《Are you for real?! (Naruto various x reader)》ᵇ ᵉ ˡ ˡ ˢ



"Get up, (N/n)! You're always telling me that I wake up too late!" Naruto said, trying to pull of the blanket from (Y/n).

"*Hmph*, fine! Don't blame me if you're late to the meeting spot!" Naruto left the apartment to meet up with the rest of the team.

(𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚔𝚒𝚙)

(Y/n) ate her breakfast and got ready, knowing Kakashi still wouldn't be there.

"Teleportation style: I'm too damn lazy to walk!" (Y/n) announced.

Her body evaporated, and she appeared behind Naruto.

"Hey guys!" (Y/n) said, in a unnecessarily loud voice.

Sakura and Naruto flinched at the sudden noise, while Sasuke patted her head.

'Again with the patting bullshit'

Seconds after, Kakashi finally arrived.

"Hey everyone! Good morning." The silver haired male said.

"You're late!" Sakura and Naruto said in unison.

"You see, a black cat happened to cross my path." Kakashi responded with.

(Y/n) braided grass while the others looked at him with annoyance.

The Jonin put a timer(?) on a upright log.

"There, it's set to 12:00." He said.

A jingling noise could be heard, as Kakashi took out three silver bells.

"Your first assignment is to take these bells away from me by noon. Those who can't do it won't have lunch." Kakashi paused and pointed to the logs. "They'll be tied to that and I'll eat my lunch infront of you."

*Cue the sound of stomachs rumbling*

'So that was the reason...'

'..for us not to eat breakfast...' Sakura and Sasuke thought.

"I don't know 'bout y'all, but I'm feeling great." (Y/n) said.

"Oh? And why is that?" Kakashi asked.




"I'm not gonna answer you. I'm still mad about yesterday..." (Y/n) peeked over Sasuke's shoulder, who let out a sigh.


"Also, Sakura, you look like you wanna say something." (Y/n) said.

"Why are there only three bells?" The pink haired girl asked

"There are three bells, at the very least, one of you four will get tied to the logs. That person will get disqualified for failing the mission and will return to the Academy. It could just be one person, or potentially all four of you." Kakashi answered Sakura.


So, (Y/n) kinda zoned out of their conversation because Jack Stauber started playing. Basically- no thoughts, head empty.

Sasuke and Sakura jumped back at they same time, making (Y/n) fall on the ground, due to Sasuke moving out of the way.

Kakashi said his little speech about "Starting to like them", still with (Y/n) laying her back on the ground

"fUCk- I'M STILL EXISTING." (Y/n) gasped, as she snapped back to..... reality?

Kakashi deadpanned at her. "Were you even listening?"

"Well sorry Mr. 'My hair defies gravity', it's not my fault that I only got 1 hour of sleep." (Y/n) said.


"Yikes, this kid needs a volume button." (Y/n) whispered to herself.

"*sigh*. Ready......START!" Kakashi said making the three fictio-

"No, Author."

"It just sounds weird-"

"*sigh*. let's just continue the story."

-nal characters -plus (Y/n)- jump away.

All four of them hide in the the trees and bushes.

Wait- never mind, Naruto is infront of Kakashi.

(Y/n) observed Naruto and Kakashi, not knowing what they're saying due to her blasting music.



Kakashi then reaches into his bag...pouch thingy, and takes out a "book".


'HE TOOK OUT THE BOOK' (Y/n) thought.

*cue (Y/n) taking her phone out to video that one scene*


Naruto fails in trying to hit Kakashi, one thing leads to another and-

"Leaf Village Secret! Ultimate Taijutsu! One Thousand Years Of Death!" Kakashi yells, and.....you know the rest.

A splash was heard, as Naruto fell into the water.

*(Y/n) took another picture*

"HA! Imagine!" (Y/n) said, out of her hiding spot and somehow on the other side of the river.

"I was starting to wonder where you were." Kakashi said.

"I always wonder where I am-" (Y/n) was cut off by two shuriken coming out of the river, and heading straight to Kakashi.

Kakashi caught the projectiles with ease.

He told Naruto about some random shit that the Author is too damn lazy to type down.

Then Naruto's clones come out blah, blah, blah. The clones end up fighting eachother, because Kakashi bamboozled them into thinking he transformed into a Naruto. Oh look! Naruto fell for a really bad trap and is hanging in a tree.

"The bell!" Naruto said, waving his arms around, trying to reach the bell.

The silver haired Jonin picked it up and lectured Naruto about Jutsus.

For that entire time, (Y/n) used her OP!reader abilities to teleport a bell in her hands, which went completely unnoticed by her Sensei.

Sasuke throws a couple of shuriken and kunai knives towards Kakashi and......


Word count: 909

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