《The Day After They Meet Up~》The Meet Up



TW swearing and lots of fluff

Skeppy POV

At 7:00 a.m. I woke up very tired. Until I realized I was meeting up with Bad. TODAY!!

I ran downstairs and quickly put some waffles in my toaster. When they were done getting toasted (?) I shoved them into my mouth and ate them, fed Rocco and ran back upstairs back to my room to get changed into clothes (black jeans, oversized blue hoodie).

I needed to look good for Bad. Especially if I was going to confess to him.

I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair and washed my face and a bunch of other stuff.

Then I called an Uber to drive me to the airport. After a couple minutes of waiting, the Uber got here. I put a leash on Rocco, grabbed my bag (and his carry on bag), and said goodbye to Lya.

The Uber driver me to the airport and I nervously waited inside with Rocco.

About half an hour later, my plane was ready to take off. I went inside the plan and waited until we took off. I was always nervous about plane take offs. The pilot told us all of the safety rules and stuff. I had to put Rocco where all the animals where.

Time Skip

I was on my phone being bored as fuck when I finally heard the pilot say

"We will be landing in about 5 minutes. Please do not leave your seat until landing is finished (sorry I haven't been on a plane in a while)."

After the plane landed and me and Rocco got out of plane, I got my bag and called another Uber to take me to Bad's house. Me and Rocco waited outside until our Uber arrived. This Uber driver didn't like pets but thankfully he made an acceptance.


After a couple minutes of being in an Uber, the driver said that we were here. At BadBoyHalo's house. I was both excited and nervous. I thanked the driver and got me and Rocco's items.

I brought Rocco up with me to Bad's house and I knocked on the door...

The End



I heard a knock on the door and quietly ran to open it.

It had to be Skeppy. I peeked through the window, just to make sure. I saw a raven haired boy with a blue hoodie and black jeans and a medium sized fluffy dog. It was Skeppy and Rocco. I opened the door and yelled.



My dream had finally come true.

Me and Skeppy hugged for the first time when I noticed something.

"Skeppy I KNEW you were were shorter than me!"

"Yeah, yeah." He scoffed

I giggled

"Come innnnnn."

Skeppy walked in.

"Nice house" he said

"Thank you muffin. This is your room." I said and showed him the guest room.

I got Rat from my room and took her out to meet Rocco. They sniffed each other and wagged their tails for a while

Skeppy giggled and said "I'm so fuckin' happy right now Bad!"

"I am too! But language." -_-

"Sir yes sir." He hummed

I felt my face start growing hot

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I excused myself

I went inside my bathroom and shut the door.

I looked in the mirror and saw that I was blushing hard. I splashed water on my face and went back out.

We went to the bakery across the road and I bought us both a muffin. We decided that tomorrow we would go to the carnival.

It was nighttime and we were both in our beds with our dogs. Well that's what I thought at least. Because Skeppy came from his room across the hall and woke me up.


"Skeppy?" I whispered

"Bad? I'm sorry I woke you up. But I had a bad dweam."

"Aw Skeppy." I said then gave him a hug.

He hugged back and crawled in bed with me. I was a bit surprised but I enjoyed our cuddling. We slept together all night.

Skeppy POV

Yes I did do that on purpose. I couldn't resist. And if I wanted to confess I did need to take it one step at a time. Ok that was maybe five steps at a time. But its ok. Because I think he liked it. We cuddled each other all night.

I woke up and saw Bad's head against my chest with his hair all messy. I giggled and I pet his head.

Soon after, he woke up and blushed to see us cuddling.

"O-oh um sorry Skeppy." He said and started to get off me.

"No wait. Can we do this for a couple more minutes?" I pleaded

"U-um okay." He said flustered but then we started cuddling again. There was no doubt, I was in love. (I think I already said that)

Wow you guys are lucky for the longer chapter.

Last chapter was 566 words.

This chapter was 815 words. (not including this)

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