《A Very OOC Uchiha [Naruto Fanfic]》Chapter 27: So Remember when the Titles were Serious?
[Chapter 27: So Remember when the Titles were Serious?]
"Sakura-chan! Megumi!" Naruto yelled in surprise when we approached the group the next morning.
"Hey, guys!" I cheerfully greeted with a small wave. Walking into a halt just a few feet away from them, Sakura stayed silent. Blinking at the sight of him, I tilted my head, "You're here too, Hiro?"
The said Hyuuga had turned his gaze from his cousin to me, rolling his light eyes at my appearance, "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Lady Hokage told me what happened," Shikamaru informed us with hands in his pockets, looking as dead as ever. "Sorry girls but, I can't let you two join." Naruto's head darted towards the Nara with a sharp intake. "Our only role is to persuade Sasuke into coming back. Sakura, your role has ended."
"I know!" Sakura finally spoke up, her pink lowered head now risen. Instead of the canon expression of tears and anguish in her facial features, she instead held a smile filled with bitterness. I smiled, noticing the force of it immediately. You're really trying to change, aren't you? "I'm..." incomes a deep breath, "We're just here to say good luck."
"Yup!" I added with a small giggle, stepping up to embrace the short blond into a hug. The boy stumbled, a few quick steps back before his posture relaxed, his arms wrapping around my body tightly. Pulling back slightly, I graced him with a smile, "Good luck, you cutie patootie!"
The fox-like child glanced up at me, his face contorting one of bitter dejection. I felt my brows go downwards at the sight of that expression, no, not the sunshine! Naruto then reluctantly pulled away from my hug, grinning as if to hide away his sorrow, "Don't worry, Megumi! I'll bring back that Teme— that's a promise, dattebayo!" He declared a thumbs up in the air.
I only smiled, my hands behind my back as I eyed him with adoration, "I know you will." And it's true: he did, in the end, bring him back.
Turning away from the sunshine-incarnate, I skipped my way to my next vic— I mean, my next friend! Skidding to a shortstop, I ruffled a fuzzy head gleefully, "Good luck Akamaru, stay safe!"
"Oi," I came to the voice under the happy and wagging dog. "How come I don't get anything, Megumi-chan?" Moving my sight down, I covered my mouth to sniffle a giggle at Kiba, who furrowed his brows in what seemed to be slight envy.
"Awww, Kiba, don't be like that!" I assured him, sliding my arms for a quick hug. The Inuzaka happily gave it back, his dog on the top of his head leaning down to nuzzle onto mine. "You stay safe too!"
I looked over to Shikamaru who was next to the boy. "You as well!" The raven-head just nodded his head, probably finding it too bothersome to verbally reply back. I giggled.
Releasing from Kiba's hold, I then moved towards Neji, who was now chatting with Lee. I held a hand out to him, "Good luck out there!" We weren't friends yet so I felt like if I hugged him he might've gentle-fisted my stomach into oblivion.
Turning away from the usually cheery Lee, the older Hyuuga just stared at me with a blank look. "...you're the girl that always snuck in the compound."
I blinked, "Ehhhhh? Is that what I'm remembered for?" I reeled and held my hands behind my back, leaning in with puffed cheeks, "We literally saw each other a week ago!"
"Megumi-chan, you snuck into the Hyuuga compound?!" Lee inquired with a slack jaw and wide eyes. "You must have extraordinary skills in stealth!"
I giggled, waving my hand as if to shoo the comment off. "Well," I started to explain cheekily, "When you spend years with Naruto, you tend to pick up on things." Have you seen that fucker— he's zooming through like it's nobody's business!
The long brune nodded, agreeing to my explanation. "He is quite the unique one." Lending our hand again, we shook hands this time. I smiled, does this mean we're friends???
I stepped back, waving at the two before skipping away to my last destination: a familiar reincarnate, "So, Hiro, what's it like: being tasked to bring a dramatic duck princess?" I entertained with a wide smile.
The dark-haired individual only chuckled, his hands in his pockets. "Not worth it." He answered, amused by my phrasing. Raising up my arms, Hiro suddenly narrowed his eyes into a mock glare, tensing his body in wary. "Don't you dare hug me."
Pouting, I dropped my arms swiftly, letting them fall to my sides. "I'm not gonna mess up your hair!" I whined childishly.
"And I'm not gonna take any chances."
Letting silence fall for a moment as we have a staredown, we eventually break it with our laughter. Slowing my giggles to a stop, my head tilted towards the ground. "Ne, can I see your hands for a sec?"
"Huh?" He let out a hint of confusion in his tone. In my vision, I saw him hesitate before slowly slipping his hands from his jacket and pushed them forward. Raising my own arms, I let myself gingerly grab hold of them, earning a small tremble from the boy. "What are you—"
"You'll be facing ninjas that are jonin level," I commented in a soft voice, paying him no mind as I played with his palm and fingers. They were calloused and wrapped in bandages, ones that a child should never bear. I resisted the urge to sigh, why am I getting so worked up like this?
"Uh— yeah? You already told me this." Hiro answered with a hushed voice also, making sure that the others weren't eavesdropping on our conversation.
"I know," I huffed, finally looking at him in the eye. I stretched the ends of my lips for another smile. "Just," Unconsciously, my grip on his hands became tighter. "Stay safe out there."
For some reason, his eyes widen, emotions dancing in them. I couldn't help but wonder: Why was he looking at me the same way Sasuke did before?
Watching him swiftly compose himself, I felt his fingers curl around mine as he formed a tiny smirk, a brow arched up. "Who do you take me for, Princess?" The Hyuuga heir questioned, albeit a bit arrogantly. His features then softened, as his hold on me also became tighter. "Don't worry."
I felt my chest become a little lighter with those words, widening my smile. "Hehe."
"Alright!" Shikamaru then announced, a hand up in the air to cue the retrieval team in, "Let's go!"
Freeing my hands away from him, I stepped back and did a sideways peace sign before disap— I mean, walking away from my reincarnation buddy. Let's just hope that he wasn't being too full of himself.
"The usual bouquet please!" I ordered in front of the cashier. I fumbled with the hem of my skirt, relaxing my posture as a familiar face came into view.
"Oh, Megumi-chan!" Ino's mom greeted with a smile, waving at me. "I'll be right up there, hold on." It didn't take a while for her to do the task, leaning forward from behind the counter with the bunch of flowers gently on top. "Visiting that place after so long?"
I giggled, dropping the yen over her hand with a wave, "I've been busy so I felt like I had too." I answered quickly with my arms grabbing the bouquet swiftly. "I gotta go now, I feel like they're gonna somehow scold me for being so late," I added with a laugh.
The older woman then leaned, even more, her face practically near my ear, "You do realize someone is following you, right?" The light blonde whispered softly next to my ear. "I could deal with them for you."
I giggled a hand covering my mouth as if I just heard a great joke. "Don't worry, I can handle them," I assured her. Even if I only see her here, she is a retired ninja. I noted absentmindedly in my mind.
"Hello again," I greeted them as I settled myself on the ground, the rest of the pretty flowered laid in front of them, the petals gently swishing against the soft wind. I sighed— even now, this person's not going away even if it was personal. "How have you been, Shisui? It's probably not been nice considering the fact that I'm not here regularly anymore." I laughed, "I mean, wouldn't it suck to be stuck in the dirt with nothing to do? If it were me, I'd wanted to be cremated and then thrown at my enemies out of spite."
I giggled again, though it felt more hollow than the usual. "But really, at the moment, my life's not the best. Our favorite little duckling's gone away, for now, I'll miss teasing him." I tilted my head as if responding to whatever remark he would have made. "Aw, don't be like that! He'll come back someday."
I hummed, getting up with multiple pats on the booty to dust away from the dirt. "Well, I'll be leaving. Sorry for it being so short but, I have things to do." I smiled, "Don't worry, next time, I'll bring the God-like dango!" Giggling, I turned my feet, rotating my body to then walk the other way.
With the soft crunches of my footsteps, my eyes narrowed. Why are they here? What do they want? I resisted a sigh, already a few meters away from Shisui's grave. Coming to an abrupt stop, I swiveled myself around with a smile, "Hey, I know someone's there! Why don't you come out, it's not nice to stalk someone, don't ya know!"
The chakra signature stilled as if they didn't think I'd find them out. It was a moment, a silent one before someone stepped out of the corner. Their appearance was quite bland I must say, but just young enough to determine the fact that they were probably my age. I blinked at how... shy they presented themself: the way they clutched the hem of their shirt and the blush dusted on their cheeks— like the same way Hinata did to Naruto.
Oh god— I thought that my fan base died down after we graduated! I once again resisted the urge to sigh, it is not the right time to deal with them. "Daichi-san?" I vaguely recalled his name, their head perking up in response. "Is that you?"
"Oh!" The boy let out with a big grin, "You remember me!"
I giggled, hiding away my inner thoughts. "Of course I would, it'd be mean of me not to remember the names of my classmates."
"Ye-yeah," Daichi seemed to take a gulp down his throat. "So anyway, um," Oh my, don't freaking tell me— "I... I really like you! I've liked you since forever! Please," The boy bowed his head. "Go out with me!"
My foot slid a bit, somewhat taken back from his abrupt confession of love. Wha... "Why now?"
Daichi flinched, the young genin raising his head up. "Wha— what did you mean?" He asked meekly.
I forced my features to relax, there's no need for this. "You followed me all the way from the Yamanaka shop, eavesdropped on my conversation with a dead relative, and still had the to confess on the day my brother left the village?" My words held a certain bite, one I couldn't quite control.
Once again, the boy trembled, his eyes widened. "Princess, I—"
"Please don't call me that," I spoke lowly before he could spew out any kind of bullshit excuse. For some reason, it felt hearing that nickname from him. "It may be an honorary title but you do not have the right to call me that." At least, I won't let you call me that. I added in my mind.
I turned my back at him, wanting this day to already end, "Sorry, I'll be declining your confession."
And somehow, this day only got worse.
Because the instant I turned a corner, my body was suddenly slammed into a tree. Again.
"Why is this always happening?" I wheezed out, catching my breath when the force settled. Wiggling myself around, I found myself wrapped with iron wires, tight enough to not pierce my skin. Looking at my surroundings, I found my eyes widening at the sudden appearance of a certain someone, right in front of me.
"Ne, dum dum, what's up with this? I don't support pedophilia!" I joked around lightly with the silver-head. This is probably a clone, considering the fact that he immediately moved when he heard of the news in the original.
He did not laugh. Or do anything good for that matter.
"Give up on revenge," Kakashi spoke in a low and serious manner, not the usual facade of the dumb Sensei I was used to.
"Hm?" I hummed with a small smile, though I was definitely not amused. "Uh— I think you got the wrong twin here. Come on, I thought we knew that I was the comedic, air-headed one here!" Deja vu, have I been in this place before?
"For all I know, you could've been faking it." The jonin nonchalantly replied back. His hands in his pockets. "And, maybe, you might go on the same path of hatred as him."
"Hah?" I let out, a brow raised at his dumb excuse. What is he talking about? "Are you sure you're right in the head?"
"Are you?"
I closed my mouth, silently gritting my teeth. Damn him using my comeback! "Just let go of that anger," Kakashi continued, staring at me with dark, hardened eyes. "I've seen kids like Sasuke and revenge usually does not end well." He sighed, as if tired. "You'll only end up hurting and suffering more. Even if it goes successful, all of it comes to emptiness."
Anger? Since when did I ever express actual anger around—
My eyes widened. "You were also there... at Shisui's grave?" Shock gripped my chest. He kept silent, which only confirmed my assumption.
My brows furrowed further, why does this sound familiar? It's as if he's talking to—
Is.. is this what the original Sasuke felt?
This sense of...
I couldn't help but let giggles out, though there was absolutely nothing funny about it. The older male shifted his weight as if questioning my sanity. Don't worry, I question it too sometimes. "Hey, hey, dum dum," My head lowered, "If we didn't have that therapy session, what would've happened?"
I didn't wait for his response. "A fight would've broken out, Sasuke and Naruto would have tried to kill each other just for you to stop them in time, and then you would've betrayed Sasuke's trust and faith by trapping him out of his comfort, just like what you've done with
I swear I saw him tense, "Megumi-chan—"
"Kakashi," I looked up to meet his remaining eye, the smile on my lips no longer present. I took a deep exhale, "Let me ask you another question: do you know how much of an idiot you are?" Another inhale. "Because let me tell you— the fact that you are so incompetent enough that you ignored Sakura in teaching, ignored my own personal space, and ignored village's discrimination at Naruto, it makes me wonder what the Obito saw in you!"
I gasped, my eyes widening at the words that fell out from my mouth. The wires around me went lank as Kakashi's posture fell rigid yet slack. Oh no. I hurried to free myself from my binds as his face contorted into one full of misery and regret. No no
"I'm sorry!" I immediately exclaimed as I hurried to his side, making sure he didn't get any PTSD from my outburst. What is with me today?! I should have never said that oh my god! "I— I didn't mean any of that, I swear!" I held one of his gloved hands, urging him to look at me.
He did, but he spun his head down at me so fast I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash. My words stopped when I glanced at his face. I... he looked so, so broken. What I was looking at was not a character. He was not a teacher. He was not an S-rank ninja or a former ANBU captain either
In my eyes right now, he was a lost, regretful, man.
"Ah," I limply let go of his hand, stumbling back with fear and worry as my voice trembled. My chest felt tight, so much more than usual. "Sorry, I'm sorry. I'm... Today was just a bad day, I..." For once, I didn't know what to say next. My breathing felt heavier. No— I need to of here!
And so, I gathered up all my chakra—
—and body-flickered away.
And I kept on running. Running and running and . I couldn't stop— I just ran.
No matter how much I tried, my heartfelt heavy. I couldn't understand it. I didn't want to feel like this. And yet, I found myself running towards a certain place.
Dashing through the old, mossy gates, I tried reasoning my emotions. did I do that? do I feel like this? does it hurt so much? can't I stop it?! I kept running and running to who knows where. I couldn't control my legs. All my body wanted was to get away from everyone and everything.
Stop. I chanted in my heart, beating closer to a familiar place. But yet I couldn't. I couldn't and I didn't know
Slamming the door open, my body finally stopped, making me glance at my surroundings with raspy and hazard breaths. Dusty and tainted mats were sprawled out on the dirty floor. I stared at the dried bloodstains on the wall, panting to catch my breath.
Oh, it's place.
The place where Mikoto and Fugaku were killed.
My legs suddenly fell limb, falling to my knees harshly to stop myself from laying down. They hurt, they really did, but for some reason, I couldn't force myself to tear away my attention from the dried blood. Even now, we never cleaned up this place: people couldn't without my permission, and for some reason... I just never bothered. I just...
I never thought I would be here again.
It's... why didn't I anything back then? I finally asked myself. Why didn't I try to stop the massacre?
You have done anything, the rational part of my mind spoke.
But in other fanfictions, people were able too!
Do you think that it also means that could do it? How idiotic of you.
I... know! I just— why didn't I at least
Why I try to save Shisui?!
Why I have tried harder to save Zabuza and Haku?!
And even if he wasn't the best... why I try to save Hiruzen?!
My heart was pounding loudly in my ears, and it hurt too much that I had to grasp at my shirt. I— I... Why does it Why is it so I knew... I already knew their outcomes so why—
I finally realized it.
So that's what's been bothering me, all this time.
It was
Guilt that I had all this information and I still couldn't have done anything about it.
Am I...
Am I a person for doing so?
Was it fault?
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