《His Possession {Major editing}》His Possession
Prologue: The Reason
I screamed at the top of my lungs as a huge grey wolf walked towards me slowly emerging from the dark forest in front of me, his dark black eyes watched me intensely as I sat on the back porch staring at him wide-eyed.
He was a giant.
He stood in front of me looking down at my small figure and put his wet nose against my face. He growled deeply and licked my face quickly making me giggle, I wrapped my arms around his neck smiling "Daddy! Stop it!" I giggled as he kept licking my face playfully laying me down with his paws.
"Come inside, you two. It's pouring out here" my mommy said throwing some clothes towards my Dad. He caught them with his mouth and ran behind the house, I sat there on the porch staring in the direction he ran into waiting for him.
I could barely see anything through the pouring rain but soon smiled as I saw his shadow running. He smiled looking at me and bent down picking me up, "Come on, Cookie Monster" he said walking into the house and I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Daddy, when will I be a wolf like you and mommy?" I asked making him look at me "when you get older baby. You're still way too young" he said kissing my nose.
"How much older?" I asked as he walked towards Mommy, "It's different for everyone. Maybe when you turn 12 or 13" he said looking at me "that's soo long" I grumbled and he chuckled.
He put me down in the kitchen and I looked at all the people mingling around, "Hey beautiful" Daddy said kissing My mommy's cheek making her smile.
"You're late... Good patrol?" She asked raising an eyebrow
"Seems good today. It's pouring out there though" he said shaking his head quickly making the water splatter everywhere "Daniel! What the heck!" She squealed hitting him over and over again as she got wet along with the food she was cooking. I giggled watching them play fight.
"What; I'm drying off" he smirked and she rolled her eyes smiling, she looked down at me as I watched them smiling. "Why don't you go play?" She asked gently, I looked around at the other kids playing with each other down the hall.
I wanted to play... I've always wanted to play with them but they never want me around...
"I don't have any friends" I mumbled hugging myself and Daddy bent down to my level moving my hair. "So make friends, sweetie." he said and I shook my head hugging him.
"Can't I just sit outside? I won't be in the rain. I just like watching the rain" I said looking at him with my puppy eyes and he stared at me and sighed looking at Mommy.
"Can she?" He asked pouting and she bit her lip shaking her head at us, "just make sure to put on a sweater. And don't go in the rain" she said sternly pointing at me as I smiled widely jumping down from Daddy's arms running to the backyard.
I watched the rain listening closely to the big droplets splashing against the grass and the puddles.
I hugged my legs and smiled as the thunder came making the other kids scream in fear. But not me.
I'm a big girl.
I heard footsteps behind me making me turn around and saw a boy standing there looking at me. "Aren't you bored?" He asked looking down at me.
"No. I like watching the rain" I said and he sat next to me playing with his toy car. "What's your name?" He asked looking at me.
"Jordyn" I said and he frowned "that's a boys name" he said making me frown "no it's not! It's my name" I said and he shook his head. "I never heard of a girl named Jordan" he said
"It's Jordyn, not Jordan" I said and he shrugged looking around, "what's your name?" I asked "Xavier" he smiled proudly.
"I'm going to be the next Alpha soon" he grinned with his head high making me giggle, "you're too little" I said and he looked down at himself "yeah now, but when I'm older I'm going to get bigger" he said flexing his little arms.
"See look. Like my dad" he said pointing inside and I looked at the giant Alpha Derek talking to my Daddy smiling.
"He's a giant" I said as Xavier grinned "I will be one day" he said looked out at the rain.
I looked at the little puddles in the grass and he looked at me, "Hey" he said and I looked at him "do you wanna be friends?" He smiled and I blushed smiling "yes" I said nodding and he held my hand smiling.
I made a friend!
"How old are you?" I asked holding his hand "I'm 7" he said proudly "aw. I'm 6" I said and he chuckled "you'll be 7 one day. On your birthday" he said and I smiled "I know" I chuckled. He put his toy car down and stood up, "let's play in the rain" he said and I shook my head.
"My mommy said I can't" I mumbled
"So? It'll be fine. Don't you wanna play?" He asked and I looked inside and stood up smiling. He grabbed my hand pulling me from under the rooftop and we instantly felt the cold droplets splash against us making me squeal.
"It's cold" I said and he laughed jumping in the puddles, I giggled doing the same thing and he grabbed my hand spinning me around. I laughed as we slipped and fell into the wet mushy grass and he laid next to me.
"I think we're going to be best friends" he whispered looking at me smiling and I smiled widely
"Jordyn!" I heard and gasped sitting up seeing Alpha Derek and my Dad standing on the porch with their arms crossed over their chest.
"Uh oh" Xavier said and we stood up, he held my hand as we ran to them, "didn't we say not to play in the rain" the Alpha Derek said and Xavier looked at me smiling. "I wanted to play with my new best friend" he said and I saw my dad smirk at Alpha.
"Come on before you get sick" Dad said and I pouted "bye Xavier" I waved and he waved back at me as Daddy picked me up. He walked inside going upstairs and I smiled "I made a friend daddy" I said and he chuckled "I saw Cookie Monster" he said and I smiled putting my head on his shoulder.
I giggled as Xavier pulled me around the house, "where are we going?" I asked looking behind us at the pack whom was talking amongst each other.
"I want to talk to my Dad before the pack meeting starts" he said smiling "why do I have to go?" I asked and he stopped and looked at me. "Did your mom tell you about mates?" He asked and I nodded.
"We should be mates" he smiled widely and I snorted "my mom said we can't choose our mate. The Moon goddess does" I said frowning and he looked around. He quickly kissed my lips making me gasp, I looked at him wide-eyed as he smiled.
"You kissed my lips" I whispered and he nodded, "mates do that" he said doing it again quickly and I smiled looking up at him blushing. "Come on" he smiled pulling me and I ran with him holding his hand.
"Dad. Mom" He said in a serious tone squeezing my hand and I gulped looking at the Alpha and Luna, I bowed my head like my mom says I'm always supposed to out of respect and they smiled at us.
"Hello, Jordyn" Alpha Derek said nodding at me I smiled "Hello, Alpha" I said and Luna Marie smiled down at me. "Hello, Luna" I smiled and she chuckled hugging me gently, "how are you dear?" She asked
"I'm happy" I said and she chuckled "good. Stay that way" she pointed at me smiling and I nodded. "Dad, Jordyn is my mate" Xavier said making Alpha chuckled "is she?" He asked smirking and Xavier nodded.
"I know she is" he said looking at me.
"son, you won't figure it out until you're much older" he said and Xavier looked at him "But I know it's her. I feel it" he said and Alpha smiled "alright. Why don't you two go take your seats the meeting is about to start" he said and Xavier smiled grabbing my hand again and pulling me.
"I know your my mate" Xavier said and I smiled kissing his cheek.
I opened my eyes sleepily looking around my dark room. I thought I heard something...
I hugged my teddy bear trying to go back to sleep but froze hearing people screaming outside, I sat up nervously holding my teddy bear feeling all the hairs on my neck stand up. I gulped nervously and climbed out of my bed running to the window.
I opened my curtains and looked outside standing on my tippy toes, I peeked out hearing more screams making my eyes widened at what I saw. Pack members were being attacked by other giant wolves and there was fire all over the backyard.
The door busted open and I hid behind the curtain quickly gasping closing my eyes tightly in fear. "Jordyn!" I heard someone call out and looked up seeing Xavier standing there looking for me. "What's happening?" I whispered in fear making him look at me.
"We're being attacked by something called a Shadow pack, They're everywhere. we have to hide!" he said running to me, he grabbed my hand pulling me out of the room and I whimpered hearing the screams and growls get louder and closer.
"I want my Mom" I said nervously "we have to hide first" he said and I shook my head "I don't wanna. I want my parents" I whimpered backing away feeling my heart racing, we gasped hearing growling coming from down the hall towards us.
Xavier pulled me down the hall and I followed him quickly trying to block out the sounds of painful screams. Xavier pulled me in his parents' room and we ran to the closet, he slid it open and I ran inside as he closed it behind him panting locking it shut.
"What now?" I whispered and he shrugged looking around. "I don't know... My Mom always said if anything bad happens to hide here. I guess... hide until it's over?" He whispered looking at me unsure. "I'm scared" I said crying and he hugged me, "why are they attacking our pack?" I asked and he sat down pulling me with him "I don't know but I will protect you ok?" He said and I nodded trying to stop my tears.
The door busted up quickly and I went to scream but Xavier covered my mouth quickly, he pulled me to the back of the closet sitting behind me. He pulled me between his legs and I leaned my back against his chest holding his arm tightly crying as he covered my mouth.
He stayed silent and still while I was shaking in fear seeing the glowing eyes looking around outside the closet doors.
I want my Dad.
I want my Mom.
I don't want to die.
I turned around putting my face in Xavier's neck whimpering and he held me watching the doors closely. I heard the footsteps of the wolf come to the door making Xavier tense up.
I grabbed his arms tightly and he tightened his grip around me moving me behind him going in a protective stance. I held the back of his shirt seeing the shadow of a huge wolf right at the door sniffing the air.
My heart pounded against my chest and I felt like I couldn't breathe, I had so many questions running through my mind.
Why are they attacking?
Where are our parents?
Are we going to die?
Who are they?
What do they want?
He growled slamming the door and I cried covering my mouth as Xavier sat in front of me protectively keeping me behind him. The doors slammed opened breaking the lock revealing the wolf standing there growling. I panted holding Xavier's shirt tightly not wanting him to leave me alone.
The wolf went to walk forward looking directly at me but froze when a wolf howled outside probably signaling to the evil pack. It looked out the window and howled making us cover our ears from the loudness. The wolf ran off and we just sat there breathing hard in fear and confusion.
I listened around hearing that the screams and the growling had stopped, I looked at Xavier seeing he was listening as well. "Is it over?" I whispered; he looked at me and stood up.
I slowly followed him out the closet and we walked out of the room hearing people crying in pain downstairs.
Xavier grabbed my hand as we walked to the stairs. I squeezed his sleeve seeing bodies everywhere, I whimpered as we had to climb over a man's bloody body to go downstairs slowly and quietly.
I blinked back tears squeezing Xavier's arm as I recognized the man; He worked with my Dad as a guard.
Xavier peeked out looking around as I cried seeing dead pack members everywhere recognizing some of them as well.
The pack house was destroyed.
Everything was destroyed.
"Dad!" Xavier cried out in relief and Alpha Derek looked up at us sighing in relief running to us hugging us both. "Where the hell were you two?!" He yelled making me flinch
"We hid. I had to protect her" Xavier said and I looked at the alpha with tears in my eyes. "Where's my daddy?" I whispered and he looked at me, "he's... He's busy sweetheart" he whispered softly wiping my tears away with his big hand.
"Then I want my mommy" I said looking around, "Jordyn" he sighed but I ran off following my Dad's scent. "Jordyn no!" Alpha Derek said following me quickly as Luna Marie hugged Xavier tightly crying in relief.
I want my Mommy.
I ran out to the backyard seeing the back of my Dad's head and I cried in relief running to him. "Daniel!" Alpha Derek called out loudly and Dad turned around quickly with glowing blue eyes making me gasp stopping in my tracks.
Those were his wolf's eyes.
I noticed tears rolling down his cheeks and his eyes turned back to his normal silver ones.
"Jordyn" he whispered in a shaky voice and I looked in his arms seeing a person laying there "go back inside. Now" he said and my eyes widened and teared up instantly seeing who it was.
"Mommy?" I whispered going to her but she just laid there with her eyes closed, "why isn't she waking up?!" I cried shaking her moving her dark hair out of her face seeing a lot of blood on her neck and Dad cried holding her tighter putting his face in her hair shaking.
"Mom" I sobbed staring at her face, I was waiting for her blue eyes to open, waiting for her soft voice to tell me that she's alright; that everything was going to be okay.
But she didn't. She just laid there.
"Daddy. Wake her up. Please. Please, Mommy, wake up. Wake her up!" I begged looking at him but he just stared down at her, I heard footsteps behind me "get her out of here" he whispered to whoever was standing behind me.
"No! Mommy wake up!" I screamed loudly as the person grabbed me picking me up. "Mommy! No! Mommy, please don't go!" I screamed as the person picked me up. I screamed kicking at the person trying to make them let me go. "No! Let me go!" I wailed staring at Mommy as Dad cried, the person held me tightly and walked away from my Dad who just sat there holding her...
My dead mom.
I screamed sobbing loudly hitting the person trying to get out of their grip again.
My mom is Gone.
My best friend.
My mommy.
"Mommy" I sobbed crying in the person's neck, "it's ok sweetie" Alpha Derek said stroking my hair as I sobbed loudly squeezing his dirty shirt.
"My mommy is gone!" I cried and he just held me tightly against him, "what happened?" Xavier said as Alpha walked to him. "Why is she crying?" Xavier asked worriedly
"Jordyn?" Luna Marie's soft voice said as I sobbed "Mariah... She didn't make it" Alpha Derek whispered making Luna gasp. She grabbed me from his arms and I hugged her tightly sobbing in her arms
"I'm so sorry sweetie" she whispered rubbing my back as I cried loudly. "She's with the angels now, Jordyn" Xavier whispered rubbing my arm and I looked at him.
"But I want her here" I sobbed as he hugged me tightly.
It's been about a week since the shadow pack attacked us.
A week since I lost my Mom.
A week since my dad talked or even looked at me...
Every time I try to go to him he just walks away leaving me there. As if I've done something and he's angry at me...
Why is he mad at me?
I haven't done anything...
I miss him.
I want to be in his arms.
I want him to tell me everything will be ok.
That we're still going to be a family.
I sat on the floor in front of Dad's room hugging my legs, he wouldn't open the door but I knew he was in there.
I closed my eyes feeling the tears rolling down my cheeks, I miss my dad. I sobbed hugging my legs tighter when I heard someone walking down the hall.
I looked up seeing the Alpha Derek and he sighed bending down, "you alright little one?" He asked and I shook my head "no" I whispered and he moved my messy hair.
"I want my Dad. B-but he won't open the door" I cried and he looked up at the door sighing. "When was the last time you talked to him?" He asked tilting his head "since he was holding M-mommy" I sobbed loudly covering my face picturing her dead bloody body and he pulled me to him hugging me tightly "I want my Daddy" I sobbed squeezing his shirt.
He stood up holding me in his arms and walked down the hall, "Why don't you get some sleep" he said rubbing my back and I shook my head in fear "No!" I yelled breathing hard picturing the scary wolves and the screams echoed, he held me tighter trying to calm me down "it's ok" he said and I just cried shaking my head.
"Ok. It's okay. But sweetheart you need rest and you need a bath" he said moving my messy hair making me cry more. "Mommy always helped me take baths" I sobbed putting my face in his neck and he sighed kissing my head.
He opened his bedroom door where I heard Luna Marie humming softly, "Honey" he said and she stopped "oh Jordyn" she sighed walking to us and I went in her arms hugging her.
"Jordyn, sweetheart will you let her help bathe you?" Alpha Derek asked gently and I nodded putting my face in her neck. "Good" he said moving my hair.
"And see if she can get some rest" he said and she nodded "I have to talk to Daniel immediately" he said in a hard tone.
"Alright" she said kissing his cheek and he smiled kissing her then my head. "It's alright" he said cupping the back of my head looking at me and I nodded, he smiled walking out and closed the door.
"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up" she said walking to the bathroom putting me down. I rubbed my eye looking around the room, I followed her Into the bathroom as she put on the water humming.
I leaned on the doorframe listening to her hums and closed my eyes picturing my mom.
She always used to hum and sing to me.
I hugged myself as I didn't hear Luna Marie's voice but it had turned Into my moms. I opened my eyes seeing Luna Marie looking at me with a sad smile and not my Mom... "Come on" she said and I walked to her nervously.
"It's alright" she said softly and I walked closer to her as she helped me take off my clothes. I got in the bathtub feeling the warm water surround me and I hugged my legs quietly.
"Do you want to do it alone or do you want my help?" she asked moving my messy hair, "I don't know anything anymore" I whispered shrugging missing my mom's touch. She sighed sadly looking at me, "Let me help wash your hair at least" she said getting the shampoo.
I stared at the faucet dripping and she looked at me, "sweetie, you look tired" she said making me look down, "have you gotten any sleep?" She asked and I shook my head.
"I'm too scared... I want to sleep with Dad" I said and she sighed making me lean my head back so she can wet my hair with the small cup.
"Have you eaten today?" She asked and I shook my head "you must eat sweetie" she said and I bit my lips feeling the tears rolling down my cheeks thinking about Mommy's cooking.
How much she loved to cook...
How she wanted her own restaurant.
- In Serial66 Chapters
Beyond The Walls | ✔
"Put me down! I am not going anywhere with you until you tell-""It's because I feel for you, damn it!" he suddenly snapped and put me down as I clutched the hood of the car for support."What..."my voice was timid as I stared at him in disbelief."I feel so deeply for you Isabelle and I act this way because I know if I'd give in to these emotions I'd destroy you," this time his voice was so broken and soft as he came close to me and rested his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes as tears poured out of them like a waterfall. I couldn't believe my ears. I cupped his face in my hands as I tried to stop myself from sobbing."But I can't anymore," he said and before I had a chance to ask what he was talking about he smashed his lips onto mine as fireworks exploded in my stomach and my ability to think straight no longer worked.***********~ She was the princess of a fairytale she'd never heard~Buried deep in scars, Ace Rhodes is rude and arrogant and probably the last person on earth to show his flaws and insecurities to anyone. While on the other hand, Isabelle Reinhart is damaged herself because of what life brought her in the early years. Yet she's hell bent on bringing out the best in a man who has been nothing but just an insolent boss to her. Working for the self-made multi millionaire, Isabelle faces the man who stops her heart from beating each time with his mere look at her.While Ace, who sees himself as nothing more than a man incapable of affection, starts to fall in a trap he avoided all his life; love.Love | Hate | Mystery | Desire(This description sucks, but I swear the story is way better than this)
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The Power of Love
Previously titled 'Eda and Lilith's Shipping Plans' Luz Noceda is powerful, but the average person wouldn't believe it, not until she helped free The Owl Lady at least. But there's been a reason for that. After all, small balls of light and the odd flower or two aren't exactly impressive, especially when she usually only has such small sigils on hand at any given time. So how. How did she manage it? She even got the jump on Emperor Belos himself, something even the most experienced of mages would have no chance of doing. Lilith wants an answer and she even has a theory for how to make the boost stick if she's right. Now if only her sister could explain to her why Luz, who seems to be ready to leap into almost anything, won't leap into love. Fanfiction of The Owl House Daily posts until it's caught up to Ao3. Written between seasons 1 and 2 and no, I'm not editing EVERYTHING that would be needed to fix the inconsistencies.
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Notice Me, My Dearest!
"Pretty boy, surrender that body to us!""Not even in hell!" Bai Yuan shouted as he ran away from the thugs. Suddenly a bright light flashed before his eyes and the next moment he found himself on soft bed , surrounded with neat and clean satin curtains."Where on Earth-""Your Highness is alive!" Servants screamed."Mommyy!" A toddler cried out."Mommy?" Poor Bai Yuan freaked out.[Writer: Enjoy your new world ,my Dearest creation♡]Let's witness together what a modern man does in an ancient era where males can conceive and he's married....with a son...um- also a political marriage? Thought to be unnoticed by his husband? Criticised by haters? Sighs, so many things for one Bai Yuan whose life just took an 180°.[Writer: Rise and Shine, Dearest! Fighting!]Bai Yuan: Wait, wait, what's happening?? Aaa!Emperor Wang: Wife, you've been through many things. Let me atone.Bai Yuan:?!? Can I get a divorce?Emperor Wang: Disapproved.Bai Yuan: As if I'll obediently listen!Yeye: Mommy! Noooo TWTBai Yuan: You're coming with me, can't live without such an adorable existence (my heart *ouch*)Emperor Wang: What about me??Bai Yuan: Who cares.Emperor Wang: !!_________________________________《Everything written in the story is fictional and based on imagination. This content may include some inappropriate actions which may be disturbing to some readers . So , dear reader, please think twice ^-^ Also, this content does not intend any harm to any group of people or an organisation or the society.Have a nice time reading. Don't forget to leave a vote /comment/ follow in order to 'throw some motivation at the author' and get the notifications of new chapters》[IMAGES USED IN THE STORY HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES]Starting date: 01/02/2022Ending date:_____Most impressive ranking:#1 Danmei 《07.03.2022》☆#1 Eastern 《22.03.2022》☆#1 Newbook 《01.11.2022》☆#2 carefreeprotagonist 《13.10.2022》☆
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Til the afterlife
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Alpha Heron
"My body and my wolf may want you but my brain and my heart don't." I said, proud of my words."They will."~•~•~•~•~•~Weird, clumsy, smartass and boycrazy. Those were some of the words you could describe Lily. Oh and miss "can't keep her mouth shut". Struggling with everything in life, Lily thought that once she finds her mate everything will be better. But when she finds her mate she didn't expect him to be the boy who broke her heart in highschool. Heron on the other hand had everything anybody could want money, cars, body like a god, girls etc. The only thing that was missing was his mate and with him growing older the pack wanted a Luna. So when he met his mate, he realised that his mate was the girl he once loved, but had to let her go.••••••••Highest ranking #1 in lover.#45 in Werewolves#12 Lily
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