《The Day After They Meet Up~》Skeppy's Plan


TW mention of suicide

Skeppy POV

I got a notebook and a pen and I started writing my plans to confess to Bad that I loved him so much and I wanted him to be my boyfriend.

So I would wait for a perfect time to do it and then me and Bad would be boyfriends forever. No no no what if he doesn't want to be my boyfriend. Then I could just say okay then we would be best friends forever. What if after I told him, he wouldn't want to be my best friend. Then I could try to pursue him to be my best friend forever. And if we still aren't best friends after that then I would go get my knife and stab myself and die. Man this is a good plan. Wait if I stabbed myself would Bad be sad?

Well there's so many ways this plan could go. Maybe I shouldn't confess and just never tell him.

He probably already knows I like him because of the one time and nobody could change my mind about him then I'm sure he would understand. Maybe not understand but he wouldn't care. Then we would be best friends forever, just like I planned.

Yeah this would work.

I called Bad for the last time before we were going to meet up.


"Hi Skeppy!"

"Bad are you excited for tomorrow?" I say dragging the r

"Yes! But I'm also nervous."

"Why are you nervous?" I ask concerned

"Well I never met up with any friends on YouTube before and your my best friend."

Not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable about this I say

"No pressure Bad. We're best friends."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I love you."


"Aw I love you too Skeppy." He says not getting the actual message

"Are you gonna buy me a muffin?" I ask, remembering the time I gave him $50,000.

"Of course! You still shouldn't have donated that much money though you muffin head."

"You still accepted my money." I say giggling

"What else do you want to do at my house?"

I started thinking of a good time to confess to him that I loved him more than a best friend. But I couldn't think of anything. So I just went with the flow.

"I don't know. We could go some places. Like stores or something. Or just hang around y'know?"

"Ooh yeah. We could go to a festival that's coming to town!" Bad says excited.

"Wow perfect timing for me to come!"

"I know!! I'm so excited for you to come Skeppy!" He says

I'm glad he's not nervous anymore. Well he could be but it sounds like he's more excited than nervous.

"I'm so excited to come too Bad!"

We stayed up talking to each other until 10:14 (sorry I just needed to do a 14 meme) when Bad decided I should go to bed.

"But I wanna keep talking to youuuuuu"

"Skeppy you can talk to me tomorrow. I promise." He wasn't lying because we were meeting up tomorrow

"Okay" I say sounding sad.

"See you tomorrow muffin."

"Bye Bad!" I say before leaving the call.

I get in my PJ's and switch my alarm to 7:00 a.m. and tried my best to fall asleep.

(He didn't fall asleep until 10:57 because he was so excited)

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