Ever since then, it has gotten harder to be next to Asmo.
It wasn't supposed to.
It was just a few seconds that your lips made contact.
Yet how come it was plaguing your mind this much?
- - -
Asmodeus: Hon!
Asmodeus: Good morniiinggg.
Asmodeus: I'm off for school, alright? See you!
(M/n): Good morning too|
(M/n): Goo|
(M/n): Asmo, I|
(M/n): As|
(M/n): Can I talk to y|
(M/n): Can|
(M/n): |
- - -
Damn it.
"Solomoooon!" Asmodeus whined. "I think my Darling is ignoring me..."
"My Dar–? Never mind. Are you sure?" Solomon managed to catch himself in time. The champagne-haired male frowned.
"So, you know, I was waiting for him, right?"
"..." Solomon prepared himself for whatever bullshit this was again.
"I didn't manage to catch him entering campus, so I searched for him before class started. Then when I found him, we made eye contact!"
"And he just...looked away."
"...O-oh, um, is that all?" Solomon felt a bead of sweat run down the side of his head. Asmo huffed. "Yeah! Usually, he'd at least give me a smile or nod at me!"
"...And that counts as ignoring you?" Solomon looked at him in slight bafflement. Asmodeus sniffled, nodding.
"...I'm sure it's nothing." Solomon assured. Asmo sighed. "Maybe."
"And besides, it's not like you did anything to upset him again, right?"
"Right!" Asmodeus chirped, mood changing.
"...Except I maybe accidentally kissed him yesterday–"
It was a surprise to feel discomfort around Asmo.
At first, it was like that when you abhorred him, but it was different now. You two had already gone past that phase, right?
And it's not like you hate Asmo now.
It was hard to pinpoint why.
So when you turned around a corner, you nearly jolted seeing Asmo and his fans. The champagne-haired male was cheerily chatting with his fans as he waved and grinned.
His eyes then flickered to the side. You froze.
Asmodeus visibly lit up at the sight of you. He turned his body to face you. "Ah–! (N/n)! Hiii!"
Without wasting a second, you walked backwards down the corner again.
"Ah! Wait–!"
And from then, you broke out in a sprint.
After getting quite far, your dumbass crashed into someone, cliché enough.
"Geez, idiot. What's the rush?"
Mammon's voice was heard. Luckily, neither of you were sent to the ground from the impact.
"Nothing, bastard." You rolled your eyes, straightening your posture. The male raised a brow. "Why're ya runin'?"
"Saw a ghost in the empty classroom by the corner. It kinda looked familiar, for some reason." You nonchalantly informed. Mammon paused, only to snicker.
"Yeah, right. In broad daylight?"
"The room itself was dark, you know? I saw it inside. Be a dear and report it to Diavolo and Lucifer."
"No way. You're lying, aren'tcha?"
"Don't believe me?" You grinned. "Check it out for yourself."
"Nah. I'm not that dumb." Mammon laughed awkwardly. You hummed, amused. "What, coward?"
"You were the one runnin' from it! You're the coward!"
"Sure." You acknowledged sarcastically. "Be careful though. I hear dimly lit places on campus are where they linger most of the time. Don't walk the hallways alone, pal."
You walked past Mammon, headed to your own classroom.
In no time did you hear him scramble to your side and walk alongside you.
"Anything wrong, Mammon?" You smiled coyly. The male huffed. "'Course not! Just... confused where most students are."
Those bitches were over down the corridor, either crowding around Asmo or unable to make it past the fans, lmao.
But you weren't going to tell Mammon that.
"Why are you walking next to me?"
"Am I not allowed to?"
"No, I'm just thinking. Maybe you do believe in me when I said not to walk alone?"
"Pffft–!" Mammon forced out a laugh. "If anythin', I'm helpin' ya! With me right here, you ain't walkin' alone!"
"...Okay, Mammon." You curtly responded before looking around. "The corridor is getting darker, huh? The curtains they installed are annoying."
"...Mammon, why did you do it?"
"H-hah? Do what?"
"...You dumb, stupid, and naive fool." You lowered your head. "Just why..."
Mammon yelped from beside you.
"...I told you not to walk the hallways alone."
"...(M/n), this is not funny."
"Really, Mammon?" You grinned eerily. "The atmosphere here is perfect."
'Because it's dark.'
"You're not bad looking, aren't you, mister? I could use that..." You placed a hand on Mammon's shoulder, who nearly slapped your fucking face before you dodged instinctively.
'Holy shit, man! No slapping!'
Mammon screamed out before bolting away from where you two came from. You blinked twice before shouting out.
"Mammon, you fucking coward! Hahaha!"
"You ass!"
And with that, he was gone.
The lighthearted feeling alongside your hurting stomach due to laughing too much was what you were supposed to feel around Asmo.
It was stupid how it changed.
You faintly chuckled to yourself dismissively.
Mammon's an idiot.
What kind of idiot would get scared by a , anyway?
"AAAAAA!!" You nearly slapped the shit out of Asmodeus if he hadn't held your hand prior.
"Wh–" The male was baffled. "What's that about, hon?"
"O-oh, um, nothing..."
"...Uh huh." Asmo reluctantly spoke. "Um, anyway, why'd you run away earlier?"
"Better question, why'd you abandon your fans?" You changed the subject. Asmo raised a brow suspiciously.
"I politely said goodbye, and they let me leave. (M/n), don't tell me you're jealous?" He teased, a faint hint of red dusting his cheeks.
Actually, no. That must've been due to the dim lights in this particular hallway. Why would Asmodeus blush, anyway?
"Asmo, I'd never be jealous of something so trivial." You sighed. You saw him pucker up his lips in a slight pout. "Whatever."
"...Can I walk you to class–?"
"Sorry, I have to drop by a few places before going to class."
"Oh, I don't mi–!"
"I'm sure Solomon would like to walk you back, bye!" You sprinted away once again. Asmodeus stood there in disbelief.
Once your figure was no longer visible, Asmodeus frowned to himself.
"Ah... he ran away again..."
- - -
"Ah! (N/n)! Fancy meeting you here–"
"Actually, I think I forgot something by my desk, sorry."
Asmodeus could only look at your retreating back with a pained smile.
- - -
"(M/n)! You wanna walk home together–?"
"Lucifer told me you guys had a meeting. Have fun, Asmo."
"Wha– Waaaait!"
Asmo deflated.
Asmodeus: (M/n), what's wrong?
Asmodeus: Did I do anything?
Asmodeus: i um
Asmodeus: I'm sorry
Asmodeus: For kissing you yesterday.
(M/n): It's fine
(M/n): It was an accident.
(M/n): And nothing's wrong, obviously.
Asmodeus: You sure?
(M/n): Yeah.
Asmodeus: Okay then.
Asmodeus: Tell me when anything's wrong, okay?
Asmodeus: I don't want you feeling weird all of a sudden.
Asmodeus: Communication, right?
Asmodeus: Deeeaaar!
(M/n): Yes, Asmo.
Asmodeus: Okay
Asmodeus: I love you :)
(M/n): Yeah.
Asmodeus: :(
(M/n): Good night
Asmodeus: I'll get the best sleep after I hear it back.
(M/n): Too bad.
(M/n): You'll never hear that from me, anyway|
(M/n): You'll never hear t|
(M/n): You'|
(M/n): Asmo.
Asmodeus: Yes, my loveee?
(M/n): You make a great boyfriend.
Asmodeus: ( • • • 🖉)
Asmodeus: Hm?
Asmodeus: Thanks!
Asmodeus: I owe it all to you, darling.
- - -
Asmodeus couldn't help but smile ecstatically, giggling at your praise.
The next day, Asmodeus eagerly looked around, only to find no signs of his beloved.
And once you arrived, he just stared at you as you made your way through the crowd and sauntered inside the school.
He knew you saw him.
You knew he saw you too.
And yet at his mere gaze, you could feel your stomach turn uncomfortably.
Maybe it's best you don't approach Asmo for now.
- - -
While on your way to your next class, a hand randomly grasped yours. You looked to the side, only to see a grinning Asmodeus, as expected.
"Hiya, (N/n)...!"
Your chest tightened at the mere feeling of the warmth on your fingers.
You hastily snatched your hand from his', silently watching his expression dampen. You swallowed.
"I need to get to class."
- - -
Okay, you were definitely ignoring him.
The audacity...!
Asmodeus huffed to himself as he crossed his arms. Looking away, his gaze landed on a random mirror he placed in the student council room.
The sight of his beautiful face contorted into an upset expression was blindingly gorgeous.
But it was somehow not enough to comfort him.
You were ignoring him!
Was there something wrong with him?
'You make a great boyfriend.'
Then why would you treat him like this?
It was getting more and more depressing as he thought about it.
"Did you and (M/n) break up?" Satan questioned very eagerly. Asmodeus' eye twitched. Levi bit back a laugh, snickering. "Satan, could you be more obvious?"
"Ugh, I don't know what to do..." Asmodeus slumped on his seat. "(M/n)'s ignoring me, but he denies it when I point it out..."
"Is it because you two kissed yesterday?" Leviathan pointed out, faint sound effects from his Deviltendo heard through the room. "Gosh, you normies are so cringe. Aren't you two in a relationship?"
"Yeah, but I don't do anything to him before asking for permission first."
"Even kissing?" Belphegor perked up and raised a brow.
"Even kissing."
"...Man, that's rich, coming from Asmo." The male snickered. Leviathan shuddered, muttering something about normies again.
"Wasn't it an accident?" Beelzebub questioned. "I'd hate to see you two break up."
"...Is it because (M/n) gives you food?" Belphegor smirked. His twin shook his head. "Details aren't important."
"Uuu, I'd hate to hear (M/n) being uncomfortable with me. That's the last thing I'd want!" Asmodeus cried out.
"...If you're gonna cry, at least don't cry on the papers. Those are the only copies." Lucifer cut in as he continued to work, ignoring the desperate cries of the male.
Belphegor patted Beelzebub's back. "Hey, at least if it all comes down to that, you can still ask to be (M/n)'s friend."
"AH! You guys are the worst at comforting me!"
"Ah... How do I..." A snap was heard.
"Oh no..."
You encountered the male randomly by the RAD garden. The male jolted, turned to look at you. "Oh, (M/n). Hello!"
"Hello too, Simeon." You smiled. "What are you having trouble with?"
"...Is it that obvious?" Simeon laughed sheepishly before completely turning around. In his grasp, was a camera.
"...Who gave you a camera?"
Who in their right mind would entrust a camera to ?
"Ah, well, I saw Mephistopheles and the photography club earlier, and they were looking for me. When I asked, they said they wanted me to model." Simeon smiled bashfully. You chuckled. "I'd understand why."
Ignoring the crimson that bloomed in his cheeks, Simeon continued. "A-and I declined, saying I'm not very...comfortable with modeling so suddenly. And when I declined, I felt...guilty, although they understood."
"You shouldn't be." You assured. "If you don't want to do something, you don't have to feel guilty when you decline."
"I suppose so. Thank you for comforting me of my decision." He chuckled. "And after that, they handed me this camera and advised me to take photos of anything I find interesting around the school."
"...That's–" You weren't sure what to make of that story. "A-are you sure they said that?"
"Yes, I myself was confused also." Simeon sweat dropped. "But I accepted, nonetheless. Especially since I heard most of our subjects today are vacant, so we have free time."
"...Simeon, do you even know how to operate that thing?"
"...Unfortunately no."
"...Let me help, please."
"Thank you, (M/n). You truly are a blessing." Simeon cheerily praised. He then showed you the camera.
"I understand everything in the manual, yet the moment I hold the camera, I get lost..." Simeon frowned before chuckling. "Still, if I can just get used to it, I'm sure I'll be able to take some lovely photos."
"Simeon, what did you do with the settings...?" You peered at the camera that looked as though it was hacked into somehow. You took Simeon by the hand and tugged him over to a bench. You sat him down and followed after.
"I...I think I remember what I did." Simeon pressed a button. Suddenly, the lens zoomed in. You both yelped.
"Um, maybe this one...?" Simeon pressed another button. The color turned monochrome. He sulked, slightly embarrassed for having you to be witness to such. You chuckled.
"Simeon, I'll teach you, so pay close attention to me, okay?"
It was nothing.
Simeon knew that.
But you could've at least said to pay attention to the camera, not you.
He swallowed, silently watching you press a few buttons and fix the settings. It didn't take very long before you handed it back to a dazed Simeon.
"...You still alive man? Wait, did you space out during me teaching?"
"I'm sorry."
"...It's fine, whatever." You waved dismissively. "Anyway, here. All you have to do is hold the camera still, then press the shutter, okay?"
"Yes, I believe I can handle that." Simeon gingerly takes the camera and points it in various directions. He hummed.
"So I just... ah! The butterfly flew away." He frowned, accidentally pressing another button. "Oh, um, let me just– Oh, I took a picture of your lap. Um..."
"..." Damn it, Simeon.
You didn't want to make Simeon feel bad, so you just forced out a smile.
"I... How do I work this again?" He scratched the back of his head, hand trembling slightly. You shook your head and took the camera slowly. "I'll demonstrate. Watch carefully, okay? And don't take your eyes off me."
You were pertaining to the . Simeon knew that.
Undoing whatever the hell Simeon just did, you snapped a quick photo of the flower beside the bench. You flipped to the gallery and showed Simeon, who gasped dramatically.
"You're so talented, (M/n)."
No being mean to Simeon under any circumstances.
"It's pretty easy, really." You smiled back.
Suddenly, Simeon paused and whipped his head around, the quick movement making his hair bounce gracefully.
"Hm?" You tried to look at what piqued his attention so abruptly, only to find none.
"Oh, nothing. I thought I heard something strange over by the second floor." Simeon answered. You paused, seeing the sunlight pass by Simeon's hair and practically illuminated his face. You blinked twice, watching him tilt his head to the side slightly in confusion. His hair bounced lightly at the action.
"What's wrong?"
"...Can I take a quick photo of you, Simeon?" You couldn't help but ask.
The male looked positively surprised you'd ask such a thing. You frowned. "Actually, never mind. You're not comfortable with–"
"I...don't think I'd mind if it's you." He cut in abruptly.
Now you were the one surprised.
- In Serial23 Chapters
Burra: Short Stories In the Shaper Universe
This is a collection of short story set in the Shaper Universe. These stories are used to world build and flesh out various parts of the Shaper Universe. Also, to explore some characters with abilities that are not directly combat related. These stories are LitRPG, but they will be light on game mechanics versus the Shaper book, which is game mechanic heavy.
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The Unknown
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Running from him
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Interwoven ✔️
"I am quite flexible.""Stop wiggling your eyebrows."✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧In which she's assigned an alien under the rules of the New Order for both races to learn more about each other.[FULL SUMMARY INSIDE]©Kiki 2020© ➢AU➢Romance/Action➢Dystopian**Started: May 16, 2020****Ended: --**
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issue | james potter
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Half-Blood Sensei (Mairimashita Iruma-Kun Male OC)
Hikaru Nightray, is a unique yet mysterious teacher in Babyls Demon School. When honor student Iruma enrolls, he already discovered Iruma's big secret."Neh, Iruma-kun~! You're a human aren't you.""H-How did you find out?! A-Are you gonna eat me??!!""Why would I eat one of my kind? That's cannibalism.""...HUH??!!"*Spoilers* There's some spoilers in the manga so I'm warning you for the first three chapters.
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