《His Possession {Major editing}》Chapter 1: I just know it~


Chapter one : I just know it ~

I ran out my bedroom quickly fixing my messy bed hair into a bun, I didn't bother brushing it this morning because I woke up to the smell of bacon.

And I love my bacon.

I walked downstairs humming some song I heard before I fell asleep last night, I went to turn the corner to go to the next flight of stairs but gasped as an arm grabbed me and pulled me in a room.

I was slammed against the door roughly making me growl looking up at the person.

"Xavier! what the hell?" I said and he bent his head kissing me hard, I kissed back moaning softly wrapping my arms around his neck and he smiled rubbing my waist.

"Mm. When did you get back?" I asked as he kissed my neck, "this morning. I told you I'd come back safe, it was only rouges" he said putting his big hands under my shirt.

"Only rouges" I muttered rolling my eyes and he chuckled looking down at me putting his forehead on mine. "So. Does your Dad think your Alpha worthy?" I asked playing with his dark brown hair.

"He does actually. He might give me the position soon after my 18th birthday which is in a week" he said kissing my nose and I chuckled "that's great" I said looking in his blue eyes.

"I missed you" he said kissing my lips and I chuckled kissing back running my fingers through his soft hair. "Even though it's only been a week. I missed you too" I said between kisses, he picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist and I giggled running holding on to him.

He walked to the bed laying me down and felt him lifting my shirt, I pulled away as he kissed my neck taking my shirt off.

"Xavier?" I whispered holding his shoulder "hmm" he said still kissing my neck. "I was thinking about something" I said looking at the ceiling.

"Tell me later" he said unbuttoning my shorts making me roll my eyes, "your birthday is coming up in a week-"

"Shh" he said kissing me hungrily, I sighed kissing back, he took off my shorts and I unbuckled his belt closing my eyes.

I pulled away trying to catch some air as he moved me higher on the bed, "I was thinking that maybe-"

"Babe, tell me after" he growled and I rolled my eyes "fine" I sighed laying down as he kissed my neck.



Xavier stared at the ceiling with a small smile on his face, I chuckled holding the blanket to my bare chest turning to him making him look at me.


"What were you trying to say earlier?" He asked rubbing my waist, "um... Your birthday is coming up-"

"I know" he smiled kissing my jaw, "it's going to be the day you find your mate" I said and he looked at me "don't start with that" he said and I rolled my eyes as he laid on his back shaking his head.

"We have to think about this. There's going to be a possibility that I'm not your mate-"

"You are Jordyn!" He said sitting up and I growled laying on my back "you're not listening to me" I mumbled but he started grabbing his clothes mumbling to himself.

I knew I had pissed him off but hey. You have to think about this kind of stuff.

Some things in life never go the way you want it to go.

"Do you feel a pull to me?" I asked making him look at me "of course I do-"

"You probably think you do but do you really? Does your wolf feel it?" I asked making him growl in frustration "why are you getting angry?" I said sitting up.

"Because you always bring this bullshit up-"

"It's not bullshit it's the truth. Think about it. We can't chose our mates-"

"I know it's you Jordyn. I've know since we were little-"

"But How?! You can't know. It's not me and I can feel it right now" I said as he buttoned his jeans. He shook his head running his fingers through his hair muttering under his breath. "Come here" I sighed softly fixing the sheets around me. He stood there looking at me and I patted the spot next to me, he sighed biting his lip and walked to the bed sitting down facing me.

"You have to think about this" I said looking at him, he leaned forward kissing me softly and I put my hand on his neck. He pulled away leaving his forehead on mine, I closed my eyes smelling his warm minty breath.

"I know you're my mate Jordyn... you have to be-"

"And if I'm not?" I asked looking in his eyes, he looked down shaking his head. "I don't want to think about that"

"Your going to have to-"

"I love you" he said and I sighed "I know that and I love you too but Xavier. If you have someone else as your mate you can't change it" I said and he bit his lip looking down.

He put his hand on my thigh thinking and I just looked at him, "your acting if we're not going to be friends" I chuckled touching his chin "but your my first love-"

"And you're mine" I said making him nuzzle his face in my neck, "your making me depressed" he mumbled and I chuckled kissing his shoulder. "Sorry" I said in his ear.


"I don't want to think about any of that right now" he said standing up grabbing his shirt "you're my mate and that's final" he said and I just shook my head looking down.

I looked at his shoulder where his wolf tattoo was and sighed touching my shoulder where mine was.

It was a wolf howling in front of a full moon.

I remember how much trouble we got in for getting matching tattoos. Daddy was so angry at me but... I didn't care. I loved it.

Xavier looked at me as I stared at the floor, "baby don't think about it" he said walking to me and moving my brown hair. "I can't help it" I mumbled and he sighed kissing me softly, I pulled him closer never wanting to let him go.

I love him.

And I want us to be mates.

"Come on. Get dressed" he said grabbing my clothes and handing them to me. I took them sighing and shook my head trying to get the thoughts of losing him out of my head.

"Remember there's bacon waiting. Who knows it might be all gone before you get there" he sang walking away making me put my clothes on faster. "Don't you touch my bacon!" I yelled as he ran out quickly making me growl.

Please let us be mates...


"You should start eating healthy" I said eating my Juicy bacon strip. "Why?" Dad frowned stuffing his face with food.

I looked at his plate that was full of meat making me sigh, "we are werewolves. It's not like I'm going to catch a heart attack" he muttered making me roll my eyes.

"You never know" I said shrugging, "you shouldn't talk" he said pointing his fork at me "what? I eat healthy-"

"You barely eat. You eat like twice a week" he said and I shrugged "I'm never hungry" I said and he rolled his eyes "you're not a normal wolf then" he said and I hit his arm making him smirk.

"I am perfectly fine" I said eating as he mumbled something under his breath "what?" I said and he looked at me "what?" He said innocently with a teasing smirk.

"Jerk" I chuckled eating and he smiled kissing my head, "try a salad one day" I said and he gagged "yuck. It's just plants in a bowl" he said and I chuckled "you can add stuff to it-"

"A big juicy steak" he said and I gave him a droll look making him smile, "You know I love you" he chuckled.

"Fine don't come crying to me if you have a heart attack" I said "werewolves don't get heart attacks-",

"Oh, Yes they can" Alpha Derek said walking in, "see" I smirked at Dad and he rolled his eyes. "Good morning" Alpha said kissing my head and I smiled "morning" I said eating my fruit. "Werewolves do not get heart attacks" Dad said to him frowning

"My father did once and he was an alpha" Derek said making me smirk at Dad "healthy" I said taking some bacon and he growled slapping my hand making me giggle. "I won't get a heart attack" he said looking at me.

"But I must watch out for your health my dear daddy" I said innocently making Alpha laugh at the look Dad gave me. I smiled kissing his head "don't you have school?" He sighed in annoyance making me grin, I looked at the time seeing it was only 7:30.

"I got time" I smirked and he groaned "you know you love me" I sang making him smile.

The door opened and Xavier walked in, he smiled at me and I chuckled "Xavier, nice to see you again" Dad smiled.

"Hey Dan" he said sitting next to me kissing my cheek, "next week is your birthday. Excited?" Dad asked "yup. Turning the big 18" Xavier grinned rubbing my knee.

I sat there eating silently as they talked about whatever. I just focused on Xavier's hand on my knee, this is probably the last time he's going to do that.

And this morning is probably the last time we'd ever do that, I just know it.

We are not mates...

"Hey" Xavier said in my ear making me snap out my thoughts "hm?" I said looking at him making our noses touch "you better not be thinking what I think your thinking" he said and I snorted.

"What?" I said and he chuckled kissing my jaw, "don't think Baby" he said putting his head on my shoulder. "I'm not. I have a test today and I forgot to study" I lied but he just rolled his eyes.

"I know when you lie. You're a horrible liar." he said with his eyebrow raised "whatever" I muttered and he sighed kissing my ear making me shiver. He chuckled nuzzling his face in my neck, "lets go" I said pushing my plate away and standing up.

He sighed standing up as I wrapped my arms around Dad and kissed his head "bye daddy" I said

"Bye Cookie Monster" he said kissing my hand, I walked to Alpha Derek and kissed his cheek.

"Have a good day" Dad said "you too. Be careful" I said and Xavier grabbed my hand as we walked out to the car.

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