Asmodeus: Ugh, I can't believe how early Lucifer called us all to RAD.
Asmodeus: I mean, can you believe it? I woke up extra early to finish my morning routine!
(M/n): Sucks.
(M/n): He wonders why I don't want to be part of the student council...
Asmodeus: Well, if you did, I'd be glad.
(M/n): Because I'll suffer?
Asmodeus: What? No.
Asmodeus: Well, at least we're suffering together ;)
(M/n): I'm going back to bed.
Asmodeus: No you're not.
Asmodeus: You're on your way here, aren't you?
Asmodeus: Hehe, so cute~
Asmodeus: You owe me a hug.
(M/n): I don't owe u shit
Asmodeus: I'm waiting for youuu!
- - -
Rolling your eyes, you looked down at the other item in your grasp.
It was the same protein bar you bought in a pack for Asmo once. Having ranted to you so early in the morning, you were ninety percent sure he didn't eat in favor of finishing his morning routine.
So, why not just bring a few of the bars? You bought them for him after all.
The sounds of footsteps on the very same pavement you walked on were heard, so you looked up. You were greeted by a man holding a few bouquets of roses, running full speed towards you. Eyes widening, you wanted to step to the side, only to find there wasn't space. You were unable to react properly as the man crashed into you.
Both of you simultaneously landed on the ground harshly. Your butt ached heavily. Rubbing the side of your hip, you looked up. You scanned the perpetrator, who looked just as pained as you on the ground opposite of you.
The male was wearing...what you'd assume to be a typical florist uniform, face covered by a surgical mask.
"Ah..! I'm sorry..." He yelped, scrambling to pick up the bouquets before they could fly away or get damaged.
Blinking twice, you soon began to help him by carefully picking up a few roses that had landed near you.
Once you finished, you handed them all to him. A few petals got scattered across the ground inevitably.
"I'm sorry, I was in a bit of a rush." The young florist arranged a few of the roses in his grasp. You hummed. "I apologize for getting in the way then."
"No no. It's my fault. I know that." The male laughed sheepishly. "Are you okay?"
"...Yeah." You meekly responded. He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, so um, sorry for bumping into you."
"It's alright. Are your flowers damaged too bad?"
"...Doesn't seem like it, no."
"That's a relief."
You picked up your phone and checked for scratches, finding none. The supposed florist began to fidget slightly.
"...Yes?" You looked up, unsure. He pointed at the road next to you two. "Is that yours?"
Looking at whatever he was pointing at, you saw it was the protein bar you were previously holding. Your body went stiff.
A car went by and crushed said bar, devastating both you and the florist. He flinched. "Oh no..."
"...It's fine. I have a few more in my bag. They're not for me, anyway."
"Even so," He frowned. "...Wait, who are they for?"
"My fri– Um, my boyfriend." You cursed yourself on the inside. The young florist blinked twice, only to shuffle through the bouquets in his grasp. He handed you two red roses.
"It was my fault that the snack got run over, so maybe your boyfriend wouldn't mind receiving roses instead." He smiled. You paused. "...Oh."
"...Do you give flowers to your boyfriend often?"
"No, he's the one who usually gives me flowers." You softly replied. "And aren't you going to get in trouble for giving me these?"
"I'm sure they won't notice." He shrugged. He then waved, getting ready to sprint away again. "Anyway, it was um, nice meeting you, sir! I hope your boyfriend likes them!"
And with that, the young 'florist' disappeared into a corner, leaving you with one less protein bar and two new vibrant roses.
Would Asmodeus like these roses? He receives at least quite a few nicer bouquets everyday.
You grasped the semi-thick stem and twirled the item in your grasp.
- - -
"You don't receive flowers often, do you?"
- - -
You recalled Asmo asking. You softly scoffed. "Whatever."
The walk to school didn't take long and you weren't even surprised to see a certain champagne-haired male accompanied by Solomon near the gates.
As if sensing you from a mile away, he perked up and turned to your direction. His face broke into an ecstatic grin before waving. "Darling! Over hereee!"
"You really don't have any shame, do you?" Solomon idly commented with a smile. You sighed and began to shuffle through your bag to grab the protein bar and hand it over, only for Asmo to notice the two roses on your grasp.
"...Hey, um, are those roses?"
"Hm? Oh, yup. What else could they be?" You nonchalantly replied, not noticing the change in his expression.
"Huh. Haha. Where did you get them from?" He spoke with a strained grin.
"Someone gave them to me." You took out the protein bar and offered it to him, only to be met with Asmodeus' pissed smile.
"Oh. I see. Someone gave them to you? Who was it?"
You paused, his tone sending a shiver through your spine. "...A florist?"
"...A florist?" His brows furrowed, looking at you in confusion. You handed the two roses to him. "The florist told me to give them to you."
"...The florist knows me?" Asmo tilted his head to the side. You shook your head. "No, he told me to give them to my boyfriend."
"..." Asmo slowly took the two roses and took a quick whiff.
His cheeks then flushed a light pink before he gave you a look.
"Aww, hon. If you'd just said you got me two roses in the beginning, then I wouldn't have gotten jealous in the first place."
"I didn't..." You were quick to deny, only to pause. "--jealous?"
"I thought you accepted roses from somebody else." He twirled the stem before bringing the rose to his nose. He took a quick whiff. "You're getting bolder with me now. Ahh...! Do you want me to melt?"
"...Whatever. Here." You handed him two of the protein bars. Albeit confused, he accepted the items. "...Strange combination, but alright!"
"You haven't eaten yet, have you?"
"How did you know?"
"The tone of your ranting made it obvious." You sighed. Asmodeus looked positively confused for a moment before his lips rose into a teasing grin.
"Just say you pay close attention and really really care about me, dear. Is it hard for you to show me affection or something?"
"..." You silently crossed your arms. Not taking it to heart, Asmodeus laughed. "I'm going to kiss you on the cheek, okay?"
With a cheeky grin, he places a chaste kiss on your right cheek before smirking at Solomon. "I'll be back. I need to shove these things in Mammon's face."
Asmodeus sent you a wink. "I'll see you later, Darling. I love you...!"
And with that, he bolted away, presumably to brag at the single Mammon and leaving you with Solomon. As your eyes followed his retreating form, one thought popped into your mind, stupidly enough.
... He didn't even bother waiting for a reply.
But like hell could you even focus on that. You could already hear your heartbeat hindering your hearing. Putting a finger on your cheek, you were more than horrified to feel the warmth.
Solomon chuckled from beside you. "I see you couldn't resist Asmo's charms for long."
"I-I um, what? What charm? Haha..." You were caught off guard. The white-haired male paused, then grinned. "My, you're more whipped than I imagined..."
"Haha, real funny, Solomon." You remarked sarcastically. The male laughed. "Ah! Ahaha! You're in denial!"
"Solomon, stop that. I don't like Asmo."
"Of course you don't. You love him." He took immense amusement at your current predicament. Your cheeks flushed, eliciting a stubborn huff from you.
"In a non sarcastic way, sure." Solomon patted your back. You rolled your eyes, looking back at the direction Asmo left through.
'I wonder if Asmo liked those roses...'
"I'm sure he does." Solomon bore a lopsided grin. You were spooked.
"What the fuck–?"
"You said that out loud." He waved off. "And besides, why wouldn't he? He looked so touched you'd actually get something for him."
"...Asmo receives nicer bouquets just about every day. Why would two roses be better than that?" You pondered. Solomon's brow quirked before he chuckled. "Do you like playing dumb on purpose? Is that it?"
"...What? You're rude, you know that?"
The white-haired male ushered you inside the building, walking right beside you. You began to fidget slightly. "Solomon, I need to talk to you."
The male raised a brow, but urged you to continue.
"I think...Asmo's fine."
"Asmo's a great boyfriend."
"...Congrats?" Solomon wasn't sure what you were doing. You scratched the back of your head. "And I'm honestly thinking of...breaking things off...?"
"... Pardon me?"
"...(N/n)? Is that you?" The champagne-haired male tried to peek from behind the stack of books he carried, tall enough just to pass over his head. You frowned. "What are you doing?"
"...Lucifer told me to carry all of these to the student council room." You heard him sigh. Walking beside him, you tapped on the stack of books. Carefully, you took half of them from his grasp.
"You're going to run over someone at this rate."
"..." Pausing, Asmodeus looked at you as you adjusted the books in your grasp. Slowly, a saccharine grin graced his features. "Thanks, Hon."
As you both walked through the barely crowded corridor, you couldn't help but notice him inching closer and closer to you. Your ears perked up at the sound of thudding footsteps from right around the corner. You stopped, but Asmo didn't.
Momentarily forgetting about the books, you grasped Asmodeus' collar as gently as you could before tugging him back. With a yelp, Asmo was forced to stumble backwards, hands still clasped on the books.
About two thin books escaped his grasp.
On cue, two students ran by, one chased by the other.
Asmodeus looked surprised.
You breathed out a relieved sigh. "That was close."
Concerned, you questioned, "Didn't you hear them running from around the corner?"
"...I wasn't paying attention. My bad." Asmodeus laughed sheepishly. Your brows furrowed as you crouched down to gather your fallen stack of books. The male looked down at you while adjusting his grip.
"You weren't paying attention to your surroundings?" You sighed in disappointment. You quickly followed up, "And, no. Don't try to help me because you're going to have to drop those books too."
You heard Asmodeus huff, turning his head away with a slight pout. The action made you smile unknowingly.
You picked his fallen books and placed it on top of his stack, crouching back down to pick yours up.
"Well, it's not that I wasn't paying attention." He reasoned. "It's more of...I can't."
"...Is there anything bothering you?" You abruptly stopped. Asmodeus chuckled. "Kind of."
"What is it?" In an unintentionally high and worried tone, you asked with a frown. Asmodeus' finger began to fidget slightly with the book at the very bottom.
"I don't know. Seeing you right here beside me makes me feel all nice and warm inside." He laughed sheepishly at his own words.
"Are you having a fever, is that it?" Stacking the books neatly, you heaved them up. Asmodeus rolled his eyes. "Darling, come on."
"It's more of..." He mockingly ponders. "Giddy? It's just a nice feeling."
"Why's that?" A smile crept on your lips.
"It's you. And me. It's me and you."
As soon as you stand up, Asmodeus lightly bumps the side of his hips into yours and laughs. "It's me and my favorite person!"
God, you were dearly thankful that this hallway was empty compared to a moment ago.
"...favorite." You mused out loud unintentionally. He giggled. "Aw, did that just make you happy? I meant every word."
"..." You two rounded the corner.
The student council room's doors were just a few steps away. Once you both were near enough, you balanced the books on one hand and opened the door with the other for Asmo. He sauntered inside, you following after and closing the door behind you.
No one was currently present in the room.
A loud thud echoed through the room as Asmo dropped the books on Lucifer's desk. You placed your stack neatly beside it.
"Ugh, this is exhausting..." He whined, hands immediately clasping onto yours. You noticed a few of his hair was a bit disheveled.
Your other hand rose to fix it back to place, only for Asmodeus' eyes to meet yours. You paused, unsure of whether to proceed or not. He raised a brow.
"Well? Aren't you going to continue?"
"..." Taking that as permission, you carefully fixed the strands back to place. You were a bit nervous, seeing as his hair and his face were something he held very dearly.
He hummed idly to himself as he waited for you.
Letting out a light breath, you gently patted down a few stray hair strands and parted a few. It was surprising how easy it was for you to know which was out of place.
For no particular reason.
At your thoughts, you pressed your lips together into a thin line. After a few, you leaned back, having done with the task.
The champagne-haired male looked displeased to see you finish. "You're done?"
"Did I do a bad job?" You questioned, moving past him to neatly arrange the stack of books Asmodeus had haphazardly strewn on Lucifer's desk out of spite.
"No. You did it perfectly."
"...Then what's the problem?"
"..." Asmodeus ran his index finger through his eyelid before pausing. With a mischievous grin, he called out to you in a fake cry. "(N/n)...! My eyeliner smudged! Fix it for me!"
"...What are you, a child?" You were startled, looking towards him. Indeed, a black smudge was now present by his eyelid. He sniffled at your question. "Uuu..."
He handed you a wet wipe from his own desk and sat on said desk, nearly rocking his legs back and forth excitedly. You were forced to lean forwards once more, lightly dabbing the black smudge off his face. Though, each time you did, Asmo's face moved slightly.
It was getting pretty annoying.
With a slight click of your tongue, you gently grabbed him by the chin and made his face stay in one place. That surely got him to stop.
His face darkened into a light shade of crimson.
Once you finished, you swiftly discarded the wipe on a random bin and dusted your hands off. Asmodeus looked pleased with himself.
"What part about smudging your make up was nice for you?" You idly questioned. He giggled. "I just like seeing you doting on me."
"That counts as doting on you?"
"Hehe~" He stood up from the desk. "It's just nice when you do things that I like."
"...Well, what do you like?"
You froze at your own words. Unaware of your hesitance, Asmodeus hummed to himself, grabbing you by the arms. He smiled brightly at you.
"You really want to know?"
Swallowing, you nodded, as if in a trance. Smile slowly contorting into a smirk, he spun around on his heels, dragging you along. You yelped as you were pushed back, hips pressed against the desk Asmo once sat on.
"..." Your body merely stiffened, too surprised to act and listen. His lips dipped into a small frown. Sighing softly through his nostrils, he spoke.
"Dear, you heard me the first time, right?" His frown lifted into a sweet grin. "So, sit."
Heart lightly thumping on your chest, you obeyed and sat on his desk. He took a step closer, hands dropping from your arms, to both sides of your body on the desk. Leaving barely any space between you two, Asmodeus leaned closer.
"How obedient." He praised teasingly. "Now, onto the next step."
"..." What is happening?!
"Touch me."
"..." You were baffled. "...What?"
"It's pretty easy, you know?" With an innocent grin, he takes both your hands and places them on both sides of his cheeks.
Asmodeus murmurs something to himself.
"...Repeat that?" You requested curiously. He shook his head and closed his eyes.
The skin pressed against your palm grew warmer.
"Now, you have to tell me all the nice things you love about me."
"..." The order made you ponder.
'What does Asmo want to hear from me?'
Your lips parted, only to close after you failed to think of what to say. He opened an eye and gazed into yours.
Lips drawing back slightly, you looked away. He squeezed your hand. "(M/n)."
"...Yes?" Although it proved to be harder than necessary, you fixed your eyes back on his'.
"Don't you think you're being a little unfair?" He promptly clicks his tongue. Pressing your hands deeper against his cheeks, his voice lowered significantly.
- In Serial68 Chapters
Saga of the Soul Dungeon
When Caden dies in an accidental fall, he is merged with a dungeon core in another world. The problem with that? The dungeon core wasn't dead, and he has share mind-space with it. And that doesn't take into account mastering his new abilities well enough to escape from the powerful wizard that is, understandably, leery about allowing a dungeon to escape. Even after he manages to escape he needs to found and manage a dungeon. Of course the location he chose might have a few issues of its own. He is on the border of two human nations who are not particularly pleased to share. A sentient plant race claims the dungeon as sacred ground. And, amidst the chaos, teams of adventurers just want to make a living and figure out how to deal with the latest challenge. Just so readers know, Caden is not a murder-hobo. He is a genuinely nice person trying to make the best of his situation. If you want a main character that revels in killing people, this is not the book for you. This is a reworking, and continuation, of my original novel into first person. And it is going great! The writing is well past where my original novel got to. This work will never be dropped. Hiatuses may happen due to life, but I will never abandon this fiction. Currently 20+ chapters on Patreon
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Tainted Reflections (A Litrpg Portal Apocalypse)
Thirty-five years ago, the world ended. A small subsection of humanity was sent to a brand new world with a game-like system that 'ensured' our survival, and the rest simply disappeared. I fought my way to the upper echelon of levels, made and lost friends over the years, and it finally felt like humanity had carved itself a small foothold in this Godforsaken place. Until one final person died. Until the system reset, and took everything I'd worked so damn hard for with it. I found myself staring at a face I barely recognized as my own, and the Earth began to end once again. Updates every day Monday thru Friday.
8 127 - In Serial19 Chapters
Rebirth Of The Commando
Rebirth of The Demon's Synopsis ( Updated Synopsis 26/11/2015 ) ****IN THE MIDDLE OF A RE-WRITE****---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“To think that I, Li Feng, a member of the Jade Dragon Group would die by committing suicide.. This is ludicrous..†Those were the last words of Li Feng as he drowned in a sea of blazing flames but little did he know that what comes after wasn't the afterlife but a gifted second chance. Awaking back on Earth, in a body that does not belong to him was what he hadn't expected. What would Li Feng do? Live another life that was just as bleak as the previous? Slaved to an office job from nine to five?Memories of the past! Memories of the present! Fusionnnn-Ha! With memories of both lives intact, join Li Feng as he treads down this treacherous journey known as the future!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapters submitted so far : Eighteen [ 18 ]Proof-Readed Chapters : Ten [ 10 ] ( Not 100% error free as I'm not a machine unfortunately )Total Words : 73603 ( Author's Notes and ETC not included )Updated As Of :-26/11/2015 – Uploaded Chapter 14-28/11/2015 - Uploaded Chapter 15-29/11/2015 - Uploaded Chapter 16-30/11/2015 - Uploaded Chapter 17-2/12/2015 - Uploaded Chapter 18---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WARNING – MATURE CONTENT ( You have been warned! )Additional Tag/s : Modern World Setting [ Earth ], Wuxia , Probably Xianxia in the future, Blood, Gore, Sexual Content---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Author's Note : Please forgive my crappy sypnosis, for anyone that is reading this, but please give this fiction a read before you actually drop it ïŠ Please drop some reviews so that I may know where I have erred and will try my best to improve!Chapter updates / uploads / releases have no timed schedule but if it does get updated, it will definitely be three thousand words and above so do not worry :D---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are simply products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locations or people, living or dead are purely coincidental and should not be taken seriously.
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PERCEPTION (A New Begining)
After a serious head injury, Tom can't help but notice his perception of the world changing. He gains the ability to control his perception of time. What would happen to a normal human if they could see/think at superhuman speeds? What would they be capable of? Follow Tom as he finds out what he is capable of and realizes the consequences of his newfound power. PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE OFFENSIVE AND DARK SUBJECTS. (This isn't a ploy to get more people to read. If you even think you might not be able to handle it just read something else.)
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Grae lives on a normal happy family life He has a thing on taming animals thus Our MC chooses to become one Will he continue his normal contented life or will fate leads him to something different?
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Crossing The Line
Growing up with your best friend is a privilege, but when you fall for them, things can get complicated, and for Damìan Moreno-Jones and Luena Knightley, this is the case. ~*~*~*~*~*~Luena has been in love with Damìan for years and never dared to tell him, so when Damìan breaks up with his girlfriend, Livia, on graduation night, she decides that this is the summer she'll finally confess her feelings. As for Damìan, he's grappling with his break-up and regretting ever being in love in the first place. He appreciates Luena and can't help wondering what life would have been like if Luena hadn't rejected him years before. After a startling confession and seeing Luena in a new light, he doesn't know how to feel.Both are scared to hear the truth, but when the heart gets in the way theirs no stopping what comes next. Will crossing the line of their friendship break them up forever or allow beautiful love to bloom? One of the consequences of growing up is to endure first love that may be fleeting, long-lived or never dared.
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