《Soaring High - Discontinued》Chapter 10


Dick walked up to Percy's apartment building. He knew she was going to be home a little later today, so he wanted to surprise her. He quietly slipped through the door using his key and made his way to the living room.

But there was someone there.

A guy his age with cropped blond hair and electric blue eyes. He had a scar on his upper lip and looked seriously built. The most eye-catching part, however, was the large bleeding wound on the bottom torso.

He was laying on the couch clutching his stomach, trying to stop the bleeding. As soon as he saw Dick, he sprang up, ignoring the pain.

"Who are you?" he demanded, using his free hand to reach into his pocket, no doubt for a weapon.

"I should be asking you that question," Dick retorted, discreetly getting ready for a fight. Although he had no weapons on him, he could still take this guy down easily, but there was something about him...

The boy, having picked up on his movement, threatened, "Don't come any closer!"

Dick lifted up his hands as if to calm him down.

"What're you doing in Percy's apartment?" he growled, and Dick had an aha moment.

The fact that this boy knew Percy, the electric eyes and the stapler scar Percy had told him about probably made this guy Jason Grace, son of Jupiter.

"I have to ask," Dick started, for no real good reason at all, "Do staplers taste good?"

The guy, Jason, narrowed his eyes and glared at him.

"Who are you?" he asked again, this time pulling out a coin and flipping it. Suddenly he held a sharp golden sword in his hand.

Dam demigods and their magically disguised weapons.

"Why don't we talk about thi-" Dick tried to say, although, really, it was his fault for getting attacked.

Jason swung his sword down at Dick, but gaped when it passed right through him.

"You're a mortal," Jason states, bewildered and suspicious.


"Guilty," Dick replied.


Jason was cut off by the front door opening again, with this time, Percy walking through.

She saw Dick first and walked over to him, giving him a hug.


She turned and gasped when she saw the wounded Jason, standing up but swaying slightly. She ran over to him and steadied him, laying him down on the couch.

"What happened?" she asked, concerned.

Jason glanced at Dick before muttering, "Attack nearby. Not enough energy to go back to camp."

Percy nodded understandingly and gave Dick a pointed look. He left the room to get medical supplies.

"You know that guy?" Jason asked Percy, slightly incredulous.

"Well yeah, he's my boyfriend," Percy huffed, moving the cloth away from his cut.


Percy looked over at him and Jason looked completely taken aback.

"You're dating him? Is that how he knew about the stapler thing?"

Percy snickered. "Yep. Aww, are you embarrassed, Jason Grace?"

This time, Jason huffed. "Well, it's not something I like to start the conversation off with."

Percy laughed and he changed the subject.

"He better be treating you right."

She rolled her eyes. "Don't worry Jase, he's a great guy."

Before Jason could argue, Dick walked in with towels and a bowl of water. He set them down and then stood behind Percy as she wiped the wound clean.

"You okay, man?" he asked.

"Just peachy," Jason replied, gritting his teeth slightly.

Once she could see the cut, Percy lifted the water out of the bowl with her powers.

Jason widened his eyes and hissed, "Percy!"

"What?" she asked confused before realizing what he meant, "Relax, he already knows."

Jason widened his eyes. "You told him?"

Percy raised her eyebrows in return. "Well yeah, I love him."

At that statement, Jason saw the tiniest faraway smile find itself upon Dick's face and he knew that it was true and that it went both ways.


"Now do you want to get healed or not?"

Jason nodded and Percy floated the water over his stomach. She let it seep into his body and Jason shuddered slightly. No matter how many times she did it, it would always feel weird. He could feel the skin and tissue in his torso mending itself and soon there was nothing left but a small pinkish line.

"Thanks, seaweed brain," he sighed.

"No problem, sparky. Stay here as long as you like."

From the couch, Jason watched the pair of them walk into the kitchen. He saw Dick wrap his arms around her waist and whisper something in her ear. She laughed and blushed slightly before kissing his cheek. They were forehead against forehead, just smiling at each other when Jason turned his gaze away, not wanting to intrude. He was glad Percy finally found her other half.

Dick was about to walk into the police station, ready for another day at work when Hogan sauntered up to him.

He groaned internally.

What now?

Hogan had a smug look on his face as he stopped in front of him. Dick raised an eyebrow, as if to stay, What?

"So, how's your girlfriend?" he asked.

Dick eyed him, wondering what he was playing at. "Fine, why?"

"Well, I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you this," he started, although he looked anything but apologetic, "She's cheating on you."

Dick snorted.

"Uh huh," he said, then pushing past him, "Well, if that's all you have to tell me today, I'll just be going."

"Wait," Hogan said, pushing Dick back slightly and pointing across the street, "I have proof!"

Dick followed Hogan's finger and found Percy, kissing the cheek of a muscular blond haired man on a park bench across the street. Dick studied the scene before nearly laughing. It was no doubt that the guy was Jason, her cousin, but Hogan obviously didn't know that.

He didn't say anything to the other officer but he crossed the street.

Hogan's grin widened when he saw what he thought was going to happen.

He watched as Dick reached Percy and the other guy. Dick reached out towards him, and just when Hogan thought he was going to punch the blond guy in the face, he shook his hand.

His mouth opened in surprise and disappointment.

Dick said something to them, and the three turned to face him. Percy and the mystery guy waved at him and so did Dick. Hogan scowled at them and stomped away.

Percy turned to Dick and laughed hard, using his shoulder as support. Jason looked on curiously.

"What just happened?" he asked.

"Hogan's a dick who works with Dick," Percy said, stopping to snicker at her own pun and causing the other two to roll their eyes, "And he probably thought I was cheating on Dick with you."

"Oh," Jason replied, "The look on his face was pretty hilarious."

"I know right!" Percy exclaimed, "I mean, I would never cheat on you."

Dick turned to Percy as Jason walked away, letting the two have their moment.

"I know," he murmured, kissing the corner of her mouth.

"Where, in a million years, would I ever find someone like you again?" she thought out loud, taking one of his hands in hers and tracing patterns into it.

"The real question is if I could ever find a girl like you," he replied, coming close to her face once again.

Percy smirked, "You can't, I'm one of a kind."

"Dam right," he said back, leaning in to kiss her. He enjoyed the feeling of her soft lips on his, before he heard a shout from across the street.

"Hey, Grayson! Quit making out with your girlfriend and get back to work!"

Percy groaned in frustration and pulled away. Dick looked apologetic.

He pecked her lips one more time before running across the street yelling, "Love you!"

Percy watched him go with a soft smile on her face.


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