《His Possession {Major editing}》Chapter 3 : avoidance ~
Chapter 3: avoidance
I walked in the kitchen seeing Emma sitting there playing with her food in deep thought. I silently stood there going to the table as she frowned to herself.
Should I talk to her?
"Emma is it?" I said making her snap out of her thoughts blinking, she looked at me blinking rapidly in confusion as if she didn't remember where she was.
"Oh. Hi" she said smiling softly looking at me
"I'm Jor-",
"I know who you are" she smiled and I grabbed an orange quietly "are you alright?" I asked and she sighed deeply.
"Xavier is my mate" she said resting her chin on her hands and I chuckled "I know" I said nodding, she bit her lip. "That means... I'm going to be a luna" she said and I nodded.
"I can't be a Luna. I'm too weak" she said and I shook my head "you are not weak. And you don't need to be strong to be a luna. You just need to make right decisions and care for the pack" I said peeling my orange.
"Wait. It's been like 3 days since you found out... Right?" I said and she nodded "you haven't accepted him yet?" I asked and she bit her lip shaking her head.
"No" she whispered and I sighed, I went to say something when the door busted open loudly making us jump "Jordyn!!" Xavier yelled loudly walking to me doing a small dance.
I looked at Emma and she bit her lip smiling, "what is wrong with you?" I chuckled looking at him. "Are you doing anything right now!?" He asked wide eyed and I raised an eyebrow as his pupils looked dilated.
"You overdosed on candy didn't you?" I asked and he grinned "maybe. Come on! I wanna go running" he said jumping up and down "so go" I chuckled peeling my orange and he whined poking my side making me wince as he hit my rib. I slapped his arm hard making him hiss "that hurt!" I said and he just growled at me.
Emma giggled biting her lip and he looked at her and his eyes widened at her smile, "Hey" he grinned at her and I smirked seeing her blush, "Hi" she mumbled. "Do you run?" He asked wide eyed making her bite her lip "of course she does" I said making her look at me wide eyed.
"Wanna run with me?" He asked and she looked at him blushing, "um.." She mumbled and I stood behind Xavier giving her a thumbs up.
'Go' I mouthed and she blushed looking at him "s-sure" she said making him smile widely "perfect" he grinned making her blush.
She looked at me wide eyed and I smiled "have fun you two" I sang walking out leaving them alone.
She seems pretty nice.
I sat on my bed looking on my laptop humming when I heard a knock on the door. I looked up at the door then at my clock seeing it was almost midnight making me frown. " uh Come in" I said and the door opened quickly.
"I can't go" Emma said standing there wide eyed dressed in her workout clothes making me smile, "and why not?" I asked.
"Uh... I- I... I look stupid when I run " she said thinking of excuses making me roll my eyes "so does he" I chuckled and she walked to the bed biting her lip, "can you come?" She asked making me tense.
"Emma I... I don't think I should... I can't-"
"Please. I'm so nervous to be alone with him" she said folding her hands together biting her lip.
"I can't.." I mumbled.
"It won't be awkward. I know you and him were in love but... I just don't know what to do" she said pleading eyes.
"Ok... fine, I'll come" I said grabbing her hand as it was shaking. "You will?" She said smiling and I nodded "oh thank god!" She said hugging me and I chuckled "just let me get dressed" I said and she sighed in relief pulling away smiling.
"Jordyn. Your here" Xavier said looking at me and Emma walking, I gulped at his confused expression.
I knew he wouldn't want me here.
"I asked her to come. Is that ok?" Emma asked linking her arm in mine.
"Of course" he smiled at her and she smiled "well, come on" she said walking forward and Xavier looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I'm sorry. I kept telling her I shouldn't come but she was nervous to be alone with you" I whispered and he sighed looking at her as she walked.
"I don't know why. I haven't done anything to make her nervous" he muttered watching her "she's shy and innocent, Xavier" I said looking at her as she hugged herself. "You gotta give her some time, take baby steps and she'll open up" I said and he smiled softly. "you think so?" He said and I nodded making him grin.
"Alright! Let's run" he said making her look at him, I chuckled following them sighing. I stretched my legs and Xavier jumped up and down excitedly making Emma giggle.
"Ready? Go!" He said running off "it's not a race!" I yelled and he just laughed running, "is he always like that?" Emma asked "when he has a lot of Candy? Yeah" I said and she giggled "that's cute" she said making me smile.
"Come on" I said and we began running, "come on. Run faster! You guys run like girls!" Xavier yelled in front of us "we are girls you idiot" I said and he laughed loudly snorting making me chuckle running faster. Emma giggled running with me and I slowed down a little bit making her catch up with Xavier.
I looked around seeing sticks on the floor, I ran to it and fell on the ground hard making them stop as I grunted in "pain". I sat up holding my ankle pretending that I'm hurt "oh my god! Are you alright?" Emma said running to me.
"I hurt my ankle" I said holding it and Xavier walked to me, he bent down on his knee lifting my pants leg and grabbed my ankle.
"It seems fine" he said and I shook my head "well, it's not. It hurts" I said making him look at me, "why don't you two go along?" I said looking at him giving him a pointed look and he smirked at me knowing what I was doing.
"You need a doctor. We can't leave you here" Emma said "I'm fine. I'll just mind link my Dad to get me" I said and Xavier nodded. "She's fine. It's just a sprain" he said rubbing my ankle and I nodded looking at her.
"Shall we continue?" Xavier asked looking at her and she looked at me nervously, "go" I whispered and she looked at him "a-alright" she said and he smiled.
"You going to be ok here by yourself?" She asked "already linked my Dad. He should be here shortly" I said and she nodded sighing.
"Have fun" I said and Xavier kissed my head "thank you" he whispered and I chucked pushing him. "Be careful" I said and he nodded standing up, "come on" He smiled jogging and Emma looked at me. I have her a thumbs up and she blushed running with Xavier.
I waited until they were out of sight and got up dusting off my pants, I smirked going in the other direction jogging.
'You sneaky gal' Sarafina smirked making me smile, some alone time will really help them get closer.
I stopped in my tracks seeing a giant black wolf staring at me, he growled lowly and I shivered recognizing it. 'The alpha' Sarafina said as he walked closer.
How the hell does he keep getting into our territory?!
I backed away nervously as he stared at me, I smirked turning around running off quickly and he barked chasing me, I ran faster and deeper in the forest feeling him right behind me.
I jumped over the log going through the bushes and trees, I heard his paws echoing against the ground behind me as he ran faster, he barked again showing his white canines. I spotted a lake and went to go around it but I screamed being tackled to the ground hard. I grunted rolling over trying to grab on to something as we fell into the water.
I resurfaced coughing and gasped being pressed against the edge, he stood behind me in his human form growling in my ear.
"You're fast" he said in my ear making me shiver, I looked around the dark forest nervously as he rubbed my waist. "What are you doing?" I asked and he turned me around looking down at me with his hazel eyes.
"Debating on wether or not I should take you now or later" he said moving my wet hair.
"Take me? Where?" I whispered and he smirked lifted my wet shirt "you know where" he whispered huskily in my ear making me shiver. "No, I actually don't know" I said pushing his hands away as he almost touched my bra. "Fine, I could just take you to my pack of course" he said shrugging making my heart race. "No-
"No?" He said pressing against me making me tense, "I meant to say not now" I chuckled nervously and he just stared at me.
"Why?" He asked and I gulped
"I'm not ready-"
"I don't care if your ready or not" he said growling and I scoffed "excuse you. that's messed up" I said and he just frowned. "If I was your mate, which I'm not-"
"You are" he growled lowering his face to mine, "ok... If I was your mate... Which you think I am. Shouldn't you be nicer to me or something?" I asked and he just snarled at me.
"Okay! Okay Or not" I said quickly getting out of his grip and swimming away, "so; bye" I said going to get out but squealed as he grabbed my waist pulling me in.
"Let me go!" I said pushing him, "don't fight me!" He growled and I pushed his face trying to get out of his grip.
We fell under water and I kept on hitting him, I resurfaced trying to swim away but he grabbed my ankle pulling me back.
I growled kicking him away and quickly got out the lake panting, "you jerk!" I said making his eyes turn hard. He swam to me quickly and I grabbed the nearest thing hitting him with it which was a stick.
Oh I'm SO gonna die.
He growled loudly and I squealed running away quickly, he got out the lake turning into his black wolf and I quickly ran deeper towards the trails. I grabbed sticks throwing it behind me and rocks but it didn't stop him.
Well obviously it wouldn't.
I don't even know why I was doing it.
I looked behind me going through the bushes and frowned as he wasn't there, he just vanished, suddenly I screamed bumping into someone falling on the ground hard.
Crap, it him!
"Jordyn?!" Xavier said looking up and me and I panted looking around seeing Emma as she stood there confused. I climbed off of Xavier quickly "ew! why are you wet?" He frowned and I sat there.
"I was wetting my ankle. Because it hurts" I chuckled holding it and Emma crossed her arms over her chest. "You lied to us" she scoffed and I blushed, "what? Why would I lie?" I chuckled looking at Xavier and he stood up dusting himself off.
"You were just running" Emma said "I can't run. My ankle hurts" I said shaking my head "your cover is blown" she said smirking and Xavier frowned looking in the forest from where I came from.
"What were you running from?" He asked frowning and she looked at him, I tensed up not wanting to tell them the truth.
"I-uh I saw a group of squirrels. And they chased me" I said making them frown, "yup. Damn squirrels" I said smiling and they just stood there. "Right" I muttered standing up sighing, I looked behind me looking around biting my lip nervously hoping the alpha wasn't there.
"Let's just go" Xavier snickered and I began walking, "I can't believe you did that" Emma said and I just bit my lip, "did you have fun though?" I asked looking at her and she blushed smiling.
"So your welcome" I smiled and she chuckled, "but seriously why are you wet?" She asked looking at me up and down.
"I fell in the lake" I muttered and Xavier snorted making me glare at him.
2 weeks later-
I walked in the kitchen holding my pin between my teeth while I fixed my hair, I looked up and squealed being lifted off the ground.
"Happy birthday!" Xavier yelled spinning me around, "put me down!" I giggled pushing him and he smiled kissing my head. "Happy birthday Jordyn" Emma smiled hugging me "thank you" I smiled.
"What are you doing today?" Xavier asked as I grabbed a banana, "nothing really" I shrugged peeling it.
"What? Why not?" Emma asked and I shrugged eating it, "it's just a regular day" I shrugged and Xavier snorted "you do this every year" he sighed and I smiled "and like I say every year. Get over it" I said and he chuckled.
"I'm going for a run" I said standing up straight, "you gonna go alone?" He asked and I nodded looking at him. He looked at me with a worried expression, he knows that ever since my Mother died I cry by myself.
"I'll be fine" I smiled and he sighed nodding, "see you love birds later" I said making Emma blush.
I sat on the log groaning in pain, "fuck me" I mumbled looking at the deep gash on my leg. I had fallen over the giant roots of a tree and twisted my ankle. Then a freaking stick practically stabbed me.
Thanks nature for the birthday present!
I sat there rubbing my leg but froze when I heard a twig snap behind me.
Oh god please not again.
I sat up straight smelling something amazing, it smelled of vanilla and fresh rain.
'Mate!' Sarafina barked happily and I turned around slowly, I gulped as my heart sank seeing it was the alpha.
He walked to me and I stood up slowly, "sit. Down" he demanded and I slowly sat back down.
He walked around the giant log going to me and I felt my heart racing from fear.
I'm terrified of my own mate.
He stared at me with hard eyes and bent down slowly never taking his eyes off me.
He looked down grabbing my leg and I gasped feeling the tingles, he lifted my pants leg looking at the gash and I gulped looking at his dark brown hair.
He ran his fingertips down my leg making me shiver, his eyes snapped up to mine making me freeze.
"Who did this?" He asked in his deep husky voice
"N-no one" I said nervously and he growled "you're lying" he said and I gulped shaking my head "I'm not" I said.
"I can hear your heart racing" he said and I looked at him, "that's because I'm scared" I whispered and he stood up quickly making me flinch. I looked up slowly seeing his face inches away from mine.
He growled lowly moving a strand of hair from my face, I looked at him nervously and put his hand on my thigh squeezing it.
I looked at his giant hand and he just smelled my hair, I sat there nervously feeling the heat radiating from his body.
He felt so warm. So inviting
"Tell me your name" he said and I just sat there focusing on his warmth. I wanted to touch him but I was to afraid "Now!" He yelled making me jump "Jordyn" I said quickly.
"Jordyn. Jordyn what?" He asked staring at me "full. Name" he growled lowly making me feel the vibration from his hand which was still on my thigh.
"Jordyn Lancaster" I whispered and he ran his hand down my thigh slowly, "Go home and pack your belongings" he said making me look at him. "What?" I whispered tensely
"Don't make me repeat myself" he growled lowly making me gulp, "I don't want to go with you" I whispered...
Big mistake.
I screamed as he slammed me down to the ground hard and held my neck, he straddled my hips hovering over me and growled in my ear making me whimper.
"You are mine do you understand? Mine. And I will have you to myself which means you are going to join me and my pack" he said and I shook my head "j-just reject me and none of this has to happen" I whispered and he growled sliding his other hand down my stomach.
"Don't test me mate" he said and I gasped as he nipped at my bottom lip "you belong to me now so like I said before. Go home and pack your bags" he said and I just shook my head "I don't want to leave my pack-"
"To-fucking-bad" he said sliding his hand up my stomach near my breast, he touched the bottom of my breast with his thumb holding my neck and I felt my heart racing.
From fear and lust.
"I let you go twice. I'm not letting you go again" he growled and I looked up at him nervously shaking my head.
"Do as I say or I'll kill your pack. One. By. One" he said putting his lips to my ear "no" I whimpered and he looked at me. "I-I'll do it" I whispered and he nodded letting me go.
He straddled my hips as I tried to get out from under him, I looked up at him "please get off" I whispered and he slowly got off me never taking his eyes off me.
I stood up slowly and ran back home in fear.
Why me?
I ran upstairs going to my room and walked in quickly seeing Xavier siting on my bed using my laptop.
"There you are" he smiled and I looked at him "h-hi" I said breathing hard "you alright?" He asked and I nodded. "Just came back from that run" I chuckled nervously and he nodded with an eyebrow raised.
"Were you... Crying again?" he asked and I shook my head "how are things with Emma?" I asked changing the subject quickly and he sighed "better. She's talking to me now" he said and I walked to the bathroom "good" I said turning on the shower.
"She's nervous about being Luna" he said standing up following me as I kicked off my sneakers "I know; she told me the other day" I said taking off my shirt.
"Did she say anything else?" He asked as I stood with my back to him taking off my sports bra. "Just that she thinks she's too weak to be a Luna" I said and he sighed.
"She told me the same thing" he said as I took off the rest of my clothes. He stood in the doorway watching me undress, it's not like he's never seen me naked or anything. We're werewolves.
I've seen mostly everyone naked.
I got in the shower and sighed feeling the warm water go against my body, "if you want I can talk to her" I said washing my hair "can you do that?" He said quickly and I chuckled "of course. I'll talk to her once I'm done" I said and he sighed in relief "yes! Thank you" he said and I chuckled softly.
"No problem" I said
"Oh yeah and Jordyn?" He said "yeah?"
"Happy birthday" he said and flushed the toilet, I squealed as the water turned hotter burning me "You asshole!" I yelled and he laughed running out.
I smiled shaking my head and sighed, I'm glad things aren't awkward between us.
'What are we going to do about our mate?' Sarafina asked and I sighed looking down at my healing cut.
I don't know...
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