insecure, dunno what for," Liam began. I knew this song. I'd heard them sing it before."You're turning heads when you walk through the doo-oo-oor!"
"Come on, Gwen! Sing!"
"Don't need make up, to cover up," I joined in after the slight pause and the boys clapped as I sang with Liam."Being the way that you are is enou-uh-ough!"
Liam stopped singing and Harry filled in,"Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you-ooh!"
And then we all burst into the chorus,"Baby, you light up my world like nobody else!" We sang. We finished the whole song, me sounding like the dying cow as these archangels sang as if they were in heaven.
When the song ended, I broke out laughing, and soon the boys followed.
"Alright! I'm hungry!" Niall exclaimed, which caused me to laugh again. We all went down to the kitchen to grab some food.
We sat around the dining table, eating sandwiches.
"So, when are you guys gonna meet up with your girlfriends?" I asked them, breaking the silence.
"Soon... Eleanor's dying to see you again," Louis answered. I nodded and smiled. I couldn't wait to see another female that I could at least semi relate to.
I finished my sandwich and took care of my dishes.
"Movie time! Movie time! Movie movie movie time!" Niall sang as he skipped around the kitchen. I laughed and followed him and the others to the commons room.
"What movie...?" Louis trailed off.
"Howl's Moving Castle!" I cried with a laugh. We high fived and the others shrugged then laughed at us. They popped in the movie as we all took seats. Harry and I sat on a dark brown leather couch and he wrapped a woven fancy blanket around my shoulders. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I leaned against his solid vampiric body and watched the movie. At some point, I fell asleep in Harry's arms.
I was awoken later and felt disoriented. I sat up off of Harry and stretched.
"Pizza's here!" Niall called as he closed the door.
"You mean WAS here!" Louis shouted.
I laughed and shuffled into the dining room. I quickly grabbed my food before the wolves, or should I say vampires, fell on the food. I drank a glass of water with a piece.
After I had consumed about fifty zillion pieces of pizza, we cleaned our mess and went to the commons room.
"Let's play cards!!!" Zayn suggested and we all sat down at the card table.
"I only know go fish..." I admitted. Liam high gives me."I love that game!"
"Then let's play go fish!!!" Louis shouted.
~After like 20 rounds of Go Fish~
I lost again and put my cards down on the table.
"You guys, I'm tired, so if you don't mind..." I yawned and stood up. They laughed and Harry stood.
"I'll walk you to your room," He said with a smile. I nodded and smiled back. We walked up the stairs and stopped in front of my room.
"I hope you like your room." Harry says.
"Oh, it's wonderful!"
"Yeah! I love it!!!" I cheered, then stifled another yawn and Harry chuckled.
"Good night, Gwen." He leaned in and gave me a small good night kiss.
"Good night, Harry."
"You stupid human!" Somebody shouted."Do you really think Harry could see you as anything more than a food source?"
"Harry is none of your business!" I shrieked, my voice raising an octave.
"You're only gonna get hurt!"
I looked around as the complete darkness morphed into a forest. In front of me stood Harry.
"I can't believe you!" I shouted at Harry without any warning, surprising myself.
"Can't believe me? I'm not the one lying!"
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"You never loved me! You only wanted attention!"
"How could you say that? I always loved you!" Tears welled in my eyes as Harry stared me down with angry eyes.
"Stop lying, Chris."
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"
"Just shut up, Christina. I don't wanna hear it."
"You know what, Harry? I think we need a break! I can't deal with this anymore!"
"Good! I want you out of my life! We should've let you die!"
A loud boom startled me out of that horrendous nightmare. Harry doesn't really hate me, thank God! I clutched my heart and tears streamed down my face. What if that did happen, though?
A streak of lightning descended from the sky and another boom rattled the house. Rain pelted the house and the thunder shook us again. I was scared. Don't you laugh at me, this house is old and probably haunted!
I shrugged into my robe and left my room. I crossed the hall over to Harry'a and slowly crept over to his side. He grunted and stirred, my footsteps awakening him.
"Harry, can I sleep in here with you tonight?" I felt so vulnerable.
Harry smiled and lifted up the covers. Thank God he chose tonight to wear boxers. I climbed in and snuggled up to his bare chest, just like back then. His arms wound around me and I fell asleep in his arms as he hummed me a tune that fought off those dreadful nightmares.
A/N awwww, it's so sweet! Sorry if it seemed erratic, I'm tired, I just showered, and it's night time, so I'm off my rocker right now. I'm all jazzed up. Anyways... Hope you enjoyed it! Two updates in the past hour... You lucky ducks!
Oh, I added a book of poems you should check out, follow the emotion pics, they describe the mood of the poem.
And also, please do check out my other stories, it'd really mean a lot to me, especially Falling for my Food(The Drama Of Being A Teenage Vampire, book 1). It's way better than it sounds, don't worry!
See ya guys later! Don't forget what to do if you enjoyed this chapter;)
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