《Are you for real?! (Naruto various x reader)》Glad I emptied most of my camera roll for this!


I was just vibing with Shikamaru's group, until Ino pointed out Naruto.

It was that part right now.

"Aaand, that's my cue to go." I said

"Why are you going, (Y/n)?" Ino asked.

"You know Naruto, always getting into trouble." I replied.

Just by their expressions, they didn't want me to leave.

Honestly, I'm really just going to take a picture of a tied up Sasuke.

I waved goodbye, as I left the group.

(Y/n) hid behind the wall, waiting for 'Sasuke' to get out the window.

Once he did, (Y/n) teleported in the room where the real Sasuke was tied up.


Sasuke flinched at the sudden noise.

"Oh how the turns have tabled." (Y/n) said, crouching down to Sasuke's level.

The Uchiha could only grunt.

"Need help there, buddy?"

He nodded

(Y/n) took out a kunai from her bag, and cut the ropes off.

"Welp, I gotta get going now, I need to walk my fish real quick." (Y/n) said confidently, standing up.

Sasuke was in pure confusion right now.

'She's gonna...... walk her..... fish?'



Cue (Y/n) jumping out of a window: part 2

(𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙)

"He's late!" A annoyed Naruto said.

(Y/n) started to scribble on the chalkboard. Once she was happy with the random blob, (Y/n) erased the board.

"Naruto! Just stay still." Sakura said.

"How come our squad's sensei is the only one that's late? All of the other squads have already gone off with their new teachers." Naruto said, looking back from the door.

"Naruto, catch." (Y/n) said, grabbing the attention of her teammates.

Naruto snickered, as he set up the trap on the door.

"Hey! What are you doing, Naruto?" The pink haired girl asked.

"It'll be his fault since he's late." Naruto said, jumping down from the stool.


"You're really asking for trouble, Naruto."

'I like stuff like this!' Sakura internally said to herself.

"No Jonin would get caught in such a bad booby trap." Sasuke said.

A thump was heard on the table, as (Y/n) placed some yen infront of Sasuke.

"50 if they fall for it." The (h/c) haired girl said.

Sasuke smirked. "50 if they don't fall for it."


*click* 'gottem' (Y/n) thought.

The eraser fell to the ground, leaving a puff of chalk on Kakashi's head.

Naruto bursted out in laughter.

"I- *wheeze* I got him! I got him" The blonde said.

(Y/n) held her hand out infront of Sasuke.

Said boy sighed and gave her the 50 yen.

Kakashi looked at their interaction with curiosity, then looked back at Sakura and Naruto.

"I-I'm sorry sir! I tried to stop him, but Naruto did it on his own." Sakura said.

"Technically, I helped a little. OH- and I got a picture of it!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

Their new sensei picked up the eraser.

"How can i put this? As for my first impression of you guys?" The silver haired Jonin paused.

"Well, I hate you." Kakashi and (Y/n) said at the said time.

'How did this kid-' His thoughts were interrupted by (Y/n)'s voice

"I don't know Kakashi, how did I know what you were gonna say."

Kakashi was stunned at this point.

"Ahem, meet me at the roof

top." Kakashi said, as he recomposed himself.

He teleported to the roof, but who was there before him?

"Hey there, sensei!" (Y/n) said, sitting on the railings of the roof.

"When did-" He was cut off by the sound of the door opening.

"There you are, (Y/n)!" Naruto exclaimed, taking (Y/n) into a hug.


(𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙)

"Let's see. We'll start off by you guys introducing yourselves." Kakashi said.

"What should we say?" Sakura asked.

(Y/n) looked at her pink haired friend dumbfounded.

"Your likes, dislikes, future dream, hobbies, stuff like that." Kakashi answered.

"Shouldn't you be the one to introduce yourself first, sensei." (Y/n) said, knowing full well he's just gonna say his name.

"Me? Well, my name is Kakashi Hatake. I don't feel like telling you guys about my likes and dislikes. I've never really thought about my future dreams... As for my hobbies, I have many."

"One of his hobbies is reading a book called icha icha para-" (Y/n) was cut off by a hand over her mouth.

Incoherent muffles could be heard from (Y/n), as she tried to pry off Kakashi's hand.

"Well then, let's start. You, blonde kid." Kakashi said, using his other hand to point at Naruto.

(Y/n) teleported to behind Sakura, and hissed at Kakashi.

The silver haired male sweat dropped at her actions.

Sakura patted her head to try and calm (Y/n) down, apparently that worked.

'I'm not a fucking cat! But I'll take it-' (Y/n) ended up lying down on Sakura's lap.

"My name's Naruto Uzumaki! I like instant ramen, but what I like even more is the ramen from Ichiraku that Iruka Sensei treats me to and hanging out with (Y/n)! What I dislike is the three minutes after pouring the hot water. My hobbies are eating and comparing ramen! And my future dream is becoming Hokage!"

Midway, (Y/n) tuned out of the conversation, not wanting to hear that long ass dialogue.

'This kid's grown up in a....... interesting way' Kakashi thought, referring to Naruto.

"Ok, next."

(Y/n) was listening to a podcast about (insert random subject) throughout the time where Sakura and Sasuke introduced themselves.

"Psst, (Y/n), you have to introduce yourself." Sakura whispered to her friend

It was loud enough for (Y/n) to hear over her headphones, so she sat up.

"Well- I'm (Y/n)... I think, I like to scroll through the internet, doing random shit, watching anime, jumping out of windows and (your likes). I rather not share my dislikes. Future dream..... I want the dads to come back with the milk for the main characters, don't ask. Hobbies are.... (your hobbies). And that's really it."

(Y/n) made her group both confused and concerned for her well-being.

"Good! the four of you are very unique in your own ways. We'll have a mission tomorrow." Kakashi said.

There goes (Y/n) tunning out of the conversation again


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