《Arta - the last princess》Chapter-13


"An urgent message has come from Marv, your highness." A soldier came in and bowed and handed a sealed letter to the sultan.

Sultan opened the letter and a content smile appeared on his lips. "Finally!" he whispered and called for Osman.

"Prepare for a big feast." He ordered happily to his servant.

Osman came in and bowed. "You asked for me father?"

"Osman I just received very good news from the governor of Marv."

"Marv? Isn't it where King Darian and his troops are?"

"Yes, exactly!"

Osman waited for his father to continue, instead, he gave him the letter to read.

Osman's eyes widened. "This is a big news father. But why did he betray his own king?"

Sultan shrugged "I think he knew that king Darian had not had any chance of getting his country back again and he wants to have our favor probably for letting him retain his position. Anyway, we'll know soon, the governor will be here in a week."

"Should we inform the princess about his father's death?"

"I don't think that's a good idea at least for YOU to tell her this bad news."

Sultan thought for a second and continued "It's better if she hears it from Marv's governor. After all, it was one of their own people who betrayed."

Osman nodded.

"How is the transferring of the treasury going on?" Sultan asked.

"So far, we have transferred about 300 caravans to Arabia which was only one-fourth of the treasury. Every day and all-day caravans are leaving."

"Good, good. Now you need to inform the princess that she must attend the feast."

Osman bowed and left the throne room. Osman needed to take care of a few things before she could talk with Arta or even accept this arranged marriage.


Khadijeh moved up the palace stairs toward Osman's room. Soldiers were rushing up and down the stairs moving furniture and chests. She didn't know what is going on.

She entered Osman's room which now was not as empty as before. Osman was ordering the soldiers to put things in the order that he wanted them to be.

Khadijeh bowed "Did you asked for me, my prince?"

"Yes. As you see I'm moving out."

Khadijeh looked around herself. There was more like moving in with this amount of stuff piling in the room. "Moving out the palace?" Khadijeh asked looking confused.

"No, I'll move to the other room at the far end of this floor." He gestured with his left hand in the direction of the room.

Khadijeh nodded.

Osman took a deep breath and continued "This room will be prepared for the princess."

"Oh, the princess is coming from Arabia?"

"No not my sister. I meant the Persian princess, Arta."

"Oh!" Khadijeh tried hard not to look shocked or ask 'Why?'.

"She can move to this room tonight."


Osman left the West palace to attend the evening prayers. The main palace hall was full of people standing in rows. Sultan was standing alone in front of the first row. Behind him in the first row were Osman, Samir, Ahmad, Azim, and other high-rank generals and behind them were the rows of soldiers and other palace's male servants. There was also a separate section for females.


When the prayer ended sultan informed everyone about the upcoming feast and the big news that he will tell them during the feast.

Osman and his friends were leaving the hall when Azim approached Osman with a smirk on his face. "It seems that I wasn't wrong after all cousin."

Osman rolled his eyes ignored him and moved passed him. He didn't want to make a scene in front of everyone.

"The cold-hearted Osman is in Love, who would have thought!!" Azim said a bit louder than before to attract other's attention as well.

Osman stopped and slowly turned toward Azim. Now almost everyone is looking at them.

"Don't listen to him. He just wants to annoy you." Ahmad whispered.

"What? Am I wrong?" Azim took a step toward Osman.

Osman still silent glaring back at him with fury.

"Shut your mouth Azim" Osman said with clenching teeth.

"You cannot even deny it." He laughed.

Everyone was watching them and Osman knew that it is still not the time to reveal his father's plan. He suddenly turned around and walked away.

Azim who was expecting to make a scene was now disappointed "Chicken!" he spat on the ground.

"What was that all about?" Ahmad asked when they were far enough from the ears of the curious people.

Oman stopped and turned to Ahmad "Can you leave us? I need to talk to Samir alone."

"Ookeey?!" Ahmad said looking confused.

When Ahmad left Samir and Osman sat on one of the benches in the garden.

They sat there in silence for a few minutes. Osman didn't know how to start.

Samir cleared his throat "Are we gonna just sit here?"

"I have to ask you something Samir."

"Well go ahead."

"Are you in love with Arta?"

Samir stood up "Please not again. Don't start this again." His eyes were narrowed as if he was warning Osman.

"Samir if you have any feelings any feelings at all I have to know now." Osman looked at him while still sitting on the bench.

"I'm leaving now!" Samir was about to walk away when Osman said "Sultan has ordered me to marry her!"

Samir stopped and looked back "What!!??"

"I need to know if you have any feelings for her, I swear to Allah I will not accept to marry her. I cannot promise you her hand in marriage but I'll not marry her if you have feelings for her."

Samir laughed so hard that his eyes become watery.

"This is not funny Samir." Osman said looking as cold as ever.

"I know, sorry!" He tried to compose himself. "I'm really sorry Osman" Still trying not to laugh.


"So what? I've told you before brother. I DO NOT HAVE any feelings for her. I just pitied her for all the things that had happened to her, her country, her family, and that bastard Azim. That's all! I swear by almighty Allah no other feelings involved."

Osman nodded.

"Oh, you are going to be a groom soon. Let me hug you."

"Don't bother yourself. This is just a political arrangement. It's not out of love."


"But still..."

"Just remember no one still knows about this marriage. I'll tell Ahmad about it later."

"What about the princess, has she accepted your proposal?"

"Are you serious? Of course, she will not accept it. We are her enemies."

"She is a good-hearted person, I'm sure you'll come to love each other eventually."

Osman shrugged. He wasn't optimistic at all about this marriage. Although he had come to like Arta he was sure of her hatred toward himself.

Now Arta is next to know about this arranged marriage.


"Come with me." Khadijeh appeared at Arta's door. It was almost dark outside and the maids were lighting the chandeliers and torches all around the palace.

Arta followed Khadijeh upstairs. She had still white cloth around her neck because of the wound from Osman's sword. She thought that Khadijeh wants to assign a chore to her but when they stopped at Osman's or her earlier bed chambers her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach.

"Oh no!" She thought to herself. She didn't want to see that monster again.

Khadijeh opened the door and waited at the door for Arta to come in. Arta Sighed and hesitantly moved one step forward.

"This is your room from now on princess." Khadijeh said. Arta's head shot up and looked at Khadijeh in disbelief. "Wha.."

"I'll assign a maid to attend to your needs princess." Arta was still looking at her with her mouth wide open. Khadijeh bowed and left Arta in bewilderment.

"What is going on? Am I dreaming?" She shook her head and shut her eyes and opened it again. No, she wasn't dreaming. It was her room. Everything was exactly at the same place before she fled the palace.

She slowly walked around her room. she opened the door to her wardrobe, and she was shocked again to see all her clothes were there. It was as if nothing had happened and everything was just a nightmare.

She felt a bit happy but at the same time confused. What was the meaning of all these? Has her father returned and negotiated peace with these barbarians? A spark of hope ignited inside her heart. He ran to the balcony to see if she could see any signs that her father and brother had returned. For sure he would have come and seen her first.

A nock on the door made her jump to her feet. Could that be her father? She ran to the door and opened it with enthusiasm written all over her face.

Her smile faded when she saw the familiar cold and hard eyes of Osman in front of her. Osman moved passed her and entered the room.

Walking toward the window with his hands behind him without looking at Arta he said "I guess you are happy with your room's arrangement" He didn't get any reply. After a few seconds, he turned and looked at Arta who was still standing by the door throwing angry glares at him.

He walked back toward her and closed the door. "Come and sit we need to talk."

"I have nothing to talk to you about. Leave now." She pushed the door's handle to open the door but before she could open the door Osman grabbed her hand and closed the door again.

He held her hand for a few seconds before she swiftly drew it out of his hand. She angrily walked past him and stood in front of the table trying to calm her anger. She just wanted him to get out and never come back. Where was his father? What took him so long? Tears filled her eyes. She was tired of all these. Her momentarily happiness had faded away and her heart was full of sorrow again.

Osman approached her and slowly lift her chin with his index finger to make her look at him "I'm sorry!" he said looking into her eyes.

It was dark but she could see in his eyes that he was sincere. Tears dropped down her eyes and he cleared them with his fingers. She pulled back and moved a step backward.

"I didn't want to hurt you." He pointed at her neck. She touched her neck and moved further away.

"What is the meaning of all these?" She asked, "Why did you give me my room back? What do you want from me?"

"You can take back your title as the princess of Persia if you want it."

"Is this some kind of joke? If yes it's not funny." She said angrily.

"It's not a jock. You get back your title and live like a princess under one condition."

Arta laughed "And what is that condition?"

Osman didn't know how to tell her about the marriage. He was silent for a few seconds and then he took a deep breath "You should marry me!"

Arta stopped breathing and her gaze was fixed on Osman. After a few long seconds, she finally said "Excuse me, I think I didn't hear you well. What did you say?" She looked dead serious.

"If you want to live as a princess you should marry me. Are we clear now?" Osman replied even more seriously than before.

She laughed hysterically. "You are joking, right?" she continued laughing and walking around the room. "I should admit that was a good one. I never counted you as a funny person, but you got me for a second." She was laughing and pacing around the room.

Osman grabbed her by her wrist and stopped her from moving around. She looked frightened and tried to free herself from his grip. "Look at me!" Osman roared.

Arta stopped struggling and looked him in the eyes. "I am serious. We need to get married. This is also not something that my heart desires so don't flatter yourself. This is an arranged marriage no feeling involved. It's for your own good." He harshly released her hand. He was tired of her stubbornness.

He walked to the door and before leaving he said "There will be a feast in a week. You must attend." With that, he left Arta in her misery.

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