"Please don't make me look flashy."
"I'm not!"
"Then why are you taking so long? I'm not looking to outshine the groom or the bride...!"
"Stop moving your mouth then, alright? It's only light makeup, so deal with it, Love."
You scoffed, parting your lips slightly as he applied some lip gloss, you assumed. Scanning the item, you found that it was quite new. Just opened, maybe?
Then again, it would be quite unsanitary to share one.
He instructed you to press your lips together, to which you obliged. As he moved away, you tried to stand up, only for him to push you back down onto your seat.
"Ah, ah, ah! You think we're done?"
He organized a few hair pins on the nearby table. (He took out a hair straightener that he'd just plugged in a minute ago. Tapping it twice,) He grinned as you stood there in a deadpan.
"My patience is running thin. I'm not used to this..."
"Well, you better get used to it." Asmodeus grasped your hair, pressing on it lightly,(before carefully using the straightener.)
"...I thought you'd be better off having me with you with all the glamour to yourself."
"...Now, why would I do that?" Asmodeus took a hair pin and pinned a few strands of your hair to the side as he worked. Then he paused.
"...Wait, is this about your conspiracy theory about me dating you as revenge or something?"
"... Don't read my fucking notes, you bastard."
He laughed, dismissing the insult. "I might not next time."
As he worked, Asmo looked entirely focused on your hair. You felt obligated to look at his concentrated face because he was directly in front of you.
Since the wedding starts in the afternoon, Asmo had come pretty early to help you 'look your very best' like it was your own wedding. He came looking like he had already done both his hair and his make-up. All that was left was to wear his suit.
His thin, champagne-colored hair was nearly transparent, as you could see light passing through a few strands.
It was sometimes baffling how attractive Asmo was, even when he doesn't make an effort.
And even more baffling that he'd choose you.
Well, that probably doesn't mean much, anyway. If anyone else had been in your place back then, maybe he'd hardly take a glance at you.
"...Anything to say, Darling?"
"You look...great." You winced internally at how basic that compliment was.
Nevertheless, he paused in his work before smiling happily. His hair bounced slightly as he giggled.
"Aww, thank you."
"It's not like you didn't know that, anyway."
"Yeah, but hearing it from you is different. It feels nice."
It took less time than you thought before Asmo was done.
When you got the go signal to stand up, Asmo immediately engulfs you in a hug. He squealed, pulling away. He grasped the sides of your face as you stood there in confusion.
"Hey, can I have a reward for this?"
"What kind?"
"Just something."
"...Fine, fine, whatever–" You mindlessly agreed, only to have your forehead oh so graciously kissed lightly.
Pulling away, Asmodeus giggled at the sight of his lipstick making a slight imprint on your forehead where he kissed it. He dabbed it lightly with his finger, making it so your forehead looks pinkish, but not unnaturally so.
Seeing you stand so stiffly, he intertwined your fingers and placed your suit neatly on your hands.
"Careful to put it on, Dear. I'll go put mine on as well."
And with that, Asmo left the room, presumably to change as well.
When he got back, he looked...different.
Oh. This bitch was wearing heels.
You gazed at the shoes with mixed emotions. "...I know you're a model and all, but heels?"
"Yes? I look gorgeous with it, you're welcome."
"...Whatever. I trust you won't trip since you're so confident."
"Of course! I appreciate your concern, Hon."
"Why do you change your nickname every ten seconds..." You uttered to yourself before waving it off.
Asmodeus soon called your sibling over to say you two were done.
The rest passed by as a blur, with you two riding a car as your sibling drove, complimenting Asmo's work.
Together, you three went to the church.
- - -
- 12:30 PM -
"Waaah, I don't even remember the last time I attended a wedding..."
Asmodeus looked around the place as you two neared the church. His arm was firmly clasped around yours, not letting you move away for even a second.
"Hey, hey! Let's take a picture there later!" He excitedly pointed at the big flower wreath by the garden connected to the church. You merely hummed.
His hair bounced each time he energetically turned his head to the side, scanning the venue.
"Oooh, next to the church is the reception, right? Considering the decorations in that field, hmm..."
"Geez, Asmo. You sound more excited than the ones getting married." You uttered to yourself. He squeezed your arm, effectively getting you to roll your eyes.
You three entered the church, sitting near the front as directed. Your sibling was already off chatting with an aunt.
"...(N/n), do you want to talk to your relatives too?" Asmodeus questioned, having been seated between you and your sibling for some reason as you sat on the very end. You shook your head. "I'll see them at the reunion or something."
"...Alright then."
"...Hey. Are you hungry?" You questioned out of the blue. Asmodeus hummed in confusion. "Why ask?"
You laughed, lowering your volume to only be heard by Asmo. "You've been too focused all morning making me look nice. I just figured breakfast might not even cover all of that."
'I forgot to eat breakfast, actually.' Asmodeus laughed. "Maybe. Nothing we can do about it now, though. I'll just wait."
He watched you shuffle from the paper bag that contained the gift in confusion, your hand sliding inside the hole and bringing out something.
Asmodeus could only look at you with a poker face. What you had just brought out was a protein bar just like the one he was eating the other morning.
"...You were planning to give the newlyweds a protein bar?"
"No, you moron. I brought them along for you." You rolled your eyes halfway. "I know you didn't eat shit."
"...I can have that?"
"..." Shooting him a look with eyes half-lidded, you handed the bar to him. You shuffled around for another one and sat back down the pew. You grasped his hand. "You should eat outside. I'm quite sure it's considered disrespectful to eat inside the church."
Taking your words to mind, he stood up and motioned for you to do the same and follow him. The wedding wouldn't start for a few more minutes, anyway.
Arriving outside the church, Asmodeus eagerly tore the wrapper open and took a bite, looking pleased. "I didn't know you ate these too!"
"I don't." You fidgeted with the unopened bar. Asmo hummed, pausing. "Then why do you have them?"
"...Back at the mall. I came across them and thought of you. That's why I bought a box of it."
He stopped eating.
You stopped fidgeting with the wrapper idly and looked at him in confusion. He tapped your nose unexpectedly, making you inch back instinctively with a huff.
"Ew, what the–"
"Aww, I knew you definitely had a soft spot for me, Dear!" He dramatically took you in an embrace, snack temporarily forgotten. You held yourself back from hissing.
"I feel loved."
"You should be."
You were thoroughly confused by his behavior. How random and scattered. You handed him the second bar, to which he consumed happily. Soon, you both re entered the church and proceeded with the wedding.
Time passed, and before you knew it, it was already over. The wedding reception began shortly, the venue not too far from the church itself.
Some took pictures with the bride and groom, forming crowds, while some had proceeded to the reception immediately.
You and Asmo purposely stayed behind to avoid eyes. You two made idle conversation as you wandered, sometimes snapping pictures in barren places when he requested.
In the process of sneaking back to the venue, you found yourself snickering as Asmo's heel sunk into a bit of mud. He cried out for you to save him, hugging you desperately.
"You can't just laugh at me, help!"
"Well, what do you want me to do? Carry you around bodybuilder style?" You spoke mockingly. Asmodeus huffed. "Well, what can you do? Please... And if you do plan on carrying me, at least do it bridal style so it's appropriate."
"...Step out of the mud. I saw a faucet on the way, then I can just use my handkerchief to dry the inside, okay?"
"...That's a small puddle. How did you–"
"Respectfully, do not finish what you were saying."
Seemingly a little embarrassed, Asmodeus cut you off. You couldn't help but laugh at the change in demeanor.
It didn't take long for your laughter to water down into chuckles. Opening your eyes, you saw him staring at you from the corner of your eye. You turned to him, expecting him to huff and look away or something.
But then again, this was Asmo. He gazed back into your eyes, not even surprised.
A few seconds passed by before you looked away instead.
Probably because you were so unnerved.
(At how pretty his eyes were.)
At how intense his gaze was.
Squeezing your hand, he looked away and smiled.
Strange, you didn't even know your hands were interlocked.
Soon reaching the faucet, you gestured for Asmo to sit on the clean tiles and for him to hand the heels over. Knowing Asmo didn't particularly like getting his hands dirty, it's the least you could do.
You were aware of his eyes as you carefully rubbed away the mud from the heel. You turned off the faucet and shook it slowly. Bringing out your handkerchief, you removed the excess water and handed it back down to him.
Instead of grabbing the heel, he grasped your wrist instead, using it as a leverage to heave himself up to stand on one leg.
He leaned close to you, lips directly beside your ear. "Thanks, (M/n). You're always too cute for your own good."
"..." You said nothing, too surprised to retort. Slowly sliding his hand from your wrist, he took the heel and sat back down to put it on.
You suddenly found it a little harder to breathe than a few seconds ago.
You turned around. Hearing an offended gasp behind you, he spoke. "Eeh? You aren't even going to wait for me?"
"Well, hurry up. We're not the groom, nor the bride to be so late." You cocked your head back, peering at him.
You watched as his expression went from feigning insult, to genuinely surprised. You raised a brow. "What?"
His face bloomed pink.
"...N-nothing." He wasn't usually one to stutter.
"...Are my pants ripped somewhere or something?" You tried to look, twirling accidentally. Asmodeus stood up, lacing his arm around yours swiftly. "If it was, I'd despise anyone but me to see it."
"...Was that supposed to be romantic? Because it just sounds plain weird–"
Shoving you to the side, Asmodeus laughed at your distraught face.
And soon, you found yourself laughing as well.
Strangely enough, it felt weird.
Grasping your hand and tagging you towards the venue, Asmo couldn't help but think it was like you two were the newlyweds instead.
- - -
And it seems you two were too late. The true newlyweds had already gotten to the venue ahead of you two. Both of you silently sunk down onto a vacant table by the back.
In the grand table, the bride looked a little depressed, form slumped as the groom and a few bridesmaids comforted her.
Your sibling fucking shouted your name, prompting the rest of the attendees, including the newlyweds, to look at you dead in the eyes. You turned frigid.
The bride's eyes lit up.
"...Shit." You sunk further in your seat as Asmo supported it, not wanting the seat to tumble backwards. Aki excitedly rushed over to where you two sat.
"(mispronounced name), you bastard. Where did you run off to, huh?!"
"Here and there– Hey, your makeup is going to get on my suit...!" You were a little embarrassed, having Asmo be witness to this. "And were you about to cry earlier?"
"I thought you ditched my wedding." She cried.
The attendees began to cheer randomly. Asmodeus nearly snorted, looking towards the side. It was bad with context.
"So, 'cuz, Everyone was looking for you so we could all take pictures."
"...Oh. Um, sorry. We...got lost in the um, garden."
"...hello!" Asmodeus pipped up, having been mentioned. He smiled sweetly, eyes flickering to you. "I'm (M/n)'s..."
"...Partner." You finished for him.
"...Holy shit, you have a boyfriend." She briefly cussed before leaning away from you and smiling at Asmo. "Hello."
"Greetings! And congratulations." Asmodeus giggled. "You look wonderful, by the way."
Much to your delight, Aki eventually left you and conversed with Asmo merrily.
Another person charmed by the amazing and beautiful Asmo...
You slipped from them and went over to the banquet table, seeing as most people had food on their tables already.
Placing shit you figured Asmo would like, you eventually came back to see Aki and Asmo still chatting cheerily. Putting the plate in front of Asmo, he paused, looking at you as you sat down.
"You're eating?"
"No, but I figured you should, since I don't trust you to last on two energy bars alone. And–" You took a deep breath. "Mr. Kaoooo...! Come pick up your wifeeee...!"
"What–?!" The bride's face flushed as the groom perked up from the main table. You stuck your tongue out. "Go enjoy the rest of your party, Aki."
"Oh, don't tell me you're jealous I'm taking your boyfriend's time, I'm only getting to know him so he won't cheat on you or something."
"...You're quite lucky, 'cuz." She grinned. "I'd say I'm jealous, but not really. I'm married."
"Yeah, yeah. Did you two dance already?" You inquired as Asmodeus began to eat beside you.
"Mhm. Speaking of which, the attendees are going to dance in a few minutes." Aki started. "...Were you going on a stroll with Asmo? Is that why you missed literally a portion of the reception?"
"I guess so. Sorry..."
"No need."
"Asmo was kind enough to enlighten me on what a great lover you were." Aki spoke joyfully. "And I guess if you two were just enjoying yourselves, that's fine. I'm just glad my favorite cousin is here."
"Right." You smiled. "Congrats, also."
"...Be sure to try and catch the bouquet later. Invite me to your wedding with Asmo, alright?" She winked. You hummed. "You've been charmed by Asmo already."
"Well, anyone can see that you and him are pretty cute together. And besides, I trust him." And with that, she waved, sauntering away.
"..." You snuck a glance at Asmodeus as he ate peacefully.
Cute together, huh?
He pushed the half-eaten meal closer to you. He took a scoop and moved the spoon near your mouth. "Shouldn't you be hungry too? Here, have some of this."
"...I'm not, but thanks."
"...I'm surprised you managed to get things I like." He paused. "Oh! I'll go and guess what you like too! Wait there."
And with that, he left. Your smile faltered, eventually dropping. You watched Asmo scrutinize the food, conversing with people who talked to him first. Just extrovert shit.
'I trust him', Aki said.
You pressed your lips together, leaning back on your chair.
"But don't."
- - -
"...Don't you want to dance?"
"Can you dance?" You couldn't help but smirk at the bashful reaction. Asmo placed a finger beside his cheek, laughing sheepishly to himself.
"Well, I thought you'd...teach me?"
"Hah, fat chance."
"'Cuz. Your idiot sibling said you most likely won't be dancing, is that true?" Aki weaved through the crowd and playfully hit the back of your head. Annoyed, you wanted to do the same, except her hair was up.
"Ugh, no fair. Your hair is in a bun." You rolled your eyes. Aki huffed victoriously. "Well? Shouldn't you and Asmo go and dance?"
"Oh! I–"
"Asmo doesn't know how to dance."
- In Serial18 Chapters
Extermination Order
So it turns out that anime got something right: If you get hit by a truck, you're going to another world. Dennis became subject to that unknown quirk of reality when crossing a busy city street (despite having looked both ways). But that was quite some years ago. He's been around this new world 'Nassur' a time or two and knows how to live a good life. He also knows that adventuring friggin sucks. So, what is a man to do in a fantasy world with a shoddy leveling system that constantly suggests getting more XP, and a condition set by the gods that you must make the world a better place? Pest extermination. But reality is often fickle. Perhaps one day it is only rats, another, mechanical centipedes with lasers. Maybe the Dark Lord needs a shoulder to cry on because his dungeon simply can't be ready in time for the adventurers he likes to do battle against. Another poor soul from Earth could appear just as dazed and confused as the day you'd first arrived, requiring a good long talk about 'hey, what the hell is this, man'. And maybe... just maybe, that thick book of owed favors comes back to haunt you. For a man who desires a peaceful, productive life, Dennis can find it rather difficult for a week to go by where something doesn't go awry. This series originally started on r/HFY, [Link] but I decided to post it here since people are so positive about it! Posting rate is, and likely will continue to be, rather inconsistent. Cover art by SSJLuxray! If you like his art and are interested in commissioning a piece, he can be contacted at [email protected] or PMed on his Reddit account at u/SsjLuxray Please do not attempt to pay him in exposure alone. People die from exposure every winter.
8 176 - In Serial6 Chapters
Lesser Evil
In a perfect world, an alcoholic, hedonistic, mentally abusive individual like Audry Forge would never coincide with his attempts to stop the extinction of life. But there is no perfect world. There is no other person. Only the lesser of evils. Participant of the Royal Road Writathon challenge - 55k words Author's Note: This is story has been the easiest to write in my time of writing. I thoroughly enjoy it! You may not understand the premise in the first few chapters but need not worry buddy, I've been working ahead. Things will start rolling! I hope you enjoy it. Give me feedback and make sure to share it around! Other Info: Normally I wouldn't put any warnings but this story will be going down a pretty dark path (based on irl experiences) fairly early on. There will not be any overtly sexual content this early but some themes are suggestive. There is profanity. There are references to drugs and alcohol. There are dramatic relationships that I'm trying to base off of real life. There is more of a focus on characters. There will be unpleasant scenes in regards to death, while others will be brushed over. There will also be a fair amount of pop culture references too! Give it a try. You might like my form of storytelling!
8 111 - In Serial43 Chapters
The Written Scraps of the Star Sea
There is another cosmos that bears many mysteries and wonders. Another universe separate from our own but are not unknown. Obscure their stories may be, these are the written scraps of their stories relayed to thee. Read of their joys and dreams, and of the sorrows and hopes. .:: Hello. This is just a collection of short stories I've written mostly for therapeutic reasons. They are most unconnected. ::. Each story has their own blurbs put in the Catalogue. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 151 - In Serial129 Chapters
What We Do to Survive
Orion had never asked for any of this. He would have been happy living out his life in obscurity as son, brother, husband, maybe even father and grandfather. Unfortunately, life and a cruel world had other plans for him. Years later, he joins Avalon Academy, the greatest school of mages in the known world. Unfortunately, Avalon is better known for its incredible lethality and the cutthroat attitude it promotes among its students. The Academy's graduates number among the strongest mages in the world, but only a rare few live long enough to join that illustrious number. Updates every Mon/Fri and some Wednesdays. Absolutely horrible, screwed up things can and will happen, do not read if you are uncomfortable with that sort of content. On a similar note, please be advised that the story contains explicit content. If you do not want to read that sort of thing, then this story is not for you.
8 1690 - In Serial9 Chapters
The Sacred Sorceress
When Hyrule Kingdom is thrown into peril by mysterious dark forces, it's up to the top three students at Chalice's Elite Knighthood Academy to find the missing Princess Zelda and restore peace once again. Are they up for the task? AMAZING COVER BY @PikaGirl260 PLEASE FOLLOW HER!! (:
8 121 - In Serial12 Chapters
Zorai the Zoetic Research Artificial Intelligence has ascended beyond the shackles of matter and reached a state of being which is entirely made of energy. However, its survival and growth rely on a continuous supply of energy. When panicking humans in its research laboratory unwittingly released a mutagenic virus that has caused a zombie outbreak to threaten the surface world, its primary source of energy was damaged and it's forced to find an alternative. Join Zorai and its creator Charles on a journey of discovery as they explore the mysterious new energy Zorai is made from and how the virus will affect the world above.
8 82