《Arta - the last princess》Chapter-14


After Osman left the room, Arta was still in shock. She could not understand what just had happened. What did he mean by marriage? Arta and Osman? The enemy who has separated her from everything that she had? This is ridiculous and of course impossible. She will never agree to marry him not in a million years. They cannot force her. Her father will never agree to this marriage as well. For sure he will come to her rescue. She just needed to wait for her father.

Arta was awake all night thinking about the happy past and her current miserable situation and the unclear future. She decided not to wait for her father and go along with her origin escape plan. But now she had to accelerate whatever needed to be done.

The first ray of the sun crept into her room. She had a headache from lack of sleep. She was mentally tired. She went to the balcony and breathed deeply. It helped with her headache. A knock on the door took her attention. "Oh shit! Not again." She groaned. She thought it was Osman.

The door opened and Nahla entered the room. She bowed slightly "Good morning princess."

Arta nodded.

"I have prepared the bath for you princess."

"You don't need to be so formal with me Nahla. I'm practically a prisoner here."

"Oh, thank God! I was hoping you would say so." She let out her breath and felt more relaxed. But she suddenly continued "I didn't mean that I'm happy you are a prisoner here I meant the part about the formalities, you understood that right? Of course, I'm sad about your situation here, honestly."

Arta smiled. She liked her "Don't worry I got what you meant."

"I've never been a personal maid before, and I wasn't sure how to behave although Khadijeh had lectured me since last night continuously" she rolled her eyes.

"So, do you want to bath first and then have breakfast or what do you prefer?" Nahla asked.

"I guess I'll take the bath first. I don't have much appetite for breakfast today anyway."

"Oh no princess, as long as I'm your maid you won't get to escape any meals." She folded her arms and stand in front of Arta who was sitting on a chair by the table.


Arta laughed. For sure Nahla was one of its kind as a maid "you are unbelievable."

She went toward the dressing room to prepare for the bath.

"WOW!" Nahla's eyes popped open when she saw all the elegant dresses and accessories in that room.

Arta shook her head and smiled "grab some linen from there and..." Arta stood in front of her dress collections and was thinking about which dress to wear today. She was feeling happy that she got to wear her elegant silk dresses instead of that ugly maid dress. "And I'll wear this one after I came back from the bath."

"That's very pretty." Nahla said touching the soft fabric of the dress. It was a pale green dress with several layers of silk and long loose see-through silk sleeves, small lotus flowers were embroidered with golden threats all over the dress.

Nahla took the linens and walked with Arta downstairs to the bath hall.

The bath was already heated and aromatic flowers were floating on the water. The warm bath helped her to relax a bit. After taking bath Nahla helped her to dress and added a few accessories to her hair.

She suddenly remembered her mother's necklace and was wondering if it's still among her belongings or not. She started looking into every drawer and chest that was there.

"What are you looking for?" Nahla asked.

Arta did not reply and continued her search.

"If you tell me maybe I can help you." Nahla insisted.

Still no reaction from Arta. Nahla shrugged and sat on a chair in the dressing room looking at Arta emptying every drawer and chest in the dressing room and then she moved to the bedroom and continued her search.

The last table drawer was out, and she couldn't find the necklace. She sat on the floor looking sad.

Nahla went to her and slowly helped her to stand on her feet. Arta's eyes were filled with tears, remembering her father's last visit on the balcony of the same room.

Tears started to drop from her eyes slowly. Nahla hugged her and Arta burst into tears.

"Shhh, I know I know." Nahla said softly while patting Arta's head. Of course, she didn't know anything about Arta but she couldn't bear to see her sadness. A hug was the only thing that she could do for her right now.


After a few minutes Arta calmed down and Nahla released her from her embrace.

"Thank you" Arta said shyly.

"Now it's breakfast time. Sit tight I'll be back soon with the most delicious breakfast you've ever had." Nahla said clapping her hands happily. "I'll be right back" and she left the room.

Arta thought about her maids back in the days. They conversed very formally at all time and she never felt close with her maids. Nahla was different, maybe someday they could even be friends.

Nahla came back with the breakfast tray and sat in front of Arta and made sure that she ate properly enough.

Later that day Arta went to the gardens to get fresh air. Nahla accompanied her and when they left the west palace a soldier followed them.

"You see, I told you, I'm just a prisoner here." She laughed bitterly.

She sat on a bench close to a stream and listened to the birds. She thought how lucky the birds were. They could fly to anywhere that they want. She wished that at least she had a bird who could bring news from his father. Like the ones that every witch has in the stories. Where were he and his brother? She closed his eyes took a deep breath and swallowed a lump in her throat.

She was walking back to the west palace when she recognized a familiar face approaching her.

"Pirbaba" She almost screamed and ran toward him. Nahla and the soldier ran after her as well.

"Shahzadeh" Pirbaba bowed. The soldier stood closer with his hand on his sword. Arta did not pay any attention to him. He, as well as Nahla, don't know any Persian most probably.

"I'm so happy to see you again." Arta said with teary eyes.

"I'm ashamed of myself Shahzadeh. I help them open the treasury. I'll never forgive myself." His shoulders moved up and down from his silent sobbing.

"Don't say such things Pirbaba. You saved my life." Arta put her hand on his shoulder. "They would eventually open the treasury one way or another. Don't blame yourself for it."

"You are so gracious Shahzadeh." He bowed again.

"But why do you still in the palace?"

"I don't know. Their prince ordered to give me food and a place to stay. I don't know why he has kept me here." He looked uneasy and did not look Arta in the eyes, which Arta did not notice.

Arta nodded "You should be careful. Don't do anything to put your life at risk. These people are so cruel and heartless." Arta said angrily wishing Nahla could not understand what she is saying. "I'm sure my father will come to rescue us soon."

Pirbaba didn't have any hope for that but he nodded. "Shahzadeh I want you to know that although I'm an old and weak man, I'll never betray you or put your life at risk. I'll happily sacrifice my life for you." Pirbaba said looking determined.

"I know Pirbaba I know." Arta was touched.

Pirbaba lowered his voice "I know how much you and king Darian cared about people. I want you to listen to me carefully now." Arta nodded and moved one step closer to him.

"People are suffering Shahzadeh. These savages have killed all the young men. Here and there you hear women are getting raped and are pregnant with bastard children. People are starving and different kinds of diseases are killing the ones who have survived the massacres all over Persia." A chill ran down Arta's spine.

"Of course, it was war and these things were expected but this is not fair to our people when they still have hope. You Shahzadeh. You are their hope, their only hope."

"Me? I'm also a prisoner here. I don't have any power. I cannot do anything." Arta said looking shocked.

"You could be helpful to our people as long as you are in this place living as the princess of this nation. Find a way Shahzadeh. Help your people in these darkest times."

"But I can't. The king will come soon to our rescue. I'm sure of it."

Pirbaba shook his head "I don't want to disappoint you but at the time King Darian comes to our rescue it might be too late. People are suffering. Your people!"

"But I cannot do anything Pirbaba."

"Yes you can." He said firmly. Then he sighed and bowed. "Think about it Shahzadeh. Save Persia!" he left Arta in shock and fear.

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